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Visit Aziani


Going Down Hill Fast

This site has been going down hill steadily over the last few years. The video/photo quality is degrading and the girls are getting uglier/skankier. Not sure what happened to this site but it seems like a crash and burn. Bought out? Each scene is the same old, same old...seen one, seen them all. I just can't get into the scripted scenes.

11-13-15  08:54pm

Replies (1)
Visit Gloryhole Secrets

Gloryhole Secrets

Confusing Site

I'm a huge fan of Gloryhole videos so I join every site just to check them out. Some are good, some are horrible. There are lots of confusing things about this particular site. They claim it to be a "secret" gloryhole but it's called "gloryhole secrets" like there are some secrets to be revealed instead of "Secret Gloryhole".

The next confusing thing is how they changed the theme several times. It started out with some kind of cuckold thing going on in a Backroom Casting Couch kind of setting. Then it switched to guys picking girls up off the street and taking them to their secret gloryhole. I think they were trying to create some kind of "Bang Bus/Gloryhole" concept, not sure. Those were really bad and very staged. I know this gloryhole is fake and therefore staged but those earlier videos were really bad and a bit insulting.

I liked some of the girls but it's very hard to get into fake gloryhole videos. I'd rather just see the girl kneeling in front of the guys than pretending that they are anonymous. They claim the guys don't want their identities revealed but it's easy enough to keep faces out of camera view, wear masks, blur faces, etc.

Is this site affiliated with GloryholeSecret.com? Is it a Dirty D production? If so, why would he go downhill like this instead of just updating his original Gloryhole Girlz site?

It appears that they own several sites (POV Wars, BlowBangGirls, Gloryhole Secrets) that recycle the same girls and guys. This is a huge turn off for me and I don't know why anyone would want to join each site seeing the exact same girls sucking off the exact same guys.

05-17-15  06:50pm

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Visit Gloryhole Secrets

Gloryhole Secrets
Reply of rearadmiral's Reply

I checked out the video dates on both sites and found out that gloryhole secrets did copy gloryhole swallow. That's a hard act to follow! It's just another fake, over produced, copy cat gloryhole site. I wish there were more like gloryhole swallow in different parts of the country and world. This is a pipe dream but it would be amazing if the owner of gloryhole swallow took his girls on a road trip hitting some busy gloryhole locations in different states.

04-20-15  02:56pm

Visit Gloryhole Secrets

Gloryhole Secrets
Reply of rearadmiral's Reply

I couldn't agree more. I've been waiting for a real gloryhole site to come along for years. Every time I see a gloryhole site open I'm always disappointed when I find out they are fake. Gloryhole swallow has been the only site that got it right so like you said, I'm not surprised that other sites have tried to copy them. Bang Bros tried and failed too. I like the seedy feel of a real bookstore gloryhole. Some might not care but the purist most likely would.

Gloryhole secrets is open about it being a mock up and not anonymous so I have to give them that. I'd be beyond pissed if I joined and found out while watching the videos which would have been obvious.

The earlier videos were horrible when they tried to pretend that they were picking girls up off the street. I think the owners were trying to copy Bang Bus and Gloryhole Swallow. At least they stopped that garbage.

04-15-15  11:06pm

Visit Gloryhole Secrets

Gloryhole Secrets
Reply of rearadmiral's Review

Good review! I prefer the real thing too and could never understand the purpose of fake gloryholes. The bathroom stall ones are the worst.

When I first found this site I thought it was owned by the same owners of Gloryhole Swallow but then realized it was an attempt to copy the look of that site and there's no connection.

One of the most distracting things about the videos is the camera guy coaching the girls instead of letting them suck cock. I didn't find any advantage to the second camera angle because it's just a view of the top of the girl's head and not really a POV.

I lost interest when I saw all the long shaved cocks. I don't have one of those. Even though I love watching girls swallow cum, this site is just too staged and fake for my liking.

If make performers are going to be used then I can do without the wall. They claim it's because the guys want to remain anonymous but they don't seem to have an issue remaining anonymous in POVWars. I don't get that part. I joined but cancelled the same day.

04-12-15  07:18pm

Visit POV Wars

POV Wars

POV Wars?

The site name is a little confusing but oh well. Some of the girls are hot but unlike rear admiral I didn't find this to be a unique niche. The scenes feel awkward to me, like the guys are trying to be clever but they come off as goofy.

The camera work is really bad most of the time and too much movement or out of focus. In most cases the guy can't keep the camera on the action which is really annoying.

I think it would be cool if the guys were amateurs but they are obviously tested performers. None of the pros would let untested guys fuck them bareback like that and risk their health or careers.

The bonus site isn't bad but it's a fake glory hole set and the same guys so one week we see the girl suck and fuck each guy individually on a couch and then the next week we see the same girl blow the same guys through a glory hole. It's kind of pointless if you ask me.

It was worth checking out but not much more than that.

04-12-15  06:58pm

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