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Parsnip (0) 04-11-15  11:16am
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I think it's just hit the pits

Maybe against my better judgement I rejoined briefly on a discount to pick up some updates I liked the look of. Seriously this site has gone downhill, but now they seem to have stopped bothering completely.

There have been loads of days recently with no updates, lots of old stuff being reposted (without stating it is old), and almost all the blogging is about the rough new site Colette.com.

In the last 4 days there has been 1 update, and that was a reject from Colette.com which wasn't hard enough for that site - it was with Aubrey who had just done an anal scene and been so hurt by it that she couldn't do the anal planned in this scene so they just stuffed it up on x-art instead. It really is just rough hardcore porn now, and Brigham Field seems to have almost nothing to do with the site any more.

They seem to have given up on this site completely - why shouldn't the members do the same?

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BrighamXart (0)

Hi Parsnip ~

Thank you for taking time out of your day to send us feedback and comments about our site.

You mentioned 'loads of days recently with no updates'. Actually, the site is updated every single day, 365 days of the year - usually alternating a new HD video update, followed by a high resolution video gallery the next day, then another HD video.

We did have a technical issue for 2 days, April 9 and 10, during which we were unable to post new updates to the site. You can confirm the posting date of all updates on the 'Updates' page of our site, and you'll see it is very consistent and daily. :-) Perhaps those 2 days you were very upset?

Your comment regarding Aubrey being hurt doing a scene is simply incorrect. Aubrey has a login to X-Art, and she writes her own comments and messages directly to members. If you have any question about how she feels, please feel free to ask her directly via comment on one of her videos. We cherish our models, particularly our exclusive contract models - and they are free to voice their opinions and feelings at any time during a production, or on the website afterwards.

Also, you mentioned that I (co-owner Brigham Field) have almost nothing to do with the site anymore. That is also incorrect. I work full time, often 16-20 hours/day on X-Art. For the past year plus, I've been closely working with our web development team on moving to a blazing fast new website server architecture and CDN (Content Delivery Network). We're also putting the final touches on X-Art 2.0 - launching in the next 30 days - which has a ton of exciting new features for our members, including a user interface that works perfectly on mobile devices, and screens of all sizes including streaming TV.

I also produce, direct, and shoot many of the recent videos myself, or work closely with Colette and our directors and producers. And, I access our customer service email system on a daily/weekly basis to check how we are taking care of our customers, and to address any technical issues that arise. And finally, I respond to comments and feedback on awesome review websites like this one.

Every customer is certainly entitled to their own opinion. We've had close to 1 million satisfied customers since we launched X-Art 7 years ago. In that time we've found that we cannot satisfy every single customer. If you're not happy, please send an email to our customer support as listed on the website, and we will gladly refund your membership payment! You can let them know that Brigham suggested this. However, if you'd like to stay with us - we would be even more happy to get specific feedback from you on how we can improve and keep you on board!

Thank you again for your time and suggestions. Colette and I really hope to turn your frown upside-down and make you a happy X-Art customer once again!

Best regards and good vibes!

Brigham and Colette
X-Art and Colette [dot] com

04-11-15  02:55pm

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Parsnip (0) REPLY TO #1 - BrighamXart :

Thanks for the reply

Your comment about daily updates is simply wrong. There have been many days with missing updates or old material reposted recently - although I notice that since my comment you added a very late update on that date.

My comment about Aubrey not being able to do the anal is simply based on Colette's introduction to the scene. They had to shoot it without anal because she wasn't able to do it. We should be thankful you have her the choice.

The artistic merit of the material on the site has slipped a lot, it is now indistinguishable from regular mainstream hard porn. The blog section recently commented that you were making a film, as though is was something you rarely do, and you are now just referred to as "x-art co-founder" which seems a bit of a relegation to me.

As you say, you can't please everyone. Your site has gone from something that was very important in our lives to something that just seems ugly and slapdash now. That's a shame but we can live with it.

04-13-15  05:46am

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BrighamXart (0)
REPLY TO #2 - Parsnip :

Hi Parsnip ~

Sorry to hear you're so unhappy.

Please send me an email through the support link and I'll gladly give you a full refund right away. Perhaps getting your money back will brighten your day. :-)

If you have any constructive feedback or suggestions, I would welcome that as well.

Fortunately, there are nearly 1 million satisfied X-Art customers who disagree with you.

The most amusing part of your last message was when you referred to my title of X-Art Co-Founder as a relegation. What title should I give myself instead? My wife Colette and I started X-Art from scratch 7 years ago, and since then, thanks to our customers, we've grown into one of the most popular and respected sites of it's kind, actually defining the erotica category.

We're proud to have won the 2015 XBiz Adult Website of the Year award in the Erotic category.

I read your other recent reviews and noticed that you also disapprove of our competitors websites, that you feel they are all going downhill.

In all earnestness Parsip, we can't please everyone. Please send us an email to our support email address. Just let them know that Brigham is requesting that your membership payment be refunded in full.

We're very close to launching an all new X-Art, with some great new features that you might love. Perhaps you'll give us another change to make you a happy customer at some point down the line. Until then, happy surfing.

Co-founder of X-Art
[insert job title that Parsnip approves of] ;-)

04-16-15  03:28am

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