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Visit Teen Mega World

Teen Mega World (0)

RustyJ (0) 04-19-15  01:09am
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How to not do a preview

This site is a perfect example. No matter where you click, you are directed to the join page and it's impossible to get any idea of the content. You cannot browse content categories to see how much of your preferred stuff is included, you cannot browse included sub sites, nothing.

Videobox has gone the same way.

Makes one wonder if they are afraid people might get too realistic idea of what's included. Probably not the case though.

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pat362 (0) You have hit the nail right on the head. I've never understood the logic from a business stand point of why they do that. I assume (maybe wrongly) that they want new members or even want returning members so why make it main competitors all do it.
04-19-15  10:05am

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lk2fireone (0) I agree that the preview page is poor.

There are a number of sites that follow this same procedure of showing a tiny amount of thumbnails of their content on a single page, and then direct you to the join page when you want more information about the content.

But if you like hardcore teen porn, this network has a massive amount of video content of good quality, for a very low price. They also have photos for each matching video, but it's still primarily a video site.

Read my review of the network, posted 2015-03-12, to get a better idea of what the network provides.

I don't think the preview page is meant to be misleading. In my opinion, they just aren't paying enough attention to how to market the network, to give a good, interesting preview that will attract more subscribers.

04-20-15  09:12pm

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Stas RC (0)
Thank you for your comments, we will fix;)
Check now https://www.pornusers.com/review/teenmegaworld/

04-25-15  01:01pm

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