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Visit Erotica X

Erotica X (0)

hugow (0) 08-03-15  12:54pm
Rookie Badge  Top Monthly User TRUST USER?   YES (0), NO (0)
Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: Attractive women
Quality photography and videos.
Cons: Performances are ultimately rather ho-hum.
Website navigation and UI is so bad that I felt that I was back at some Russian site 10-15 years ago, but with bigger, prettier photos. ie. Lipstick on a pig. It was so bad that it hastened my departure from this site.

Examples include not being able to go back to search results once you click on one of the results; losing your place in the model pages if you click on any particular model, etc.; baffling dead-ends.
Bottom Line: In the scheme of pornsites, I suppose this one rates a "Very Good." However, I found it quite disappointing compared to other top shelf erotic sites like X-Art. The models are beautiful and the quality of the photos and videos is technically good, but the performances themselves were, for the most part, pretty ho-hum standard fare. Overall, disappointing considering the good press this site has received elsewhere.

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