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Visit Fucking Machines

Fucking Machines (0)

mbaya (0) 08-23-15  09:27am
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Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: -Top notch models. Many are well known porn stars. Some others are doing their very first porn scene here.
-HD 1280x720 quality videos for an incredible past eight years worth of updates.
- 1029 videos and a photo set for each one.
-Nice mix of ages and ethnicities.
-Excellent camerawork
-Easy cancellation through the website.
Cons: -Photo sets are not zip downloadable.
-Photos don’t capture the action well.
-Photos from the most recent update are only 1200x800
-No 4K quality video downloads
Bottom Line: This is a website from Kink.com, which puts out some of the highest quality porn. The video quality, attractiveness of the female models and camerawork are consistently top notch.

This site is one that I have never joined before, although I have been a member of most of their other ones.

I was not sure if I would enjoy videos of solo action, as that really does not appeal to me. My major complaint about other solo action sites is that the models are acting and do masturbation by the numbers. This type of scene would be totally too fake for my taste.

In contrast, this site is real, and I mean VERY real and there is no acting. The models cannot fake what goes on here. Porn stars are generally very jaded from doing so many scenes and not much gets them off. This site does that and more and in spades. Even the most skeptical viewers will find the videos focus on genuinely getting the models off.

They end up drenched in perspiration from the intensity of the action and are literally shaking. Most times they have multiple orgasms. Believe it or not, one scene is advertised as having 57! It is true as I counted them. No acting even in that scene and definitely no attempt at faking it.

What exactly do you get here? The videos show a kind of machine similar to a power drill, but with various sized dildos mounted on them. Sometimes they use two or three of them at a time. One scene even has four. There are several different machines and various sizes of dildos, ranging from normal size to huge. There is mostly vaginal penetration, but some scenes are anal only and many are of double penetration. There is even a scene or two with penetration vaginally, anally and one going in and out of her mouth.

Often niche sites tend to be formulaic and that can be a turn off here too. However, there are scenes that involve light bondage and feature more than one model. A few scenes were shot in Japan and have a different feel to them. Most of the models are familiar porn stars, but some are newbies who have never done porn before. There is a nice mix of ethnicities and ages. The site does not get stale as much as you might think.

The site started in 2000 and updates every seven days, so there is plenty to see here. I counted a massive total of 1029 videos. The oldest are of lesser quality as you would have expected, but are still watchable. The photo sets are not zip downloadable and not very interesting, as they do not capture the action well. Oh well, no site is perfect.

I was pleasantly surprised that I really enjoyed the action here.

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Review Replies (3)

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Msg # User Message Date


LPee23 (0) Nice review!

I'd also add that there are hundreds of squirting scenes on the site, and some are truly spectacular.

The photos used to be downloadable as zips, I guess they took away that option to save space on their servers.

As a photo fan, it is too bad that some sites feel photos (or downloadable zips) are not worth their space on a server.

08-23-15  10:37am

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mbaya (Disabled) REPLY TO #1 - LPee23 :

Thanks for adding that info about the squirt scenes. I am not into that, so I did not notice.
08-23-15  10:39am

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Pyrenees (0) A great review.

I enjoy the variety of machines used.
If I had a gripe it would be there is no plot to most of these scenes and they are typically short. Also solo girl is typically not my thing. But there is plenty of machine double penetration, huge insertion and orgasms to make me happy. This site has a lot of top models. I much prefer Ultimate Surrender because I love watching two or more girls going at each other sweaty getting off with strapon's.

You made a point about female pornstars being jaded and not having real orgasms. This is partially true. Most female pornstars suck and that is why they have short careers. Also some of them try to fake orgasms that we would see as ideal. But a LOT of pornstars have orgasms that are removed in editing at the request of the female pornstar. They do not usually like to kiss, have their nipples sucked or show true orgasms. Now this has gotten a LOT better this last decade. I will give you an example. In the porn community a female pornstar who has a orgasm used to be looked down on as a dirty whore. Hence the word Whoregasm. If you go to JM Productions (Or on Hotmovies) there are two great scenes. Porn's most outrageous outtakes #2 scene 5 and #5 scene 1. In the first example the woman breaks down and cries after having a orgasm during a DP. In the second example the woman has a orgasm every five minutes of anal penetration. There is a lot of real female orgasm porn out there but only recently has the stigma of a Whoregasm lifted some. I enjoy a lot of Sweet Sinner scenes because of their real orgasms.

I would like to finish by saying I am a huge fan of kink and highly suggest getting a membership to Kink archives for access to 90% of all of their shoots.

08-26-15  12:30am

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