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LPee23 (0) 01-05-16  12:09pm
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Pissing.com is closed

Looks like Kink has finally removed the pissing.com content from their archives and redirected the domain to kink.com. Anyone who follows Kink should have seen this coming for a long time. Glad I got the content while the site was still around.

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rearadmiral (0) I had subscribed there a few times and liked it, but the content certainly had changed. I remember when the site first went up it was much harder than it was when I went back more recently. I didn't follow the site closely enough to see storm clouds though. What happened? What did you notice? Did they go so far as to remove the content?
01-05-16  01:55pm

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LPee23 (0) REPLY TO #1 - rearadmiral :

Pissing.com never caught a break in its entire existence. I guess the rocky start to the site was the first warning sign back around 2007. I remember they promoted their content heavily, including on the most popular forum for linking to peeing TGP's at the time. I can't name it here because it is a free site. It was a unique place where a number of sites promoted their content directly and openly, and even interacted with customers in the forum, despite more than the usual amount of piracy going on openly at the very same time. It's still around, but hardly active compared to 2007.

Anyway, Kink posted a number of Pissing.com FHG's there, and actually got a very negative and discouraging response. They seem to have made the mistake of not understanding their customers. Their style of porn was hardcore with peeing and a BDSM flair, and this tends to appeal to fans of hardcore and BDSM who want to delve into peeing. Their audience at that forum was made up of a different customer base however, it was mostly people with a primary interest in peeing, who were mostly not into or even averse to hardcore, and also averse to porn that appeared too "produced." Pissing.com was definitely both.

Shortly after this discouraging reception, they stopped producing new scenes. They also ran into trouble with their credit card processor since they had person to person peeing, and that undoubtedly also played a role. So when they stopped producing new scenes, that was the next nail in the coffin.

They hung on years after that, but last year, I noticed that while you could get to pissing.com directly, Kink had stripped all links to and mention of Pissing.com from their landing page. This was a sign that maybe they didn't see a spot for Pissing.com in their future.

Then, several months ago, I checked back in on Pissing.com out of curiosity to see if it was still there, and the landing page was full of errors. Another warning sign.

Now the site is gone. I don't see it listed under the sites available in the archives. Maybe the scenes are still buried somewhere in there despite not being listed, but a current member would have to check in order for us to know.

01-06-16  09:15am

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rearadmiral (0) REPLY TO #2 - LPee23 :

Thanks for the detailed answer. It has always baffled me that people bash stuff that is outside their main interest without realizing that there are lot of customers who like specific things. So maybe that particular forum was a bad choice for Kink to discuss the new site since Kink is all about hardcore. The reality too, is that for a lot of BDSM people, watersports can be a big part of D/s play so maybe if Kink marketed the site to a specific audience they could have done better.

But, as you say, they were pushing the limits so this outcome was probably inevitable. I wonder if this is what happened to Water Bondage? But I suspect the risks on that site probably caused them to rethink it.

I can definitely say this though: I'll never delete the Pissing.com scenes I have. Same with Water Bondage.

01-06-16  03:28pm

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LPee23 (0) REPLY TO #3 - rearadmiral :

I think it's the push further towards mainstream that motivated them to stop shooting for WaterBondage.com. They were talking about going mainstream back in 2013.

Yeah, those Pissing.com scenes are definitely gems to hold on to.

I never want to see a site close, except for the worst of the worst scam sites, but I don't feel too bad about Pissing.com. For one thing, I've got all the content. Also, the site was kind of a monument to failure. They had without a doubt the best domain in the niche, they were well known, yet they only managed to turn out 31 scenes before grinding to a halt and staying around on life support for almost a decade. Anyone contemplating a new pee site only had to consider the fate of Pissing.com to be deterred. Maybe Pissing.com closing will help clear the air a bit. It is encouraging that many of the new pee sites this last year seem to be off to a much better start than Pissing.com.

01-07-16  05:08am

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rearadmiral (0) REPLY TO #4 - LPee23 :

I didn't realize that peeing was such a narrow niche. It isn't something I'm into all that much but I'm definitely not opposed to it. I suppose that to someone who is opposed to peeing content might look at my collection which includes past memberships to VIPissy and Pissing.com and wonder why I say I'm not a peeing content collector but I guess I just don't see myself as being on the same level as someone like you.

That's too bad that this seems like a tough niche to crack into.

I wonder if this isn't a sign that we're coming into a time when censorship (including self-censorship) is more in vogue?

01-09-16  07:13am

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LPee23 (0) REPLY TO #5 - rearadmiral :

I think many people tend to have narrow or pretty specific interests within the niche, even though the niche itself is extremely broad with dozens of sub-niches each with their own fans. As for myself, I'm not so particular, and I like almost everything. M2F peeing is the only thing that doesn't really do anything for me, but I save some of those scenes anyway. The most perplexing thing about people within this niche is that many prefer "genuine" amateur content and turn their noses up at anything professionally produced. They want to believe that the model actually has a pee fetish herself, and not that she was just paid to do a scene.

Self-censorship has been in vogue for years. I think it's easier to sneak a bit of peeing into a more mainstream site than it is to have a dedicated pee site. Kink.com continues to make and post occasional pee scenes on many of their other sites, including M2F peeing, which the billers are supposedly so opposed to.

I am actually hopeful that the tide will turn the other direction soon and self-censorship may decrease. With alternative payment options like Bitcoin springing up left and right and becoming more practical, it is only a matter of time before the CC processors lose their leverage.

01-09-16  08:06am

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rearadmiral (0) REPLY TO #6 - LPee23 :

Amen to CC processors losing some of their clout. It bugs me when sites are compelled to self-censor to appease the bankers.

On a semi-related note, I really like finding peeing in scenes where it is unexpected. Last Year Maddy O'Reilly had an incredibly hot scene at Brazzers (http://www.brazzers.com/tour4/scenes/vie.../8361/sex-on-wheels/). The scene was hot anyway but at the end the guy pees on Maddy. I wasn't expecting that and that scene will be a favourite of mine until I can't watch porn any more. I've read that Maddy has since developed a bit of a pee fetish. I should see if I can find more of that.

01-10-16  08:46am

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LPee23 (0) REPLY TO #7 - rearadmiral :

Yeah, I also get a kick out of it when I stumble across pee scenes from unexpected sites. Brazzers is up there because I remember a few years ago one of their employees posted on their forum that they do not have any pee scenes because it is "not sexy." I guess things have changed with that Maddy O'Reilly scene.

There's also a Brazzers trailer floating around the tubes with Riley Reid pissing into a pool. It's from the scene "A Day With Riley" on Pornstars Like it Big. Not sure if the peeing made it into the final cut, but it's in the trailer, and I'll check it out next time I join.

01-10-16  10:23am

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rearadmiral (0) REPLY TO #8 - LPee23 :

I'm not usually into solo girl peeing, but I'd make an exception for Riley Reid! Let me know if you rejoin and find the scene.

Riley has her own site now and she seems to be doing a lot of stuff that she doesn't do in mainstream DVDs - like more anal. Maybe she'll do some peeing scenes on her own site.

01-12-16  05:32pm

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