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Visit Teen Mega World

Teen Mega World (0)

Bummsi (0) 01-12-16  09:08am
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Hi everyone, as a newbie here in this site, a perhaps stupid question: I would like to join the site, I live in Europe/Germany. I know the site is 2257 compliant, what is an american law. We have a similar age-dependet (all models have to be over 18) here, so everything should be fine for me. Did anyone got a legal problem, joining this site? Are there other users from Germany? I am just a little bit cautious joining porn sites...please for answer

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Wittyguy (0) Welcome to PU Bummsi. I'm from the US so I may not be directly on point but you shouldn't have a problem joining a pay site here that's listed here at PU. All these sites must be compliant with age verification and record keeping. While these types of sites emphasize "young talent" you shouldn't have to worry about getting caught up with possessing underage porn or violating decency laws (at least here in North America and Western Eurpoe) when you join reputable pay sites.

Trust me when I say that there's a lot "harder" stuff out there than the content on Teenmegaworld and the Germans have a reputation for publishing a fair amount of the that hard stuff (BDSM, pissing, fisting, etc.). Some countries like the UK and the Ukraine have laws about what kinds of porn can be shot or produced in their countries I'm not aware of any Western European countries that ban the viewing or possession of the type of the stuff you're considering.

So, take the plunge and enjoy.

01-12-16  03:28pm

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rearadmiral (0) Welcome to Pornusers!

I'm also not able to answer you specific question, but I'm confident that Wittyguy is right. I'm in Canada where the obscenity laws are definitely tighter than in the US and I never have any worries about the sites listed here causing me any problems.

If you join Teen Mega World I think you'll enjoy it. Please be sure to post a review too!

01-12-16  05:36pm

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LPee23 (0) I've joined hundreds of sites, most of them much edgier than TeenMegaWorld.com, and never had a problem. You have nothing to worry about.
01-13-16  08:57am

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