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MargulisAZ (0) 07-19-16  04:53am
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If you're the vocal minority, you'll get what you want here.

So I always liked this site because it had a lot of gaping and a mix of good lesbian fisting incorporated into the gaping videos which is hard to find these days minus loathsome Teachmefisting.com (literally almost no other fisting sites are left or they no longer update with truly new scenes). So while PJgirls didn't cater to that often every once in a while they would upload a vid with fisting (maybe 2 a month?)

Then a few months ago about 2-3 members went on a rampage leaving endless comments on all the fisting vids about how they HATE these vids and all there should be is gaping and that's it, no fisting or anything else. They downvoted all these vids also. So, you have a vid with maybe 10-20 likes, and 5 dislikes or even less? Comments are filled with the same 2-3 members at this point on every vid with fisting saying how they don't want it, they downvote them all, but even after doing so the vast majority are likes on the videos and positive comments.

What does the site people do? Go into panic mode and completely eliminate fisting scenes from the site, even though the vast majority of feedback and likes was overwhelming compared to the bitchers. Hasn't been 1 single update of it since. Yes, 2-3 bitchy people who can't stand an occasional video different from every other monotonous one on the site get what they want, when everyone else was fine with how things were going and enjoyed the lesbian fisting scenes (which were already rare as it was) now get nothing. Ridiculous. Prime example of going off the deep end to fix a problem that doesn't exist, because a few people are loud as hell about something making it seem like it exists.

So, now I no longer subscribe to the site, even though I only got a couple videos a month I liked anyway. But it's really frustrating when some people are so damn selfish that literally EVERYTHING that is uploaded must be the type of vid they want or they go on a rampage. Even more frustrating is a site that just instantly caves to exactly what it is - the VOCAL MINORITY.

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pjgirls (Suspended) You are totally wrong in your statement that the fisting or lesbian scenes were popular. They were not and the results of the big spring survey have confirmed that.

We've always been a pussy (gaping) site with mostly solo models. It's basically up to our members' wishes what they want to see and (unlike other adult sites) we are always trying to listen to their feedback and deliver what they want. It's our job, right? So we don't care if we publish gaping, fisting, masturbation or lesbian scenes. We just want to please our members and deliver the best possible quality.

About three months ago there was a heated (and neverending) discussion between two selfish groups of members. One selfish group requested lesbian and fisting videos, the other selfish group insisted that a true gaping site must have solo girls only. In the end we agreed on sort of a compromise that there would still be girl-girl scenes but we would limit the lesbian scenes to minimum as clearly a majority of people didn't want them.

You are saying that 2-3 bitchy people destroyed the fun for some others. While I agree with you in this point (everybody should tolerate other members' preferences) I also have to add that also 2-3 other bitchy people kept flooding us with requests for a type of videos that you would like to see - but almost nobody else wanted to see. So it was a situation we couldn't win in. We had to disappoint one of the groups and we decided to disappoint the far smaller group and film videos for the much bigger group of members. We didn't really have any other choice...

Every member seems to think that we have to deliver a type of videos that HE likes. But we are forced to make compromises and we're often blamed even though we just try to please everybody. But that is not possible. You like fisting - why not, I like fisting too. But members of our site don't want to see fisting, they want to see the inside of the pussy without any hands. They want to see the cervix, the pee hole and not any fingers. It may sound stupid to other people but this is their fetish and we have to respect it.

07-19-16  06:11am

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MargulisAZ (Suspended) REPLY TO #1 - pjgirls :

Practically every fisting scene that the group of people bitching commented on had FAR more likes than dislikes and plenty more people in the comments saying keep things as they are. Simple thing is you changed because a few people bitched, when most people were fine and happy with how it was. If your gaping vids got 20 likes and 0 dislikes, and your fisting vids got 20 likes and 5 dislikes, you don't change things based on 25% people not being happy when 75% of people are - you just freaked out because the likes weren't 100%.

And I took part in the survey and read the results, there were no categories that specifically talked about fisting. It was general lesbian love making type stuff and the other lesbian category, which fisting may have fit into, actually was highly voted on. So not sure what you're talking about here saying the survey backed up your decision, because it didn't. You're just making excuses now in my opinion for a rash decision.

"You like fisting - why not, I like fisting too. But members of our site don't want to see fisting". See this is the whole problem right here, your fisting videos had WAY more likes than dislikes minus a select very few examples. But you can't stop seeing the 3-5 dislikes as the way the entire customer base feels. Dude, if a video has way more likes than dislikes, then in general people DO like that content. The comments even backed that up as same few people bitching everywhere while everyone else is like no it's fine I like it. And the survey did NOT back up no one liking fisting it wasn't even an option to vote on.

What's also frustrating is that the fisting scenes were rare anyway, so the people bitching already got 80-90% of scenes how they wanted them, they just wanted 100% how they want. People who liked fisting like myself got 10-20% of scenes how we wanted them and were happy with that, but now even those very few updates are gone. There was never some issue of fisting taking over the site, it was about it even existing at all as infrequently as it already did. So why cut it out entirely? Seems 1 or 2 updates a month wouldn't hurt.

Or...... why don't you guys just make a new site focused on fisting maybe? Almost all other sites are gone, not much competition anymore.

07-19-16  02:24pm

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MargulisAZ (Suspended) REPLY TO #1 - pjgirls :

Seriously now that I said that I think that could be a great idea. The only site that updates anymore is teachmefisting and their models are usually rehashed or not that hot. Every other site is gone, doesn't update, or just recycles their old scenes as new updates like brutalfisting. Maybe make a site for it and update it 1 or 2 times a week? Then people who want that go there people who want just gape stay on pjgirls.
07-19-16  03:27pm

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pjgirls (Suspended) REPLY TO #2 - MargulisAZ :

Yes, most of the dislikes were at the lesbian scenes. But even if you browse comments in the past month, you can see negative comments (from multiple users, not the same 2-3 people) whenever there's ANYTHING obstructing the view. People claim they want to see the pussy & cervix clearly. They don't want any speculums, dildos, fingers, anything. We even had to explain that fingers are necessary to spread the pussy and fingers of another girl are often needed too because not many girls are able to spread their own pussy wide. People are often "experts" in thinking how things could be theoretically done but the reality is different.

I have to admit I'm still not very comfortable with the tone of your posts, you're basically blaming us for the type of content that we decided to have on OUR website. Sometimes I wonder why people don't launch their own website if things are that simple. I'll be honest with you - it took us two years before we got from red numbers - yes, for two years we had to pay for owning this website. The good old times of highly profitable adult websites are gone and these days we have to deliver perfect content, do some marketing, think very carefully about the content and listen to the feedback of our members to survive on the market. We would never change the type of content if we didn't think think it's a good idea. (Although I agree with you that this is valid mainly for the lesbian scenes - the fisting scenes were so rare that they probably made only little difference for people who didn't like them).

As for a fisting-only site... fisting is quite difficult because it requires more expenses and specific girls to do it. I wonder what the demand is... maybe we could do it but I really can't imagine having daily updates with such an expensive activity. And I'm not sure people would be paying $30 per month if there was just (for example) one video and one gallery weekly. What's your opinion? Are there any fisting communities, discussion forums etc.? I'm not the one who makes decisions but I could discuss this idea with my colleague.

07-20-16  12:21am

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elephant (0) REPLY TO #4 - pjgirls :

My opinion here for what it counts is I myself like to see variety, that's what keeps me from getting bored. I always like to be surprised and not know what coming up, I love lots of styles of porn and have all-time fav scenes in lots of categories. I'm obviously not the type of guy PJgirls markets to as solo content isn't my thing too much these days, although I do love certain solo scenes if the girl is a huge turn on and playful with good flirting skills with the camera. I do understand though lots of sites have mainly solo cause its cheaper to produce than getting two models or more for one scene. It really is a tough industry it seems these days and difficult to try and please everyone. Most sites I join often I've seen a decline in past few years.

I can sympathize with both parties here I guess, you have to please your loyal customers and that isn't easy when they desire different types of content. If gaping is what you are known and marketed as I guess you have no choice.

07-21-16  02:57am

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pjgirls (Suspended) REPLY TO #5 - elephant :

Yes, we've picked hard times to launch an adult website, the figures were totally different 10-15 years ago. On the other hand many sites have become very lazy and we're glad to be "sharks" in the sea :-)

I totally agree that one particular type of content can become boring soon and that's why we're trying to come with new stuff (such as the pussy cam last year), on the other hand most customers are very conservative and they seem to insist on the same type of videos - solo girl, on the couch, totally naked, no hands. no toys. It seems like this is what they want to see and even though we may disagree with that, we have to respect that. But I'm not blind and I do see the neverending discussions between both parties. We don't want to become boring so we will offer alternative content from time to time, no matter what the conservative members say. Although I have to admit that fisting in particular hasn't been on our site for two months or so. I think it's more a coincidence than intention. I'll talk to my colleague about it.

07-21-16  04:35am

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MargulisAZ (Suspended) REPLY TO #4 - pjgirls :

There has never been a fisting only site that updated more than once weekly that I can recall, that was always the norm, so you guys wouldn't need to do more than that. There are a lot of guys who love fisting, it's one of the reasons many members such as myself join ftvgirls.com and alsscan.com because of their fisting content. But they only have a fisting update one time per month usually which is disappointing. There are forums for this yes, surfoo.com, forum.fisting.com, etc. There are other fisting sites out there but most no longer update for years. People who like fisting are desperate for new hot lesbian fisting scenes, hard to ever find new ones anywhere anymore. Brutalfisting.com scenes were the best, lesbian intense fisting sessions, but they only re-release old content over and over for years now never truly new scenes for years.
07-21-16  02:01pm

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pjgirls (Suspended) REPLY TO #7 - MargulisAZ :

You have some very good points and observations. Could you please contact me directly at: marketing (a) pjgirls.com? I would like to tap your knowledge on the lesbian fisting niche.
01-04-17  06:39am

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