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Visit Teen Mega World

Teen Mega World (0)

elephant (0) 01-20-17  08:59am
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I think the t in TMW should now stand for tattooed mega world

I'll write an updated review soon about the changes here in content over the last couple of years since I was last a member. it has hugely swung towards girls with tattoos sadly and I'd say around 75% of new models have tattoos which I knew Euro girls had started getting more but no way thought it had got to nearly everyone.

If you like tattoos its still might interest you, sadly I don't think its for me anymore which saddens me but I guess its a sign of the times and tatts are becoming hugely popular worldwide. In a weird way it does make you value girls without more though lol.

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Pyrenees (0) Tattoo's I like. Jenna Jameson's first one, none of the rest. Riley Reid's back tattoo but none of the rest. And that is about the complete list. I cannot wait until this falls out of popularity.
01-20-17  03:34pm

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skippy (0) I just joined again to pull down their VR content and, yes, you are absolutely right. Lots and lots of body graffiti. Some of it is OK but most is over the top. I've said it before and I'll say it again, girls in porn that get tattoos absolutely don't understand why guys are watching them have sex. "Wow, I really love trying to read that poem on your shoulder while watching you give head" said no guy ever!
01-20-17  07:39pm

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elephant (0) REPLY TO #1 - Pyrenees :

Riley is one of those girls I barely notice the tats, cause shes so great of an actress I don't focus on them too much, theres few of these girls that perform so well though to make their tats not noticeable much.
01-22-17  02:19am

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elephant (0) REPLY TO #2 - skippy :

Yeah I'm speaking for me and other people that are not into tats but its the human form in its beauty with addons that I love, I don't need decoration, fake eyelashes, tonnes of makeup, ink, piercing, I'm a simple guy that just like a woman in her natural state.

Ears pierced I can take though lol, thats about it.

01-22-17  02:24am

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Goldfish (0) I never understood the tattoo in porn. It seems to be a purposeful mar on an otherwise attractive person. I usually think of tattoos being more of an issue in the American porn. Interesting the trend seems to have crossed the Atlantic.
01-25-17  08:19am

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