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lk2fireone (0) 01-29-17  07:09pm
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Recycled content at X-Art and Colette?

I haven't been a member of X-Art for about 6 months.
But I've read some comments online that X-Art and Colette have published some material from Teen Mega World
and WTF Pass.
I don't know if the comments are true.
But if they are true, that's a real shame that X-Art and Colette are not publishing 100% exclusive content.
If true, I would guess that X-Art and Colette are having financial problems. Or at least trying to conserve cash publishing recycled content.
I'm not saying Teen Mega World or WTF content is poor. Some of their content is excellent. But X-Art was a superior glamcore site, and I hope it continues to product exclusive, glamcore content.

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skippy (0) Easiest way to figure this out is to look up model names at indexxx.com
I am 99.9% sure that the material at Met Art X exclusive. It is not the same stuff at Colette and TMW. MetartX uses many of the same European models as Met Art and, with the possible exception of Nancy, I have seen none of these models at TMW. TMW is primarily US porn models. I have not been a member of Colette, but it looks like those are mostly US porn models also. If you look at the model listing and check names against Indexxx, you will see that these TMW/Colette girls might be at ALSScan, but I didn't see any at MetArt or MetArtX. There are a few models that might be at both, but it isn't the same material. Now...I do see a couple of lesser Met Art models at WTF, but that is not too surprising since WTF is a European site that collects material from all over. I have never seen any authorized Met Art network material on any sites outside of their network, so I am pretty sure that it isn't the same material there, either.

01-29-17  08:57pm

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skippy (0) Looking around a little more, I do see a few common models on Colette and Met Art. Heck, I just found Leah Gotti on Met Art from 2015 (disappointing sets of her, though, considering she has quickly become a really popular, full blown, do everything porn star now...interracial 5 guy gang bang on Colette? I'm more crushed than curious.) But I am still sure they are not sharing material. I may join Colette since it looks interesting and I haven't before.
01-29-17  09:56pm

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lk2fireone (0) REPLY TO #2 - skippy :

skippy, thanks for the replies.

I did not base my comment on duplicated material at X-Art and Colette on what I saw at those sites.
I was repeating what I read at Indexxx.com.
The comments were regarding X-Art and Colette.
Not MetArtX or any of the other sites in the MetArt network.
Also, TMW is primarily Russian/Eastern European models, not US models.

The URL for the X-Art/Colette comments is:

The 2 comments from Indexxx.com are copied below

omg ? - 2017-01-15 + 0 -
They are adding recycled material, video games scene was published on teenmegaworld long time ago. Even in the x-art info you can see that this model is already 28.

[Chile] pardiboy ? - 2016-12-19 + 0 -
Both x-art and colette sites suck! they posted another model called Tini, showing her old material from wtfpass websites from a couple of years ago. They did the same with Angelica. Does anyone knows what happened to colette/x-art? Did they sell those websites? X-art was one of my favorites :(

01-30-17  01:27am

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skippy (0) REPLY TO #3 - lk2fireone :

Ah. My bad. I read X-Art and thought MetArtX. I wrote an X-art review back in 2012 and haven't been a member since 2015, so it looks like it is time to rejoin! Sinc X-Art and Colette are part of the same group, it is entirely possible that some of the sets are duplicates.

I'm a current member of TMW and, again, you are absolutely correct. I'm not sure where I was looking but I must have been confusing it with something else I had open at the time....or I was having a stroke. It was only 9:00 so alcohol or sleep deprivation could not have been the culprits.

Thanks for the response and for the corrections. All good!

02-01-17  10:19pm

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