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Visit Twistys

Twistys (0)

skippy (0) 02-03-17  09:38pm
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I have to PAY MORE for downloads?

I just rejoined Twisty's using the TBP/PU discount and when I went to download my first video, the damn site is telling me I have to pay $10 more a month? That REALLY sucks! So they basically are saying FUCK YOU to the Porn User discount. Nowhere when I signed up did it say that this was a limited membership or provide any information about a required upgrade to download videos. (There was a cross check to Twisty's VIP for an extra $39 a month (really??) which I unchecked since there was no information about it anywhere.)

I spent a few minutes chatting with support and they said it was "because there was a lot of piracy." Really? How does paying an extra $10 eliminate piracy? There didn't seem to be any other options, so I cancelled while I had the guy connected.

I went back into the site and discovered that there are no options to download images either. Apparently that also requires the upgrade. What a sleazy, sleazy way to screw your returning customer base for a few extra bucks. Why would anyone want a membership to a site full of videos and images that they can't download? Oh, wait. Your not telling anybody that until after they sign up! Wow. Clearly something thought up by Dr. E-vil to make...hundreds of dollars.

Sorry, you just lost me as a subscriber, Twistys. I've joined pretty much every year since 2000 and have written pretty good reviews. Looks like that will be ending this month.

I think I will write a review based on the value I get with the non-VIP membership (read that as NONE) compared to the 30 or so other sites I've been a member of within the last year that allow unlimited downloads. High score? I think not.

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sonofzog (0) Thanks for the tip. Twistys used to be a go-to site but this is absurd. It looks like wow porn is doing the same thing: charging a good discounted rate but only for streaming. $10/month for downloads. This is not a good trend.
04-28-17  03:46pm

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Dorsai6 (0) The parent company, MindGeek, seems to be taking this approach to all the sites they operate including Playboy Plus. I have stopped visiting both sites.
06-18-17  06:40am

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nineinch (0) Agreed!

I didn't want to use a normal credit card to pay, so I was excited to see that they accept gift cards. Unfortunately, after signing on with my non-refundable gift card, I see that I have to use a real credit card to download files. So much for supporting gift cards! Especially, after that sleazy experience, I'll be damned if I'm going to give them real credit card info.

12-14-17  10:41am

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