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User : Dorsai6 (0)  

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Visit Playboy Plus

Playboy Plus
Reply of skippy's Comment

I completely agree. When I first discovered this I asked for a refund. When that was denied, I paid the extra $10. That is the last time I've signed on to this site. I no longer visit Twistys for the same reason.

01-03-18  06:26am

Visit Twistys

Reply of skippy's Comment

The parent company, MindGeek, seems to be taking this approach to all the sites they operate including Playboy Plus. I have stopped visiting both sites.

06-18-17  06:40am

Visit Twistys

Reply of pornluvva01's Comment

Thank you for the information. I've been visiting Twisty's for more than 10 years. I think I will stop.

03-31-17  12:24pm

Visit Twistys Network

Twistys Network
Reply of PinkPanther's Comment

I just went to the Twisty's payment page. There was no indication of the VIP requirement, so I opened a chat with customer service. They admitted that you must pay an extra $9.99 for downloads. Since I am a prior member, they offered me a reduced rate for a 1-year no-download membership. I explained that I have a problem joining a site where I am only informed that I must pay extra after I've joined. I told them I'd probably rejoin for a month once a year, but only after they explained the VIP issue on the join page. After some more discussion, customer service offered to let me join for 1 month with VIP for $17.99. I said "Thank you, but I will only rejoin when you are honest to your customers about the VIP issue." I plan to check every 2-3 months.

12-29-16  10:15am

Visit Restrained Elegance

Restrained Elegance
Reply of Dorsai6's Comment

I just want to say that I still visit this site 2-3 times a year and the quality was excellent many years ago and continues to improve. They do a fair amount of location shooting in interesting and picturesque places. Videos have improved a lot and they now take requests. The May 2016 review is accurate, but I'd give this site a higher score.

07-22-16  06:45am

Visit Playboy Plus

Playboy Plus

Downloads Cost Extra

I just discovered they have a new policy since the last time i was a member. The basic membership does not include downloads. For that you must pay an additional $9.99. You can do is stream videos and it is possible to download photos one-by-one, but no ZIPs and no video download.

The extra price isn't that bad, but they don't say anything about this limitation until after you join. I'm not at all happy with this. I may never join again.

A side note: According to their tech support there are some reliability issues with this site if you are using Safari on a Mac.

The same company also owns Twisty's. The customer service agent say this policy has been instituted for all web sites they own. I haven't Twistys in the past 6 months, but I will be careful about rejoining that site.

06-11-16  11:49am

Replies (1)
Visit Playboy Plus

Playboy Plus
Reply of Dorsai6's Comment

It's been another year and I rejoined for the month. It seems they are done transferring material from the Cyber Club site. In the 11 months I was away, they have added about 500 new sets. Most of these sets include both photos and a video. All playmates from the first issue are now present including the actual gatefold image.

My only complaint is that they do not do a good job of identifying the model in a photo graph when a set includes photos of more than one model. About 1/3 of the time the set description had enough information to figure out the mode's name. The rest of the time it takes real work it identify each model.

I'm a regular. I like the models and I like the photography.

05-15-15  09:05pm

Visit Twistys


ZIP going away for older sets

I contacted customer support to ask why the thumbnails for older sets didn't match the set. I was told this was because they are eliminating zip downloads for older sets - 2010 and older. I don't see why that would affect the thumbnails and customer service had no explanation. However, a lot of the older sets do not have ZIPs. From what I gather I expect the zips are in the process of being removed.

Customer service is run by a third-party and has very little information about what's going on on the site itself.

I sent a message to their feedback address and haven't received a reply.

03-14-15  08:18am

Replies (0)
Visit Twistys


Wrong Thumbnails

As you navigate backwards in time you will eventually get to the point where the thumbnails no longer match the photo sets! I've seen this a number of times, but the following example seems to be repeatable:

1. Go to the models page and select Nicole Graves (She has lots of sets)
2. Go to page 6 -- all the thumbnails should match
3. Go to page 7 -- starting about half way down the page (Nov 2012) you should see thumbnails of other models, but when you open the set it will be Nicole.

03-08-15  10:08am

Replies (0)
Visit Twistys

Reply of Wittyguy's Comment

After a lot of blundering around, I made a discovery. If you enter the following string into your browser, you should get to the desired page without have to move two pages at a time.


The above will go to page 999 of the updates window for all sites ordered by date. I imagine you could change various parameters, but I haven't tried. By the way, the last page is 1286 more or less.

03-08-15  10:01am

Visit Ken Marcus

Ken Marcus

ZIPs for most sets

I've just rejoined the site after nearly a 2-year absence. Nearly all the sets have downloadable zip files. This is good, but although all the sets seem to have 3000p images about 1/3 do _not_ have zips in that size. Eight sets have no zips of any size. In the two years I've been gone, 99 new sets were added. At this time there are 583 sets on the site.

With regard to the videos, there is also something unusual. The home page claims 103 videos, but I only see 68 separate shows. The largest videos are marked 3000K. I think this refers to the bit rate. Most of them are 1280 X 720 in size, but some are smaller. The newest video is 980 X 552 with a data rate of 3.12 Mbits/sec. Only 9 videos were not present 2 years ago.

02-16-15  01:10pm

Replies (0)
Visit VirtuaGirl

Reply of Dorsai6's Comment

Sorry, I can get long winded at times

3. The models are getting better in both looks and performance quality.

4. The software now has better support of multiple displays and the ability to show more than one card (in reduced size mode) on the same screen at the same time.

On the negative side, their user documentation leaves a lot to be desired. There are many hidden features not covered by the help/FAQ material. On the other had, the user forum is a great source of advice and assistance


If you want to try it, the software is free. There is a demo tab where you can see short previews of a limited number of cards including some of the 3K cards. If you like the demos, I suggest that you get or buy one or two 3K cards and see if you like them. If you like what you see, buy 50 credits and budget your purchases. Buying in blocks of 50 will save money, but be careful you don't overspend.


There have been currency conversion problems for people outside the US and EU. Check the billing site to see what you would be paying for credits in your own currency. I understand that those in Russia have seen enormous price increases.

02-12-15  06:56pm

Visit VirtuaGirl


Major improvements

I've been a happy member for about 20 month. Over the past 6 months, Totem, the developer, has made major upgrades to the software and is continuing to enhance and refine its capabilities. They've been releasing improved beta's every 2-3 weeks and official versions every 8-10 weeks for the past 6 months. I expect this will continue for at least 6 more months, but don't let that make you hesitate the betas are pretty good and the main features work property.

Here are the major changes:

1. There is a new pricing structure. It is no longer possible to buy a subscription of any sort. You buy credits in blocks of 2, 8 ,25 or 50. You use credits to buy "cards" which consist of about 20 "clips" totaling 20-30 minutes of play time. Cards are priced based on the technology used to produce them. The oldest cards were recorded in 480p resolution and are not really recommended unless the model is a special favorite of yours. The next oldest cards were recorded in 720p. Until recently the newest cards were recorded in 1080p and can be downloaded in either 720 or 1080, but the price is the same regardless of size and higher than the original 720p cards. Some of the newer 720 cards were actually recorded in 1080 and are slowly being remastered and release in both 720 and 1080. The price of these remastered cards goes up from the 720 price to the 1080 price, but if you already own the card the quality upgrade is free. About 4 months ago, they began releasing 3K (1620p) cards which are available in 720, 1080 and 3K at the same higher price. The 3K cards have much improved production values and are a real improvement even if you have a small screen. Fixed discounts are offered to members depending on the number of cards they own.

2. Full screen mode. The basic mode is to play clips on your working desktop. The girl performs in front of any open windows you may have. A new feature allows one or more girls to dance on a full-screen screen saver type background. Many members have created and posted their own backgrounds enhancing this capability.

to be continued

02-12-15  06:39pm

Replies (1)
Visit Femjoy

Reply of elephant's Reply

My connection is a 25 Mb/sec fiber optic line. I test it regularly and generally see results in the 23-25 Mb/sec range. I'm using Safari 7.0.5 on a new Mac Pro running OSX 10.9.4. Downloads from other sites generally show speeds in the 2-5 MB/sec range which I find acceptable. On FemJoy the first GB of downloads in a day is in that range and then the rate starts dropping. This is the only site where I've seen this behavior. Some other sites will lock you out for a while if you exceed some limit. This site seems to gradually throttle down the speed. I've seen it go as low as 20 KB/sec. I'm in touch with their tech support, but no resolution yet.

I haven't tried to use FireFox till now. I just downloaded two photo zips with FireFox. FirFox doesn't report the download speed. Activity Monitor seems to be reporting speeds similar to Safari.

07-30-14  07:56am

Visit Femjoy


Download Throttling

I've been on the site for about a week. It seems that the more you download, the slower things get. Up to about 1.5 GB of photos I was seeing download speeds for 2-3 MB/sec. After that the speed begins to decrease. At about 3 GB of photos the speed is down to about 200 KB/sec. Beyond that its slower still. You must wait 1-2 days before the system resets. I've seen this cycle repeat 4 times now. The slowest speed I've seen is 100 KB/sec.

07-25-14  07:25am

Replies (3)
Visit Femjoy

Reply of lk2fireone's Reply

The slow response has gone away. The site seems to be working fine now.

07-16-14  06:12am

Visit Femjoy

Reply of lk2fireone's Comment

I just got this offer and rejoined. The site is really slow. Right now I'm trying to see the list of photo sets for May 2012 (month chosen at random) and after more than 5 minutes nothing has appeared.

I have a 20 MBS fiber optic internet connection and a new Mac Pro with the latest OSX and Safari. I'm frustrated. I'll post again if I get this resolved.

07-13-14  07:09am

Visit Playboy Plus

Playboy Plus
Reply of nostromo's Reply

I just ended a one-month membership with Playboy Plus. I was able to do this via their on-line chat service. An email confirmation was automatically sent to me.

05-23-14  12:26pm

Visit Playboy Plus

Playboy Plus
Reply of Dorsai6's Comment

Well its been another 10 months. There is more content, but it seems they are still moving old material. Some of the multi-model sets now identify the models image by image, but many do not. If you like Playboy as I do, this is a worthwhile site but I wish they'd get it finished and fully organized. Nearly all the videos are now 1080p.

05-23-14  12:20pm

Visit Restrained Elegance

Restrained Elegance

My Favorite Bondage Site

5 Years ago I posted a review without enough facts to satisfy people. I won't try that again. I've been visiting this site for about 8 years now. I join for a month every 5 months since I can't afford to be a member continuously. The site keeps getting better with more models and higher quality photos and videos.

At present there are about 6 months of new material on the site at any one time. That's about 110 photo sets and 25 videos.

After the first 6 months, set and videos are archived. Archived material is randomly made available for download at the rate of about 10 sets and 2 videos per week. The public archives contain about 200 photo sets and 50 videos at any one time. Like the new material, the public archive items remain available for about 6 months after they are posted. It is also possible to buy archived items individually even if they are not posted for normal download.

On the few occasions that I've had technical problems response has been quick and effective. The site owner often responds personally. This is a high class operation in every way.

I think the PornUsers review is an accurate description of this great site, but I'd give it a higher score.

05-09-14  12:15pm

Replies (1)
Visit Playboy Girls

Playboy Girls
Reply of ex1am's Comment

At present, they want to charge extra for Playboy Girls after you have joined Playboy Plus. The one-time fee is quite high for a "dead" site.

04-22-14  11:01am

Visit VirtuaGirl


Unique, enjoyable but expensive

I've been a member for about 6 months now. The product is unique and enjoyable. As the reviewer noted it can easily get expensive.

The software is free. They make money by selling shows which they call cards. A card consists of 15-20 individual clips all of the same model in the same costume. Each clip is from 15 seconds to about 3 minutes in length. Some clips are fully clothed. Some clips are strip tease. Some start naked. Some have props like a dance pole. Typically, they will hire one model to create 5-6 cards during a 2-3 day recording session. They release about 5 new cards every week. Most cards are solo acts, but they have a few pairs.

There are a variety of ways to buy cards. A subscription will get you a random choice of cards each week, not simply the newest. This is the cheapest per card, but you have no choice. The most expensive way to get cards is to buy them at full price, $2 per. There is a middle ground. All cards eventually rotate through a demo area where you can sample some short fully clothed clips and buy the cards a half price. I've bought most of my cards through the demo route.

One of the other comments here was that customer service is nonexistent. That's not quite right, but it is not very responsive. However, the forum on the web site has very helpful moderators. Before you spend a lot of money, visit the forum and read some of the message threads. The web site also lists all the available models and shows so you can get a good idea of what's out there.

Over the years, they have improved the technical quality of the cards. The original cards were 480p of vertical resolution. These are now essentially obsolete, but some "best of" collections are still available as "classic" cards. The oldest regular cards are 720p. For the past 2 years all cards were recorded in 1080p. These start at about card 600. However, they were released at 720p. Since about card 900, all new cards have been released at both 720 and 1080. They are now reediting and rereleasing the cards between 600 and 900 in 1080p. They claim and the newest cards have been recorded at about 1600p and that they will be releasing 1600p versions of those cards real soon now.

Other than improving the resolution of the cards, they have been very slow to add new features. The web forum is full of requests and recommendations for improving the product, but very little seems to have been done over the 6 month's I've been present. However, as a software developer myself, I must admit that adding new functions and testing them is time consuming. It is clear to me that they have a very limiting software development staff.

The software essentially presents clips (not cards) in random order. It is possible to make playlists of selected cards to control what you see, but not much more. However, there is third-party software that will let you create multi-clip shows to more exactly suit your tastes.

04-19-14  09:03am

Replies (0)
Visit VirtuaGirl

Reply of Drooler's Reply

Over the past 6 months, I've earned a variety of free credits and other upgrades. All have been delivered on time and as promised. I agree that tech support leaves a lot to be desired.

04-19-14  09:00am

Visit Mac and Bumble

Mac and Bumble

Dead Site?

Over 2 weeks on the site I've seen no updates. I sent a message to their support about some bad links and haven't received a reply.

I'm using Safari on a Mac and the interview videos are either duplicates of some of the regular videos or invalid links. The interview videos do not match the thumbnail images on the interview pages. I suspect someone did a sloppy job setting up the interview pages, but why haven't they fixed it?

It's been almost a month now and no updates. No replies to my support requests either. I'm about to drop my membership and it is unlikely I'll join this site again.

01-14-14  04:58am

Replies (0)
Visit Sydney Moon

Sydney Moon

Small photos, no zips

Sydney Moon is a fine looking woman. This site is not so good. The photos are small, from 500 X 763 to 687 X 1000. File size rarely exceeds 200 KB. The best sets are often found in higher resolution on other sites. Without zips you must download the images one-by-one. There are about 800 sets on the site. About half are Sydney. The rest are girlfriends.

01-12-14  01:52pm

Replies (0)

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