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User Reviews (7)

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Balibalo (0) 04-18-09  05:37pm
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exotics4me (0) 09-09-08  01:03am
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Davit (0) 01-02-08  12:41pm
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jd1961 (0) 10-18-07  10:12pm
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Drooler (Disabled) 09-29-07  05:59am
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boobyluver666 (Suspended) 08-26-07  09:38am
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nadiencendia (0) 01-11-07  03:03pm
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PinkPanther (0) 10-16-10  06:40am
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New E-Mail Campaign - Still Dishonest

I hadn't heard from this dreadful set-recycling company for a helluva long time. But this morning I received an e-mail talking about the "hot new sets" on this site and on MyaDiamond.com

Just to alert any newbies that might check here before taking the plunge, there are no new sets posted at either this site or MyaDiamond.com There haven't been any new sets posted at either site in years, I believe. They just chop off sets from the beginning of the lives of the sites and keep reposting them as new.

I'm not sure what Mya's status is, but Eve is doing EveAngelOfficial.com with DDF and that site IS updating with new material.

So if you want decent older material of Eve Angel, feel free to join this site knowing that it hasn't updated with new material in years - and be aware that Customer Service is completely non-existent from this dishonest company - so if things don't work, you're probably stuck.

If you want updated new material with Eve, check out EveAngelOfficial.com - and DDF's Customer Service is more than decent.

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Denner (0) 07-15-09  05:47am
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It looks like Eve Angel finally skipped this place...
Anyway - according to Eurobabeindex - a new official site is on it's way - this time by DDF.

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exotics4me (0) 07-12-08  05:53am
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As was reported by Viv Thomas, Eve Angel no longer has anything to do with this site. As myself and others have pointed out, the site is now recycling old Eve content by removing the content from the archives and selling it as new content. So there will be no more new Eve content on here. The site also have lost its 100% exclusivity. As several sets have now shown up on Teen Dreams and even worse, they have sold enough of the Eve content to another webmaster, that has enable this other one to open the site Marina Mendoza, which also has no connection to Eva, except that it has her content from this site on it.

I personally thought Eve had retired, but it looks more like she was the victim of a webmaster screwing her over. She does have some new content that has been showing up on the Teen Dream Network on the Sweet Eva site and new content that Viv has been releasing on his site. It looks like she is still around, just not as much as she used to be when this site first took off.

I thought I would post to warn others who have been members before. If you a potential new member, the site is easily worth the price of a month subscription because of the 200+ Eve videos and picture sets, but to a returning member looking for new sets, it just isn't going to happen.

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Drooler (Disabled) 03-22-08  05:46pm
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Voulez-vous coucher ...

sur le divan jaune? ... jaune et très connu? I.e., the Famous Yellow Couch!

After being devoid of anything in 2008 for nearly 3 months, Eve's site is now suddenly almost up-to-date again, but there are some "plus-ça-changes," one being yet another series of photosets of Euro models on that famous (or should I say "notorious") yellow (and sometimes orange) couch, starting in Jan. 2008 and continuing into this month.

You might have seen all of these sets before, but one possible plus is that they're at 2048 pixels. (Most sites don't have them any larger than 1600px, if that.)

There are also a few Eve galleries, but exotics4me (a reliable source on things Eve) says they're recycled older content. What's more, they're now broken into 2 parts that come one day right after the other and have slightly different names. And one gallery in late October 2007 ("Fun in Bed" or some such) doesn't even link to the pics of Eve! It's mislinked to this blond friend of hers instead in a gallery from some time ago! Tried the zip and it was the same! Bummer!

So much for all-exclusive, new stuff at Eve's site, it seems. I must say it had a very good run for a while.

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nadiencendia (0) 03-04-08  03:54am
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As far as I know, this site is almost dead: there hasn't been any updates since January, the forum is closed since a troll entered and started insulting everybody, Eve doesn't write in the blog any more... It's really a pity: I was a member of this site some years ago, when it opened, and it looked like the perfect oportunity to have tons of Eve Angel material as well as a direct contact with her, but aparently, for some reason, it hasn't worked.

I just hope that Eve will open a new site with new content elsewhere, maybe with a different name (she has already started using Marina Mendoza). It will be too sad to discover that a gorgeus girl like Eve has retired, as some people are saying. She is too beautiful to quit!

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exotics4me (0) 11-27-07  01:19am
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While Eve's site hasn't been updated hardly at all in November, I had kept my account going since I figured it would pick back up, like it always does. I go to cancel another account that I have to another site that uses Paycom, so it lists all of my accounts. My Eve Angel account was cancelled on November 7th without my knowledge. I would assume this is a sign that the site won't be updating anymore. On a side note, there is a new site called Marina Mendoza that is Eve Angel, just wondering if anyone knows if Eve has went out on her own and started a site.

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ace of aces (0) 11-02-07  07:45am
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hi there,

does anyone else have trouble with the login page? it took a several times until i was able to log in. past some days, then the same problems happened. (invalid e.g.)

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Denner (0) 09-27-07  09:01am
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Tried to access for quite some time today, but he site seems to be down...
Thought they had enough problems.

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Denner (0) 09-20-07  07:03am
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Updates running in...

It's good to see that the Eve Angel-site seems to be getting back after a lot of missing updates....
And what have we today: 7 (seven) new VIDEO-updates... (the rest of the september-updates are "only" photos).
Thanks for keeping this fine site alive, again.
(The same goes for Mya Diamond)

And both for a good price!

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nadiencendia (0) 09-18-07  08:18am
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Goodbye Eve Angel

Well, I'm done with this site. I have been a member of this site several times in the past, summing up to more than a year, I would say. But I've had enough. Eve Angel is nowhere to be seen: she doesn't update her blog anymore, she doesn't post in the forum, she doesn't reply to emails... Not only that: for the last 12 days, there has been no update whatsoever, I've left a message in the forum asking for the reason and receive no response.

As I said in my original review, Eve is a gorgeus, cute, lovely and caring woman, and I still have her as one of my favorites in the net; but I will look for her content in other sites, because this one has dissapointed me wholely.

If you are considering joining this site because you like Eve Angel, you should think of it more like an archive than like a life site; that way you won't get dissapointed like me when days go by and you receive no new content.

With great pain it is that I say: goodbye, Eve Angel, it was a real pleasure being a member of your site... for a while!

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