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User Reviews (1)

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gaypornolover (0) 03-04-13  04:53pm
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Status: Review is over 2 years old and no longer counts toward score.
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User Comments (6)

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gaypornolover (0) 09-20-16  07:46am
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Another site which is claiming to update but isn't - their "new" 2016 content is stuff I downloaded years ago.

I hate that the porn industry gets away with this kind of thing... they complain about piracy but then treat paying customers with contempt.

Thank goodness we have Porn Users so customers can band together to point out sites like this and demand better service.

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gaypornolover (0) 02-01-14  02:13pm
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Hasn't updated since November 1, 2013

At least according to the previews. They usually update once a week and have occasionally missed a week, but now it's gone over 3 months I guess the site must have stopped updating all together - a pity for an unusual site.

Still worth joining for the archive content if you've never joined before, but I won't be joining again which is a shame.

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gaypornolover (0) 03-26-13  10:22am
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Seems to be updating again

I have checked and they have done an updated for March 22, but that means they did miss the March 15 update. I hope this is a one-off and that they are not going over to fornightly updates.

At least though they are honest about update dates, even on the preview, and I was glad to see they were back to actually featuring men instead of just women humiliating the viewer - and with my favourite model Andy too! Welcome back Andy!

Expect to rejoin this site in the future, though if it goes to fortnightly updates it will be less often...

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gaypornolover (0) 03-20-13  11:11am
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Stopped updating?

Strangely just as I gave this site a decent review, they seem to have stopped updating the previews. It's supposed to happen once a week and the last update should have been on the 15th, but the 8th is still shown in preview.

Might be just a glitch but worth bearing in mind and checking if you plan to join...

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pinkerton (0) 09-21-11  02:26pm
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Male performer on BBC TV show

I'd swear that the fat one of the male actors in the clip Birthday Boy is the character Omelette on BBC3's Lee Nelson's Well Good Show

but I could be wrong...

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mbaya (Disabled) 08-15-10  09:15am
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Now I have seen it all

This site came as a bonus when I signed up for purecfnm.com. The site features tiny size penises, from 1 to 3 inches. The guys get handjobs from clothed women who also verbally humiliate them about their small penises. I can't imagine such a site. What guy wants the world to see his micro penis as he gets humiliated? I swear if you look long enough there is a porn site with anything you could ever imagine.

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