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Karup's Hometown Amateurs

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Feedback History  (43)

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Comments 18
Review by TheBestPorn:

TBP Review

Date: 05-12-24

Type: 2.0

+  Enjoy All Kinds of Amateur Porn
+  Check Out a Massive Collection
-  Older Content Is Lower Quality
-  Some Functionality Issues

User Reviews (23)

 User reviews consist of pros, cons, and other thoughts.

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Douggie (Suspended) 11-25-14  01:28am
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Status: Review is over 2 years old and no longer counts toward score.
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MiztaBlu (0) 06-03-12  04:30pm
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ezride (0) 02-05-10  03:12am
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Willard (0) 12-15-09  09:35am
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BabyGetReal (0) 08-23-09  06:27pm
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Torn4do (0) 03-17-09  07:11pm
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Goldfish (0) 03-14-09  08:38pm
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memememe (0) 02-27-09  09:56pm
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TrashMan (Disabled) 02-17-09  08:18pm
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WeeWillyWinky (0) 10-20-08  09:54am
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Status: Review is over 2 years old and no longer counts toward score.
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*Newbie reviews and ratings don't count toward a site's overall score/rank until the user reaches the Rookie status level (5 points). This rule is needed to help prevent fake (or heavily biased) profiles and reviews.

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User Comments (18)

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WeeWillyWinky (0) 10-28-08  10:23am
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several older sets "doubled up"

I figured i'd make this a comment rather than edit my review, since I doubt anyone would notice that.

I'm going through the older pic archives and for many sets, probably more than a dozen so far, the first four or five pages are simply repeated, extending the set to eight or nine pages. Naturally this makes the zip-file larger and you wind up with a bunch of superfluous files.

Is this an accident or is it done intentionally? If it's accidental, might I suggest fixing it? If it's intentional, I'd ask what the purpose of it is?

I've avoided downloading certain zips I otherwise would have wanted because of this doubling-up issue.

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Drooler (Disabled) 06-10-08  06:48pm
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Live and ready to help

I was browsing around and took a peek at the site. Clicked a girl's thumb and it took me to the join page. Whoops! But we know that's pretty common. My mistake (was hoping for an enlargement or more sample pics, like they do at ATK Galleria).

Clicked to close the window and ... a box came up offering an unspecified "last minute discount." At the same time, another box came up with lines showing up (being typed) from a "live agent," it said. I think someone was there, reaching out to help me.

I finally figured out how to escape with my virtual, window-shopping self.

Just wondering if there's any reliable research that shows this kind of approach works. Me, I'll just go in and rejoin some day. Devi looks like being part of the "rationale."

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messmer (Disabled) 05-05-08  10:48am
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Question about pictures format!

Seeing that the webmaster of this site seems so responsive I thought I'd ask the question here.

This is for the subscribers to the site: Are the sets a good mixture of "portrait" and "landscape" style or are they shot mostly in "portrait?"

This is for the webmaster: If they are mostly "portrait" is there any chance of getting the photographers to take more pictures in my favorite format. To me it's a joy to see the whole screen of my monitor taken up by picture. "Portrait" with today's pics takes either too much scrolling, or too much reducing.

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cblodg (0) 12-20-07  06:48pm
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Gave it a shot

I've had enough time to read the reviews, so I figured I'd give it a shot. I'm not gonna stay with the site for very long, as it is just too pricey for me. I've had no problem with the content... its just the price.

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LSUfan1 (0) 12-20-07  07:44am
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I was a member about a year ago

This site was decent, but not in my top sites list. I don't have any major issues with the site, but I only stayed for one month.

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exotics4me (0) 12-18-07  01:32am
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Curious about content

In this day of Amateur meaning porn star, does this site have any big name porn stars on it, where the content was filmed maybe early in their careers or is it 100% amateurs? I haven't been on a good amateur site in a long time.

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WeeWillyWinky (0) 07-31-07  10:26pm
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Cancellation link?

I was a member here a few years ago and loved the site, but when it came time to cancel I wound up having to email the webmaster and threaten to put a stop on my credit card. I hope this problem is taken care of. Probably is, since I see no mention of it in any of the reviews.

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Drooler (Disabled) 05-20-07  06:29am
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Some great improvements, a few problems

Been away from this one for a couple of years. There are some real improvements:
-thumbs in the "latest updates" section
-dates in the galleries
-zip or singles options of 1024 or 1500 in sets from early Feb. 07, and you can download a whole gallery at once (used to be a tedious one-zip-file-per-page affair)
-see nygiants' review for more

One problem, though, is speed. I've gotten a fair number of "404's" and had to reload pages, or the last few thumbs X out and have to be reloaded. It's too sluggish.

Another is getting back to a section from a gallery. Say, to return to page 4 of "Babes," there's no link. You have to copy it in the address bar and have it ready to paste-enter to get back.

A problem they've always had is that the girls have the hands on their butts in too many shots! Like, 9 out of 12 butt shots on a page. They need to do more "oh baby you're so good" butt shots, if you get my meaning ;)

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