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Visit Brutal Dildos

1. Brutal Dildos (0)

Porn User (0) 03-28-12  07:33pm
No Badges TRUST USER?   YES (0), NO (0)
Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: + great if you're into girls and huge dildos
+ A LOT of sexy girls
+ Videos in HD = great quality
+ user friendly/you can add scenes to your favorites allowing for easy follow up and dload
+ dload the whole movie or parts of it
+ vaginal and anal
+ free extra sites : Mother Teaching Teens, Huge Strapon Lesbians, Brutal Fisting are amongst the best
Cons: - older videos are of poor quality
- not updated frequently
- alot of women lack emotions and/or don't seem to enjoy what they are doing
- too many close ups; it's almost always the same camera angles
- for feet lovers, you barely see any feet for they are always out of the camera range
Bottom Line: I really enjoyed my membership with Brutal Dildos. I in fact registered twice. Site is ultra easy to navigate, the scenes are super easy to preview, easy download, easy acces to the free sites, GREAT content, HD files range between 1go to 3go. A lot of quality content. I just wish there were more updates, and maybe a little more known pornstars. Good billing practise and easy to cancel. Enjoy! =)
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Visit Brutal Fisting

2. Brutal Fisting (0)

pat362 (0) 03-27-12  10:46am
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Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: +All exclusif content.
+All videos can be downloaded in WMV or MP4 and they offer HD 1920x1080 content for all of them.
+You can download all photosets as a complete zip file and resolution is 1200x800.
+You get access to 8 other sites
+They have a good selection of models and this is the only place you'll see them do this type of content.
+Content is all dated.
Cons: -They only update about twice per month so it's still a small site with only 44 videos.
-Only two of the other sites are still updating.
-They have a pretty awful preview section and that makes it hard to get a good feeling of what's available inside.
Bottom Line: *This is a pretty extreme fetish so the number of performers willing to do it is rare but these guys still manage to hire certain girls that you wouldn't expect to be doing this and to appear like they enjoy it. Even more when you consider that 15 of them also do anal fisting which is even more extreme.

*The videos are well shot so you aren't limited to only a few angles during the action. That's appreciated during the penetration because you get to see the face of the performer and that adds to the heat of the scene. They also like to shoot from various positions and that's a plus.

*The one thing they need to work on is updating more often.*

**Since this type of fetish is pretty exteme then I can only recommend it to those that are into it. If you enjoy teach me fisting then you should enjoy this one.**
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Visit Brutal Dildos

3. Brutal Dildos (0)

pat362 (0) 03-26-12  09:01am
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Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: +414 videos and they add a new one each week.
+All videos can be dowloaded in multiple formats like WMV and MP4 and resolution is at least 640x360.
+They started offering HD quality videos in 2010 so you can now download the 100 most recent ones in 1920x1080.
+They have 414 photosets and they can all be downloaded as a complete zip file. Resolution for the last 100 sets is 1200x800.
+They have a surprisingly wide variety of models.
+You get access to 8 other sites.
+Content for this site appears to be all exclusif.
Cons: -Resoution for 300 of their videos is at best 640x360.
-Resolution for 300 of their phototsets is 560x840.
-Although you get access to 9 other sites. Only 3 of them are still updating.
**Many of the toys are huge so less a con and more a warning for anyone looking for midcore style penetration.**
Bottom Line: *I got a special offer to join for 20$ so it was hard to pass up. It's not that 30$ is a high price to pay but the content is on the extreme side of things and I'm not always in the mood for that kind of porn.

*The most surprising thing about this site and some of the other in the network is that you don't expect all of their models to do such extreme penetration and I'm not just talking about vaginal either. They use some really big toys which is a plus for me but I have to be in the mood otherwise the content is too extreme and I don't enjoy it. The only sites that are still updating are brutal fisting and huge strapon lesbians. These sites share many of the same models so it's not unusual to see a model on all 3 sites. I'm also pretty sure that the content on the sites that are no longer updating is not exclusif.

*If you are in the mood for extreme penetration than this site and 2 of the other in the network should more than satisfy your needs but if you like midcore style penetration then stay away because you will really hate what you see.*

**I think they should really work on the preview sections because this would greatly help anyone visiting for the first time to see that they are still upodating and what you get for your money.**
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Visit Huge Strapon Lesbians

4. Huge Strapon Lesbians (0)

dracken (0) 09-21-11  10:02pm
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Status: Current Member for over 2 months (at the time of review).
Pros: - They have 126 scenes with updates seeming to come very regularly around every 10 days.
- By far one of the best sites in the network.
- New videos available in 1920 WMV 640 WMV or MP4, older stuff is around 640 WMV and 480 MP4. Images are around 1,200px × 799px and are available as zipped archives.
- A lot of good looking models. Compared to BrutalDildo which is also available in the network this site is a huge improvement. I'd say with maybe 3 exceptions we have only gorgeous Russian models.
- Very hardcore content. They have massive anal gaping, fisting and double anal penetrations. The focus of the site is on the strap-ons and girls fucking other girls with a strap-on, not so much tender lesbian love.
- Girls seem into it. None of the scenes I saw felt forced/ uncomfortable. Then again many of the models are well known anal porn stars (Sasha, Aspen, Isabell)
- Great download speeds, no problems navigating or downloading content
Cons: - Some scenes feel very different/ some inconsistencies, not necessarily bad, just a bit odd (see the bottom line for details)
- More navigation features would be nice. While the site is usable, right now you can only browse the archive by date added, times viewed or if there is vaginal or anal. A model directory would be nice especially as the site grows.
- The rest of the network is rather a let down after seeing this site. As is the bonus content.
- There are adds inside the member area.
- Some of the choices in models are questionable, especially in the older content. For the most part we have young looking, hot girls, but once in a while you get a very mature looking woman who shouldn't really be on this site.
- Some models don't seem into the lesbian aspect of the scenes, if you don't care about girls kissing/ giving head to each other this shouldn't be a big loss.
Bottom Line: I actually joined this network for the Brutaldildos website, which I already reviewed a while back, however this site was an incredible surprise. The content here is by far the best in the network and it's overall pretty awesome.

They update very regularly and have some very hot models, they even got Monica to do a very good lesbian scene and Aspen (one of my favorites) is in a threesome. For the most part the content is great and almost everything added recently is looking awesome at 1920 WMV. Oh, by recently added I mean anything since mid 2009 so probably 100 or so videos, not a bad deal if you ask me.

The photos (more recent ones especially, sadly here I mean only a handful of the more recent stuff) are also pretty good looking and introduce both girls separately before the sex scene (they both strip solo before they get each other naked and bring the toys in). Overall while images are not a main focus I still found most of the sets good enough to save.

Basically what I'm saying is that technically speaking the quality of the scenes is great.

The site also allows for relatively easy navigation and while more options to search for a scene or a more detailed scene description would be nice it all works for now. The ability to quickly select anal or vaginal scenes is the very least they could have offered and works well enough. However as the site grows they need to get a serious face lift.

So now to the most important part, the actual content of the scenes, which is very varied, some scenes are completely silent while in some the girls speak very accented English while getting fucked. Some scenes are very passionate and look more like Lezcuties material while some are straight to the toys and play more like anal acrobats or no rest for the ass. Sometimes the girls suck on the dildos and moan in pleasure (which for me is incredibly frustrating... it's a piece of plastic for God's sake) while in others they seem to be more focused on the other girl and rubbing her while they fist her ass. Some scenes the girls are all naked while in a bunch they keep on some clothes, shoes or stockings.

What I'm trying to say is that overall it's hard to know what you're getting in a scene and this can be either good or bad depending on what you expect. I listed this inconsistency in style as a negative right now, but if you easily get bored with one type of scene this can be a great positive. I for one was just caught a bit off guard and wished for a more detailed description or at least some thumbnails that could describe the action before I downloaded the video. (Technically I guess I could stream everything, but the flash streaming app is not the highest quality. It works, but it's a bit blurry)

Either way, for the most part both girls get fucked in each scene, although usually one does vaginal while the other does anal (there is a pretty heavy skew towards anal videos here, btw.) Also most scenes end a bit abruptly as there is no cumshot (as expected), so we get a fade to black while one girl vigorously rubs the plastic penis or sits there with her mouth open, half licking the strap-on as if they're confused as to what's going to happen next

I mean correct me if I'm wrong but I feel like most of the Lezcuties stuff ended with the girls making out while smiling satisfied as if they had all just orgasm-ed, and Analacrobats has milk enemas or some other crazy stuff towards the end.I know it's asking probably too much, but they could probably fake an orgasm or wave to the camera and walk out of the room or so do something that is not a complete anti-climax.

Okay, okay I'm probably too demanding (and I won't take away from the score for this subjective pet peeve of mine) I at the end of the day these girls are very pretty and they do incredible things with huge dildos. One girl even sticks a bottle inside her anus and makes it look like she's having a great time.

So despite any of my complaining this site is a must see for anyone who loves anal toys and Russian models. It's intense, hot and has great models. Throw in brutal dildos which is pretty similar and you have a good combo (although don't expect much from the rest of the network as the other sites seem to have stopped updating. The Sasha Rose one is good, but doesn't have a lot of content and hasn't been updated since 2010)

Anyhow, while a bit on the pricy side I say it's well worth checking out.
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Visit Brutal Dildos

5. Brutal Dildos (0)

dracken (0) 09-09-11  11:36pm
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Status: Current Member for over 2 months (at the time of review).
Pros: - Around 390 scenes (120 anal an the rest lesbian or vaginal) (Potentially way more videos with the network membership but had some errors, see bellow)
- Both American and Russian models of good quality :) What other site offers Aspen and Chastity on the same page?
- Earliest content is from 2005, but there seem to be a lot more recent updates, with several videos posted this year (07 of 2011 seems to have been a great time for them) (However the updates seem completely random)
- Very hot and very extreme action. I wouldn't say they are better than anal acrobats, but the site is up there. Great close-ups of massive gape, a lot of ass to mouth and indeed brutal dildos
- Very good looking models who truly seem to enjoy the action.
-Decent options when it comes to downloads (1920 WMV to 640 mp4 or mpg, although older content is just 640 and 320) Overall all the scenes I looked at were very decently lit and played well. Photos are zipped and good quality
Cons: - The main issue I had with the site was in the network area. For example the lesbian section of the site actually leads to huge strap-on lesbians site. This doesn't mean that brutal dildos doesn't have lesbian content it's just categorized under the solo archive. This would be fine if the links worked properly, but half the time trying to go to a different site in the network lead to me getting a big error and having to log back in. Which also meant that all the downloads I had going were canceled. In the end the webmaster was nice about it, but so far the issue is still not really fixed.

- Speaking of content being categorized wrong, there is no real way to sort through the scenes. You get a vaginal or anal dildo checkbox but that is it. No way to select the age of the model (which ranges quite a lot) or if she's Russian or American

- To make things worse the bonus pics and movies are a joke. Old content that looks dated and is hard to navigate.
Bottom Line: So what is the bottom line? The site promises brutal dildo action and delivers it plenty. Sure there are some quirks with the network and sure some of the models might not be the hottest girls on the planet (especially the older updates have some really questionable girls) but damn the site delivers.

Each video is about 20 minutes and they tend to start with the girls stripping a bit, playing with themselves and generally getting ready. Then we get one or two huge novelty dildos and depending on the video we get to see some incredible vaginal stretching or some massive anal gape. For the most part the girls seem really into it and suck the dildos periodically, play with themselves and look into the camera often enough. Also it's nice to see them riding the dildos and look really excited.
The enthusiasm of the girls is what really sells this site. I've been a member of many hardcore and anal sites and very often you get a girl that looks bored or uncomfortable, not here sir. This is one of those few sites where the models all seem into it and the fact that they do the insertions themselves seems to make most girls a lot more comfortable and open. Great job in that aspect.

So far the site seems great, enthusiasm, great action, decent videos, hot models (again, the more recent ones are great, with a few hidden gems in the archive) however there are several flaws that bring the score down.

One of the flaws inherent in a dildo site is that some scenes will simply look fake, when a girl kisses the balls of the dildo, trying to look sexy it sadly seems mostly stupid. I get that they should lick the dildos but why do they have to pretend it's a real cock? Also since no one is really cumming in these shots most scenes kinda just end. Some girls try to seem satisfied, but some just look the same and the video cuts to black. A bit more acting towards the end could really help some of these scenes.

Also for a site that is all about extreme insertions you get a surprisingly little amount of DP or variety among the toys (I swear I started to recognize the dildos from one scene to the other) I guess I'm a bit spoiled by Analacrobats, the ultimate when it comes to anal and dildos, but it just felt like this site could benefit from a bit of creativity. At least many of the models have stockings and cute outfits so that somewhat redeems things.

Finally one other thing that bothered me about content was that some "recent" updates are clearly older material (given away by both in the way the models look and act as well as the lack of a HD version of the video) I guess that is bound to happen but I still felt a bit cheated. To make things just a bit worse I found one or two videos from other sites. No big deal but a bit of a shame really.

I already mentioned that I had some connectivity issues with some sites in the network not automatically logging me in (most worked fine, but once it a while I'd get a bad cookie or something) Also, like I mentioned the bonus pic and movie section is mostly some very poor quality jpegs and some old DVD's that are really a let down.

But enough with the negative stuff. Like I said for the most part the site delivers and the network helps make it a decent deal, especially if you're bored with boy girl hardcore sex and you have most of Anal Acrobats already. There are some great scenes here and while you're bound to recognize many of the models they are still cute and willing to do some pretty crazy stuff for your entertainment.

Before you join do make sure you're okay with extreme dildo action. If you're troubled by girls gaping orifices, ass to mouth and other generally intense sex this is not for you.
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Visit Brutal Fisting

6. Brutal Fisting (0)

BadMrFrosty (0) 04-03-11  06:31am
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Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: + Reasonably good 1080P high def video
+ Multiple choice video quality downloads
+ Very good download speeds
+ No regional pricing
+ No DRM
+ Content dated
+ Exclusive content
+ Very attractive girls
+ Each update comes with matching picture set
+ Network access
+ Zipped pictures
Cons: - Interface is very basic, again just pages of videos
- Only 12 videos, totaling approx 4 hours 45 mins of video
- Video quality could be better
Bottom Line: Another tough one for me to rate was this. The fact that only 12 videos are available is pretty awful and negatively impacts the score but then you are given network access to other great sites such as extremekream.com, brutaldildos.com, analdildolesbians.com and others which brings the score back up again. But I have been a member of other network sites a few times in the past so I have already got a lot of the content on my hard drives, score back down again. But I do like the girls on this site and the content itself is great, female double anal fisting is not something you see very often. You guessed it, score back up. Next influencing factor is the video quality, while it is 1080P HD at 8mbit/sec bitrate it has been poorly encoded giving a lot of scenes grainy artifacts and not the crisp quality that networks like 21sextury can produce, even at lower bitrates. Points back off. The last big influence on the score is the updates, or should I say lack of updates. After a short floury during early February when all of the 12 videos were added a few days apart there have been no updates whatsoever. That's almost 2 months without a single video being added. Lots of points off for that one.

I feel I am going to have to put some caveats on the final score and again provide some alternate scores for different situations. If you have never been a member of the network, I would give the site a solid 75. The score is still on the low side because by joining a fisting site you obviously want to see fisting videos. The fact that only 12 are available cannot be escaped even though the amount and quality of content from the other network sites is generally very good. If, however, like me you have already tasted what the network has to offer then the content it provides does not add enough value. If they regularly update the site it will definitely be worth joining in maybe six months time but unfortunately as mentioned above, regular updates are not forthcoming. As it stands I find it hard to recommend except to newcomers to the network.
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Visit Brutal Dildos

7. Brutal Dildos (0)

killahla (0) 07-26-10  01:49pm
Pollster  Male Profile TRUST USER?   YES (0), NO (0)
Status: Was a member approx. 2 months prior to this review.
Pros: *Extreme content
*High-quality videos
*Decent models
Cons: *Slow downloads
*Old content is of a lower quality
*Potential website glitch
Bottom Line: Extremely big dildos... check. Hot girls willing to take said dildos in both holes... check. Extreme action with said dildos and said girls... check.

Based on the size of the "brutal" dildos used, there's little doubt that this website falls under the extreme sex category.

The problem with most extreme sex websites is that they usually aren't as extreme as they advertise themselves to be, and the featured girls usually aren't in the upper echelon of the aesthetically pleasing department.

Not so with Brutal Dildos. The action is very extreme, not only due to the sheer size of the dildos used, but also the velocity at which their used.

A lot of the girls featured on Brutal Dildos are actually mainstream porn actresses. That's really a breath of fresh air, if you ask me. If you've been around the porn block long enough, you've probably noticed that the actresses that perform in the extreme porn genre are either age-challenged, weight-challenged, looks-challenged or all of the above. Not so with the girls featured on Brutal Dildos - most of them are actually very hot.

Besides the dildos, the quality of the videos, the download speed and the website experience (for lack of a better term) are also brutal. That's to say, they take away from the overall enjoyment of the website.

The quality of videos is average compared to the quality of videos on other adult sites. That in itself is not a deal breaker in my opinion. What is a deal breaker, however, is the download speed.

Videos take a very long time to download. Even though I have a fast Internet connection, the videos don't download at speeds anywhere near to what my connection speed is capable of.

I'm not a website expert, so I don't know how to technically describe what I'm about to say, but... something just ain't right with the website. As I mentioned above, the download speed is very slow. In addition to that, the website is slow to navigate, and after being a member for months, all of a sudden one day, I was unable to successfully log in, even after multiple attempts (which consequently caused me to cancel my membership).

Overall, Brutal Dildos is a good website for those of you fancy the extreme stuff.
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Visit Huge Strapon Lesbians

8. Huge Strapon Lesbians (0)

pat362 (0) 06-25-10  08:22pm
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Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: -They currently have 76 scenes(all dated).
-They update with one new scene per week.
-Access to 6 other sites.
-Movies can be downloaded in parts or whole.
-Videos com in 640 & 1920 WMV as well as 640 MP4.
-You can use a download manager.
-The performers are all identified with their proper name.
-The toys used do match the name of the site.
-Photosets can be downloaded in zip format.
Cons: -The only way to search for a scene is by it's date, the type sex (vag/anal) and it's score.
-Although you get 6 other sites. Only 3 of those may still be updating with new content.
-The photosets have a resolution of 1200 x 800 but they appear more like teaser material than an actual desire to satisfy their customer.
-The price is pretty steap for what you get.
-Older content on the other sites is of poor quality and looks very dated.
Bottom Line: This site belongs to the same people that own norestfortheass or they use the same director locations and performers. I was a recent member of N.R.F.T.A so the similarities in content, performers and styly is obvious. I can't prove it but I think they saw an opportunity to make more money by stopping to update content on one or more of their network and creating this new site with that content. I would have prefered paying a couple of dollars more and getting this content with my norestfortheass membership.

I think that only brutal dildos and maybe Sasha Rose are still updating but the prior is again content that could and should have been added to the N.R.F.T.A network and not this one.

If you like Girl/Girl action with huge toys that penetrate vaginas and anus than you will be satified.

To be avoided with anyone looking for serious passion between the performers. Some were able to portray it but most missed theboat.
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Visit Brutal Dildos

9. Brutal Dildos (0)

sylvern (0) 05-11-10  08:54am
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Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: * Massive dildos, enthusiastic girls, and extreme penetrations in all holes. Great action in general, anal scenes in particular are delightful.
* High quality videos (DRM free) which can be streamed or downloaded (in full or in parts) in a few formats (WMV, MP4, flash). Most recent videos are 1920 res (HD) which is excellent to see, earlier vids are at 640.
* High resolution photos for each scene (almost always 1200x800px landscape or 800x1200 portrait)
* About 300 solo scenes on offer stemming back to 2005
* Access to a good number bonus sites including Huge Strapon Lesbians, Sasha Rose, and several others focusing on Anal, Dildos, Lesbians etc. You also get access to bonus DVDs and pics which are mainly in the 'extreme penetrations' category.
* Billing with Epoch and CCBill.
* Regular weekly updates
Cons: * Variable attractiveness of models, although this has generally improved with recent updates.
* Billing with Epoch needs fixing; if you live in EU they charge you €29.99 which obviously isn't the same as the $29.99 they advertise. If you encounter the same problem, join with the alternative biller (CCBill) instead.
* Main page is slightly misleading as it advertises lesbian scenes as part of Brutal Dildos which are in fact featured on its sister site. Not a big issue though as you get access to it as part of your membership.
* Members area is a bit tacky in design and the search function could be improved as you currently can't insert names or keywords you might be looking for.
* Older videos from '06/'05 are of poorer quality, but again not a big issue because that's only to be expected.
Bottom Line: Huge dildos and extreme penetrations - the basic premise of the website is fantastic. There's something very appealing about girls stretching their holes and having a lot of fun in doing so. It's why I joined the website previously back in '07, only to eventually leave because the quantity and quality could have done with more improvement.

Coming back now and having had some time to mull over the changes I'm really pleased that they've continued to update consistently, have introduced new toys into the mix, and have included many more anal scenes. The majority of the action is still pussy oriented, and I think the balance on the whole is good. The newest movies are of very high quality and a treat to watch; pics are of good resolution and there are always several video formats for each scene. You get a lot of bonus stuff too to keep things relatively interesting, and you'll probably find yourself spending a fair bit of time on Huge Strapon Lesbians as it features excellent raunchy action.

There are some small negatives about the website as mentioned above. They could make browsing a bit more pleasant and the quality of models could still improve further. If they want to really compete with the leading sites online they'd probably have to bring the picture quality up a notch. I would personally like to see more frequent updates as well, but having remained consistent over the years is to their credit. All in all these are fairly minor critiques - if you like girls mounting big dildos, then this fits the bill and it's definitely worth subscribing to.
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Visit Dildo Machine Sex

10. Dildo Machine Sex (0)

MargulisAZ (Suspended) 09-02-09  02:06am
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Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: + Exclusive content with decent machine sex action.
+ Full movie download option or smaller clip downloads.
+ Fast download speeds (averaged 1 mbps)
+ Access to full network of sites including Brutal dildos.
Cons: - Hasn't updated since January 11th 2009.
- Only 51 sets.
- Best movie resolution is 640 x 480.
- Most models are US models seen all over other sites.
- Mostly older content.
- Picture sets are just movie screen caps.
Bottom Line: Chances are that if you join this site you will be spending more time with other sites in the network since there isn't that much to see here. What is there is decent, but that doesn't say much when there is only about 50 updates with no new updates in sight. Some points.

1. This site hasn't updated since early January and that is of major interest since there is only 51 sets as there is. If you are a major fan of machine sex it may be worth it but if you don't think you would enjoy the other sites in the network such as Brutal Dildos and Huge Strapon Lesbians you may want to think twice about it.

2. The fact that you get access to the other sites in the network such as Brutal and Huge Strapon is a big deal because Brutal is massive in and of itself. But as I said previously, if those big insertion type of sites don't appeal to you and you are only joining for the machine sex, it may not be an incentive to join.

3. Download speeds on this site seem to be much faster than other sites in the network for some reason. I was blazing through the downloads on this one.

4. If you tire of seeing the same models frequently like I do this site will be a major downer because most of these girls are all over the internet and regular porn movies. Would have been much nicer to see more original models.

5. You would think that approaching 2010 most sites would have a better movie resolution option than just 640 x 480, but that's all you get here. Well, you could downgrade to two smaller sizes but I don't know what the logic in that would be.
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Visit Moms Teaching Teens

11. Moms Teaching Teens (0)

james4096 (Suspended) 08-13-09  09:46am
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Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: - Zip downloads of photosets
- Action in the scenes was hot
- No DRM/download limit
- Decent amount of content
Cons: - Videos are just average quality
- Older videos are much lower in quality
- There are a few non-exclusive(obviously) old dvd scenes mixed in
- Most of the "teens" don't look like teens at all
- A little bit on the pricey site
- Photos are average too
Bottom Line: Basically in each scene you'll see 2 female pornstars, one older and one younger, fucking and sucking 1 dude with older lady taking the lead. mbaya's description of the scenes is still accurate. The scenes are not usually mother and daughter like you might expect. They get a little more creative. Maybe the moms didn't quite look old enough, but my problem was with the "teens." From the preview pics it wasn't always obvious who the mom was and who the teen was. Here's a tip, if one of them has pigtails she is the teen, and if one of them has glasses and wears stockings she is the mom. They could have gotten younger women. I've seen enough girls who look like they could be 18 in porn to know that they exist. Currently there are 190 scenes and updates come once a week. The content seems exclusive, but some scenes were clearly from DVD's that feature teens and MILFs.

When it comes to the videos you can download 2 qualities of wmv and one mpg. All movies have full scene downloads and split clips. The top quality vids are 640x480 2000kbps. They look about average. They should think about offering HD immediately.

There are photos to go along with each scene. These photos are average quality too. They are 800x1200. Zip downloads are available for all sets now.

Joining gives you access to a few bonus sites, some are decent, but some look like they consist of old dvd scenes. They are the 8 other sites listed in this company's profile. As you can see many focus on dildos. There are also some bonus feeds and videos, but nothing to write home about.

The site was enjoyable to me and I'm glad I joined. I found quite a few of my favorite MILF pornstars in there. The quality needs to improve if they are going to charge $30. I might recommend this site if you like this whole teen and MILF on 1 guy and you don't mind the quality.
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Visit Huge Strapon Lesbians

12. Huge Strapon Lesbians (0)

MargulisAZ (Suspended) 06-15-09  12:25pm
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Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: Access to Brutal Dildos and many other bonus sites.
Full scene downloads.
Video size options: 1920 wmv, 640 wmv & mp4
Hard lesbian action of girls taking giant dildos (in most scenes anyway)
Decent mix of euro and american models.
Updates are consistent on a weekly basis.
Cons: New site = small amount of content (35 updates)
Some models are not very attractive.
Some scenes contain dildos that aren't really huge.
Only newer scenes have 1920 vid size option.
Had some random download problems with the sites, with downloads ending before completely finishing.
Bottom Line: If you are a fan of the site Brutal dildos then this is a very nice site to check out as well. It's basically the same thing but in a lesbian setting. This is good because you kind of get double the bang for your buck, two girls taking huge dildo per update as opposed to just 1 a week with Brutal dildos. Not only that, but you get access to Brutal dildos when joining this site which is a great bargain. Here are a few points to mention.

1. It seems the updates rotate every week for American and Euro models. I've also noticed that the updates for the euro models tend to feature more of the gigantic toys similar to on brutal dildos, while the american girl updates will often, but not always, contain more normal sized dongs. This is somewhat disappointing, especially since some of the american girl updates are of girls like Cameron Love who is hot as hell. Keep in mind, however, that there are some american model updates featuring the giant toys, but not all of them. A lot of the euro models on the site are ones you may see on random ddf sites also.

2. Regarding the bonus sites, some of them are pretty quality and in line with Brutal dildos and others are just your normal run of the mill streaming crap that is basically worthless. You get brutal dildos, extreme cream, and anal dildo lesbians which are sites set up just like huge strapon, but then there is the crap after that pretty much.

3. Some of the dildos are so gigantic it makes you wonder how the girls could ever feel any human penis again. Awesome stuff really!
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Visit Extreme Kream

13. Extreme Kream (0)

mbaya (Disabled) 04-04-09  02:08pm
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Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: -Bill through Epoch.
-Part of a good size fetish niche network of 9 sites that have over 900 scenes.
-Three full video download choices by quality. The best quality is WMV, 640x480 2206 kbps. Streaming is possible. You can also download clips.
-Supports download managers.
-If the site is not enough she also sells DVDs.
Cons: -Changed her looks to bleach blond with very fake looking implants.
-Follows no update schedule, but about twice a month.
-Could use some variety in her male sex partners and also in her sex theme. Anal is interesting, but some vaginal would be an improvement. In all fairness you could argue that anal is her niche.
Bottom Line: Kream loves anal and this showcases just how much. She has anal orgasms virtually on demand. In her 66 solo scenes she uses a dildo anally and prolapses in every scene. She uses dildos of varying sizes to get genuine orgasms. She has 40 lesbian scenes that feature her and her friends using dildos on each other anally and really enjoying themselves. Her 22 other videos are of her having anal sex with only 1 guy, presumably her boyfriend or husband. He has a large tattoo on his abdomen that I really don't like. She is hot when she gets fucked anally and then eats his cum. Last there are 45 photo sets that range from posing to lesbian. They are ok, but not that hot. She has changed her looks over the four years covered on the site. In the beginning she is a natural brunette with cute perky breasts, about average size. In the later videos she has implants and is a blond from the drugstore. She lost that cute, girl next door naturalness and became just another slutty looking pornstar. Big turnoff for me. Overall not a bad site, but a little vaginal or another theme besides anal wouldn't hurt.
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Visit Dildo Machine Sex

14. Dildo Machine Sex (0)

mbaya (Disabled) 04-04-09  11:25am
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Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: -Bill through Epoch.
-Part of a pretty big network of 9 sites. The network has more than 900 scenes.
-Three full video download choices by quality. The best quality is WMV, 640x480, as high as 12087kbps. Streaming is possible. You can also download clips.
-Supports download managers.
Cons: -Irregular updates, only 2 so far this year
-No real age, size or ethnic variety. I saw 1 Latina, no Asians, Blacks etc. Only young White girls.
-Has only 51 updates, from ten minutes to a half hour each. Needs growth.
-As with any niche, it can get repetitious. The videos are extremely similar.
Bottom Line: The girls here are mostly well known pornstars with a few faces I did not recognize. In each scene, there is a dildo attached to a machine that satisfies the girls. The videos vary in the reactions they get from the girls in that many have the girls just doing the scene and in others the girls seem to have genuine big orgasms. Since some are pros it may be difficult to really know exactly how much of an orgasm they are having. The dildos are about average size like what you would see on any masturbation site with none that are oversized or extreme. The machines don't move all that fast and furious, something like the speed you would see a girl doing it all manually. This is not an extreme site. I have not been a member of fuckingmachines.com, but the preview looks a LOT more extreme, as well as exciting. I don't think this site is the best of its kind by anyone's ranking. Overall this is only ok, somewhat recommended, but a bit too small and needs growth. As part of a network that has other dildo sites, it can work for you if you like the niche.
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Visit Brutal Dildos

15. Brutal Dildos (0)

mbaya (Disabled) 04-01-09  01:49pm
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Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: -Bill through Epoch.
-Part of a network of 9 sites. The network has more than 900 scenes.
-Has 258 updates, about a half hour each. About 125GB of video. Updates once a week.
-Three full video download choices by quality. The best quality is WMV, 640x480, as high as 8297 kbps. Streaming is possible. You can also download clips.
-Some variety of age and body types, but almost no ethnic variety.
Cons: -No photos of the videos. The ones they have are of low quality and not these videos.
-Multiple videos of many models, but no search engine. Updates are listed by date only. The site is simply to big to be so disorganized.
-Videos have watermarks.
Bottom Line: The girls here are American and European pornstars, so you do get some fake blonds aand some fake orgasms too. Overall the girls seem reasonably well into the action. Some are quite enthusiastic, or they are better actresses than I am giving them credit for. Almost all scenes are of a girl using huge, and I mean unbelievably huge, dildos in their pussy or ass, sometimes both. I saw only two scenes involving two girls together. The action is simply unbelievable because the girls use dildos that you just have to see. This is EXTREME action, especially when you see the small size of many of these girls. I was previously a member of hugerubberdicks.com,and this is much better in quantity and quality of camerawork, as well as in how hot it is. If you find this theme appealing, you will not be disappointed. I really enjoyed this site and so will you.
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Visit Moms Teaching Teens

16. Moms Teaching Teens (0)

mbaya (Disabled) 08-29-08  08:35pm
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Status: Was a member approx. 3 months prior to this review.
Pros: -Bill through CCBill.
-No download or DRM limits.
-DVD quality videos.
-The moms were generally very attractive. Sometimes they were more attractive than the teens who were good, but mostly not outstanding. Most I recognized as pornstars of the past or present.
-Being pornstars the moms were quite convincing as teachers of sex technique-mostly blow job cumshots after oral and vaginal.
-Each video had somewhat of a story.
-Some variety in the plots. Sometimes the teens walked in on older adults having sex, sometimes the mother walked in on the teen having sex with her boyfriend.
-Some hot lesbian scenes. In one the older woman hires the young one as a prostitute to get her off. Other lesbian examples were teacher student, boss and employee etc.
-Updates once a week. Well over a hundred scenes of about a half hour each. It is a few months since I was a member, but there should be 150 by now.
Cons: -Almost no ethnic variety. There were two Asians and even one Indian.
-Needs better looking teens.
-Not part of any network.
-Nice quality photo sets but no zip download option.
Bottom Line: I liked that the material was different from what we usually see, and there was at least a little plot. In some scenes the younger girl was a willing participant, in others the mother forced her to suck and swallow. The feeling was one of real emotion, not bad acting. The focus of the action was always on the mom as the aggressor sexually and the younger girl as being inexperienced and unsure what to do. The moms were never the girls mom. This was not pretend incest. She was the woman of the house who hired a babysitter or the girl was her niece and was just staying there. Many of the moms looked to be 30 to 40, so they were not old enough to really be their mother. Overall this was a refreshing change from MILF sites or those with young girls. Nicely done.
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Visit Dildo Machine Sex

17. Dildo Machine Sex (0)

ace of aces (0) 05-10-08  03:59pm
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Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: + network access to 21 sites
+ high-good quality videos
+ niche-kind site
+ exclusive content
+ no drm
+ no dl limit
+ dl speed is high (up to 6.000 kbit/s while dl 2 videos)
+ high bitrate (up to 8800 kBit/sec)
Cons: - to less videos (25 videos 11.05.2008)
- posings are little bit boring
- regular price is to high
- no live feeds
Bottom Line: i like that kind of niche, but compared to the other sites e. g. Fucking Machines (look at my review) it isn`t that good at all.

ok the extra site Brutal Dildos got something also, but it is getting boring after a while, and last but not least it`s a review not of the network :).

there are to less updates and there are no live feeds.

the girls are nice till average but they are not that good at all. don`t know why at all but the taste after visiting that site isn`t pleasing.

At least i think you can try it out, but in my opinion it`s to expansive and not really worth making a trial membership.
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Visit Brutal Dildos

18. Brutal Dildos (0)

visor (0) 04-29-08  11:10am
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Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: Features large dildos
Watermarks for new vids are small
Niche site - does what it says on the tin
Cons: Models variable in attractiveness
Quality of video not to videobox/sex and submission/abby winters current standard
Not a huge selection of these
Pics reasonable
Vast majority of vids use same 2 dildos - lacks creativity
Bottom Line: Niche site does what it says. Single girls masturbating with large standard dildos in ass and pussy - with the occasional unseen operator helping out. If you want more variation, don't go there.
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Visit Extreme Kream

19. Extreme Kream (0)

poiu (0) 03-07-08  10:29pm
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Status: Was a member approx. 3 months prior to this review.
Pros: HOT chick this Kream is!
VERY kinky girl doing some pretty freaky anal stuff.

Has a home-made gonzo feel with professional video and photo quality.

The video files are well described and thumbnailed and the photos are aplenty.

She has a few different fetishes that are nicely categorized by type.
Cons: ***ABSOLUTELY NO CUSTOMER SUPPORT or REPLIES from webmaster. I tried for 6 weeks. Nothing.

Some of the video files were broken.

Video updates were very few and far between.
Bottom Line: Really a shame that the customer support was so lacking and the updates were so infrequent.
This gal is hot hot hot and the extreme anal sex is what got me interested.
The price was average but the customer service was well below average.
I would not recommend this site for anyone looking for consistency.
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Visit Brutal Dildos

20. Brutal Dildos (0)

MargulisAZ (Suspended) 02-23-08  05:19pm
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Status: Current Member for over 1 year (at the time of review).
Pros: The toys are definitely huge.
Some of the girls are very attractive.
Lots of content.
Everything is downloadable.
Some bonus sites and content to sift through.
Navigation is ok.
Cons: Model quality over the last year is spotty at best, and pales in comparison to the models when the site launched.
Updates do not always come every day as advertised.
Download problems, sometimes movies cut off while downloading and this can happen consistently.
Webmaster never responds to e-mails.
Some videos have been changed from a 640x480 size to a 352X240.
Bottom Line: ** Review updated 8/10/08 **

I've been a member to Brutal on and off since it opened up, more on than off. For the niche that it is, this is the only real site that I have found. Actually, I'm surprised there haven't been more true big dildo sites, since this one seems fairly popular and the "I Love Big Toys" series does very well for New Sensations (regular porn). Anyway, every girl on this site will be taking huge dildos, you can rest assured of that.

Another thing to note is that in the beginning stages of the site, almost all of the updates were of models that were either damn good looking or at least somewhat cute. But over the last year or more the model quality has definitely decreased. There are still good looking models, but not as many. Still, the site has been around long enough now that if you join for the first time, you will be floored by the amount of content there is of girls fucking mammoth sized dongs.

Updates have changed. Now it's "usually" once a week and you can download everything at once when it comes up, you no longer have to wait around for a week for the full video to come up.

New problems:

1. Downloads are problematic and don't always finish. This is very annoying and frustrating. This happens especially when trying to download a whole movie.

2. For some mysterious and horrible reason, a bunch of the older videos that had a 640X480 video size option no longer do, and now only have a 352X240 as the biggest. Are you kidding me? Why in the heck would you do this? Now it's fun trying to squint your eyes to see the movie. Or wait, no it's not fun! This was a horrible thing to do!

To be honest, the site just continues to regress instead of improve over time. I've followed the site since it launched and more and more things continue to lower my interest in it. First it was the uglier models, then the download problems, and now video sizes are getting smaller. While other sites strive to improve their video size and quality, this one chooses to do the opposite, go figure.

If you've never been a member, join once to pick up all the past updates and then plan on a goodbye, perhaps permanently. Well, that is if you can download. ;)
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Visit Brutal Dildos

21. Brutal Dildos (0)

apoctom (0) 07-02-07  11:09am
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Status: Was a member approx. 1 month prior to this review.
Pros: - Lots of incredible vids: these toys are HUGE!
- Frequent updates: Yes, it's only one part of a scene per day, but that equals 1 scene every week
- All original vids are now downloadable as 1 file.
- Newer scenes are high quality wmv; older scenes are lower quality mpeg.
- Beautiful models: Hailey Young does it for me.
- Fucking Machines With Huge Dildos: There are a few older scenes with girls taking the brutal dildos with a machine. Amazing!
Cons: - Price: For unique and exclusive content, the price is right, but it is still high for a porn viewer on a budget.
- Bonus sites: Lousy bonus sites. All bonuses are DVD rips and non-exclusive. Older bonuses must be downloaded in parts.
Bottom Line: This is a fetish, niche site, no doubt. However, for what it is offering, I think it is wonderful. I won't be a long-term member, but I might buy a month every year to download the updates.

If it could join or start a network with more exclusive fetish/size sites and keep the same price, it could be an amazing deal.
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Visit Extreme Kream

22. Extreme Kream (0)

buttski (0) 03-24-07  08:55pm
Male Profile TRUST USER?   YES (0), NO (0)
Status: Was a member approx. 2 months prior to this review.
Pros: Nice quality vids
good "extreme site"
nice user friendly design
attractive girl with friends
many video options
Cons: not a lot of pics
cam shows scheduled with very little warning
cam shows do not occur regularly
does not update on a regular schedule
Bottom Line: if you are into the semi-"extreme" it is a decent site.... Price might be a little high. since the update schedule is goofy, i suggest not signing up for more than a month at a time
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Visit Brutal Dildos

23. Brutal Dildos (0)

cerebral (Suspended) 02-09-07  03:38pm
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Status: Was a member approx. 1 month prior to this review.
Pros: Truly amazing scenes. Best site for insertions and toys around. Some of what these women take in the form of dildos is fascinating. Updates seem to come often, and their models are very attractive. Some like Shannon Kelly are a pleasure to watch over and over again.
Cons: Bonus sites are extensive, but quality is so, so. In a few, like their fetish bonus site, access to and navigation leave much to be desired.
Bottom Line: So much to see and enjoy in this site. It could be improved if restrains and the use of mechanical devices were used now and then. Also, a few models in their 30s and 40s would be welcome, along with a few hot Asian women.
Overall, a very entertaining site that provides memorable scenes of insertions with very good quality video and downloading capabilities.
Respond: 4 Replies - Add Reply

*Newbie reviews and ratings don't count toward a site's overall score/rank until the user reaches the Rookie status level (5 points). This rule is needed to help prevent fake (or heavily biased) profiles and reviews.

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