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Visit Bangbros Network

1. Bangbros Network (0)

Do Not Bite It (0) 07-09-24  11:22am
No Badges TRUST USER?   YES (0), NO (0)
Status: Current Member for over 2 months (at the time of review).
Pros: Outstanding exclusive content
The models are my favorite part
Enjoyable theme-driven scenes
The download quality is excellent, but you do have to pay extra for it. It’s worth it!
Picture quality is more than acceptable
Is my new favorite network
Cons: You have to pay extra for downloads
Because they use the same guys, and follow exact themes, it can be repetitive
Bottom Line: This review is of my first official join of Bang Bros. I liked it so much, I joined for a year. If you join the yearly subscription, the cost is only $99 and it includes downloads.

Bang Bros may not be for everyone. I waited all these years to join it after hearing a lot about their scenes being repetitive. And there are repetitive scenes, but the themes combined with the sexy models makes it interesting to me.

Bang Bros focuses on hardcore sex and I believe they do it as well as anyone. Their scenes are generally considered reality porn and it’s true, if it was real, you start to wonder why the women don’t know what the Bang Bus is or why so many fall for the same pitch. The various themes are common in porn. The Bang Bros do add an element of humor that may not be for everyone, but I like it. They cover many fetishes or niches like lesbian, feet fetish, blowjob and what makes the scenes good is the production. It’s a very professional network.

The models are nearly all pro or known. You will see some, especially in older content, that you’ve never seen before. There is more of a premium on Latina and curvier models than most porn sites have. I like going through the older sites just to see the models I’ve never seen before.

The overall quality of the content is very high. Some of the highest I have seen with downloads at 1080p available on nearly all scenes and 4K also being an option. Picture sets can be downloaded in zips.

The navigation is excellent. You can visit the different sites or just stay on the main site and see all the newest updates. There are helpful and useful tags. The model list is where I spend most of my navigating time. It’s really hard to believe how many hot and sexy models they have.

I did have to cancel my one month membership and it was as simple as any site. I just used their support chat, told the representative my info and the membership was canceled immediately.

In the end, this network shows how important the attraction to the models is. Whether riding the Bang Bus or just getting wild in a beach house, the themes and models make this a network I will continue to subscribe to and enjoy.
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Visit Bangbros Network

2. Bangbros Network (0)

exotics4me (0) 12-13-23  07:12am
Rookie Badge  Talk Back  Comments  Pollster  Top Monthly User  Hardcore Badge  Trusted User  Male Profile TRUST USER?   YES (1), NO (0)
Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: - There’s some good news for Bang Bros fans, the network is back and ready to be reviewed
- I’m putting this as a pro, you do have to pay extra for downloads. It’s a pro because they’re being upfront and honest about it.
- You can download (pay for them) 1080p on most scenes and if not, 720p is available on older scenes.
- Download speeds are good (80% my max)
- Bang Bros has always had good navigation and that continues
- I would directly compare it now to Brazzers and Reality Kings, both in a good way and bad way.
- Easy to cancel which is a major pro if you’re familiar with how difficult Bang Bros was to cancel in the past.
Cons: - Well, there’s some bad news too and it’s not just about having to pay extra for downloads. Bang Bros is now operated by Mind Geek, the same company that operates Brazzers and Reality Kings.
- Most of my favorite Bang Bros sites are no longer updating. I approached this membership as a chance to download scenes I have seen before, but either deleted or lost.
Bottom Line: This is a network that I’ve reviewed many times in the past and I try to remember to mention, my first time as a member of “Bang Bros” it was called Ox Pass. On paper, this network ticks off nearly all of my boxes of preferences. The models are often mid-20s to early-30s instead of teens. I am more attracted to the women who are in their 20s and 30s. The style of dress is also a favorite. The women on Bang Bros look just like a lot of them are. Women from South Florida. You will see tight skirts, long legs, muscular legs, big butts, jiggly boobs and even big hair. I don’t join near as many sites as I used to so paying the extra for downloads doesn’t really bother me like it used to. I do understand how and why it bothers some people. If that does bother you, feel free to remove 5-10 points from my score.

Bang Bros does reality porn better than anyone. That is just an opinion but the reality porn they produce is more believable to me than other reality sites. Bang Bus is the flagship site that originally caught the attention of porn fans about 20 years ago. The premise was simple and if you’ve ever been to South Florida, you know how realistic these scenes are. No one and I mean no one would be surprised if a bus rode around South Florida offering college aged girls a ride, $200 or more, if she would be willing to hop in the bus, get naked and have sex with one of the guys riding the bus. All while driving around town and hearing horns blowing as other drivers try not to end up in an accident.

It’s scenes like those that put Bang Bros on the map, but unlike other network contemporaries, Bang Bros, didn’t stop innovating. There’s the site where Latina coeds stop by a vacation house and have sex with a major male porn star, who then attempts, usually successfully, to talk the hot Latina into having sex with or giving a blowjob to the overweight and nerdy cameraman.

Where Bang Bros made their worst turn was on the street that credited worldwide porn fans for knowing and believing the sex scene in South Florida. While much of the content seemed like it couldn’t possibly be real, the scene (money, sex, parties) in South Florida really supports the lifestyles shown in the Bang Bros scenes.

This was easiest seen with the site Dancing Bear. You do have to pay extra to access it just like in the past. The site showed staged parties where male strippers showed up and danced for young women, stripped for them, and then received a few strokes of their hands or full on sex. If you join any of the add-on sites be sure to cancel the add-on site and Bang Bros. Those are listed as separate memberships and closing one account does not close the other.

Now that all three are operated by Mind Geek, it’s okay to compare Reality Kings, Brazzers and Bang Bros. For me, Bang Bros is the best of the three and that is based solely on the model selection. Reality Kings is a close second and Brazzers is last of the three big American-based networks.

It is also worth noting that Bang Bros does give you access to more sites than they advertise. From my membership, I am counting 41 sites. Collectors will want to join just to see some of the extra sites. They have several solo model sites that are of now major stars, but their solo site never took off or became popular.

Those are the sites that sum up my feelings on Bang Bros.The women on the solo sites are usually dressed normally or trendy as young women do dress that way and it makes the content seem more candid and less stiff and polished. If you like a sense of humor with your porn, you’ll like Bang Bros even more. Besides being cash-funded optimistic (Bang Bus), they also have inside jokes you will pick up on. My favorite being their self-appointed parody theme song that goes, “The wheels on the Bang Bus go round, round and round”.

One of my all-time favorites and it still is.
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Visit LetsDoeIt

3. LetsDoeIt (0)

KayTBuffs (0) 11-07-23  12:26pm
Rookie Badge  Female Profile TRUST USER?   YES (0), NO (0)
Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: Good network that used to be great

Nearly all models are attractive

Easily searchable and overall navigation

A good mix of niches

You can almost always find a cheap promo price
Cons: Download limit of 25 videos per month

Picture sets are mediocre

A lot of the sites I remember from this network are no longer on this network
Bottom Line: I can remember joining Lets Doe It back when it was first being advertised. It was very good, even great. Possibly one of the most diverse networks in porn. Then they decided to split it up and moved 13 of the sites to Amateur Euro. That was bad enough, but then they decided to operate with download limits. I am almost positive, at one time, the download limit was 100 per month. It’s now 25.

I joined Lets Doe It just a few weeks ago for a very low promo price. I have visited the site 4 times and downloaded nothing. I believe download limits do that to a member’s interest. Instead of looking at videos and thinking about which ones you like and want to download, you end up looking at videos with the thinking of “eliminating” some so you won’t hit the download limit.

Lets Doe It’s potential was very high, but they have not improved their photo sets and it’s just starting to feel like a downward spiral.

The models are still very attractive, but the lack of stories in the videos, mediocre picture sets and restrictive download limits just saps a lot of the energy as a member.

I would like to say there’s still something great going on at Lets Do It, but I find it difficult to say that. If you find a model you like or a niche you like, you have to start focusing on not downloading too many videos. For what it’s worth, their other network, Amateur Euro has completely fallen off with no updates. Lets Do It at least does still update.

The videos can be downloaded in HD quality and are good enough. Other than those allowed 25 downloads, there’s just not much else to interest me. I doubt I will download any of the videos now and can say unless something improves, there’s little to no reason for me to return as a member. Your experience with the site may be better than mine. My score for it is partially based in the potential.

I do believe they could right the ship with a few changes, maybe even just raise the download limit to 50 or 100. I don’t remember their download limits being as restrictive as they are now and back when Lets Doe It first started, there were no download limits. If downloading doesn’t interest you then you can adjust the score accordingly. Otherwise, this is at best, an average network.
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Visit A Girl Knows

4. A Girl Knows (0)

LKLK (0) 06-29-22  11:15pm
Rookie Badge  Talk Back TRUST USER?   YES (0), NO (0)
Status: Current Member for over 1 year (at the time of review).
Pros: -Videos are offered in 240p, 480p, 720p, 1080p for streaming and downloads.
-Unlimited streaming for videos.
-Unlimited downloads for the photosets. But see the CONS section to see why the photosets are usually not worth collecting.
-Content is exclusive.
-Nice sized site. 214 videos.
Cons: -Very slow update rate. One new video per month for the site.
-Limit of 100 video downloads for the entire network.
They allow you to download each scene as many times as you need, in any resolution, for a 24-hour period, and only one download will be deducted. So they are treating a video download as a precious commodity, which I find offensive. Technically, when you download a video from a paysite, or a movie from a streaming service, you don't own the video, you only have a privilege of viewing the video or movie. But for a porn paysite to push boundaries of download limits is not a practice I want to encourage.
-Limit of 4 video downloads per day for the network.
-A photoset of a video can hold anywhere from 6 to 23 photos. Most photosets hold around 6 to 13 photos. So the photosets are tiny to very small.
Bottom Line: A Girl Knows is a lesbian site in the Lets Doe It network.
The site has 214 videos, plus a matching photoset for each video. I write "matching", when the photosets are actually limited to anywhere from 6 to 23 photos. Most of the models at the site are attractive to extremely attractive. Why they limit to photos to such a small number is fucking annoying. The site (and network) specializes in finding attractive models, they can put them in some very nice videos, and then they limit the photosets to a small number, which seems ridiculous. The photos can be very nice quality: high production values, good lighting and colors, mainly nicely focused. So it's like a tease: you want the whole package, not just a taste.
Contrast this with the photosets at the Wow network (All Fine Girls, Wow Girls, Wow Porn). The photos from the last few years at the Wow network compare favorably with the Lets Doe It photos.
Actually, the Wow network photosets are superior to the Lets Doe It photosets.
The Wow network photosets are not limited to 6 to 23 photos, but give you 80 to 100 photos or more, and cover most of any matching video. So you get the full package, and are not left wanting more.
The quality of the Wow network photosets is outstanding. The Wow network did not start out as a glamour network, it's been around for at least 16 years under different names. But the young models at the network go from attractive to stunningly beautiful, and the photograpy over the years has improved to where it's now as good as what you get at most glamour sites. The vibe at Wow networks is not glamour, it's more like lovely young girls having sex, with themselves, with other girls, with one or more boys. They're not going for glamour, but for straight sexual pleasure. But the videos and the photos are such high quality, with lovely young models, that it's borderline glamour.
You look at a few photosets from A Girl Knows, and you think: "What a waste. Why couldn't they create a full-sized photoset, instead of a tiny one?"
You look at photosets from the Wow network, and you think: "These girls are fucking lovely. Where can I find one of my own?"
And even though the Wow girls aren't on your street, at least you can drool over their videos and photosets.
Actually, if you compare the Wow network with the Lets Doe It network, or with the A Girl Knows site, there's no comparison: I think the Wow network is a far better value.
The photography and videos at the Wow network is excellent quality, with good production values. Not quite as good as The White Boxxx videos, but close.
The Wow network has unlimited downloads.
The Wow network membership is cheaper than the Lets Doe It membership.'
PU price for Lets Doe It network is $119.95 (recurring).
The PU site gives you a discount price of $89.95/year (recurring) for Wow network.
But if you search, you can often find a price of $69.95/year.
That membership gives you access to 4 sites:
All Fine Girls; Wow Girls; Wow Porn; Ultra Films.
The models at the 4 sites are attractive to lovely.
The videos and photosets are high quality.
If you enjoy lovely teen models who are into hardcore sex, you can't do better than the Wow network.
A Girl Knows is a good lesbian site. With high production values for the videos.
But the download limits are a turn-off.
And the slow update rate (1 new video per month) is also a turn-off.

If you have extra time and money, you can join the Lets Doe It network for 1 month to see what it has to offer. But I think there are better values in porn. The Wow network is one of the better values, along with a bunch of other sites, such as Adult Time, Adult Prime, etc.
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Visit LetsDoeIt

5. LetsDoeIt (0)

LKLK (0) 06-26-22  11:13pm
Rookie Badge  Talk Back TRUST USER?   YES (0), NO (0)
Status: Current Member for over 1 year (at the time of review).
Pros: -A network of primarily European sites. Two of the sites, The White Boxxx and A Girl Knows, are excellent glamcore sites. The White Boxxx has some of the finest glamcore videos on the internet, where they make an art of presenting attractive models in crystal clear videos.
-There's no limit on streaming the videos or photosets.
-You can download unlimited photosets. But see the CONS section why the photosets are not worth collecting.
-Content is exclusive.
-The models at some of their sites are stunning. Really gorgeous.
Cons: -The video definition maxes out at 1080p, which is suprising for a glamcore network. Many porn sites started offering 4K videos years ago.
-Almost all videos have an accompanying photoset. But the photosets are not worth collecting. The photosets are tiny, around 10-13 photos per set. I have no idea why the photosets have such a small amount of photos. Seems like a wasted opportunity, when you consider how attractive many of these models are.
-There is a limit of 100 video downloads per month for the entire network.
-There is also a limit of 4 videos per day.
-You only get around 10 or 11 new videos per month for the network.
-Only 4 of the 18 sites are still updating. Most of the network sites stopped updating years ago.
Bottom Line: The network covers different niches. The White Boxxx features girl/boy sex and some threesomes. A Girl Knows is a lesbian site. Both of those sites are high quality glamcore, with top-notch production values. The videos at The White Boxxx are the finest glamcore hardcore porn I've seen on the internet: the models are uniformly gorgeous (they are attractive to begin with, and every effort is made to present them looking as beautiful as possible). The settings are in a white room with one or two models and a stunt cock. The theme is sensuous hardcore. The photography (I really mean videography, but it's so crisp, clear and vivid you realize you are watching moving images) is top-notch. This isn't story-driven sex, the plot is minimal, but you are watching a premium product at The White Boxxx, the crown jewel of the Lets Doe It network

However, the value of the network is constantly going down. And since the price is not getting any less expensive, there's less reason to join the network.
-A few years ago you had access to over 40 different sites. Then they split the network into different networks, each requiring a separate membership. The Lets Doe It network has 18 sites.
-As time goes on, they keep putting limits on the members.
They started limiting downloads to 100 videos per month for the network. Before then, there were no limits.
Now they have an additional limit of 4 videos per day.
-Due to covid, the last few years the updates for the network have decreased.
They are now updating with 10 or 11 new videos per month for the network. They used to give far more updates.
-Only 4 of the 18 sites are updating. The other 14 sites are archive sites, that haven't updated in years.

Inflation is everywhere. But it's stupid to keep paying the same price to get less porn, when there are so many great bargains in porn.
So I finally wised up, and will cancel my membership.
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Visit The White Boxxx

6. The White Boxxx (0)

LKLK (0) 04-06-22  05:08pm
Rookie Badge  Talk Back TRUST USER?   YES (0), NO (0)
Status: Current Member for over 1 year (at the time of review).
Pros: -Used to be the finest glamcore site on the internet.
-The models are selected to be attractive to extremely attractive. They are showcased in a luxurious setting that sets off their beauty, with clear, crisp videos, strong colors, white background that allows you to focus on the model and the sensous sex on display.
-Videos have a definition from 240p through 1080p. That is both streaming and downloading.
-Sometimes you get a popup ad with a timer that counts down the hours, minutes, seconds the ad is supposed to be active. Ads an element of urgency to joining the site at the reduced price (sarcasm).
Cons: -Due to the covid epidemic, the update rate for the site (and the entire network) has slowed.
Over the last year, the site has added about 4.5 new scenes per month.
The network update rate is very slow. Maybe 10 new videos per month for the network.
Most sites in the network stopped updating years ago.
LetsDoeIt network has 18 different sites.
Only 4 sites are still updating.
-They slapped a limit of 100 videos per month downloads for the network. Not just per site, but for the entire network.
-Photosets contain from 6 to 10 photos per set. Hardly worth collecting, even though the models range from attractive to lovely, because you get so few photos for each scene.
-There is no 4K option, even though many porn sites have offered 4K since 2015 or 2016. Which seems strange for a glamour-oriented site.
Bottom Line: The site has 376 scenes. Each scene has a video and a photoset.
Because the photosets are so tiny, 10 photos or less per set, they are not worth collecting.
Because of the slow update rate (averaging 4.5 new scenes per month, for the site, about 10 new scenes per month for the network), I can't recommend a membership beyond 1 or 2 months.
And the limit of 100 videos per month for the network is also a negative.
Not offering 4K videos seems strange, especially for a glamour site. Many people want a 4K option, to view it on a big screen.
At one time I thought the network was a fine join.
No longer.
Not since the slower update rate, the fact that only 4 sites are still updating.
And the 100 video limit reduces the value still further.
Even though The White Boxx still produces some visually stunning erotic glamour videos, with models that look gorgeous, there are other sites that give you more quantity, with no download limits, and the quality of the competing sites can come close to what The White Boxxx offers.
The Wow network, for a reduced price of $70/year, if you catch one of their discounts, is a fine alternative. You wouldn't normally think the Wow network is high quality porn, but take a look at the videos and photosets they've offered in the last few years. Wow network has moved from a medium quality network to a high quality network on their content. Both videos and photosets. With no download limits. With good update rates. Wow doesn't go for glamour as such, but the videos are clear, crisp, with wonderful colors, and the girls range from cute to lovely.
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Visit Her Limit

7. Her Limit (0)

LKLK (0) 03-09-22  01:45am
Rookie Badge  Talk Back TRUST USER?   YES (0), NO (0)
Status: Current Member for over 1 year (at the time of review).
Pros: -They recently did an update for the homepage of LetsDoeIt network.
(Her Limit is part of the LetsDoeIt network).
The homepage now shows:
Latest Releases
Popular this week
Recently active pornstars
Browse LetsDoeIt top categories
Special Partner Deals(Which is a listing of ads for other porn sites)
-Since Her Limit is a channel in the Lets Doe It network, you get access to all 18 channels in the network.
-You have unlimited streaming for videos.
-You have unlimited downloads for photosets.
However, the photosets are not worth collecting, in my opinion.
A photoset of a video has around 10-12 photos. Which seems strange. Many of these models are cute or even gorgeous. They certainly deserve a full-sized photoset.
The photoset downloads in a zip file with only one definition, and with a generic file name, such as "6227d0474fa1b.zip".
-You have a choice for downloading a video: 240p, 480p, 720p, 1080p.
There is no 4K option. Which seems strange for the network that started out as a glamour network. I mean, even hardcore porn sites are now mainly offering 4K. Don't misunderstand: this network was hardcore from the start, but what I mean is that even low-quality porn sites, as well as high quality porn site, are offering 4K. So why isn't this network offering it? You're supposed to keep up with the competition, unless something is wrong.

-When you log in to the site, you get a page full of ads, before you get to the member's area.
The ads are for competing sites.
The ads don't immediately show you the join price.
You have to click on the ad for any site, to see what the join price is.
Note: it might be might my slow wifi connection that does not allow the prices to be shown.
After a few minutes, a few of the ads do show a reduced membership price.
So you're wasting a lot of time, if you want to check out these ads.
-The ads have a "limited time offer" banner for each ad. Creating a false sense of urgency.
Get real. Or get smart. How many lies do you want to swallow, after you paid for a membership, before you're allowed to get to the content you paid for?
-The ads will give you a slightly discounted membership price from the "listed" price. But you can find much better discounts if you wait for holiday specials and seach a little.
-You click past the full-page-of-ads to get to the membership pages:
And the each membership page has ads at the bottom of the page.
Plus, you also get a large pop-up window that is another ad for a "LIMITED TIME OFFER" to another site.
Did I pay for a membership to a porn site?
Or did I really pay for a membership where I can browse ads for other porn sites?

-Pre-paid cross-sale on join page. Standard for porn sites.
-The model page is very limited. It has a thumbnail of the model, plus links to her videos at the network. The bio section lists her name, birthdate, nationality, body type, boob size, ass size.
And that's it.
-There's a download limit of 100 videos per month, for the entire network. Any download from any one of the chanels counts towards the limit. Which is very restrictive.

Site theme: extreme sex.
The models are usually attractive.
The sex often features anal penetration.
The man is the aggressor, grabbing the bitch's hair, shoving his dick down her throad, ramming his dick into her pussy and ass. And she moans and screams with passion, because he's such a brute.
Women like to be spanked. It's in their DNA. And these men are masters of the universe, who know exactly how to treat women.
The chanel has 186 scenes. Watch them all, and you, too, will learn to dominate women in your bedroom, or even in public, as long as you're wearing your Captain Universe Cape and Power Ring. Don't wear the cape and ring, and you might get arrested for indecent behavior.

You can like or dislike the scenes, save them as favorites.
Unlimited streaming.
But downloads are limited to 100 per month for the entire network.
Which seems restricted.

The channel updates with 1 new video every 1 or 2 weeks. Which is slow.

Because of the 100 video per month limit download for the network, and the slow update rate, I would advise against a long term membership. Basically, you're wasting your money. At one time I really enjoyed the network. But the update rate has slowed in the last couple of years, and they've imposed the limit for video downloads per month to 100. And they don't offer 4K definition.
Truthfully, I don't use 4K, because my equipment can't use it.
But it just seems like the network is not moving to a competitive position with regards to what other porn sites are offering.

So I think the channel (and the network) is not worth a long term join.
If you're really into extreme sex, I think there are sites that will give you more value for your money.
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Visit Scam Angels

8. Scam Angels (0)

exotics4me (0) 12-06-21  05:54pm
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Status: Current Member for over 2 months (at the time of review).
Pros: - Talk about a site that hits a homerun with the models and pairing of multiple females. Maybe the best casting I’ve seen.
- It has only 50 scenes and at least 45 of those are worth downloading.
- Scenery and settings in the scenes are almost as pretty as the models.
- For some reason I’m getting good download speeds on this site (80% of max).
- These are almost all threesomes or more scenes.
- Navigation is simple and easy to use.
Cons: - That damn guy. Charles Dera. Out of all the good casting of the female pairings, why in the name of all things holy would you put him with Abigail Mac and Madelyn Monroe?
- It’s not updating but well worth the downloading of the scenes they have.
- Lots of promotion of their other sites that used to all be on one network.
Bottom Line: *Score is a little high due to how many of my (subjective) favorite models are on this site.*

I’m having to work through the laughing about listing Charles Dera as a con. There was Lee Stone’s broke dick. There was Choky Ice’s personality of a chunk of ice and there’s Charles Dera’s flippy mohawk that I think is made from brick and it accidentally hit him in the face. Porn needs to hire a guy that can say, “That guy is going to ruin the scene. Keep his ugly ass out of the camera lens!”

But the pretty models really make this site. You have pairings of models like this: Vicki Chase and Eliza Ibarra or Valentina Nappi, Karma Rx and Athena Faris or Alina Lopez and Gia Milana and the one they tried to kill me with: Jade Kush and Ember Snow. I guess that’s why they can stick Charles Dera in those scenes. Let’s just work on getting him out of the camera. The models are as good on this site as any site I’ve been on. The only scam is Charles Dera. I don’t get the stories in these scenes.

The truth is the stories are really bad and you’re just here for the models on this site. This is one of those sites that you don’t care what the story is. There are real estate agents (the female models), they’re having sex with the supposed to be client looking to buy the house. The good part about that poor story is the houses and pools and scenery is very pretty, and a lot of the scenes have outdoors parts.

Of the 50 scenes: Three are solo scenes. The rest are at a minimum of threesome (m/f/f) and quite a few have more than 3 women in them. I’m guessing this site really interests me because of models that are in more than one scene. Cindy Starfall, who is one of my all-time favorites, very underrated models, is in 7 of the 50 scenes. She doesn’t have that many scenes on all sites combined. There are several Gina Valentina scenes. If those models are not a big deal to you, you might not like this site as much as I do. If you like curvy butts, one scene has Abella Danger and Zoe Monroe. I hope that it shows how important the models on this site are to my score and my overall positivity towards this site. If you don’t have a good story or something to hold the scene up, put several pretty models in it and that will work.

The scenes can all be downloaded in 240, 480, 720 and 1080. The pictures aren’t worth fooling with. You would be just well off to use a media player that takes screenshots. I will mention because I know she has her fans; Karma Rx has several scenes on here too and she performs really well in those. I have noticed her performances vary. The ones on here are some of her best work. I think she works better with another female and male. It’s like it brings her competitive side to outperform the other female. The scenes are also long, most are over 30 minutes. This, to me, is one of those hidden treasure sites. The three solo scenes, even though I like solo porn, are nothing special. The other 47 are good. It’s a site that I would recommend and join (once) even if it was just a standalone site.
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Visit X Chimera

9. X Chimera (0)

exotics4me (0) 12-06-21  05:51pm
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Status: Current Member for over 2 months (at the time of review).
Pros: - Artsy, kind of taboo feeling, it’s unique but it’s not updating.
- Very good selection of models. You can win me over with Vanessa Decker and she has a really good scene on this site.
- It offers 1080, 720, 480 and 240 resolution downloads. They do have a 100 scene download limit per month, but I haven’t hit it. See the bottom line on that.
- One of my favorite pros to list, it only has 35 scenes but all 35 are worth downloading or watching.
- One of my subjective preferences, the cumshots are not always facials and there’s more of a chemistry feeling to the scenes.
- Download speeds are just okay (about 60% of my max)
Cons: - It’s not updating and that’s a serious con with this site. It has a lot of potential.
- The speed of downloads, of loading, the whole combination of it is slow and clunky. I clicked a photoset to download and it took at least 30 seconds before it even started the download.
- The photosets should have been a major part of this site but instead, they are not even worth the click to download them. Some have 8 photos in the zip and high end is 2000 on the resolution.
Bottom Line: I understand the parent site of this site was hit hard by Covid. This site has as much potential as just about any site I’ve been a member of. The scenes are kind of dark and moody. There’s a feeling of artsy but not too artsy. The acting and playing out of the scenes doesn’t even need dialogue. The motions and body language and chemistry is that good.

The scenes are hardcore but not that too hardcore. I think the word I’m looking for is they are hitting a middle ground here. A happy medium sounds funny when describing porn. That’s going to be a fetish one day. To describe the Vanessa Decker scene as an example of what all the scenes do with different but similar plots. Vanessa is being stalked or scoped out. She’s ice-skating and the stalker is contacting the person giving the orders. They seduce Vanessa in and she goes through a very sensual bath from two Asian looking women. Eventually it turns into Vanessa meeting the man that had all this setup and planned. It becomes a regular porn scene. It’s everything leading up to the “regular porn scene” that makes it good. I’ve seen other sites try similar and some have succeeded but all the scenes on this site succeed. The con of it’s not updating isn’t about an update. It’s about someone needs to be making porn like this.

There is a download limit of 100 scenes per month on the network. I will give them credit that they do not count streaming as one of your 100 scenes per month downloads. Some sites do count streaming since streaming is downloading too. I haven’t hit the limit. I have downloaded all 35 of these scenes. I was very disappointed in the pictures. There are downloadable zips that are 2.5MB for the whole photoset. Those have 6-8 pictures in them. I think pictures would add a lot to these scenes.

The download options are fine, and I’m going to try and explain what the wording says on download limit. If you download a scene in 720p, you can download the 1080p, the 480p, of the same scene and it only counts as 1 against your 100 limit but it has to be within a 24 hour period. Why don’t we just make this complicated?

If there’s a reason to maybe hold out hope that the site will start updating, it’s that the site has stopped before. They stopped updating on October 12, 2018, then came back on May 15th, 2020. I don’t know if that was maybe a recycle-job or if they really were stopping and then brought the site back with some new scenes.

The models in every scene are very attractive. The settings, the production values are high and having some kind of story does add to scenes like these. It’s definitely worth checking out if you have a subscription to Lets Doe It. I think it’s even their best overall site.
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Visit My Naughty Album

10. My Naughty Album (0)

exotics4me (0) 12-06-21  05:49pm
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Status: Current Member for over 2 months (at the time of review).
Pros: - A site that is about women being photographed only to realize it’s turning them on, so they have sex with the photographer.
- Decent sized site for what is a niche, I can’t say I’ve seen before. It has 70 scenes.
- Video downloads are from mobile up to 1080.
- The female models are a major selling point on this site.
- Download speeds are above average but not by much (about 60-70% of my max)
- Navigation and tags are good and seem accurate.
Cons: - It’s not updating.
- Considering the basis of the scenes, you would think they would put some focus on photos, but they don’t. The zips have 4-6 pictures in them.
- 100 scene download limit per month.
Bottom Line: It’s not often I find a niche I haven’t seen before but this one is one I’m pretty sure I’ve never seen before. The photographer is taking photos and complimenting the female. She gets turned-on and turn the porn music on there’s a porn scene about to happen. They do a good job of making it believable. I’m not for sure who the fantasy would appeal to except photographers. I know from my own experience, if you take enough pictures of a woman and compliment her that it leads to more. They’re giving you the blueprint for how to score.

The thing I have noticed with this network is the quality of the models. They have a model on this site that is one of my favorites, but I hardly ever see scenes with her in them. Her name is Carol Marf. Besides her, I don’t think they have a bad model. Every model they have is attractive. They have the ones that stand out like Carol Marf. That’s purely subjective but with my past in porn collecting, having a model I like is a big deal, that’s going to get me to join at least once. The content is exclusive. The other thing about this network is that 100 scenes download limit, but I don’t even find that restricting. I’m at the point where I download maybe 20-50 scenes maximum from most sites. I’m kind of giving you a tip when I say the streaming doesn’t count against the download limit. I won’t say anything else about that.

The download quality of the videos is fairly standard with 240, 480, 720 and 1080. The photos are a disappointment. As unique as I think the setup for these scenes is, it’s not played out enough or fleshed out enough. It goes like this: Taking pictures, she’s getting turned on, she’s naked, sex starts. There’s a lot more they could do with this niche. I know a couple of photographers from my years of porn collecting. Don’t know if he did some work for this site, Fred the photographer, he was known from Teen Dreams and Teen Models which was his site. He never gave me a story about a model getting that turned on that she put out to him. That’s where I think they could make this niche better. Have it where the female is so turned on she’s seducing the poor photographer. This is more like he’s a porn star and she’s a porn star and we stuck a story in there to make it seem original.

The site is not big with 70 scenes but this is a point I made a long time ago along with Porn User legend Denner, the models are still the most important part and that’s what this site has going for it. If we go deep enough into our imaginations, we can imagine the photographer is just another guy like us and he’s getting lucky with the pretty model. Maybe.

I don’t know if the network itself is nearing a complete shutdown. If so, some of this content is worth grabbing. They had some really good ideas when this network launched. I remember scoring the network up in the 90s when I first joined it. It’s possible they tried to do too much. I would recommend joining it to just get the scenes that interest you or if you’re a collector, they have several collectible models with exclusive scenes.
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Visit Bums Buero

11. Bums Buero (0)

exotics4me (0) 12-06-21  05:47pm
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Status: Current Member for over 2 months (at the time of review).
Pros: - Promoted as office sex and some of it is but the most important part is all the women have on office clothes to start the scenes.
- The subtitles help with these scenes.
- Very pretty, attractive female models.
- The in-office scenes play a good role of nerdy guy getting the hot woman.
- Downloadable videos in HD quality.
- Download speed on this site is pretty good at 80% of my max.
Cons: - Some of this is difficult to call office sex. It’s an office secretary, in my favorite scene on it, having sex with the pizza guy. I will go more into that in the bottom line.
- Pictures aren’t worth the time it takes to download them. Which is a big negative when you have a clothing fetish involved.
- The name. Bums Buero? What is that a poor donkey? I am pretty sure buro is office in German. I just don’t get the “bums” part. Don’t complicate the viewer’s mind with a nonsensical site name.
Bottom Line: I am a known huge fan of office sex and office clothes and have all kinds of office clothing fetishes. They get the main part right. The women are in office clothes. The subtitles are mostly focused on the woman discussing her boss. “Do you think my boss would like to fuck me?” Quit shooting porn and go find out. It is one of the downsides to subtitles. Why would a woman having sex with another man ask this other man if he, who does not work in the same office as she does, if her boss would have sex with her? The poor donkey wrote that.

This network pleasantly surprises me with the models. Even the ones I’ve never heard of. My favorite scene on this site has a female model named Monika Phamous. I’ve never seen her or heard of and I guess that’s why her last name is Phamous and not Famous. She needs to be famous. The scene is really good. She’s the one that has sex with the pizza delivery guy. The scenes most people will like are the ones in the office. You get the nerdy loser guy finally getting to have sex with the hot office assistant. They have some voyeur type scenes like a guy peeking in on a woman using the bathroom. There is overacting, which can annoy me. I can’t help but do the mocking part. Exposed, hot woman pissing in the toilet and a guy peeking at her has an erection so she looks at the erection like she can’t believe it. That used to be funny but too many sites have done that.

The site is another small one. It has 53 scenes. I didn’t download all but would say 20-30 of the scenes are worth downloading. There’s enough of a positive combination here of pretty women in office clothes, being dirty and kinky, to make most of the scenes at least worth streaming to see if you want to download it. I always wondered why there’s not threesomes or more in an office. Seems like the best place for a group sex scene. Most of these are one on one and very straightforward. The one thing I notice with this network is they know what the strength of each site is and they play to it. It’s the office clothes and office situations, like the guy seeing an upskirt of the secretary bent across the printer.

This is a very good site that could be a lot better if they kept it going. I understand as well as anyone that negative effects Covid has had but it’s diminishing the value of some very good sites that seemed to lose steam around the time Covid hit. The biggest non-con complaint is they don’t go enough into the clothing fetishes. There are edits in these scenes that skip a lot of the parts I would like to see.

By now, I’m used to the letdown of their lack of photos. They have them 4-10 per zip. Clothing fetish porn needs photos. They have good ideas here but seem to be in a rush to get the videos made. It’s still a good site if you are out of office clothing fetish sites. It’s a one month join at most.
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Visit Bums Bus

12. Bums Bus (0)

KayTBuffs (0) 10-19-21  12:33pm
Rookie Badge  Female Profile TRUST USER?   YES (0), NO (0)
Status: Current Member for over 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: Part of Lets Doe It Network

Uses a trusted biller

The site has 134 videos.

Sometimes silly but still fun.

Attractive stars that I am not familiar with
Cons: Needs more subtitles

Download limit of 100 videos per month for the network

Has not updated in almost three years
Bottom Line: I have never been a member of a site that is not in English, so I was not too sure what to expect. Well, sex is not about talking, so I kept an open mind. As part of the Lets Doe it Network, I joined for a few sites that seemed promising, but this was not one I had thought about, to be honest.

Some of the videos have subtitles and it was not hard to imagine that the scenes where there were none were probably very similar. The guys joke, kid around and in general act silly, like college students on a break. The videos even have a feel of being produced by amateurs. Your average scene shows them driving around in Berlin, looking for women to entice into either showing some skin or, if they are really lucky, she has sex in the van. The showing the skin idea was that they would offer money to see her breasts.

When I was a college student, I felt college guys were not very mature. Now, I felt the introductory parts were like a film about the college guys themselves and the women were to be seen as conquests. Because the videos were overly long, I found that I skipped ahead to the sex parts as that is what I was there for. I thought the scenes were rehearsed and not spontaneous and it was hard to imagine myself as the woman. The scenes that started off in public were just ok. My two favorite scenes had the tables turned and had a woman cruising the streets for guys to pick up. Although I could never do that myself, it was a fun fantasy that I could relate to.

I don’t know anything about German porn, so I don’t know if the women were amateurs or pros. The guys were about average looking and seemed to be of about average size down there. The cumshots were ok, not huge or anything exciting to watch.

The site is easy enough to use and there is a tag system for searching. There is a monthly limit of 100 videos for the network. They have 134 videos but when you see the download limit of 100 per month, I prefer to keep those from the other network sites as opposed to these here. For me the other big negative is that the site has not updated in nearly three years. I would not join for this site alone. But, the rest of the network is an astounding value.
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Visit LetsDoeIt

13. LetsDoeIt (0)

ErProsciuttaro (0) 09-23-21  12:03pm
No Badges TRUST USER?   YES (0), NO (0)
Status: Current Member for over 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: Letsdoeit is one of the most popular porn websites. It has different channels, covering a diverse audience. If you prefer glamour scenes, “The White Boxxx” has one of the most visually appealing scenes that I have ever watched. Simple aesthetic and passionate sex scenes. If you are into lesbian “A Girl Knows” will definitely satisfy you.

If instead you prefer rough actions “Her Limit” will show you real hardcore sex. Tried to watch a couple of videos. but it is not really my cup of tea. “Horny Hostel” is a comedic channel that will show sex between travelers in a hostel. You will see a lot of ridiculous and paradoxical situations. A good laugh before masturbating is always appreciated.

I really like the fact that most girls have natural boobs and a normal body, not too fit, not too fat. No botox lips, no fake asses, some girls have tattoos. There are some really talented models, such as Sybil A, Nancy A, and Liya Silver.
Cons: Out of the 18 channels, only four are currently updated. A very weak offer from this website, considering that the subscription cost the same as other competitors, but it offers less. A little bit scammy.

I personally do not like to keep the same subscription for more than a month, because I want to explore other networks. The cancellation should be something easy, straightforward and that takes a few minutes. This unfortunately is not the case, because you need to contact the website through their support email, and in 48 hours they will process your request. In 2021 this is absolutely unacceptable.

The network does not have a lot of variety in terms of ethnicity and/or body type. It refers to a very narrow audience, who enjoy white girls. Would not be bad to have some exotic models, maybe some chubby girls, just to create a little bit of diversity.
Bottom Line: Letsdoeit is a good network, the content value is really high and scenes are made by people that clearly know how to do stuff. Most of the actors are good and there is a decent amount of updates, considering the COVID situation. You don’t have to pay extra to download scenes or photo sets, but you are limited to 100 per month. For someone it could be a big problem, personally I just stream, so it is something that does not bother me.

The website is really well designed, easy to navigate and well optimized also for mobile devices. Never had problems to buffer. The player is minimal and clean. All scenes are offered in Full HD, no 4K available yet, I hope that they will add it sooner or later.

As a paying member of Letsdoeit, I find it pretty annoying that the network is filled by partners advertising, inviting you to purchase limited offer plans. There is one big window that opens up as soon as you login and other ads are reported at the end of each page. Pretty invasive for premium content.

The network has a lot to do to improve and to pair with the competition, there are way better alternatives, however if you like glamour porn, with visually appealing settings, good lighting and photography, this website might do the trick for a while.
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Visit Horny Hostel

14. Horny Hostel (0)

LKLK (0) 09-08-21  08:24am
Rookie Badge  Talk Back TRUST USER?   YES (0), NO (0)
Status: Current Member for over 1 year (at the time of review).
Pros: -Part of the Lets Doe It network. So you get access to about 17 channels.
-All content is exclusive.
-Unlimited streaming. But there's a download limit of 100 videos for the entire network per month.
Which seems very limiting.
-Scenes are available in definitions from 240p through 1080p. Seems strange they don't offer 4K videos, especially for a quality glamour network.
-There is a link to skip the intro part of a scene. Useful after you've watched the same intro again and again.
Cons: -The main con is the irregular update rate. The site updates with 1 or 2 or 3 scenes per month.
-Flash page of ads on logging in to the network.
-Poor site layout, which makes navigating the site harder. Instead of a simple interface, you have a poorly laid out network page which has thumbnails of latest releases, popular this week, recently active porn stars, and a line of ads. Plus a line of porn awards won. Who needs this shit? Keep it simple, only show what's really useful, to make navigation easy.
-I was using a VPN because it's supposed to make surfing the internet safer. But I got an email message stating the LetsDoeIt site was concerned my account had been hacked. It requested I send a verification code to the site, which I did. Many experts recommend using a VPN for security, but many sites have equipment to detect a VPN and either question your identity or dis-allow access to the site.
-Photo sets are tiny. From 10 to 15 photos per set.
-Photo sets have only 1 size definition zip file, which has a computer-generated name. So if you do want to collect these photo sets, you have to manually re-name the file with the name of the model, site, posting date, video title.
-The videography is not the crystal clear imagery used for the glamour sites. Instead, you get some jerky editing, some video-taped images with lines super-imposed on the images to show it's a video recording of the girl entering the hostel, filters or lack of attention to the outside lighting when the scene is outdoors: the idea is to show you a "real-life" take on the girl's experience. Which grows old fast.

Site has 63 scenes. Because you only get 1 to 3 new scenes per month, the site will grow slowly.
-The Lets Doe It network is primarily a glamour network. The White Boxxx, A Girl Knows, Xchimera are the primary sites that focus on glamour-styled porn. But the network tries to broaden its appeal by offering other niches, such as rough porn, travel porn, massage porn, etc.
The main strength of the network is selecting attractive looking models and then presenting them in a setting (nice sets, nice costumes, excellent technical features for lighting, sound control) that makes the models appear like glamorous movie stars instead of porn stars.
Horny Hostel site theme: A girl goes on a trip abroad, she checks into a hostel for a low-priced stay. There she meets a horny guy, and they fuck. Almost no build-up to the sex. European guys are all horny. And girls on vacation are also horny.
So this site is a step away from the glamour style.
Instead of glamour, this is supposed to be reality porn, or slice of life. The models do wear make-up, but it's minimal. The vibe is raw and slightly gritty. You've got girls on vacation, and either they start off showing their naked bodies--meaning their ready for sex--or they are innocents abroad who just happen to meet horny guys that set off erotic sparks in the girls, who turn out to be more than willing to fuck. No romance, just fucking.
But these girls are adult: they don't need romance or sweet talk before they start to have sex with a stranger they just met minutes ago. The guy is horny. The girl, is either horny to start with, or she is hiding that horniness under a calm exterior. And since this is porn, that reduces the need for dialog.
Actually, Bitches Abroad, a different channel in the Lets Doe It network, has a similar setup: Bitches Abroad has girls travelling to a different country, who hook up with a stranger and then have sex. But the videography is smoother, the plots make more sense, and the scenes are much more enjoyable. The models are more attractive, and they are presented more attractively. Which makes a big difference.
The imagery and esthetics of Bitches Abroad are refined compared to Horny Hostel's raunchy vibe.

Giving the site a score of 80. I don't care for the setup. I prefer a little build-up to the sex, or more meaning to the sex. Or some plot that makes sense, other than two horny strangers meeting and deciding to fuck.
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Visit A Girl Knows

15. A Girl Knows (0)

KayTBuffs (0) 09-05-21  06:55pm
Rookie Badge  Female Profile TRUST USER?   YES (0), NO (0)
Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: Comes with the Lets Doe it Network of sites

Irregular updates, but they are about one every two weeks.

Uses tags for easy searching

Four choices for video downloading. Full HD is the best

More than 200 scenes

Really gorgeous models made up to look their best

Great production values with a few small visual special effects such as fading in and out
Cons: Limit of 100 downloads each month

Too many ads after you log in
Bottom Line: I have never had a lesbian experience and don’t identify as one, but this site gave me reason to wonder. As a woman, I can enjoy watching orgasms, both male and female. I love men’s bodies, but women’s bodies have so many interesting parts, not just the one. What I saw on this site was just amazing. It may be the hottest girl/girl site I have ever been a member of.

The models are naturally beautiful without even trying. The site has them perfectly made up and they wear clothes that look great on them too. The women are a combination of classy and erotic. They do things like brush their hair, change outfits and have non erotic fun with each other as part of the prelude to the scene. They stare into each other’s eyes and turn each other on even before they touch one another. Presex erotic kissing is done well in every scene. These women are very feminine, unrushed, gentle and sensuous. For the most part, there is an attempt at a story, but not all that much. At least there is a logical progression into the sex, which is more than most porn has. The ages range from about 18 to 30, from naïve and exploring sexuality, to knowing exactly what each other would like. I believe that only another woman can know exactly how to please a woman to the max. Sometimes there is mutual masturbation, fingering, scissoring, the use of toys, strapons, and vibrators, but mostly there is a lot of slow erotic licking down there. The scenes easily shift from seductive to very explicit. These women are really into these scenes or they are better actresses than I think they are.

Some of the setups include roommates, step sisters and best friends. They know each other and then the action builds on that. What is missing though is that they don’t talk to each other. I am sure it is because they don’t speak English, or at least not well. They have subtitles in some scenes, but tone of voice and choice of words could have been very erotic. Sexy, playful talk turns us girls on. There are many outdoor sets and there are a few pool parties. There are also many indoor scenes in elegant places we could only dream about. The locations are an important part in making the scenes into a girl’s fantasy. I could easily imagine these women are on a once on a lifetime vacation. The camerawork, editing and general production values are some of the best I have ever seen on a porn site. I feel like I should be watching them in a movie theater. I can see watching these scenes with a partner or two and we would both get turned on together.

Mostly these are one on one scenes. Despite the range of ages, the pairings don’t play to that. There are a few solo masturbation scenes, but not many. There is a sprinkling of three ways and even a four way. As a site, it was easy to use and there are over 200 videos in the library. there is a download limit of 100 scenes per month, more than you can download them all in a monthly subscription. It also comes with a nice network, lets Doe It, but this is the only girl/girl site in it.
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Visit The White Boxxx

16. The White Boxxx (0)

KayTBuffs (0) 09-05-21  06:51pm
Rookie Badge  Female Profile TRUST USER?   YES (0), NO (0)
Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: Labor day Sale price of $9.94 for a month

Comes with other 17 Lets Doe it sites

Almost 350 visually stunning and hot scenes

Updates are once a week

Many of the prettiest pornstars there are
Great production values, the videos look great

Uses tags for easy searching, but searching is across the network
Cons: Monthly download limit of 100 videos across the network
More hot videos than I can handle.

Sometimes I am feeling so naughty because I wish I was one of these women
Bottom Line: When I think of couple friendly porn, this is the kind of site I imagine. These are videos any couple I can think of would feel comfortable sharing. The sex is unrushed, slow and just so sensual. The scenes progress in heat until the couples build to a climax and so do, I right along with them.

Many of the videos focus on the woman and what she wants and needs sexually. She is seen as empowered and sexually liberated. In many scenes she is so seductive that her man finds her irresistible. A big reason is that these women tease their guys, a fantasy I often have. In many scenes the foreplay includes a vibrator and a lot of hot kissing and other attention from her man.

One of my favorite scenes stars Rebecca Volpetti and Lutro. It is called “My Insatiable Girlfriend”. I was feeling a bit warm just reading the title. She ties him to a bed and takes advantage of him. He is there just to please her. In another scene the same two models are shown as he is not interested, so she teases him by fingering herself. She uses a vibrator while he is “punished” by being forced to watch her masturbate. That would teach any man the uselessness of ignoring a woman in heat. After these two scenes I have become a big fan hers. She also has a few great lesbian scenes that I wish I had a chance to be in. I have never been with a woman, but she is so tempting I could imagine what it would be like with her.

Every scene is a professional production and the attention to detail is very enjoyable. Hair, makeup, setting, lighting, and the camerawork are just so well done that I feel this site is one that others should imitate. I see that the network has won numerous industry awards over the years, such as best paysite, best network , best lesbian and best hardcore sites.

I would say that I recognize a few of the stars, both male and female, and that they are some of the best looking in the industry. The site uses tags, but the results are for the whole network, not just the one site. The download limit of 100 scenes per month is also across the network. On this site alone, there are nearly 350 videos, so that has to be a negative. Now that I think of it, this could also be a compliment as that means there are too many quality videos that are worthy of being downloaded.

There is a Labor day sale going on right now and at $10 for a month for the whole network, that is a deal I could not refuse.
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Visit Quest For Orgasm

17. Quest For Orgasm (0)

KayTBuffs (0) 09-05-21  06:48pm
Rookie Badge  Female Profile TRUST USER?   YES (0), NO (0)
Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: Comes with Lets Doe It Network

Labor Day Sale price of $9.94 for a month

Great looking pornstars and some I think are amateurs

Highest quality production values

Uses tags for easy searching, however searching is across the network
Cons: Monthly download limit of 100 videos for the network as a whole

Only 80 scenes

Has not updated since September 2017
Bottom Line: For me when I think of the word quest, I imagine a long complicated story with a hero looking for something rare and difficult to reach. In contrast, this site is about heroines finding female sexual empowerment by masturbating. These heroines could easily be me or really any modern woman. I could also imagine these videos being used as a teaching guide for women on how to satisfy those urges we all get. This quest can be fulfilled with a site like this showing how.

The women are all portrayed as pretty, but not different from you or me. The scenes start with interviews, with both them and the interviewer having difficulty with English. This helps me see their sincerity when they answer questions about their education, hobbies and non sexual interests. They laugh, they smile, they explain and it all makes me feel I know them and want to learn more. A few are described as pornstars, such as the superstar Alexis Crystal, but mostly they appear to be naturally beautiful young ladies who want to make a little money doing what comes across as what they do every day in their personal lives. Porn interviews generally don’t hold much interest for me, but these I loved.

The scenes vary in length, but the interviews are about a third of each scene. The models do what they said they like, using fingers, a few videos have fisting, dildos, other toys, but especially wands. Some videos would work well as commercials for wand companies. The orgasms are depicted as real and I am sure they are. In some the expressions on their faces are an indicator of the intensity, and in many their whole body shakes. I see myself in these models and their videos.

The feeling of the site is that the production is professional, even if some of the models are not. They use multiple cameras and the scenes focus changes as necessary. The makeup is great and so are the locations. As there are only 80 scenes, I was left wondering why there are not a few more. Surely there must be many more models who would be willing to do scenes of this quality. They are made to look their best and portrayed as women to be appreciated. But, the last update was four years ago.

This site comes with the Lets Doe it Network, which I really loved. Right now there is a special low price of $9.94 for a month and this site alone is worth a lot more than that.
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Visit Her Limit

18. Her Limit (0)

KayTBuffs (0) 08-10-21  03:52am
Rookie Badge  Female Profile TRUST USER?   YES (0), NO (0)
Status: Current Member for over 3 months (at the time of review).
Pros: Mostly anal scenes, many with rimming. There are 161 scenes on the site.

Comes with the LetsDoeIt network of seventeen sites.

I joined through Segpay. You can also use Paypal.

Updates every week.

A lot of anal sex and many scenes have female on male rimming.

Both the men and the women are very enthusiastic. They really burn those calories here.

I rarely watch the interviews on sites, but these were worth watching.
Cons: Seemingly endless advertising that makes very cluttered web pages.

Two pre-checked cross sales when you first sign up. It is easy to miss them as they are not where you expect to find them.
Bottom Line: The name of the site refers to the fact that these are professional pornstars that are trying to push the limit of what they have done before sexually. Mostly what they do here is anal sex that is a bit harder than we generally see in anal porn. Many, but hardly all of the scenes are black men with large dark black cocks with white European women. The chemistry and enthusiasm are huge selling points. The female on male rimming on this site is some of the best I have ever seen. The women seemed to like the challenge in doing such hard and enthusiastic anal sex. The guys, well they were big enough that I can see the reason the sex was pushing her limits.

Each scene starts with an interview. Although the models are from many different countries, including the United States and Latin America, most are from Eastern Europe. For many this is the first time I have witnessed them speaking English. They generally have the help of a translator and their English is limited and not fluent. However, you get some insight into their personalities and what they like sexually. Their answers to the questions do not sound rehearsed and I appreciate that.

I saw others here have commented that the site is very sluggish to load and that made me think there was something wrong with my computer. Download speeds were quite variable and unpredictable. After loading several pages I was logged out and had to get back in while losing the page I was looking at.

You have the ability to save scenes as favorites, can vote up or down and can leave comments. There is an excellent sorting system of 55 categories and 336 tags. You can also sort the videos by newest, most viewed and most popular. The site is cluttered with ads. After you log in you get a page with ads before you get to the first member’s webpage. When you reach it, It also has ads. When you first sign up you have to uncheck two cross sells that are easy to miss as they are on the opposite side of the page from where you are entering information. There are four video download options and 1080p Is the best. I wish the site had 4K as an option. In contrast the only photo options 1920x1080 screenshots. The most recent set was only 16 photos.

Updates to the site are posted every week. Her Limit is part of the LetsDoeit network. In total you get seventeen sites that have a total of close to 1700 high quality HD scenes.
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Visit LetsDoeIt

19. LetsDoeIt (0)

LKLK (0) 05-30-21  01:45pm
Rookie Badge  Talk Back TRUST USER?   YES (0), NO (0)
Status: Current Member for over 1 year (at the time of review).
Pros: -Exclusive content.
-This is an excellent glamour network with lots of lovely models. The selection of models ranges from merely attractive to fucking gorgeous. The star of the network is The White Boxxx, where they made an art form of taking attractive girls and presenting them as lovely as any movie star at her premiere. They use expensive sets, erotic lingerie, wonderful lighting, and smooth, professional videos that emphasize how lovely these models are.
-The background music at The White Boxxx is usually soft. Background music at other sites in the network can be loud, jarring. Meant to add some excitement to the video, but I find loud music to be distracting, and need to turn the volume down to make it less annoying.
-Runtime is around 20 - 30 minutes for a video.
-Some of the featured models include:
Agatha Vega, Anna ReyAriela Donovan, Arya Fae, Freya Mayer, Jessica Spielberg, Julia Red, Kenna James, Lena Reif, Lika Star, Liya Silver, Lola Myluv, Lovita Fate, Lucy Li.
Cons: -Flash page of ads before you get into the members area.
Even after you hit the link, "Continue to members area", what opens, instead of a members area page, is another ad. Do these people understand English, or are they so focused on selling they think you're going to going to sign up for a site instead of wanting to view content you already paid for?
-Of course, there are also ads on every member page. What a suprise.
-Some of the ads are "Limited time offer". And there is a clock ticking down the time the offer is still valid. I don't have enough excitement in my life. This adds to the thrill, watching the ad before it expires. (Sarcasm). However, the ad starts with 19 hours 59 minutes. So I have plenty of time to think over the offer before it expires. However, I already have a membership in Nubiles Porn, so the ad is wasted on me.
-They've reduced the time limit that logs you out of the network. Minor annoyance, since it's easy to log back in,
and you get to see the flash page of ads again, before you can navigate to the members area.
-It gets boring watching the same intro section of each video that showcases the network, time after time, so there's a link that lets you skip the intro.
-The sex can be slow and sensual at the start, because they are trying to create erotic content, a visual feast. But the girls are so lovely, scenes can lack heat. Some scenes at Devils Film, Rocco Siffredi, Teen Fidelity just have greater impact. But for pure visual splendor of the models, the settings, The White Boxxx is probably the finest glamcore site on the internet.
-There is a monthly limit of 100 video downloads for the network.
-A personal issue: a lot of the lovely models have tattoos. Some of the models have large tattoos that cover a lot of their body. I'm not a fan of tattoos. Think they distract from the model's beauty.
-Photo sets are tiny. Around 6 to 10 photos per set. The photos are from the accompanying video. These lovely models deserve more photos in a set. The photo sets are basically a wasted opportunity of these girls.
-All videos are offered in 240p through 1080p. Which is suprising for a glamcore network. Competing sites started offering 4K definition in 2015 or 2016.
-Network update rate is slow, about 10 to 14 new videos per month.
-Navigation can be clunky. You hit the back button, and you can be logged out of the site. Or you're still in the site, but you've lost your place in the site listing (you have to use clicks to get back the page you were viewing).
-Most sites don't update.
-Pre-checked cross-sale on join page.

Lets Doe It network has 17 sites:

The different sites are meant to offer different porn themes:
The White Boxxx-333 scenes, the star of the network, is pure glamcore porn, one of the finest glamcore sites on the internet. Lovely models, videotaped in lush sets, excellent lighting that highlights the beauty of the models, expensive costumes.
A girl knows-200 scenes, a glamcore lesbian site.
Her Limit-151 scenes, a hardcore site featuring aggressive sex that pushes the models to the limit.
Horny Hostel-54 scenes, sex in a hostel.
Xchimera-35 scenes, fantasy sex that is supposed to be taboo. There were 35 scenes in Jan 2020. Then they supposedly updated the site in 2020 with 7 more scenes, but the count remained at 35. My guess is they did not update the site, just changed the posting date of 7 scenes to 2020. Which seems deceptive.
Scam Angels-50 scenes. Girls have sex with rich guys, then blackmail them.
Bitches Abroad-100 scenes. Girls travelling to different countries have sex with local studs.
Porno Acadamie-36 scenes. High school girls have sex in France.
Bums Bus-134 scenes. German girls have sex with guys who drive a van. An acquired taste. The van drivers are jerks who think they are really cool.
XXX Shades-124 scenes. Sex that is supposed to be erotic, based on the Fifty Shades of Grey movies.
Doe Projects-36 scenes. Pilots for possible series.
Relaxxxed-130 scenes. Massage videos.
Kinky In-Laws-30 scenes. Faux incest with step-families.
My Naughty Album-70 scenes. Sex between a model and her photographer in a photoshoot.
Bums Buero-53 scenes. Office sex.
Quest for Orgasm-80 scenes. Girl solo masturbation.
Bums Besuch-27 scenes. German fans get to have sex with porn stars.

Most of the sites are archive sites, that haven't updated in years.
The network update rate is low: maybe 10+ videos in a month.
There are lots of really attractive models featured at the sites. And the videos, for the most part, are crystal clear images. The best sites are The White Boxxx, a great glamcore site. A Girl Knows, a glamcore lesbian site. Her Limit, extreme sex site, Horny Hostel, sex in a hostel, Bitches Abroad, where girls travelling to a foreign country hook up with a local stud, XXX Shades, where there's an element of BDSM, all have some worthwhile videos to watch. Mainly because the girls are so attractive.
Because of the slow update rate, because most sites are not updating, the 100 video download limit per month, I'm giving the network a score of 85.
If they increase the update rate, once the covid infection has passed, remove the 100 video/month download limit, improve the navigation, increase the time before you're logged out, decrease the amount of ads, the score would improve.

All these negatives mean the score is in the 80's range, where it used to be in the 90's.
They are making the network harder to use, for no reason that I can tell.
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Visit The White Boxxx

20. The White Boxxx (0)

LKLK (0) 03-24-21  11:41pm
Rookie Badge  Talk Back TRUST USER?   YES (0), NO (0)
Status: Current Member for over 1 year (at the time of review).
Pros: Note: although I think this site in one of the finest glamcore sites in the internet, the network has been hard hit by the covid epidemic. The network update rate has been slowed to around 10 new scenes per month. You're wasting your money if you buy a membership longer than 1 or 2 months here.

-The main pro is this is probably the finest glamcore site on the internet.
-Site has 320 scenes. They are refreshing the site with new content.
-The content is exclusive. Aside from tube sites (and torrent sites), which seem to copy almost all porn sites, I've never seen any scenes from this site. I don't use torrent sites, but I do look at PornHub to see new models and find sites I might want to join.
-The selection of models is among the finest of the internet. They also appear at the Wow network, Metart network, X-Art and other fine sites, but when appearing at The White Boxxx, their scenes are like glamorous, erotic movies.
A short list of some of the models featured:
Cherry Kiss, Jia Lissa, Lena Reif, Lika Star, Liya Silver, Lya Missy, Oxana Chic, Sabrisse, the list of attractive models goes on and on. And the site presents them as lovely as any movie star.

-You can sort the movie listing by newest movies, most popular, most viewed, runtime.
-Movies have a trailer, and a short text description, as well as tags.
-You can stream and/or download videos in your choice of 240p through 1080p.
-There is no download limit for photosets. But the photosets are tiny, 10-14 photos per set.
-PU has a discounted price of $14.95/month. Or a yearly price of $130. But I paid $80/year. Maybe I got a holiday discount?
-There is a link on each video to skip the intro section, which is useful, after you've wasted time watching the same intro again and again.
-You can switch the language the site/network displays.
Site can display in Deutsch, English, Espanol, Francais, Italiano, and more.

-The cons are basically minor.
This is probably the finest glamcore site on the internet.
I say the cons are basically minor, because I'm so impressed with how lovely these models are.
If the models weren't so fucking gorgeous, the cons would irritate me more.
-Irregular update rate. You get one new update per week, approximately. Many sites have taken to reposting older content shot years ago, but this site is still putting out new content.
-You have a download limit of 100 videos per month. This is your limit for the entire network, not just for a single site in the network.
Which means, you will probably need to stay a member for at least two months, to get all the videos you want to collect.
-The photosets are limited to around 10 to 14 photos per set. That is a damn shame, since many of these models are absolutely gorgeous, or at least presented at their finest, and these models deserve a full set of at least 100+ photos per set.
-There is a splash page of ads, and ads on every member page.
-I wish there was a model listing for each site. Instead, you have a model text listing for the entire network. And it's cumbersome to click through the pages of the thumbnail listing of the scenes, looking for the models/scenes you want to view.
-No 4K scenes. Which is surprising for a glamour site.

-Why do I call this the finest glamcore site on the internet?
They make it an art form to present attractive models in the best light possible. They start with girls who are naturally attractive, then use makeup, wonderful lighting, expensive sets to showcase how lovely these models can be. The girls are doing hardcore porn, so you would normally expect a gritty aspect to the scenes: but not here.
It's like these girls are beautiful angels who came down to earth to show men (and sometimes other women) the heavenly delights of sex: heaven is not a sterile place where everyone spends their time singing the praises of the Lord, but a place where, if you are lucky enough to go up instead of down, you can taste the pleasures of heavenly sex. And that's why they are singing: to proclaim the incredible joy of fucking these women.
But if you're gay, there's probably a section in heaven for gay men.
And for all the other varieties of gender that are clamoring to be heard.

The first video I saw at The White Boxxx was a video of Lena Reif.
Let me quote from a review I did on 07-18-19:
"Watching Lena Reif's breasts sway as she moves is watching poetry in motion, in the video titled "Her First Threesome", where Lena Reif and Shona River give stunt cock Lutro a ride to remember.
That was the first video I watched at the site, and that video alone, is worth the membership price to the network."

I stand by that statement. That one video, by itself, is worth the membership price to the network. I've seen other videos of Lena Reif, at other sites. She's been featured at the Wow network, Metart network, Adult Time, Vixen network, etc. But at The White Boxxx, in this video, she's like an angel come to earth. Absolutely gorgeous.
It's like the difference between file mignon and low-grade hamburger.
She might be attractive at other sites, in other photosets or videos, but in this one video, she is fucking gorgeous.

Bottom line summary:
The main draw of the site is the care they take to present the attractive models as gorgeously as possible.
I mean these are hardcore scenes, and yet the models are fucking lovely.
The sex is mainly slow and sensual, but the scene lighting, the sets, the makeup, the expert camera-work that focuses on the lovely bodies of these models, just add up to one of the finest glamcore sites on the internet.

I'm not saying the site is perfect.
One PU member complained that he was having internet connection problems, couldn't download videos. And he reported that site support was slow to correct the problem.

I've used site support, and had no problem reaching them through email.
Email is slower than telephone or live chat, but that's all there is for support.
I've only used support a couple of times. I had to wait a few days for a response, but any problems I had were resolved.
But if I had a slow internet connection, and couldn't stream or download what I wanted, that would be a deal breaker and I would cancel my sub.
But, thankfully, I've never had a real problem at the network that wasn't resolved fairly soon.

So I'm giving the site (with network access) a score of 90.
The girls are presented as gorgeous creatures.
The sex is slow and sensual.
I've seen a few scenes at other sites where the sex could be hotter: Pure Taboo, Teen Fidelity, Rocco Siffredi.
But for glamcore sites, where the models are presented as gorgeous creatures, The White Boxxx is the finest site I've seen.

If they increased the update rate for the network, once the covid epidemic is past, I would increase the score.
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Visit Quest For Orgasm

21. Quest For Orgasm (0)

LKLK (0) 03-14-21  11:01pm
Rookie Badge  Talk Back TRUST USER?   YES (0), NO (0)
Status: Current Member for over 1 year (at the time of review).
Pros: -PU has a discount of $9.95 for the first month. Recurring at $24.95/mo.
-Exclusive content.
-Login and member pages are secure (https).
-User name is your email address, and you can choose your password, so they are easy to remember.
-Video choice of definition: 240p through 1080p. No 4K available for the site.
-Since the site focuses on female solo masturbation, the tags do a fine job describing the sex action of the video.
-They have a text listing of all the model names at the network (without any thumbnails).
You click on a model's name, it brings up the model's page, with large-sized thumbnails of the model, her videos at the network, and hot links to her content, with a very brief physical description of her attributes.
-PornDoe has a live cam channel. I'm not into live cams, so I didn't explore the channel.
Except the thumbnails show a lot of cute girls.
And there are some free videos and clips, mainly from Club Sweethearts, which is the new name for Club Seventeen.
Cons: -Poor navigation. For a relatively small site, the site layout is poor.
Sometimes the whole network is fucking stupid.
You might have to navigate (click) through 2 pages of ads to get to the site you want to examine.
Sometimes they present the site in a foreign language, instead of the English language I'm familiar with.
Sometimes you are logged out of the network when you switch channels, and when you try to log back in, you have to click through 2 separate pages of ads before you reach the home page.
-There are ads on every page in the members area, once you get past the 2 separate pages that are only ads.
-Archive site. The last update was apparently Sep 04, 2017.
-They have a photoset for each video, but the photosets contain maybe 10 to 14 photos per set, and are not worth collecting.
-Two pre-checked cross-sales on join page. Be sure to uncheck the cross-sales, because they are limited trials that quickly turn into expensive memberships.
-There is a download limit of 100 videos per month, for the network. A download from any site in the network counts toward that limit.

-Quest For Orgasm has 80 Scenes. So it's a small site. But you get access to the Lets Doe It network, which has around 15 sites. The star of the network is The White Boxxx, where they select attractive models and present them in glamcore style as some of the finest, most attractive models on the internet.

-You can sort the videos by newest, most popular, most viewed, or by longest.
-The models range from OK-looking, to attractive, to very attractive. But much more effort is put into making the models more attractive and glamorous at some of the other sites in the network, especially The White Boxxx site.

The models are white, Eastern European girls, late teens to early 30s.

The videos have a runtime from about 28 minutes to about 40 minutes at Quest For Orgasm.
The videos start out with an interview with the model, her life, why she got into porn, what she likes about porn, her hobbies. Trying to make the models seem real, that the models are normal people. After the interview, the model takes off her clothes and uses different toys to achieve orgasm.

Aside from the lousy navigation (the ads, the site time-outs), I didn't find most of the masturbation scenes that erotic. There is no fantasy element. It's porn stars using dildos to achieve orgasm.
Add that it's an archive site with no new content.
Add that there's little effort put into making the models attractive.

I signed up for a one-year membership to the network.
But the increased ads and the fast time-out and the increased difficulty of using the network mean this is my last membership to the network.
I don't have the patience to keep clicking through to find the content that I like.
That's in spite of how gorgeous some of these models are.

This is one of the poorer sites in the network.
I'm giving the site a score of 71.
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Visit Trans Angels

22. Trans Angels (0)

PinkPanther (0) 02-09-21  07:28pm
Rookie Badge  Talk Back  Comments  Pollster  Top Monthly User  Trusted User TRUST USER?   YES (0), NO (0)
Status: Current Member for over 1 year (at the time of review).
Pros: This is a site that puts trans performers in story-type scenes, giving a good deal more variety & much higher production values than the "put her in a hotel room, have her masturbate" reality of a lot of TS porn. They tend to go for top tier TS performers. Daisy Taylor was a contract girl for this site & has 12 scenes. Khloe Kay has 7 scenes here. Miran from Japan has 4 scenes. Current updates are coming at a nice rate. There have been 11 scenes added since January 1, 2 of which were basic solo scenes. Altogether, there are 315 scenes on a site that first updated in July 2017. Scenes have 4 download options - if you have downloads - 320 p, 480 p, 720 p & 1080 p - no 4K here. Scenes also have photo galleries, though they tend to be just 20 or so photos. Photos download at 2000 x 3000 pixels
Cons: Be careful with the terms of your membership. Memberships to this site these days can have hefty add-on fees to include downloads. I got this site as an add-on at a very good price including downloads soon after it started, so I lucked out in that regard.
Bottom Line: This site is kind of a Naughty America with trans performers - the scenes have that level of production value and, for the most part, have that level of corporate porn feel. But it's fun to see TS babes get a chance to stretch their wings in scenes that have at least elements of a story to them. Where this site shines is on the high level of attractiveness of the performers here. And they do a good job in the variety dept as well. One scene will have 2 or 3 trans performers together. Another will have a trans-woman with a cis-woman. Another will be a trans-woman with a guy, etc. And they have good variety ethnically as well, with Miran from Japan and a number of African American & Latina trans performers as well. For someone checking out the world of TS porn, this site would definitely be one worth checking out.
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Visit Her Limit

23. Her Limit (0)

rearadmiral (0) 02-04-21  07:51am
Rookie Badge  Talk Back  Comments  Pollster  Top Monthly User  Hardcore Badge  Trusted User  Male Profile TRUST USER?   YES (0), NO (0)
Status: Was a member approx. 2 months prior to this review.
Pros: - Medium-sized site (134 scenes)
- Aggressive, enthusiastic sex
- Top models
- Lots of anal sex (if you are into that)
- Lots of rimming (if you are into that)
- Updates regularly
- Exclusive scenes
- Great TBP/PU discount
- Interviews with models
- Bills through a reputable biller
- Supports download managers
- Part of the Lets Doe It network
Cons: - Download limit of 100 videos per month
- May be too rough for members who joined the network and not this site specifically
- Lots of ads
- Hard-to-notice pre-checked cross-sales (two of them)
Bottom Line: Given the audience here at Porn Users, I’m probably not writing anything that they aren’t aware of, but the title of this site comes from the concept of a “limit” in rough sex and BDSM. Given that this site caters to rough sex I’m confident in saying that the title indicates that the models are taken to, and in some case past, their personal limits. Having said that, I’m not suggesting that the model’s limits haven’t been respected. This is not a true BDSM site as one would find, for example, at Kink.com.

The scenes often begin with an interview which is unusual for Eastern European sites, presumably because of language issues. While some of the models struggle with English and some use a translator, the interviews still give some insight into the model’s personality and motivations. Given the nature of the site, the interviews usually delve into what the model’s limits are. Interestingly, in many cases the model is really looking forward to having her limits pushed a bit.

For fans of anal scenes there will be a lot to like here because most of the scenes feature this. However, for someone joining an Eastern European site with rough sex, anal sex is to be expected.

I’ll get this out of the way now, but many of the scenes also feature female-on-male rimming. I’m a big fan of this so I consider it a plus but for people who don’t like it, it might be a negative. For fans like me, the rimming here is very well done.

Another common element to most of the scenes is that while this sex can be deemed rough, it is also energetic and enthusiastic. Whether it’s a combination of acting and reality, the models all seem to be having a lot of fun here.

While the site features predominantly Eastern European models, it is fair to say that these are all A-list. It really is a who’s who of top EE models. Given that the site features rough (and usually anal) sex, it won’t be a surprise that most of the models here also have scenes on sites that feature extremely rough sex such as Legal Porno. While I don’t generally collect scenes with many Eastern European models, there are several who I download everything I can. Many of these models are present here. I am always open to discovering new models and this site gave me that opportunity. I think I’m going to add Linda LeClair to my list because the scene she has here is intense.

There are currently 134 scenes available and the site continues to grow with a new scene being added every two weeks. I found the scenes to have good production values and a professional feel to them.

The site itself is logical and easy to use. It uses common porn tags to help users sort for what they are looking for. There are 55 categories and 336 tags so there should be something here to help every subscriber. You can also sort scenes by newest, most popular and most viewed.

A subscriber can save scenes as favourites and can vote on them.

There are four video download options, 1080p, 6000 kbps (30 FPS), 480p, 360p and 240p. There is no 4K option for downloads.

Photos are available but they are quite limited. The only photo option is 1920x1080 and those are screenshots. Many of the sets are quite small, with the most recent set, for example, only having 16 photos.

This site is part of the Let’s Doe It network which has 17 sites. Oddly, while Her Limit features rough sex, the rest of the network is much softer than this. This may mean that some subscribers avoid Her Limit altogether or people who join specifically to get the rough scenes may be disappointed with the remainder of the network. In total, the network has approximately 1600 scenes.

The site is cluttered with ads. After you log in you get a page with ads before you get to the first member’s webpage. When you reach it, there are more ads.

A caution too – when you first sign up, you have to uncheck two cross sells that are easy to miss as they are on the opposite side of the page from where you are entering information. Be careful!

Others here have commented that the site is very sluggish to load. I found download speeds were quite variable and unpredictable. After loading several pages, I was logged out and had to get back in while losing the page I was looking at. The site does support download managers.

There is a reported download limit of 100 scenes per month. I didn’t hit that limit so I can’t confirm it. I’m no fan of limits but I think I could live with this one as it is somewhat reasonable though it should be raised.

While the site, and network, I have some flaws, there is still a lot of good to be found here. If you are into rough sex videos then you will like this specific site. If you are also into more sensual videos then you will find a lot of value in the rest of the network as well. When you add in the 50% TBP/PU discount it makes for a much better value. Even with the relatively minor flaws I highly recommend this site.
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Visit Bitches Abroad

24. Bitches Abroad (0)

LKLK (0) 11-03-20  10:42pm
Rookie Badge  Talk Back TRUST USER?   YES (0), NO (0)
Status: Current Member for over 1 year (at the time of review).
Pros: -There is a hot link that allows you to skip the intro section when streaming a video.
-Unlimited streaming.
-There are plenty of attractive models. For example, Stacy Cruz, Julia Red, Zazie Skymm, Rebecca Black, Lovita Fate, Ria Sun, Misha Cross, Anna Rey, Jessica Spielberg, etc.
-The videos are crystal clear. Good lighting, good sound control, good colors, etc.
-The Zazie Skymm video at Bitches Abroad is worth the membership price by itself. She is one fantastic looking woman: lovely face, great body, alabaster skin: a wet dream come true.
Cons: -There is a limit of 100 videos/month for downloads for the entire network (not per channel, but for the entire network).
-Slow download speeds. Download speeds can drop to 400 KB/sec, so if you're downloading a 36 minute runtime video at 720p, it can easily take 30 minutes or more, which is ridiculous.
-Videos download with the name of the model in the video, but you have to manually add the posting date, the channel, and whatever other information you need.
-I don't know why, but the download links become inactive within a few minutes after logging in to the site. I need to hit the download link to download the video and photoset (if I want the photoset downloaded) immediately upon logging in, or I have to re-start the computer to download anything.
-The channel logs you out within a short time. I've had other networks which left me logged in for hours, but this network logs me out in about 30 minutes (but logs me back in automatically, without having to enter my login details).
Bottom Line: -Bitches Abroad is part of the Lets Doe It network. Membership in any one of the Lets Doe It channels gives you access to all the other channels in the Lets Doe It network. There are no premium channels you have to pay extra for.
Note: A few years ago, when the Lets Doe It network was called Porn Doe Premium, it used to have 40+ channels. Then they renamed it as Lets Doe It, and reduced the number of channels to around 16 channels, and split the other channels into separate networks that you have to pay extra for. In that sense, what used to be a large network became separate networks that required a lot more money to access.
So if you were a member in the old days, you might have a feeling of being cheated because you no longer have a low-cost membership that gives you access to all the channels in the PornDoe cash channels.

The channel theme for Bitches Abroad is girls who are on vacation and travelling to a different country.
And since this is a porn channel, the girls are horny and ready to fuck and suck with the first stud they meet. Not a lot of romance, just good old hardcore sex. However, since this is part of the Lets Doe It network, the girls are young (late teens, early twenties), and are attractive to fucking gorgeous.

Bitches Abroad has 100 scenes.
Runtime: 20 to 40 minutes.
Video definition: 240p to 1080p.
Unlimited streaming.
100 downloads per month for the entire network.
The photosets are tiny: 13 photos or less per photoset.
The photos in a photoset are actual photos, not screencaps, but since the photosets are a small number of photos, even if the girl is attractive, the photosets are not worth collecting.
There is a zip file for each photoset, but only in 1 definition.
This is definitely not a photography-oriented network.

The major con is that this is an archive site. The last update was Aug 23, 2018, over 2 years ago.
Which is a shame, because the models are attractive European women, and the vacation-travel idea adds a little spice to the sex. Two bodies slapping against each other tends to get tired after a while, even when one of the bodies is a good-looking women. The idea of a girl on vacation in a strange city, meeting a guy, then hooking up with the guy, makes the sex more interesting. Even if there is very little realism in the story: the girl is hot to trot, the guy is ready to fuck, and it's just wham-bam-thank-you-ma'am, but at least there's a tiny bit of plot that tries to give meaning to the sex.

-What surprises me is that even the lower definition videos look very good. I downloaded some 480p videos, and to me, they look clear and crisp. I couldn't tell the difference between the 480p videos, and the same videos in 720p or 1080p on a 32" monitor. My laptop is rated for 1080p, and the 32" monitor is new, but the 480p videos really look crisp. Maybe on a super-high definition, large screen monitor the differences in definition would be more visible, but the 480p videos look fine to me. And the 480p videos save a lot of storage space over the higher definition videos.
Actually, when I save photosets from MetArt or other fine photography sites, I normally download the small definition sets, because I can't tell the difference from the higher definition sets (the middle and highest definition sets) on my 27" or 32" monitors. Again, maybe it takes a very large, super-high definition monitor to see the difference. Or you might be able to see the difference in definition if you print the photos with a printer. But there's no sense for me to save the mid- or high-defintion photosets, because the low-definition photosets look just as crisp (when viewing as a slide-show, or a single photo. Only if I zoom in on a photo can I tell the difference between low, middle and high definiton photos. And I rarely zoom in on photos, because I'm not a professional photographer or professional artist, trying to see every detail on a photograph. My objective is to look at pretty women, not trying to study every tiny wrinkle or wart on the model's body.

I'm giving the channel a score of 88.
If they started updating the channel, the score would be higher.
Lets Doe It network has a slow update rate, and Bitches Abroad is an archive channel.
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25. LetsDoeIt (0)

exotics4me (0) 10-07-20  02:38am
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Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: - The biggest of the mini-networks from the Porn Doe family of sites.
- 17 sites are included, I will list them in the bottom line.
- As was the case on all these mini-networks, the download speed is usually good or about 75% of my max, other times (not frequent) the download speed just drops off and crashes.
- If you have $50 to spend, the all network pass they have is a good deal.
- The standalone price for Lets Doe It at $15 is also a good deal.
- Segpay is the biller and in my opinion, they have surpassed CCBill and Epoch.
Cons: - The biggest con is going to be the 100 download limit per month. With this being the biggest of the Porn Doe mini-networks, it has around 2,000 scenes, that 100 limit is very low.
- The dropout in download speed is frustrating. It happens maybe once every 3 downloads. They’re already limiting your total downloads so they drop in download speed just kind of rubs you the wrong way.
- This is going to be a common one on these Porn Doe mini-networks, they used to include all 46 of their sites on one network. Now they have it split up into 5 mini-networks you have to join separately and pay for separately.
Bottom Line: This is a line from the pros section of my March 2019 review of Lets Doe It, “43 sites by my current 3/11/2019 count with a placard in place for "Dirty Cosplay" coming soon.” Lets Doe It now has 17-18 sites. I felt like they rebranded their network from Porn Doe to Lets Doe It with the thinking that people wouldn’t realize it was the same network just with all those sites split up into multiple networks. I’m not even going to judge them for it or say they did it for the money. I am going to say it hurts the score of each of these mini-networks since the change hurt the overall value. You used to get 43 sites for $30. Now you have to join the different mini-networks for $15 each. Once you have joined 3 of those you’re paying more than Porn Doe was and there are still 20 or more sites you’re not getting.

Lets Doe It is the biggest of these mini-networks. It’s probably the only one that really qualifies as a network in terms of size with nearly 2,000 scenes. I will go ahead and list the sites included, their number of scenes and if they are still updating.
The White Boxxx has 289 scenes and is still updating.
A Girl Knows has 183 scenes and is still updating.
Her Limit has 126 scenes and is still updating.
Horny Hostel has 45 scenes and is still updating.
Xchimera has 35 scenes and is still updating.
Scam Angels has 50 scenes and stopped updating in 2019.
Bitches Abroad has 100 scenes stopped updating in 2018.
Porno Acadamie has 35 scenes and stopped updating in 2018.
Bums Bus has 134 scenes and stopped updating in 2018.
XXX Shades has 124 scenes and stopped updating in 2018.
Doe Projects has 36 scenes and stopped updating in 2019.
Relaxxxed has 130 scenes and stopped updating in 2018.
Kinky In-Laws has 30 scenes and stopped updating in 2017.
My Naughty Album has 70 scenes and stopped updating in 2018.
Bums Buero has 52 scenes and stopped updating in 2017.
Quest for Orgasm has 80 scenes and stopped updating in 2018.
Bums Besuch has 27 scenes and stopped updating in 2018.

I hope that’s useful to someone and it shows my problem with splitting all their sites up into these mini-networks. This one has 6 sites that are updating and 12 that are not updating. I know a few of our members here like The White Boxxx but it reminds me a lot of the heartcore porn that I’m not really into. The models on this mini-network are mostly European and Eastern European. There are a few Latina/Hispanic models but not a lot.

The scenes are of above average quality in production values. The technical quality is good but there are no 4K scenes that I have seen. They do offer the two main HD resolutions and a couple of mobile options. It’s not bad but this was such a strong network before they split it up. This site is a good defense for splitting it up. I don’t think I would spend much time on the sites on this mini-network. Which means I could skip joining it and just join the ones I do like.

It could be better even as a mini-network. The navigation is only so-so and it signs me out every 10 minutes. If you’re looking deep into a site and it signs you out, you are automatically signed back in but you are taken back to the first page. I could see fans of the Eastern European models (Russian especially), liking this mini-network. It’s just around average for me.
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