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02-24-09  01:57pm - 5797 days Original Post - #1
Tree Rodent (0)
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Porn Users -The Review

Yes here it is. Totally unwanted and not asked for by anybody. This is what my review of PU would be if reviewing for another site.

Rating 83

Surprisingly intelligent members who can discuss things and argue without falling out and resorting to insults.
Generally objective and intelligent reviews containing both pros and cons.
The site is run by the amiable Rick and managed by the crusty but amiable Khan. They make enough contributions so the site does not become something run by a faceless corporation, while at the same time managing not to over interfere or intrude.
The whole layout and look of the site is very customer friendly.
Everything is linked in a very effective and easy to use way.
Some good bargains for members when they use links from PU to reviewed sites.
There seems to be some integrity with PU, as the real rogue sites do at least carry some sort of warning, but you really have to search.
Members are genuine fans of porn, and are for the most part given a free reign to say what they wish, without censorship.

The site is a business which makes money by linking to the sites that are reviewed. This means it is bad business to be too critical, so not everything on the site can be trusted. There is no list of rogue sites, for instance.
There are far too many reviews by newbies some of whom, are really lousy at reviewing.
Too many reviews by members who just seem to join sites in order to review and then continuously give ridiculously high marks.
There is too much quantity which buries the quality. By its very nature, the site falls to the lowest common denominator at times, resulting in difficulty sifting the majority of rubbish from the genuine quality.
A system that awards comments, reviews or trust votes with raffle tickets can unbalance the objectivity of opinions.
There is too much concentration on the reviews and too little on the forum, which is more relaxed. The problem here is the same as with any other forum: there are too few regular members who contribute. The raffle tickets are given for reviews which results in the forum being the poor relation.

Bottom Line
An entertaining and enjoyable site which contains some integrity. Most of the opinions seem to be open and honest. There seems to be too much rubbish to sift through, but at the same time management does not want to discourage anyone fron contributing. It's just at times there is TOO MUCH information available, and you really do have to work to find some opinions from the more reliable members, who have tastes similar to your own.

02-24-09  02:30pm - 5797 days #2
Rick (0)

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Wow, awesome. Thanks Squirrel for your feedback.

Our site concept (and yes, business) is one of the toughest to harmonize. Before we began, most webmasters (site owners) said it was impossible to create a such a site due to fake reviews and/or lack or genuine user reviews, among other things. For sure the growing process has been slow and steady, but overall the concept has succeeded and proved the naysayers wrong.

I agree with most of your feedback and hopefully we can continue to improve on what we've built so far. It's too bad we don't get more forum activity, but on the bright side the quality of forum participants couldn't get any better! More threads always equal more participation. I know most here want badly to see this forum grow. Don't sit back and watch, make this place bumping by creating new threads (don't always have to be porn related)! The Best Porn - Ultimate Consumer Guide to Porn
Porn Users - Porn Review by the People
Ranks.com, Inc., Chief/Founder

02-24-09  02:33pm - 5797 days #3
Rick (0)

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BTW, I'd love to see if others agree with your pros/cons or could even add to them. The Best Porn - Ultimate Consumer Guide to Porn
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Ranks.com, Inc., Chief/Founder

02-24-09  02:43pm - 5797 days #4
Tree Rodent (0)
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Thanks Rick - I don't do that many reviews, mainly because I only review sites I genuinely want to join, but I do mark considerably lower than the average reviewer. Therefore I think 83 is well deserved, and I'm glad you didn't take offence. That review and its contents is the one I would post if PU was doing reviews of...PU. This place is still the only porn review or forum around that I take notice of.

02-24-09  03:00pm - 5797 days #5
Denner (0)
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I really enjoy that "review" by The Squirrel...

And certainly agree with this, among others:

"There are far too many reviews by newbies some of whom, are really lousy at reviewing.
Too many reviews by members who just seem to join sites in order to review and then continuously give ridiculously high marks."

Just a little confused by the obvious difference between TBP and PU.
For Cons Squirrel also states:

"The site is a business which makes money by linking to the sites that are reviewed. This means it is bad business to be too critical, so not everything on the site can be trusted."

You COULD say that about TBP - who has the economic interest as mentioned - but members of PU does NOT have those interests in relation to the site-owners.
And as far as I can see this, Squirrels review is for PU and not TBP...
Correct me, if my wrong here... "I don't drink anymore - I freeze it, and eat it like a popcicle" Edited on Feb 24, 2009, 03:03pm

02-24-09  03:14pm - 5797 days #6
Tree Rodent (0)
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Well I could say you're wrong but....

The review is for PU. What I was referring to was not necessarily the reviews, but the way the place is run and managed in order to make a profit. One of these things is the way the rogue sites are pointed out, and also the way raffle tickets are awarded for reviews. Also anything that is posted on here has to be moderated, and is moderated by management. Therefore anything that appears here has gone through some sort of filter. Who knows what is left out. Maybe nothing at all. But as the site is a business, things are naturally geared towards customers linking to sites which can make money for PU. I am not totally sucspicious of this, but I am aware of it. As Rick has intimated, it is a very difficult thing to tread that fine line between review and business. This theme is as relevant here, as on TBP, because the whole site is a business geared towards getting people to join sites which brings in revenue. I do not mean this as a criticism but it is how it works. I think they have made it work very well, and with some integrity too. So although the site contains reviews by members, it is run by people who make money by getting customers to join sites through links from this site. Therefore everything that appears here has to be viewed in this light.

02-24-09  03:54pm - 5797 days #7
Drooler (0)
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Squirrel, I think your review is fair and balanced. And an 83 ain't too shabby!

I just hope this doesn't lead to "Squirrel: The Review" or worse yet (!), "Drooler: The Review." ;)

My only comment on the review is regarding the point about quantity exceeding quality. I agree that it's true of PU, and I think we all understand why (no need to tell you what you already know).

But finding a good review on a site that's open to anyone who plays by the rules, and who only themselves exercise the options of earning the most points for reviews is kind of like finding anything else of quality: gold, diamonds, platinum, or the likes of Nikky Case. You have to sift through it all. It's just in the nature of things. I wanted something new, so I left England for New England. Edited on Feb 24, 2009, 04:13pm

02-24-09  04:49pm - 5797 days #8
Wittyguy (0)
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x Edited on Apr 19, 2023, 03:04pm

02-24-09  06:47pm - 5796 days #9
pat362 (0)
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Originally Posted by Wittyguy:

Definitely need more forum participation. Probably the only way that's going to happen is if people start posting about stuff like sports, politics, current events, stupid pet tricks, etc. I'd love to see more people post about a variety of topics as I think a lot of us are starting to see the same stuff get rehashed. Boobs and Butts can only take you so far and with the forum almost a year old I think we're all getting a little red faced on that stuff.

I'll second that. I would like to have more discussions on subjects other than porn in the forum. I'm just not sure if we would be allowed. I'm sure Khan or Rick can confirm the possibility. Long live the Brown Coats.

02-24-09  07:06pm - 5796 days #10
Rick (0)

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Originally Posted by pat362:

I'll second that. I would like to have more discussions on subjects other than porn in the forum. I'm just not sure if we would be allowed. I'm sure Khan or Rick can confirm the possibility.

Yep, forum is open for almost any general non-porn subject. :) The Best Porn - Ultimate Consumer Guide to Porn
Porn Users - Porn Review by the People
Ranks.com, Inc., Chief/Founder

02-24-09  07:09pm - 5796 days #11
Khan (0)

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Originally Posted by pat362:

I would like to have more discussions on subjects other than porn in the forum. I'm just not sure if we would be allowed. I'm sure Khan or Rick can confirm the possibility.

Sure, as long as users remember that we're not a site for sharing links to content or free porn, we encourage users to feel free to discuss other matters here. IMO, it's a great way for PU's to get to know one another better.

As Rick mentioned earlier (reply #2 above), discussions aren't limited to porn. What sports do you follow? What movies do you love? For the most part, we're very relaxed about what you're welcome to discuss.

Hope that helps. Former PornUsers Senior Administrator
Now at: MyPorn.com

"To get your ideas across use small words, big ideas, and short sentences."-John Henry Patterson

02-24-09  09:19pm - 5796 days #12
badandy400 (0)
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If you look back there have been a few threads about college football and even a discussion about a few different sports cars. Which is good and bad. I have no issues with people talking about other thing, I just do not want to see the forum taken over by non sense. But, I do not think that would happen knowing those who normally contribute.

I agree with not having raffle ticket given for forum posts. Even though I would get a lot of tickets from posting, I think it might bring more unwanted posts.

Now about the small newbie reviews. We were all new at some point so I say to leave a little slack for them. Truly bad reviews (short) usually end up being removed anyway. Not many 5 line wonders make it through the screening.

I can not complain at all about PU and TBP getting paid for linking. They need money to buy porn too you know! The censorship is practically non existent on PU when it comes to us writing reviews and comments. We are allowed to give one site high praise while bashing another site. If we all speak poorly of a particular site few people will join and of course PU gets no money from that site. But the trade off is that people will continue to check sites out here first because they feel it will help them make good choices, so in turn PU gets money from different sites and more of it in the long run. So money is good, and the freedom we are given is good too.

Worth mentioning as well is that it seems the reviews are somewhat sorted as well when you check a specific site. The better reviews tend to be toward the top.

All around I give PU a 95. The is always room for improvement, but most things are set up well and it is obvious that the site is well thought out. Most of the time when a topic of how the staff runs something comes up I look at other options and how they would impact the site. Nearly always I conclude, in my personal opinion, that the current method is the better choice. It truly does show and it is part of what keep me here and checking the site may times throughout a day.

Perhaps the best part about this site is the overall intelligence of the users. People have their egos in check here, ids I believe to be correct for you brain doctors. :) You can step on someone's balls a little about something and they will come back and explain things to you rather than get revert back to 2nd grade and begin cluster bombing the forum with insults. I also like that when a question is asked it is responded to by several people with helpful insights. Lastly, and certainly not least, I always look forward to WittyGuy's next comical classic that somehow manages to peg all of use exactly.

After all, how many review sites actually bribe people into submitting reviews!?!?! Getting paid periodically for doing something I like to do is hard to beat. "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~

PU Interview

02-25-09  06:54am - 5796 days #13
mbaya (0)

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I think it is very important that we have quantity. Some less than stellar reviews do have some good points to keep in mind. Also, with quantity you may find reviews on some of the lesser known sites. Sometimes quantity will give a pattern that makes sense. For example, we have a LOT of posts about incrediblepass. Not everything was well written, but there was an obvious, overwhelming pattern going on that no one could possibly deny. True, some reviews are not very helpful, but I can't imagine a way to improve a site open to reviews as much as does PU. I would give PU a 90, simply because of the mx of quantity and quality.

02-25-09  07:21am - 5796 days #14
jd1961 (0)
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When you join a site, you should do so through the links in TBP, they deserve our support.

I've been saved from many a bad site because of reviews and comments here. And I can get all the stats---volume of material, vid format and size, updating etc, not to mention the discounts and trial warnings.

It's a business, but a good business that provides a valuable service. Used to be blind fishing when joining a site. It's like porn always has been, some put a nice flashy cover on a pile of dung! You open it up, and nothing's there. So, I don't see the "business" as being a negative at all, as long as it's run honestly. And as you know, negative comments/scores are not censored here.

I think your score is low.

02-25-09  08:03am - 5796 days #15
Tree Rodent (0)
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I agree with the comments. Yes I think my score is low, but only using PU members marking, not my own criteria, which I would argue follows PU's and TBP's original criteria, but not the real way sites are marked. So many here and on TBP, seem to mark so abnormally high that a score of 88 could almost be construed as a poor site (at least relative to a lot of the others). I would say a mark of 84-86 is maybe fairer in many respects.

I have not allowed for the difficulty in getting the site together and online. A bit like a rock concert. Everything is chaos beforehand but the performance is great on the night, without anyone knowing all the bad stuff and panic that lead up to a great concert. So I do take my hat off to the people that got it together. The relationship between members and owners here is to a certain extent symbiotic, at least at the moment. We may be on different sides of the industry but PU helps both fair porn websites and fair customers, while at the same time making a profit.

02-25-09  08:16am - 5796 days #16
jd1961 (0)
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Originally Posted by TheSquirrel:

I agree with the comments. Yes I think my score is low, but only using PU members marking, not my own criteria, which I would argue follows PU's and TBP's original criteria, but not the real way sites are marked. So many here and on TBP, seem to mark so abnormally high

Speaking for myself, I'm very picky in the sites I join, and only join after a lot of research. So I think my scores appear higher because of that. I'm pretty sure I'm going to like a site before I join it, although it doesn't always work out that way.

02-25-09  02:19pm - 5796 days #17
exotics4me (0)
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I am going to give PU a 95. For one reason, that I don't think some of the newer members know about is the forward progress of the site and the willingness of Rick and Khan to add new things that improves the site. For one, some members might not know that the forum we are posting on was not here when PU first started. This was an addition to the site. For another, the fixing of trust ratings, and requiring a comment to post a no trust rating. That was an addition, and then there was the one that made me personally very happy and that was the changing of the Bottom Line limit of characters from 1,500 to 3,000 and the changing of pros and cons from 500 characters to 1,000 characters.

There was hardly ever a review that I wrote back then that didn't go over the 1,500 character bottom line limit. Now, I am using all 3,000! I have a feeling if the limit was 10,000, I would still be going over! But 3,000 is much better, especially since the pros and cons area has expanded and you can sneak some parts into it that you would have had to put in the bottom line.

I used to run a forum with my wife about Philosophy and Psychology, and believe me, I know how frustrating it is to deal with trolls and shills. If you ban their IP, they just get an IP switcher software. If you remove their posts, they just get pissed off and post more and if you belittle them, they get a laugh out of it. We would ignore them and hope they would tire themselves out realizing we weren't paying them any attention. So, I can't take away for those shills and trolls.

One of the biggest positives to me is what others have mentioned and that is that we do seem to have a pretty civil group of members here. I've talked about PU on both the Twistys forum and Teen Dream forum, and see nothing but praise from others about how they come by and read reviews "but don't know how to start reviewing, I would be biased!"

Speaking of being biased, the 5 points off the score was for the fact that Eve Angel still isn't on staff here! Get Eve and we're going 100! That has been in my profile since I first joined the site see, "Is there anything else you'd like to add?
Yeah, have Eve Angel on staff so I can talk to her!"

Similar to how I do review high in most cases, I have yet to hit a 100, and the reason for that is because the same reason I rate PU a 95. Nothing is beyond improving. The biggest con that I used to have was that for some reason, my browser used to get stuck when I would click the intro page to enter, but that has been fixed, could have been a computer issue since I am using a different computer now.

I've always enjoyed the humor of the members and have enjoyed watching the size of PU in members, grow. I can remember when the raffles first started and there would be less than 10 people eligible to win each week! Total tickets out would be less than 100 every week and most were Snowdude, Denner and myself. We would have 65 of 80 tickets between us.

Oh and the society trend in reviews. I remember when Twistys and 1byday would receive glowing reviews, as I still think they should, but I've noticed that both seem to have the whole "Wal-Mart" vibe around them in new reviews like they are the evil corporate giants and the scores tumble.

Last thing, I've liked the chance PU gives us to know other porn fans. A member from awhile back, haven't seen him around lately, nadiacendia emailed me from the site and we talked about sites that were not well known but had content of our favorite model, Eve Angel, on them. I've had the chance to talk with webmasters, who I have a new respect for, seeing that none have ever made me any kind of offer of free content to score them high and that showed me that most were hardworking, honest people. Got to talk to a few photographers through one of the webmasters and "throw ideas" at them about poses. These are things I would have never been able to do. And just like in my reviews of porn sites, I rarely can find anything too bad to complain about with PU. Oh, and enjoyed talking with and reading Khan's posts and the ones by Rick about how he got into the website business. Not that I plan on ever trying, tried the forum thing for 3 years, but didn't have the patience to do it.

And no this wasn't a shill! These are my honest feelings. Improvements have been made, the great discounts, talking with other intelligent porn fans, webmasters, I just can't find much to complain about. My first time I jacked off, I thought I'd invented it. I looked down at my sloppy handful of junk and thought, This is going to make me rich. - Chuck Palahniuk

02-25-09  07:19pm - 5795 days #18
badandy400 (0)
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Once again I agree with Exotics on pretty much all accounts. The only item I am not 100% about is the Eve Angel, I would prefer Amy Reid. I believe if they had Amy I would crack the PU system just so I could give it a 101 score. :)

I am curious Exotics, when the people on the other forums said they did not how to start reviewing did you give them a few pointers and tell them to just have at it? "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~

PU Interview

02-25-09  07:29pm - 5795 days #19
turboshaft (0)
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Originally Posted by exotics4me:

Speaking of being biased, the 5 points off the score was for the fact that Eve Angel still isn't on staff here! Get Eve and we're going 100! That has been in my profile since I first joined the site see, "Is there anything else you'd like to add?
Yeah, have Eve Angel on staff so I can talk to her!"

No offense to the staff or exotics4me, but how do you think they would get anything done if Eve was working here? It would probably increase membership dramatically though! "It's incredibly obvious, isn't it? A foreign substance is introduced into our precious bodily fluids without the knowledge of the individual. Certainly without any choice. That's the way your hardcore Commie works." - Gen. Jack D. Rippper, Dr. Stranglove

02-25-09  07:45pm - 5795 days #20
badandy400 (0)
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Very true. If they have great looking girls with them I believe this site would be run down within days. I sure would not be too worried about my work if a woman like that was around! "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~

PU Interview

02-26-09  03:33am - 5795 days #21
exotics4me (0)
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Originally Posted by badandy400:

Once again I agree with Exotics on pretty much all accounts. The only item I am not 100% about is the Eve Angel, I would prefer Amy Reid. I believe if they had Amy I would crack the PU system just so I could give it a 101 score. :)

I am curious Exotics, when the people on the other forums said they did not how to start reviewing did you give them a few pointers and tell them to just have at it?

Badandy, I know you have more hard drive space than me, but seniority rules and I say Eve! ha ha Just kidding around with you. Maybe we could compromise with Aria Giovanni?

I mainly talked in the Teen Dreams forum about how I don't think anyone expects us to be completely unbiased, a point I have made and JD made above, we usually join sites that we know we are going to like. Most of the Teen Dreams members seemed to talk like they are only members of that site and maybe try one or two more per year, and were thinking if they put a high 90s review for Teen Dreams, then two lower ones on other sites that they would be looked at as shills. On Twistys, it was more or less joking around with the members that Shap (webmaster of Twistys) should add more Eve content in the months I am on to get a higher score. I thought it was interesting that neither Shap or Andrea (webmaster of Teen Dreams) posted on either thread, though both are very active on their forums. I did talk to Andrea in one thread about PU, but it was to tell her she could post announcements about Teen Dreams on here.

I do think that some of the webmasters really listen to the requests. I noticed not long after me, Denner and I think Roseman posted reviews about Anette Dawn's site being very good, but not near big enough for the price, it ended up being a free bonus site to Twistys. When Teen Dreams bonus to Viv Thomas' Videos became stream only, I posted my displeasure with this on the Teen Dreams forum and here as well, since the videos are not near the quality of the ones you get from joining Viv's videos, it took just a few days and the downloads were brought back to Teen Dreams bonus and the recent one with the 1byday archive disappearance, it was back in just a few days too. Those were PU pros I forgot about earlier. My first time I jacked off, I thought I'd invented it. I looked down at my sloppy handful of junk and thought, This is going to make me rich. - Chuck Palahniuk

02-26-09  03:37am - 5795 days #22
exotics4me (0)
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Originally Posted by turboshaft:

No offense to the staff or exotics4me, but how do you think they would get anything done if Eve was working here? It would probably increase membership dramatically though!

I have that problem solved already, just send Eve to my house and she can work from here! Rick and Duke and Khan will just have to bring Amy Reid in for their viewing pleasure!

This way, I would set up a camera and get a live feed going of Eve reviewing sites for us all to watch! My first time I jacked off, I thought I'd invented it. I looked down at my sloppy handful of junk and thought, This is going to make me rich. - Chuck Palahniuk

02-26-09  03:13pm - 5795 days #23
Drooler (0)
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I still think that Squirrel's rating of 83 is closer to the mark. While I'm inclined to rate Khan and Rick and the rest of the PU staff (if they exist) way up in the high 90's (I never give 100's), the site overall is a different matter.

It's a rating of everyone's reviews and other objects of web text. Let's face it: Some of the "reviews" aren't much to look at, let alone read. And sure, some are really exemplary.

I could go on, but suffice it to say that an 83 is fair and, as I said before, "it's not too shabby." The site could be doing a lot worse, but it's not. I'm pretty darn happy with it. I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

02-26-09  09:02pm - 5794 days #24
badandy400 (0)
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Extoics. If she was at your house you would save a lot of money on porn sites, you would not need them....at least at first. And yes, I believe that would be an acceptable compromise, send her over. Live feeds would be good as well, I would be happy to download all of those too. "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~

PU Interview

02-27-09  05:31am - 5794 days #25
Tree Rodent (0)
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Originally Posted by Drooler:

I still think that Squirrel's rating of 83 is closer to the mark. While I'm inclined to rate Khan and Rick and the rest of the PU staff (if they exist) way up in the high 90's (I never give 100's), the site overall is a different matter.

It's a rating of everyone's reviews and other objects of web text. Let's face it: Some of the "reviews" aren't much to look at, let alone read. And sure, some are really exemplary.

I could go on, but suffice it to say that an 83 is fair and, as I said before, "it's not too shabby." The site could be doing a lot worse, but it's not. I'm pretty darn happy with it.

Thanks Drooler. I was beginning to feel mean and over critical with my rating. At least someone agrees with my rating, and since it is one of the big guns, I feel it wasn't too harsh a review. (Although from the avatar, maybe that should read "one of the big gums.")

02-27-09  11:25am - 5794 days #26
Jay G (0)
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Totally agree about supporting PU by going thru its link before joining any site, even sites I stumbled on elsewhere. PU has saved me money and trouble over and over since I join about 1 or 2 sites per month and in the past BPU (before Porn Users) I was often disappointed and sometimes semi-scammed.

It's also fun to trade info with others who also enjoy porn since my old buddies who used to talk about it have grown secret or sanctimonious as they got older. I wish I could buy many of the PU members a beer and chat about our experiences in person, but failing that, I do enjoy our online discussions. Jay G

02-27-09  01:19pm - 5794 days #27
Drooler (0)
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Originally Posted by TheSquirrel:

Although from the avatar, maybe that should read "one of the big gums.")

The better to "chew the fat" with. LOL. I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

04-13-09  12:18pm - 5749 days #28
Shap (0)
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Hi exotics4me. I just found this forum. Sorry if this is an old thread. I'm sorry for not replying in your thread on the Twistys Forum. I do my best to reply on most threads but sometimes when things get busy or I'm traveling I fall behind. Sorry about that.

Btw that said I think PornUsers is a great site. Tons of feedback and information here thanks to you guys :)

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