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  badandy400 (0) Registered March 02nd, 2008
Male, 39 yrs old  

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Date From Trust? Comment
09-29-08 Anonymous Yes None

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Avg Site Rating: 80.9

Category Total
*Total Points 0
Site Reviews 63
Site Comments 70
Site Ratings 1
Replies Given 954
Replies Received 510
Forum Posts 869

badandy400's Activity

*Points are awarded based on qualified reviews and badges earned.

Site Rating Review Date
1. Young Busty 85 Yes 12-01-10
2. Plumper Pass 80 Yes 04-14-10
3. The Hardcore Network 82 Yes 08-24-09
4. 2 Chicks Same Time 85 Yes 03-24-09
5. Extreme Girl Network 70 Yes 03-16-09
6. Extreme Alex 82 Yes 03-16-09
7. Extreme Sophia 83 Yes 03-09-09
8. Extreme Holly 80 Yes 03-08-09
9. Just Nude 84 Yes 02-18-09
10. XX Cel 84 Yes 01-30-09
11. Karup's PC 90 No 03-18-08

View All : Latest Ratings

Site Rating Review Date
1. VideoBox 100 Yes 03-02-08
2. Prime Cups 93 Yes 03-02-08
3. Nubiles.net 90 Yes 03-05-08
4. Brazzers 90 Yes 03-02-08
5. Pix and Video 90 Yes 03-02-08
6. Twistys 90 Yes 03-02-08
7. Rachel Aziani 90 Yes 06-16-08
8. Karup's PC 90 No 03-18-08
9. In Focus Girls 89 Yes 03-08-08
10. Baby Got Boobs 88 Yes 03-30-08

View All : Top Sites

Question Answer
Tell us a little about yourself...
I love porn!!! Duh. Porn is a hobby and an obsession for me. I just can not get enough. I get a strange feeling of pride when I download a 100 GB site during a 2 day trial or get warning from webmasters for excessive bandwidth usage! (not bad for 2007) I guess that is not very nice though, I am trying to be a little better about that lately. Porn is my motive for learning computers and such.
How long have you been surfing porn online?
20 years. I spent a lot of time downloading from freebie TGP like worldsex and thehun using the old right click and save as method. I started looking at TBP a while back but never used PU until recently. I wish I had started sooner.
What are your favorite porn niches or tastes?
I like just about anything. I really go for big boobs and lesbians. I love girls kissing, very hot. Girls peeing is not bad either, but it really depends. I dont mind fake boobs, but equal shaped and sized naturals are no doubt better. I like girls that know they are good looking, but are not snobby about it, real life and in porn. Blondes are hot, but I am not for the ditsy ones. I am not into guys, but if there is a guy in a video he should not be fat and ugly. Ron Jeremy sucks!
Does your spouse approve of your porn hobby? (if applies)
She knows and sees, but is not overly approving :) It does not get in the way of any thing normal in life.
What sites do you currently have a membership to? (if any)
This list always changes. I have been sticking with Brazzers, Playboy, and Videobox. Otherwise I am always on the move! For 2016, zero at this point.
What influences you the most when signing up to a pay-site?
Content, amount and quality, and the payment processor. Must be able to download well. Other times the niche it is in. Sometime I will join a small site just because it is more unique. If a site has download limits it is a quick scare away for me. I avoid them like the plague.
How much do you consider the price of a porn site?
I do consider it to a point, unless the content is extremely good. I use the trials a lot. But it usually holds true that you get what you pay for. The problem here is that porn seems to be getting more expensive too.
You prefer downloading or streaming video?
DOWNLOADING!!!! It is the only way to go. Besides, my downloader usually downloads the streams any way. I truly hate download limits!
Do you buy (or rent) adult DVD's?
I rent a lot from the online rentals by mail. But downloading is nice because I get to keep it. 2020- Do they still rent dvds online?
What's your monthly porn budget?
More than my income!! I have spend a lot of money one hard drives, enclosures and controller cards. I am currently (Answered 03-02-08) at 23.4 TB worth of hard drive space, in the area of 20 for porn. Wow this is all outdated. Have not counted in a while, nor expanded in recent years, but at least 150 TB as of Jan 2016. 2020 - Better income now. Honestly lost track of my hoard size. Would genuinely be shocked if under 700 TB in capacity. Moved largely to retired enterprise equipment.
What do you like and dislike about PornUsers.com?
It is most informative, this saves me money and time! I spend a lot of time browsing this site. Thank you to the webmasters and all the users here. It is also nice to be able to voice my opinion. I also like that it a place that good webmaster come to and view our opinions. This is more effect than email because here everyone knows if the webmaster is responsive and can see if there is problems with a given site.
Is there anything else you'd like to add?
I am a huge hard drive fan and am always expanding my storage capacity. I have a lot more money than I would like to admit into storing porn and other stuff. I am definitely a collector on more of an obsession level. I know I am not the top user here, but I like to think I have a collection to be admired even by some of the heavy downloaders out there. Although, I really need to do some major work on the organization. Filled this out nearly 8 years ago..wow.(12 now, still need organization)

Answered: 12 of 12

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