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badandy400 (0) 03-02-08  07:39pm
Rookie Badge  Talk Back  Comments  Pollster  Top Monthly User  Hardcore Badge  Trusted User  Male Profile TRUST USER?   YES (1), NO (0)
Status: Was a member approx. 2 months prior to this review.
Pros: Good looking women
Good deal of content
Images are nice, high res
Videos look very nice
Fast download SPEED
Webmaster monitors what people says on here, shows they care!
Cons: Limit connection numbers during downloads
Price a little high
Could use more Girl/Girl
Bottom Line: I will wait a while before updating from them again because of the price, but the content is nice. They limit the number of simultaneous connections, to 10 according to the webmaster. I was able to get three to four, please read replies for more details! A good site to use a downloader on that can limit number of connections. Content is worth the cost, but not for several months at a time.

Also, I raised my score 5 points because the webmaster actually checks out what people are saying about the site. I wish every webmaster followed this example!

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Review Replies (2)

Replies to the user review above.

Msg # User Message Date


PerfectGonzo (Suspended) The connection limit is 10 simultaneous connections at a time. That means you can download 10 files at the same time with 1 connection each or 2 files at the same time with 5 connections each via a download manager. We do this to maintain resources for everyone fairly. There no download limit in terms of movies, GB etc.
03-03-08  03:33am

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badandy400 (0) REPLY TO #1 - PerfectGonzo :

If that is the case than I stand corrected! However, I will mention that I was never able to get more than four and typically I got three. My download manager is set to only use 1 connection. The merging process for the parts takes too much system resources when I have it use multiple connections per file. Perhaps this was changed since December, or I was unlucky, but truly I was only getting three most of the time.

It is worth mentioning though that the site did not kick me off for exceeding the limits, whatever they are. My browsing and downloading on the fourth or fifth connection was simply paused until on of the other finished. I have been to sites there they will freeze your account if you exceed their limits.

I will confirm the GB limit, it took very little time do download the site. That is not in any way to mean there is little content!!! This is definitely a site I will visit again!

03-03-08  03:34pm

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