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N/A Reply of Amanda's Poll

Face slapping and especially poo, those tend to be my limits. The other stuff listed seems more for show than fun. I am sure some really enjoy it though.

09-05-16  07:41am

N/A Reply of XXX Customer's Reply

I am just above 141. That said many are 1.5 TB and a good number of additional are 500 and 750 GB drives of old. I actually did a capacity count the other day and came up with just above 225 TB total. Lately I a have been moving more towards quality set up and trying to do things the right way for data that I consider somewhat important. I have found using the right type of drive based on your storage method is actually pretty important. Different models of drives are set up to handle errors in different ways and this can have a huge impact on your system.

09-03-16  07:35pm

N/A Reply of machoman's Reply

This. These numbers are far too small. Some of them do not even represent a hour worth of downloading. To be honest I have long lost count. I am well north of 100 TB and have been there for a a number of years now. I did not count the capacity itself, but I did count number of drives a month or so ago and got around 140 not including game consoles.

09-01-16  03:25pm

N/A Reply of Cybertoad's Poll

Price of storage is getting better but so are the internet speeds. I can bring in 650 GB per day if I push and I know many others now can do better.

07-20-16  07:22pm

N/A Reply of Drooler's Poll

Of course. There will be certain things that are so rare to find that you have to take what you can get. A specific movement that no one does the same, a weird position/camera angle combination, or some off the deep end action that no one else does. Or some times it is simply the most perfect woman you have ever seen. Storage is cheap, keep it.

07-10-16  06:49am

N/A Reply of Amanda's Poll

It does not matter much.

07-04-16  08:39am

N/A Reply of Amanda's Poll

It seems that banks and everyone else wants to change their design. They end up feeling cartoonish and they always end up making navigation much more convoluted. My bank's changes made it so I can not view the same information and is far less useful now. Yahoo changed their front page for the USA again and they got a lot of backlash in the comments section, again. This time the kept it. The main complaint was a lot more adds and went from 40-80 news stories on the scroll bar to no scrolling and only 5 direct stories. I no longer go there.

Lets keep PU the same. If you want a different color scheme that is okay, just make it a user option. I like the basic design. I love that it is very functional. I know where things are.

07-04-16  08:38am

N/A Reply of elonlybuster's Poll

Should have had an option to say "prefer it".

06-28-16  03:30pm

Visit Live Jasmin

Live Jasmin
Reply of mbaya's Reply

mbaya, I can not agree with that more. Adblock my friend.

06-22-16  03:23pm

Visit Live Jasmin

Live Jasmin
Reply of robyfox4's Review

Can you go into more detail on what makes the site a scam?

06-21-16  03:25pm

N/A Reply of Drooler's Poll

As a novelty, sure. It can not be the only thing that happens though

06-10-16  10:53am

N/A Reply of Amanda's Poll

If she wanted a woman, sure. If she wanted a man, no deal.

06-10-16  10:52am

N/A Reply of Amanda's Poll

Yes, and have twice. Same girls both times. It was a bit awkward but worth it. Would do again.

06-05-16  04:35pm

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

Price prevents me from taking it to a repair shop. If I can not fix it I highly doubt a local repair shop can, and I have found geek squad to be nothing but idiots from talking to a number of them.

05-24-16  04:17pm

N/A Reply of Amanda's Poll

Mowing because it takes so long. About 3 hours for a full mow, all by push mower.

05-05-16  04:41pm

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

Threesome count?

04-07-16  05:20pm

N/A Reply of graymane's Poll

Well, all the above would not be a bad starting point if there are those who might disagree.

02-22-16  06:35pm

Visit Hegre Art

Hegre Art
Reply of greg909's Reply

This has long been my method of madness. Only year long membership I have ever gotten was for videobox, and that is because it took me more than a year of constant downloads to take their entire site. Huge was an understatement.

02-17-16  07:10pm

N/A Reply of Wittyguy's Reply

This. I would not likely pay more than a few dollars for it, if anything at all.

02-17-16  06:57pm

N/A Reply of Amanda's Poll

I just remind myself that I am an average guy. The guys in porn are in that 1% group that are beyond normal. Just like most women do not have natural 32FFF cups.

If you, as a man, and bench press 225 lbs you are pretty strong compared to most men you see in public. But then you go to a gym and suddenly it seems like 225 lbs is very low. This is because you have a concentration of stronger than average men which skew the norm in a very select area. Just as on a porn set you got one dude who is rocking a 8.5" dong while the other 15 guys working production are averaging 5.5".

02-13-16  09:07am

N/A Reply of Amanda's Poll

I will talk about a rather limited range of topics with people I know in person. Some of the more "interesting" things stay private.

02-10-16  03:13pm

N/A Reply of Amanda's Poll

Losing my eyesight. Be one of the worst things that could happen.

02-05-16  03:16pm

N/A Reply of GCode's Poll

For one month I am thinking it was $40, but this has been several years now. I may have done one or two higher. For that price the site needs to have something pretty special.

02-05-16  03:13pm

Visit X-Art

Reply of anyonebutme's Reply

At this point I still avoid the 12,000 Mbit videos unless the scene is just amazing. I do not shy from large files but 10 GB for a video can not be justified when my monitor is 1080p anyway, so the 2 GB looks the same but plays better.

02-02-16  08:02pm

N/A Reply of Amanda's Poll

A little late to the pole here, but that is ok. I have been using 4 TB USB3 externals lately. Was best bang for the buck when I got them. The bulk of my collection is on a group of raid5 arrays on a DAS. The hardware for that is pretty old now, but generally works. I can say that I have lost more porn due to hardware failures than most people have in their collection. Lost a 15 TB array about 5 years ago, and a 12 TB array about 3 years ago. On the flip side I have saved large arrays due to the raid5 as well. I just is not worth upgrading the raid cards and such to help out a bunch of 500-1500 GB disks. Been using the system as backup mostly these days.

Can never have enough my friends....

02-02-16  07:57pm

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