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N/A Reply of Amanda's Poll

Lack of intelligence, you can not make up for this.

02-02-16  07:44pm

Visit X-Art

Reply of Wraith0711's Comment

What you are seeing is the difference between a 12,000 kbit video vs a 8,500 kbit video.

Xart 610 MB for 9:42 at 1920x1088 (yes 1088)
Brazzers 3,220 MB for 36:36 at 1920x1080

In watching a very samples of each I can tell that Brazzers has some better looking videos in regards to sharpness. Xart does not look like SD, or what I would call low definition at this point.

01-17-16  05:58pm

N/A Reply of Wittyguy's Reply

I support like if there is a dislike. We do have the replies section though, which can serve that purpose as well. I always hated that facebook has no dislike button. Too many places/people are looking for social acceptance only and want to eliminate any form of criticism because they feel that we all can not handle it. They forget that being criticized for saying something stupid is how people learn what is acceptable.

01-10-16  08:06am

Visit Mofos Network

Mofos Network
Reply of mbaya's Reply

This is a lesson well learned by many of us here. I could not image joining a site that had no download. I would make it a mission to get everything just for the feeling of victory.

Try a program like Internet Download Manager (IDM) and see if you can grab the streams. It is a pain but it works on many sites. Sometimes you need to be a bit creative to get what you paid for.

01-06-16  04:38pm

N/A Reply of Amanda's Poll

Eat better and a new job equally to be honest.

01-06-16  04:21pm

N/A Reply of Amanda's Reply

Thank you. I check in periodically, but do not always have anything to add. It is nice to see some old familiar names as well as some fresh new ones. I have always enjoyed this community.

12-24-15  09:08am

N/A Reply of OneMan's Poll

Guy reaching from off camera, especially in a solo scene.

12-23-15  03:36pm

N/A Reply of LPee23's Poll

In year 2003 I was pulling 120 gb per day, over the course of an evening. Mind you that the first 500 gb drive was released in 2005. I have slowed WAY down to 300 GB per week. For a while I was bringing 4.5 TB monthly, every month, on a 15 mbit connection.

12-23-15  03:30pm

N/A Reply of rearadmiral's Reply

This was one of my all time favorite replies on this site.

12-23-15  03:16pm

Visit New Sensations Network

New Sensations Network
Reply of rearadmiral's Comment

Thanks for the great information. Will add them to the list of sites to not join.

05-04-14  01:44pm

Visit New Sensations Network

New Sensations Network
Reply of bibo's Comment

If you ask me, dont give them another dime. Sites did not need to do this 10 years ago and certainly do not need to do it now. Worst case should just use some throttling during heavy periods. In reality they do this so that you need to pay for many months to get what they have.

Thanks for the very informative post!

05-04-14  09:19am

N/A Reply of messmer's Poll

I find it sorta gross but it gives me so much hope for my future!

05-04-14  09:16am

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

We honestly need to just start calling 720p standard and anything lower to be low definition. Standards change.

04-30-14  04:10pm

Visit Extreme Holly

Extreme Holly
Reply of LPee23's Reply

I sent you an email as well. My listed email here is still correct and I do use it a lot. I will do what I can to help out a fellow yellow fan. Ha (actually I prefer clear)

04-29-14  03:41pm

N/A Reply of graymane's Poll

One way to look at it is would you have actually paid for the content if that was the only method of getting it. Lpee said he wanted to pay for something and got it for free, so yes that is true piracy. Now I wont knock him because the site was shut down thus ending any profit the owners would have made. Willing and unable to equate to not willing to in reality. I personally would help pay for a lawyer for anyone sued by the people at incrediblepass if they stole their stuff. The stole a lot of money from me through their credit card fraud. You can find that story with a 5 second search of this site. I have a ton of stuff that I would never pay for. If it came to deleting it or paying I would delete without second thought. That said, I have paid for a lot of my stuff too and never reviewed a site that did not get my money first.

If you really look into the laws for copyrights you have all broken them and if you are in the USA can be charged criminally and civilly. Lets say you go and download a song. You paid for the song. Technically you can only have one copy of the song. The second the download completes you are breaking the law because you have more than one copy of it. One is in the download directory and the other is stored by your browser. This specifically came up during a lawsuit a few years ago and the person did lose the case. They had to pay the record company some stupid amount of money because of it.

04-29-14  02:14pm

N/A Reply of graymane's Poll

It really depends on where the line is drawn. If you have gone to any tube sites you have technically violated someones copyrights.

04-28-14  01:46pm

Visit Twistys

Reply of LPee23's Reply

Oh wow. That was six years ago. I really do not remember now. Glimpseit was a recent find for me though that might just be what you are looking for.

04-27-14  09:56am

N/A Reply of graymane's Poll

I never see flaming going on, thus i must conclude that PU has the single most intelligent collection of users on the internet.

We don't even bash on the couple guys here who freely admit to liking and reviewing gay porn. Try that in any other mainly heterosexual forum!

I feel like here I can talk about myself and be honest without worry of the extreme backlash I would get in other places. I know I do not contribute 1% as much as I used to here but the respect of the users keeps me coming back.

Respect and the ability to allow someone to disagree is a direct measure of intelligence. That is what makes this entire site whole.

07-07-12  11:02am

Visit Daring Sex

Daring Sex
Reply of lk2fireone's Review

One of the better reviews I have seen as of late. It really reminds me of my format, so I must obviously approve!

05-13-12  04:26pm

Visit MetArt

Reply of Ergo Proxy's Comment

As long as everyone knows the price before jumping in then all is fair, at least as far as TBP/PU go. It becomes up to the PU'er to decide. Does anyone have any insight onto whether or not there are differences in cost to provide content in different areas of the globe. I am wondering if this plays any role, or if they are just being pricks?

04-29-12  03:46pm

N/A Reply of Drooler's Poll

I am not old enough for "too young" yet. That has not set in. I am assuming this poll is referring to girls that are safe to assume are 18+.

04-29-12  03:42pm

N/A Reply of jberryl69's Reply

I suspect that if the situation came up where you needed to defend yourself or your comrades you would have done so without much thought. Then later that night you would have had reality sink in. I am glad for you sake this never became a factor.

Personal defense is different from military engagements. In battles the average firefight has several hundred yards between the opposing sides. Obviously there are close range ambushes and urban warfare, but both of these can include or transition to 400 yard engagements. So there you were likely carrying the M-16 (hopefully M-16A), or perhaps AK-47 depending on where you are from.

In personal defense there are not long range engagements. The fights are very intimate. The "whites of the eyes" hold true for legal personal defense as well. If I am 200 feet away from you and you shoot me, you are going to prison. They will say you could/should have attempted to leave the situation. Now if I am 15 feet away with a gun, or I am thrusting a knife into your liver, you have every right to shoot and to shoot to kill. This situation t a weapon like The Judge becomes an amazing defense powerhouse. A this range, the legal range, it will stop any man in his tracks. The gun is great because it forces you to wait until lethal force becomes legal (potentially). You can not shoot someone 200 feet away with any success using the shot shells, and you also can not accidentally kill a bystander that is 200 feet away. For home defense it is great because it has less wall penetration than a slug would carry.

04-20-12  10:04pm

N/A Reply of jberryl69's Reply

"You are 100% correct though, being armed is a blessing and a burden all at the same time."

Was a direct response to:

"What do they call you when your weapon gets taken away from and you're killed? Even happens to cops."

Gun were certainly a game changer.

Survival of the fittest had a change in meaning. It became less about physical strength and much more about technological abilities. When the Germans invade Russia, the Russian Red Guard was sent. They are like the current day SEALS, while not the same as the SEALS, their abilities were like comparing a normal current person to a SEAL. These were fighting machines with amazing training. And the were sent after a group of Germans that were old, wore men from the first World War. The Russian Red guard was slaughtered by these old, tired Germans. This fight was not hand to hand, in which case the Guard would have had a dominating victory, no, the Germans had machine guns and simply mowed down the charging Guard force. This is one of my favorite examples of how technology can change the tides of war.

04-14-12  11:32am

N/A Reply of jberryl69's Reply

In that case, not prepared enough.

That is certainly a risk that would be involved in it. There are holsters that are very difficult for other to remove the weapon from, but are not 100%.

Not every situation ha such a risk. Being in a hand to hand fight with someone it is certainly possible. Ideally you are either able to draw and fire before they get to you, or the weapon can remain concealed until you deem it appropriate to use. When a gun enters a fight it will be used. That is were training becomes paramount.

In home defense situations it is not all the likely unless you are moving about the house and they surprise you in a hallway. Then it becomes similar to a street fight. Most situations there is a little distance involved, otherwise you would not be able to get to your weapon as you are not likely to be carrying it in your home. If I know someone is coming I will have heavily armed and, if have a little time, armored. In this event I have 30 rounds ready to go and 100 more in banana clips. There was a woman on the news a few month back who called 911 looking for permission to kill to men who were trying to intrude on her home. She had more than 15 minutes before they got in. Will not always have that much time obviously, but she had enough time to hole up and the two intrudes stood no chance against her shotgun.

You take a chance either way when choosing to not have a weapon and choosing to have a weapon. But when you do carry you know you have it and what you need to do. Someone who is legally armed does not look for a fight, because they know they have the power to end it quickly and decisively.

You are 100% correct though, being armed is a blessing and a burden all at the same time.

04-13-12  03:11pm

Visit Just Nips

Just Nips

Signing in "How To"

The log in is pretty typical here, but it will redirect you incorrectly.


They use one of those rotating random strings, it obviously would not be abc123, screws with download managers.

Anyway, after the log in you will get to a page that errors out and it will look something like above. Just cut out everything after "members/" and it should take you to the site just fine. Would think they would test for things like this.

Should look like:

04-12-12  04:20pm

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