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02-02-10  06:53am - 5517 days Original Post - #1
Denner (0)
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I might get whipped here for AGAIN ANOTHER thread - sorry if anybody get tired of my threads - but a porn-fan never gives up...
Drooler and this user have a lot in common - except this:
- again I think both exotics4me and this user are for videos, first....???

WHY are some users most for videos and others more into photos???

As I see it: this could be ONE main difference in what we expect from different sites.

Drooler has complained about some newer sites going more into videos than photos lately - he's got his point, for sure..

This user: I go for videos for some main reasons - started up at porn-sites many years ago when photos was IT and videos where just horrible to watch - low quality. So at that time I got a huge selection of 1990th - photos - both euro and US.

When videos got better and much more crisp, I surrendered to that - almost live-performance - I like both the sound-tracks and the 'move' of certain models - 'moves' you do not see at photosets...
Still I understand the joy of some special photosets - but always go back to that 'live-action' in videos..

What do you guys say??? "I don't drink anymore - I freeze it, and eat it like a popcicle" Edited on Feb 02, 2010, 07:12am

02-02-10  08:34am - 5517 days #2
james4096 (0)

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It's true. For a long time internet porn videos were difficult to watch due to the quality. And most of them had to be clip size(around 1 minute) until internet connections and compressions became better.
I'm all for videos now, but it took me a while to break the habit of overlooking videos. I still like photos for soft solo stuff. The good thing about photos in how they are designed to catch a model in a specific pose. We've all probably paused/froze a video for a few seconds, right. But a well done video always adds something if you ask me.

02-02-10  09:22am - 5517 days #3
Capn (0)
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Photos every time for me.

Even when I find a video I like, it is only certain short sequences or the odd still pose that really interests me.

The rate I consume & horde the material, bandwidth, download time & storage for video would be 10 to 100 times the problem it is for me already! :00

Modern quality of photos is usually very good, although I think there is a tendency to oversize the shots these days.

Zip files are a must, prefrably user selected.

I think it is possible that shortly we will see more polarisation with sites increasingly focussing on video or photos, rather than trying to do both & lacking the resources to do either format justice.

Cap'n. :0) Admiral of the PU Hindenburg. 2009 PU Award
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( I would have preferred it to be Helpful Post of the Year for Guys who Hate 'Retail Therapy' ) :0/
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02-02-10  09:44am - 5517 days #4
messmer (0)
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I started with photos, loved photos and must have at least 100 GB of photos on my hard drive and that's a lot, but have switched almost entirely to videos because photo sets have become so dull for me. I must hasten to say in many picture sites not in all!

For an example, I just got finished turning down every new set offered at the new Aunt Judy's Special Collection over the past two days (eight sets in total) because there has been a change over the years where viewers nowadays prefer a model with as little lingerie as possible on her and every set looks like a bunch of screen caps except in better quality. There is so little excitement to the sets that ninety percent of the pictures could be removed without doing the set itself any harm.

At least with DVD sites I have about 20000 scenes to pick from, even if only five percent have what I want, that's still a lot.

02-02-10  09:48am - 5517 days #5
james4096 (0)

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Originally Posted by Capn:

I think it is possible that shortly we will see more polarisation with sites increasingly focussing on video or photos, rather than trying to do both & lacking the resources to do either format justice.

That might work.

Let me ask you Capn, what do you think a fair price for a photo only site should be in US$(or euros)? Since you're into photos, are they just as valuable as videos?

02-02-10  10:06am - 5517 days #6
Capn (0)
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Originally Posted by james4096:

That might work.

Let me ask you Capn, what do you think a fair price for a photo only site should be in US$(or euros)? Since you're into photos, are they just as valuable as videos?

That is a difficult one to answer, because there are so many variables.

Off the top of my head...

Quality, quantity, update rate, accuracy to niche.

All of the above are important as is the price of the package.

Inherently though, it is a personal perception of value.
The way you phrased your question implies you value videos.
Although I might find the occasional video of interest, by & large I do not.

To try & answer you question in one sentence, assuming quality & update rates to be equal,
I don't see there should be any difference in price between a photo site & a video site.

Cap'n. :0) Admiral of the PU Hindenburg. 2009 PU Award
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( I would have preferred it to be Helpful Post of the Year for Guys who Hate 'Retail Therapy' ) :0/
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02-02-10  10:48am - 5517 days #7
GCode (0)
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One of the largest quirks I have with photos is this: I am a video guy but I download both and usually view them both. However, most sites these days provide shoots that 'accompany' the video shoots. I describe these in my reviews but I will explain here as well. The clothing, setting, and content is exactly the same as the video. It's like downloading the same thing twice for me, therefore the photos feel pointless to me. Why? Because I go and watch the video first, then check out the photo sets of the model. Same thing....same thing...same thing..etc etc. However, I can say I enjoy sites that don't do this and will provide photography that is not similiar as the videos.

But, these days this is a dime a dozen. It almost seems like sites either focus on one or the other resulting in poor content of either. So, I guess over time I have found myself enjoying videos more and more. Some other reasons why I enjoy videos is because I tik you can get a feel of how the personality of a model is a bit more and witness real sexuality a tad bit more as well. Photos are poses, even when they do sexual acts, therefore, most of these shoots are not showcasing the real thing. Videos can showcase fake poses or actions as well, but at least I know it. My 2 cents.... Sexted From My iPad

02-02-10  12:09pm - 5517 days #8
moonbyrd (0)
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I am a video guy, especially now that on some sites the videos are higher resolution than their photosets.

However, I have developed an interest in behind-the-scenes photos. Sometimes they capture certain private moments and spontaneous expressions that are more interesting than the more studied shots in regular sets. Also there is a rough and unpolished quality in them that I like

Also I tend to associate photos more with print media and find it more natural to leaf through a magazine than watch a slideshow on screen. Although I haven't bought those magazines for years.

02-02-10  01:12pm - 5517 days #9
anyonebutme (0)
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Photos will always reign supreme!

Porn is best enjoyed when the imagination is free to run wild. Video often strips away this quality from the experience.

02-02-10  01:13pm - 5517 days #10
Wittyguy (0)
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x Edited on Apr 20, 2023, 02:11pm

02-02-10  06:07pm - 5516 days #11
Drooler (0)
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News Flash: I just love them feelthy peectures!! I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

02-02-10  08:28pm - 5516 days #12
turboshaft (0)
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Originally Posted by Wittyguy:

In terms of answering your question, I go back to the answer I gave a long time ago to this question: Those of us who like pictures have imagination, those who like videos don't ;)

That's not true! We video lover's do have imaginations! Now just give me a few days to come up with my response... :)

But you do make a good point, Wittyguy. Photos can leave out a lot of information that when left solely up to the viewer to figure out is usually not a disappointment. The classic example for me is the voice or the accent. I have seen many, many photo sets of drop dead, spine-tingling, unspeakably beautiful women only to be letdown (in more ways than one) by their less-than-pleasant siren song. In fact it frequently serves as a warning siren: don't watch any more videos of this girl, or at least hit mute.

Other factors creep in, many of them audio related. The dull lifeless of a photo shoot or BTS, the A/C or fluorescent lighting making more noise and effort than the model, the asinine comments/breathing/direction of the on set douchebag squad, and the list goes on. Video also brings up a lot of problems that photography doesn't have to address; constant lighting and focus, movement of camera and model, and just generally holding the viewer's interest over a few minutes time.

Okay, photos still deal with those issues but they get to adjust and correct them shot by shot, whereas video has to have some preparation and be ready for at least a few minutes of fluidity before making a cut (assuming there's even any editing done). It seems that when both photos and video are done the priority goes to the photographer and the cameraman is just some guy who happens to be taping. If they are being done at the same time watching the video is practically a waste for me; I don't want hear a flash and shutter every few seconds while the photographer orders the hottest person in the room around! I may love the resulting photos but in the video I want that dude to shut the fuck up and leave the model in peace (and with a toy or two).

I actually like video more, but it's so hard to find it well done (and I get picky) that I still end up keeping a lot of photos and not even bother to delete the bad shots. Videos get ruined through atrocious framing, excessive zooming, poor focus, and editing, or the complete lack thereof. I have watched way too many videos where I wish I could have spent just an hour editing the raw footage down some more. And believe me I would too except the companies would probably grow tired of telling me to stop creeping out the models. I swear I just want to give them a welcome hug! What's the harm in that? "It's incredibly obvious, isn't it? A foreign substance is introduced into our precious bodily fluids without the knowledge of the individual. Certainly without any choice. That's the way your hardcore Commie works." - Gen. Jack D. Rippper, Dr. Stranglove

02-02-10  08:38pm - 5516 days #13
PinkPanther (0)
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Originally Posted by Drooler:

News Flash: I just love them feelthy peectures!!

Yeah - now that just sums it up beautifully.

I like vids - but the filty pictures - mmmmmmmmmm!!!!

02-02-10  10:52pm - 5516 days #14
hodayathink (0)
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I like to hear a woman have an orgasm. You can't hear an orgasm in a picture. To be completely honest, I'd download an audio file of a scene before I'd download an explicit picture. Unless I liked the picture in a truly artistic way.

02-03-10  08:08pm - 5515 days #15
markfx (0)
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My take on this is that I prefer photo sets. I would hazard most photo-centric sites use a professional photographer who knows what he/she is doing. Conversely, video shoots are run by any bozo with a HD camcorder:(
How many times does the video pale in comparison to the photograph of the cover model? lol

02-04-10  01:22am - 5515 days #16
moonbyrd (0)
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Most of the sites I am familiar with - which is not that many - do separate sessions for photos and video, going through the same set of positions twice and shooting both sets from rather similar angles, with similar lighting etc. In these cases I clearly prefer the video, where I can hear the sounds and see all the things that cannot be caught in stills - movements, small muscle contractions, fleeting expressions and so on. In this case, the photo set seems more of an afterthought, unlike the photo-stories in porn magazines, which are the main event because there is nothing else.

On the other hand, Pix&Video is one site that features some backstage sets with both video and photos. Those photo sets are more interesting to me, because they are not constrained by the rules of porn storytelling. They can show the people being out of character, looking bored, making funny faces or laughing at something - which helps me view them as more complete human beings, not that I would think of them as blow-up dolls or sex robots in any case. There are other interesting things about these kinds of photos: they are shot with a long lens and/or large aperture which gives them selective focus, and they are somehow more adventurous in framing etc.

03-27-10  05:45pm - 5464 days #17
Capn (0)
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Originally Posted by markfx:

My take on this is that I prefer photo sets. I would hazard most photo-centric sites use a professional photographer who knows what he/she is doing. Conversely, video shoots are run by any bozo with a HD camcorder:(
How many times does the video pale in comparison to the photograph of the cover model? lol

Now that is often true.

Cap'n. :0) Admiral of the PU Hindenburg. 2009 PU Award
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( I would have preferred it to be Helpful Post of the Year for Guys who Hate 'Retail Therapy' ) :0/
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03-27-10  06:21pm - 5464 days #18
RagingBuddhist (0)
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While I definitely appreciate a well done photoset, I prefer video for what might be called an appreciation of the nuances of the human body. Being a blatant heterosexual that appreciation is mostly inclined towards the female form.

A photoset doesn't allow you to see things like the slight bounce of a firm breast in motion or the wiggle of her ass as she's walking away. That's why I even like the video shoots of modeling sessions that are sometimes called out as "boring" on here.

With hardcore, I don't think I'll ever stop being fascinated by how the human body interacts with other human bodies, or even sex toys.
Witnessing the stages of arousal, and following through to the climax of a sex act just really appeals to me. Photosets can do that incrementally, but it's just not the same for me. Sarcasm is a body's natural defense against stupidity.

03-27-10  06:26pm - 5464 days #19
Capn (0)
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That states your preferences well & I can understand the appeal.

On a personal level I stand by my post 3 here. ;0)

Cap'n. :0) Admiral of the PU Hindenburg. 2009 PU Award
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( I would have preferred it to be Helpful Post of the Year for Guys who Hate 'Retail Therapy' ) :0/
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03-27-10  06:35pm - 5464 days #20
RagingBuddhist (0)
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Originally Posted by Capn:

That states your preferences well & I can understand the appeal.

On a personal level I stand by my post 3 here. ;0)

Cap'n. :0)

I'd never ask you to change your mind. Sarcasm is a body's natural defense against stupidity.

03-27-10  06:36pm - 5464 days #21
Capn (0)
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I wouldn't have expected you to ;0)

Cap'n. :0) Admiral of the PU Hindenburg. 2009 PU Award
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03-27-10  07:00pm - 5464 days #22
lk2fireone (0)
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I go alongwith Cap'n in preferring photos to videos. I spend most of my time downloading and studying photos. I spend very little time downloading or viewing videos, because of a number of factors: videos take a long time to download (my DSL connection downloads at 160 kbs), the videos take a long time to watch compared to a photoset, most videos are crap compared to a really good photoset (fake moans and groans, lousy acting, poor lighting, etc.). It's just easier and less expensive to produce a good or interesting or erotic photoset than a similar video.

03-27-10  07:06pm - 5464 days #23
lk2fireone (0)
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Originally Posted by RagingBuddhist:

A photoset doesn't allow you to see things like the slight bounce of a firm breast in motion

My problem is that most hardcore porn stars have gone the implant route, and there is no slight bounce of a natural breast in motion. The breasts act more like solid rocks, which hardly move as the body they are attached to does move.

03-27-10  07:10pm - 5463 days #24
RagingBuddhist (0)
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Originally Posted by lk2fireone:

My problem is that most hardcore porn stars have gone the implant route, and there is no slight bounce of a natural breast in motion. The breasts act more like solid rocks, which hardly move as the body they are attached to does move.

I most definitely agree with that. That's one of the biggest reasons I'm so limited with my choices of sites to join. One of the biggest turn offs for me is watching a bag full of plastic swinging off a chest. Sarcasm is a body's natural defense against stupidity.

03-27-10  07:20pm - 5463 days #25
Tree Rodent (0)
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I used to be video only and really considered pictures as unimportant. I think it must be the influence of members here because I have now become more and more interetsed in the picture side of things. Now I like them almost equally, and consider it a big negative if a site doesn't have good pictures.

03-30-10  09:24am - 5461 days #26
Capn (0)
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I can understand that. ;0)

Cap'n. :0) Admiral of the PU Hindenburg. 2009 PU Award
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04-16-10  10:30pm - 5443 days #27
Cybertoad (0)
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I actually removed all my pics and have only video. never found a good pic player so erased them Since 2007

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