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06-19-10  09:14pm - 5379 days Original Post - #1
PinkPanther (0)
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Expectations of Web Sites

I've had some back-and-forth with other PU's about expectations of web sites, so I thought this might be an interesting thread.

I would have suggested a poll, but there's too many variations.

I've got pretty high expectations of web sites being able to work in fundamental ways - giving consistent access, making their pics and vids available in a consistent way. If a site isn't able to do so consistently, they ought to have damned good C/S so that they can respond to customer problems, since they're charging for time - and few sites add time on to subscriptions to make up for their problems in delivering consistent access.

Besides the fact that we're paying for time, there's the fact that this is the digital age - where I can download digital books to my kindle instantly and I can order internet PPV events and gofightlive and I can order video games over Steam - and they work - consistently. This evening I was watching an event at gofightlive and the feed cut out - they got another feed up within minutes and responded to my e-mail about the problem within minutes.

So why can't porn sites have the same expectations?

If a site has a problem, they ought to post about it so that their members know that they are aware of the problem and when the problem will be fixed - or they could e-mail to their e-mail list of members.

But sites should work consistently - and they should have the kind of C/S that can respond to their members' issues in a timely way.

06-20-10  01:57am - 5379 days #2
anyonebutme (0)
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Originally Posted by PinkPanther:

Besides the fact that we're paying for time, there's the fact that this is the digital age - where I can download digital books to my kindle instantly


The reason your Kindle works so well is the $25 billion in revenue Amazon has to work with. That kind of money pays for a helluva lot of good things. Edited on Jun 20, 2010, 02:54am

06-20-10  03:19am - 5379 days #3
anyonebutme (0)
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. Edited on Jun 25, 2010, 11:33am

06-20-10  05:33am - 5379 days #4
mbaya (0)

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They may not have the same revenue amounts to work with, but if we pay the same amount for each the comparison is fair. A great site at $29.95 is a fair comparison to one that has little content with poor quality at the same price. I expect a small site to charge less than a larger one.

06-20-10  09:59am - 5379 days #5
messmer (0)
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Originally Posted by justme:

There is a difference between stating you were not given immediate access to the site upon joining as a bullet point in a review, and creating a comment titled "Another Site Delivering Nothing Of Value".

Isn't one of the goals of this site to promote others to buy subscriptions? I'm not saying everything has to be positive, just that, you know, the onlooking readers do have that pesky third option of piracy. What would this website be if all users made a mountain out of every molehill?

As much as we'd all like a perfect reality, that just isn't so. And just because two sites are priced the same per month, does not mean they have the same revenue amounts to work with.

You love playing the Devil's Advocate, don't you? Either that or you're a wolf in sheep's clothing pretending to be a Porn User. I have often wondered, just reading your various responses if you are not somehow involved in the porn industry because I've seen you take on one justified criticism after the other and make excuses for the various culprits on a regular basis under the guise of objectivity.

I agree that some of our statements are spur of the moment and that some of our criticisms are occasionally unjustified or too subjective .. but to see you consistently take the side of the site owners or their C/S is baffling in a forum like this, to say the least. I am not the confrontational type, so I don't want to start a war of words with you but your reactions do seem strange and out of place.

06-20-10  10:20am - 5379 days #6
rearadmiral (0)
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Interesting thread...

A pet peeve of mine are websites from companies that have more money than God and still do a crappy job. I noted this was a serious problem with the Hustler site when I had a membership there. Hustler has to be one of the biggest porn companies on the planet yet their website has a cheap, amateur feel to it - and not in a good way. This morning I was thinking about the possibility of joining the Private.com site because I really like most of their movies. They are a large company with the material and resources to do a website right. But according to recent reviews of the site posted here, they haven't put the effort into the website and it shows. Don't these companies recognize that the internet is here to stay and that it is eventually (if not already) going to be the primary means of distrubuting their product?

06-20-10  11:16am - 5379 days #7
anyonebutme (0)
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Originally Posted by messmer:

You love playing the Devil's Advocate, don't you? Either that or you're a wolf in sheep's clothing pretending to be a Porn User. I have often wondered, just reading your various responses if you are not somehow involved in the porn industry because I've seen you take on one justified criticism after the other and make excuses for the various culprits on a regular basis under the guise of objectivity.

I agree that some of our statements are spur of the moment and that some of our criticisms are occasionally unjustified or too subjective .. but to see you consistently take the side of the site owners or their C/S is baffling in a forum like this, to say the least. I am not the confrontational type, so I don't want to start a war of words with you but your reactions do seem strange and out of place.

I love Devil's Advocate I don't always agree with site owners, like the latest comment on Simonscans is thorough and justified. I work for a web hosting company, though no adult hosting - ain't gonna touch that where I live (the admins here if they look they know I've always been on the same static ip address and looking that up will give my general location). I have experience building, maintaining, hosting websites, and dealing with customer service issues.

To go back to the main topic at hand, my own expectations are simple - I join a site because there is material there I want to have, and as long as I get access to that material within the subscription time I'm fine with that. I view it as I'm paying for the material, not the time. I know it does help that I have something specific to focus on when I browse and join sites.

06-20-10  11:24am - 5379 days #8
anyonebutme (0)
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. Edited on Jun 25, 2010, 11:33am

06-20-10  11:53am - 5379 days #9
messmer (0)
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Originally Posted by justme:

I love Devil's Advocate I don't always agree with site owners, like the latest comment on Simonscans is thorough and justified. I work for a web hosting company, though no adult hosting - ain't gonna touch that where I live (the admins here if they look they know I've always been on the same static ip address and looking that up will give my general location). I have experience building, maintaining, hosting websites, and dealing with customer service issues.

To go back to the main topic at hand, my own expectations are simple - I join a site because there is material there I want to have, and as long as I get access to that material within the subscription time I'm fine with that. I view it as I'm paying for the material, not the time. I know it does help that I have something specific to focus on when I browse and join sites.

Thanks for the explanation and for not getting defensive! I can see now where you would get your unwavering objectivity even though you are not involved in adult hosting.

I, too, am happy to get the material I am looking for and don't worry if a site experiences the occasional breakdown, however 21Sextury are driving me up the wall by consistently posting updates that are not downloadable until a few days later, (as one example) so I can't remain passionless when things don't work right.

I guess you have the gift of being more detached and less anal when it comes to those irritating flaws.

06-20-10  02:06pm - 5379 days #10
Capn (0)
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Another aspect is that pornographers aren't necessarily IT Gurus either.

Cap'n. Admiral of the PU Hindenburg. 2009 PU Award
Hilarious Post of the Year 2010 PU Award
( I would have preferred it to be Helpful Post of the Year for Guys who Hate 'Retail Therapy' ) :0/
Sanity is in the eye of the Beholder!

06-20-10  03:47pm - 5379 days #11
RagingBuddhist (0)
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Originally Posted by Capn:

Another aspect is that pornographers aren't necessarily IT Gurus either.

That's easily understood. But, as part of the cost of doing business on the Internet, I expect a site to have someone behind the scenes to take care of that - even if they have to hire someone to make sure the presentation looks good and works like it's supposed to. When I find myself on a site with sloppy layouts, piss poor navigation or a bunch of broken links, I feel like my money should've gone elsewhere. Sarcasm is a body's natural defense against stupidity.

06-20-10  04:00pm - 5379 days #12
messmer (0)
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Originally Posted by RagingBuddhist:

That's easily understood. But, as part of the cost of doing business on the Internet, I expect a site to have someone behind the scenes to take care of that - even if they have to hire someone to make sure the presentation looks good and works like it's supposed to. When I find myself on a site with sloppy layouts, piss poor navigation or a bunch of broken links, I feel like my money should've gone elsewhere.

And you wouldn't be wrong!

06-20-10  04:07pm - 5379 days #13
lk2fireone (0)
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When you pay for a site membership, you are paying for access to that site's contents. And it's normal to expect to be able to access the contents in a simple, easy way. If the site is hard to navigate, or the site has Internet connection problems or other problems, I believe you are not getting your money's worth. Why pay for poor site contents, or poor site navigation, or poor access to a site that has intermittent connection problems?
Find a better site that's worth your money.
And let other PU members know about the site problems, so they can make up their own minds whether the site is worth paying for.
I don't believe I am paying for the site contents, irrespective of easy access to those contents. I believe I am paying in expectation of both the contents and easy access to those contents.
And I believe it is legitimate to complain about a site that fails to consistently deliver good contents and good access to those contents.
If a site has financial problems, which are causing the site to have problems, that might be an explanation why the site has problems, but why should we, as consumers, have to pay for access to a site with problems?
In a business sense, even though we are consumers, we should avoid those sites with problems, and focus on the sites with good contents and good service.

Edit: So basically, I agree with RagingBuddhist. Edited on Jun 20, 2010, 04:12pm

06-21-10  04:31am - 5378 days #14
mistresskent (0)
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Originally Posted by Capn:

Another aspect is that pornographers aren't necessarily IT Gurus either.


Hi guys..

Well, I thought I'd put my two pennies in for good measure.

I run my site myself (I know funny for a Mistress huh?) Literally start to end. I knew nothing of the internet world video editing, html or computers in general. All self taught. I know my subject. Basically, I got banned off of Youtube 3 times and decided to go private with my footage.

I'm not a professional at this, so I kinda wanted to get that across. I originally came here a while back to pick up on what the viewers wanted by way of streaming vs downloads etc.

I think that people need to realise (in the kindest way of course this is not a soap box for me x) There are big boys in this world, and then there are the little people.

The agenda for the big companies is very money driven, sure its amazing content and the price reflects this.

But for some people the agenda is to just create content for people to enjoy. Its a learning curve, they go into it not knowing anything and just have the one site etc. It is quite difficult to keep content regular if you don't know how to produce/edit/webmaster and all the other legal things you have to consider.

You find that most of the time you are just chasing your tail, then you realise you have to produce tons of content in one hit rather than week by week, providing the user with indications of regular content.. then you struggle with how to keep your site current if your material is months in advance..

Lots of things to consider.

My site and lifestyle is purely hobby based, I don't make much, but I'm not complaining, at the end of the day, I doing what I enjoy most.

I think sites should reflect the amount of content, quality, and of course interaction. I personally keep my site current with blogs and I web-cam for free every night pretty much. But its what I enjoy and it is soooo worth the effort.

I think the way a content provider designs the site is specifically for the customers they would like to entertain.. so.. if there is a little site out there and its obvious that they are the sole owner and not part of a massive network of big boys in the firm, these are the points they need to remember when clicking the "pay now" button. x

Are there updates regularly?
Are there any indications of future content?
Are there reviews of these sites elsewhere?

I try to make the customer happy whilst pleasing myself, I've struck a happy medium with this I just hope that others are.

Its taken 2 and a half years to get to this point... so, keep in mind that the smaller sites may grow to this level also x

That was long x Mistress Kent xx


06-21-10  09:42am - 5378 days #15
anyonebutme (0)
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. Edited on Jun 25, 2010, 11:32am

06-21-10  11:52am - 5378 days #16
anyonebutme (0)
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. Edited on Jun 25, 2010, 11:31am

06-21-10  12:07pm - 5378 days #17
messmer (0)
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Originally Posted by justme:

This is my hypothetical that inspired this thread & I put out to anyone here who wishes to comment on this specific - if you end up getting full site access to all the content for 29 out of the 30 days of the subscription length, how does that make you feel about the site?

Well, I wouldn't be too concerned because glitches do happen in the electronic world and I am aware of that, but I would expect them to send every subscriber an email explaining their difficulties, since my first thought during that day would be, oh no, not another site going out of business.

06-21-10  01:00pm - 5378 days #18
anyonebutme (0)
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. Edited on Jun 25, 2010, 11:30am

06-21-10  01:09pm - 5378 days #19
messmer (0)
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Originally Posted by justme:

Story time

Here is a photo of the worst day of our business:

I'm not joking, most of our server equipment was destroyed one night as heavy rain broke through. I risked my life that night. I risked death by electrocution to pull computers out of those waters. And for what? To restore access to websites!

When I read comments "Fucking Hell what's wrong with these sites, gimme my PORN RIGHT FUCKING NOW I CAN'T WAIT!!!" Are you willing to put your life on the line to restore access to a website? I did. So sorry if I got a little fucking touchy when I read those comments.

From that mess we had full hosting services back up in about 40 hours since the moment water first broke in. Nobody thanked me.

What a mess! I understand more and more why you reacted the way you did in your responses to various posts. You somehow HAD to be involved in the business (even though it turned out not to be Porn). It got my back up because I saw myself as a Union Member complaining bitterly about Management while a fellow worker kept defending the scoundrels! Glad you salvaged some things out of that soggy mess and that you're alive!

06-21-10  04:50pm - 5378 days #20
Drooler (0)
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Originally Posted by justme:

Story time

Here is a photo of the worst day of our business:

I'm not joking, most of our server equipment was destroyed one night as heavy rain broke through. I risked my life that night. I risked death by electrocution to pull computers out of those waters. And for what? To restore access to websites!

When I read comments "Fucking Hell what's wrong with these sites, gimme my PORN RIGHT FUCKING NOW I CAN'T WAIT!!!" Are you willing to put your life on the line to restore access to a website? I did. So sorry if I got a little fucking touchy when I read those comments.

From that mess we had full hosting services back up in about 40 hours since the moment water first broke in. Nobody thanked me.

Seems to me that you're not very experienced with hardship, seeing how you react to what was obviously a very difficult time for you. Keep living, and you'll probably go through more. And you'll hopefully stop making irrational associations between people complaining about porn sites and your flood disaster. I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

06-22-10  01:18am - 5377 days #21
hodayathink (0)
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Over a long enough time period (and by long enough, I mean a few years to be honest), no website has 100% uptime. None. Things happen, something gets fucked up, and stuff stops working. And even when all of your data systems are perfectly fine, you have situations like what happened to justme, where something catastrophic happens that is just completely out of your control. The real key is how fast they fix things when they get broken, and how they respond to customers when it happens.

And I don't think his association is irrational. We're talking about downtime on websites, and he's presenting his case from the other side of the argument (the side of the website).

06-22-10  06:03pm - 5377 days #22
PinkPanther (0)
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Originally Posted by justme:

There is a difference between stating you were not given immediate access to the site upon joining as a bullet point in a review, and creating a comment titled "Another Site Delivering Nothing Of Value".

Isn't one of the goals of this site to promote others to buy subscriptions? I'm not saying everything has to be positive, just that, you know, the onlooking readers do have that pesky third option of piracy. What would this website be if all users made a mountain out of every molehill?

As much as we'd all like a perfect reality, that just isn't so. And just because two sites are priced the same per month, does not mean they have the same revenue amounts to work with.

Here's my experience with this site - idols69 - that you are so desperate to defend against my criticisms.

I paid them $19.95. No ability to log in for hours in any browser, no response to me filling out their online form.

What value were they delivering? None - if you find blank pages and Internal Error messages entertaining, go join that site and have a ball!

I finally got access late that night and downloaded one vid just to see if it was possible - then went to bed - not much entertainment value out of the site, but it seemed to be working.

The next day I had access and the site worked.

The following day - no access at all - and no response to me filling out their online form - same with the following day.

The 3rd day - after 2 days of no access to this site at all - I got some BS response from their CS idiots blaming me for the problem the same as they did in their first response. No offer of any partial refund or extension of my subsription to make up for 2 1/2 days of no access that they charged me for.

So this site is pretty damned unstable and barely functional. You want to defend it? Fine. You want to tell me that I'm wrong to criticize it? I disagree - it's an unstable, barely functional site in a world where there are lots of sites that are more stable, more functional and deliver much more entertainment because of it - and I'll encourage anybody here that likes Japanese porn to join those other sites instead because idols69 is pretty much crap.

But you might really like it - or maybe you'll just love their idiot un-helpful "CS" people.

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