Porn Users Forum » Article: "The truth about the porn industry" |
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07-03-10 09:33am - 5366 days | Original Post - #1 | |
bootsulike (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 10 Registered: Oct 05, '08 Location: uk |
Article: "The truth about the porn industry" Just read this article and thought I'd share it. Not much new here? - Porn::profit - Seeking greater thrills - All men are misogynists - Porn users cannot have "proper relationships" Thoughts? | |
07-03-10 10:18am - 5366 days | #2 | |
Capn (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 1,740 Registered: Sep 05, '09 Location: Near the Beer! |
Predictable, prejudiced & trite. ![]() Lumping all variations & genres under the catch-all 'pornography' label. Cap'n. ![]() Hilarious Post of the Year 2010 PU Award ( I would have preferred it to be Helpful Post of the Year for Guys who Hate 'Retail Therapy' ) :0/ Sanity is in the eye of the Beholder! | |
07-03-10 11:21am - 5366 days | #3 | |
nostromo (0)
Active User Posts: 131 Registered: Sep 22, '07 Location: madrid/spain |
Man, aren't we a bunch of seedy people! And this guys that write this articles are so in love with their story. ![]() H.L. Mencken. Edited on Jul 03, 2010, 11:26am | |
07-03-10 11:49am - 5366 days | #4 | |
anyonebutme (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 294 Registered: Aug 23, '09 |
Yea, that article sounds about right. Ever get a long-time pornographer to open up and talk about his views on the girls? It'll scare the shit right out of ya ![]() Moral of the story is, ignorance is bliss ![]() | |
07-03-10 12:34pm - 5366 days | #5 | |
Goldfish (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 265 Registered: Jan 19, '08 Location: Boston, MA |
This stuff drives me nuts. It seems everyone with a chip on their shoulder has to attack some aspect of society. Porn creators and consumers are just an easy target. Their assumption that all porn is violent and reflects poorly on women is just wrong. I personally don't like the porn where women are spanked, hit and spit on or have three cocks shoved up her ass. I prefer fairly normal sex with hot models. I even enjoy when the woman gets off and more tender acts such as kissing. At a higher level, you could say porn comes in many flavors -- just like any type of entertainment. Why not attack specific porn instead of the whole industry? I'll tell you why. These women are threatened by porn and have some false sense of morality they are trying to sell. As far as kids go, I grew up through the times where kids listening to heavy metal, watching violent movies and playing video games was going to turn us all into serial killers. I'm an adult now and the world still hasn't fallen into anarchy so I'm guessing today's youth will survive online porn just fine. Oh, and "child porn" is not porn! It's illegal and immoral. Porn is legal, fun and healthy if used in moderation. ![]() | |
07-03-10 01:46pm - 5366 days | #6 | |
lk2fireone (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 3,618 Registered: Nov 14, '08 Location: CA |
Since this woman "expert" admits to attending porn conferences, as well as viewing pornography extensively, it is clear that she herself is infected with the porn disease, and she should be locked away in a nutso wing until she can be cleansed of her porno filth. Let us pray for her soul, but realize that only with tough love and punishment for her impure thoughts and actions can she hope to be purified. How much shit will we have to listen to from this tainted "expert"? | |
07-03-10 01:48pm - 5366 days | #7 | |
messmer (0)
Disabled User ![]() Posts: 2,582 Registered: Sep 12, '07 Location: Canada |
No doubt, pornographers get cynical after a while as do some, if not most, of the "stars!" But the article is nevertheless wrong in the message it tries to convey, that all Porn users are women haters! Clearly the author lacks insight into the male psyche. I love women! There's not a single misogynist bone in my body and I've been watching porn for a long time. There might be some disturbed cases who thrive on violence but don't we find those throughout society? | |
07-03-10 02:13pm - 5366 days | #8 | |
turboshaft (0)
Active User Posts: 1,958 Registered: Apr 01, '08 |
Just another hater with an agenda-laden ax to grind. These party poopers are a dime a dozen now a days; something becomes or already is popular to an increasingly larger segment of society and they want ruin everybody's fun by shitting all over it. ![]() A couple of quotes from the article; first from Ms. Dines: "'To think that so many men hate women to the degree that they can get aroused by such vile images is quite profound,' says Dines. 'Pornography is the perfect propaganda piece for patriarchy. In nothing else is their hatred of us quite as clear.'" Ouch! ![]() Actually there are plenty of other pieces of "propaganda" out there that reach even more people and very likely have a greater impact; violent films with large box office receipts, popular violent television, not to mention the extremely skewed political world where most women seem to be sideshow puppets for the media, with little real impact or power. How about publishing a book (which seems to be her real agenda) about how men dominate the majority of political offices and races in the United States instead of pulling out the porn-is-the-root-of-all-evil card? Oh, it's probably because of all the porn, right? As soon as we get rid of all the porn everything else will just fall in place like dominoes. It's so simple, I don't know why I didn't figure it out before! A second quote, from when she apparently first saw porn at age 22; "'I was astounded that men could either make such a thing or want to look at it,' she says. From then on, she knew she had to campaign about the issue." Okay, now this is just stupid, does she really have that little understanding of basic human emotion? People have sexual feelings and of course will be attracted to and aroused by images that feed those feelings, like say watching naked ladies willingly (another point she misses entirely) to pose for camera. I am astounded anyone could be astounded by why someone might enjoy porn, like asking why people would enjoy the taste of sweet foods! Human beings have been drawing and recording naked bodies with all the bad parts exposed since they have learned the concept of recording images. Human-made images of naked people from thousands of years ago have been found in caves. Yes, there are also images of animals and humans hunting the animals, but eventually that gets boring and people draw the pee-pee parts. ![]() She might as well go down to the seashore and yell at the ocean to stop the tide from rising! "It's incredibly obvious, isn't it? A foreign substance is introduced into our precious bodily fluids without the knowledge of the individual. Certainly without any choice. That's the way your hardcore Commie works." - Gen. Jack D. Rippper, Dr. Stranglove | |
07-03-10 02:27pm - 5366 days | #9 | ||
turboshaft (0)
Active User Posts: 1,958 Registered: Apr 01, '08 |
Depends on their salary. ![]()
I love women too, why the hell else would I be watching porn? Clearly it's not the cinematography! If anything porn makes me disrespect men, not women! Why? Simple, because porn (at least the stuff aimed at us violent women-haters) focuses on the women instead of the men, and the men don't come off so hot; aggressive, rude, dumb, guffawing, fools, who frequently stumble around like the horny goofballs so many of the them seem to be because they get a boner for the pretty lady or ladies in the room. I get the impression that the women are doing something right because we get to see so much of them for the vast majority of the scene, whereas the get is lucky if we even see his sweaty visage for more that a few minutes. Of course my views are probably skewed because I prefer all girl/girls only porn where it's implied that the women have their own orgasms and really get to enjoy themselves as they want. Hell, in the world in which those videos exist there are no men! That might be going a little too far... "It's incredibly obvious, isn't it? A foreign substance is introduced into our precious bodily fluids without the knowledge of the individual. Certainly without any choice. That's the way your hardcore Commie works." - Gen. Jack D. Rippper, Dr. Stranglove | ||
07-03-10 03:08pm - 5366 days | #10 | |
messmer (0)
Disabled User ![]() Posts: 2,582 Registered: Sep 12, '07 Location: Canada |
Well said, especially in connection with the male actors or "interviewers!!" ![]() | |
07-03-10 04:30pm - 5366 days | #11 | |
Goldfish (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 265 Registered: Jan 19, '08 Location: Boston, MA |
LOL! ![]() | |
07-03-10 04:37pm - 5366 days | #12 | |
Goldfish (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 265 Registered: Jan 19, '08 Location: Boston, MA |
I thought of another propaganda media outlet for violence against women: The Lifetime Channel! | |
07-03-10 06:19pm - 5366 days | #13 | |
Ed2009 (0)
Suspended Webmaster ![]() Posts: 509 Registered: Sep 12, '09 Location: Wales, UK |
Exactly. Hit it on the nail there, Captain. I know that a lot of my customers have been married for years, or are in long term relationships. To say that porn users "can't" have proper relationships is total rubbish. I don't really think of myself as a porn "user" as I operate sites, but I have to be able to plan shoots and edit the results using my "user" eyes, otherwise I wouldn't be able to do my job. I view (and enjoy) a huge amount of porn every week and yet I manage to be very happily married (over 10 years now) and really don't feel porn has had a negative effect on my marriage, probably the opposite in fact. Webmaster of StripGameCentral and A Measure of Curiosity. | |
07-03-10 07:15pm - 5365 days | #14 | |
anyonebutme (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 294 Registered: Aug 23, '09 |
Seriously, nothing is wrong in the article, it all is a matter of perspective & percentages. The only universal truth to the porn world is that everyone's experience is different. | |
07-03-10 08:40pm - 5365 days | #15 | |
anyonebutme (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 294 Registered: Aug 23, '09 |
I mean, I read over on another porn forum recently a user who was absolutely dead serious in asking a producer of extreme porn for a dvd focusing on anal prolapse ![]() These idiots are out there and are largely being satisfied by producers. It's all a matter of percentages - does the "good" porn outweigh the "bad" porn? Personally I think the good outweighs the bad, but that's just me ![]() | |
07-03-10 09:19pm - 5365 days | #16 | |
Goldfish (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 265 Registered: Jan 19, '08 Location: Boston, MA |
That is pretty nasty! Just like zombie movies though, there is such a thing as acting and special effects. It doesn't have to be a moral issue. | |
07-04-10 10:47am - 5365 days | #17 | |
messmer (0)
Disabled User ![]() Posts: 2,582 Registered: Sep 12, '07 Location: Canada |
Still playing the Devil's Advocate, I see! ![]() And it's not about one's porn experiences it's about being called a woman hater for liking porn. At least that's seeing the article from my perspective! | |
07-04-10 12:13pm - 5365 days | #18 | |
markfx (0)
Active User Posts: 21 Registered: Sep 28, '09 Location: Oakland, Ca |
I love porn. My appetite for porn has intensified and required 'harder' material: the lingerie section of the Sears Roebuck catalog was great when I was 12. Go to sex chat rooms and read the vile and abusive posts that masquerade as clever. Most every guy there wants anal. Where did this preoccupation come from? Fisting? Who would think that up on their own? And why do guys think the anus of a woman is more receptive to that action than their own ass? A man has the prostate gland in his ass, the woman does not... Go read the comments of users at VideoBox. All guys seem to want is DP and anal. Look at the videos: more and more spitting, tit slapping, ATM (would you let the mother of your children do this?)... I want my porn. Maybe what I like would disgust others. But I am able to have some artistic distance regarding this issue. Bottom line: more and more hardcore behavior with more and more impressionable adolescents viewing it. This can't be good... | |
07-04-10 12:21pm - 5365 days | #19 | |
markfx (0)
Active User Posts: 21 Registered: Sep 28, '09 Location: Oakland, Ca |
Bah, they are all whores and sluts, they deserve what is coming to them. Let them eat cake!!! | |
07-04-10 12:47pm - 5365 days | #20 | |
bootsulike (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 10 Registered: Oct 05, '08 Location: uk |
I tend to agree. If I had time, I might hunt out the research. But, I fear that the results may be prejudiced by the author's intial premise. So, I'm left with my own experiences. And, I'd guess that there's a good cross section of users on this forum which might put a slightly different perspective on things. I don't want to over analyse my use, but a few observations: I've got my own tastes and I've got fairly well drawn lines over which I won't stray. In fact, I don't get turned on by boy-girl action (and certainly not penetration). I do seek out new experiences, but set within the boundaries of taste. And, I suspect that many others here are in the same boat. Porn, however, was a contributing factor in the break down of my first marriage. My new partner knows that I still use porn and does not condone it. What she doesn't know, doesn't hurt. When I met my current partner, I told her about my porn use. I also started seeing a counsellor about a whole range of personal issues. However, when I told the counsellor about my porn use, she refused to see me any more. Not very professional and not very helpful. Is porn degrading to women? Sometimes, yes. Does it bother me? Yes. But, there are other areas of life that are degrading to other groups of people - sweat shops, for example - and I'd rather get agitated about that instead. I'm sure plenty other of my actions have worse effects on people. I would like to believe that the vast majority of women engaged in the porn industry do so knowingly and willingly. If they want to get out, they can. And finally...it's worth mentioning that there are plenty of images/videos out there which the average person would not consider porn (Sears catalogue, anyone), but which people use for sexual gratification. Oh, and there was a further, more balanced article in yesterday's paper. | |
07-04-10 05:18pm - 5365 days | #21 | |
PinkPanther (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 1,136 Registered: Jan 08, '07 Location: Oakland, CA |
There seems to be a new rash of anti-porn books out there - there's this one and Pornification by Andrew Benjamin & Pornified, by Pamela Paul. I looked through a bit of Pornified and I had the same reaction I do when listening to a bit of Rush Limbaugh - It was rather amazing how thick the BS flew - if Pornified were true, then anybody that had ever spent any time looking at porn would be only interested in the most brutal, degrading crap out there - and frankly the stuff that the author describes as being omnipresent is stuff that you have to work hard to find. In my years of web-surfing, I've stumbled across stuff as nasty as she describes maybe twice and got the hell away from the sites that had led me there. But people who don't check out porn believe these liars, unfortunately. Someone I know read Pornified and considers it 100% true - and I'm not going to go into my credentials as a porn-hound in order to tell her how wrong she is in detail. | |
07-04-10 05:25pm - 5365 days | #22 | |
Drooler (0)
Disabled User ![]() Posts: 1,831 Registered: Mar 11, '07 Location: USA |
I have a different perspective on the kinds of imagery discussed above (quoted from the article this thread is about). And I might as well say up front that I don't care for any of it, either. To me, that kind of material is to porn what the "zipper" incident was in There's Something About Mary, or the pie fucking in American Pie, or any number of foolhardy stunts in Jackass. It's all intended to create a sensation. It's extreme (though cumshots are all too commonplace, and have been around for DECADES), and I doubt that most people outside of porn actually do those things or ever will. But it's really a leap of interpretation to say that it's "propaganda" for "patriarchy." Patriarchy?????? What patriarchy? When a couple divorces and there are children, the mother much more often gets custody of them than does the father. Boys grow up estranged from their fathers, whom they need as positive role models, and girls grow up without developing a good male counterpart role model for the same reason. You want to talk about imagery? When you watch television advertising, at least in the US, men are routinely portrayed as fumbling, childish dolts who are somehow tolerated by their wiser, more sensible female counterparts. I mean, where is this "patriarchy" that this woman is talking about? And anyway, since when does patriarchy mean that women are hated? If so, does that mean that in a matriarchy that men are hated? Just trying tease out the logic of this to show how absurd it is. I guess that pornography is a ready target, which makes it relatively easy for those who develop a career path out of attacking it. It's far easier than attacking graphic, non-sexual violence, which portrays the relationships of human beings to each other as simply cruel. Why complain about the images of people's limbs being hacked off, of their faces being cut to pieces, of their guts spilling out, when you can make a living out of attacking pornographic circus stunts? I wanted something new, so I left England for New England. | |
07-04-10 06:31pm - 5365 days | #23 | |
messmer (0)
Disabled User ![]() Posts: 2,582 Registered: Sep 12, '07 Location: Canada |
Wasn't I thinking of exactly that a few minutes ago when we were watching, for the first time, a show that came highly recommended by friends: "Criminal Minds" on A&E. It might have been an exceptionally brutal episode but I was appalled that it should be rated PG and be so readily available to children in its early time slot, (hacked off limbs definitely played a part) while Porn is seen as the enemy, something that should be banned to a xxx ghetto. No one is suggesting that it should be easily available to children but why is no one making a fuss about the daily brutality and violence and blood and gore on some of our main stream shows on the regular channels. To me the casual acceptance of violence is far more disturbing than any sex acts, except for the most brutal (which are illegal anyway), that I can think of. | |
07-04-10 06:59pm - 5365 days | #24 | |
pat362 (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 3,575 Registered: Jan 23, '07 Location: canada |
Here is one section that is interesting by what it doesn't say: And the audience is getting younger. Market research conducted by internet providers found that the average age a boy first sees porn today is 11; a study from the University of Alberta found that one third of 13-year-old boys admitted viewing porn; and a survey published by Psychologies magazine in the UK last month found that a third of 14- to 16-year-olds had first seen sexual images online when they were 10 or younger – 81% of those polled looked at porn online at home, while 63% could easily access it on their mobile phones Reading this I would imply that these boys have seen graphic porn but how many have actually only seen a picture of a naked girl/woman like in Playboy? Here is the one that is so ludicrous to be almost funny: Porn culture doesn't only affect men. It also changes "the way women and girls think about their bodies, their sexuality and their relationships," Right many women are affected by porn instead of the dozen of very popular Fashion and Advice magazines that tell them one thing one issue and another later on and use only models that have a body size that is impossible for their readers to ever match. How about a study that proves how great all the fashion magasines have been for the well being of women. I suspect that it would be next to impossible and we would instead finally see that Fashion magasines have destroyed an entire generation of womens self esteem by giving them impossible golas to attend. Long live the Brown Coats. | |
07-04-10 07:47pm - 5364 days | #25 | |
turboshaft (0)
Active User Posts: 1,958 Registered: Apr 01, '08 |
Oh, I knew there was something about Steve Jobs I didn't like! Granted his obsolescence-obsessed product launches have always bothered me, especially as the economy has continued to spin further down the shitter, but now I know the real reason for my suspicions--he hates porn! I hope this asshole realizes that many of his products have been used to create and shape much of the very thing he hates, and even some of the illegal stuff. Hell, I'm using an Apple product right now, and all I'm doing is talking about porn! Heaven forfend I ever get into the business. Maybe in the future I can send him a letter thanking him for how great an Apple is for editing porn! ![]() | |
07-04-10 07:58pm - 5364 days | #26 | |
turboshaft (0)
Active User Posts: 1,958 Registered: Apr 01, '08 |
Not to toot my own horn, or quote myself too much, but as things get popular there are plenty of outlets for the offended and distressed to squat and take a big shit on them. Just as the porn industry has exploded in the last few decades plenty of prudes, 'morals' and 'values' crusaders, anti-sex idiots, and just your general sourpusses have come along to screw up people's fun and entertainment. Even just in the last few years there have been books and self-proclaimed experts to debunk Obama's 'agenda,' along with a growing (but different) crowd to publish books and debunk the teabaggers. Hey, can't people have there fun for a little while before someone dumps all over it? Me, I really just want to look at naked ladies show off there naughty-and-nice parts, I don't want to hate women or maintain an already well-established patriarchy! Go pick on someone else! ![]() ![]() | |
07-04-10 09:05pm - 5364 days | #27 | |
Drooler (0)
Disabled User ![]() Posts: 1,831 Registered: Mar 11, '07 Location: USA |
The thing is, they need porn around to pick on. If it just disappeared, they'd have to go find a new sandbox to put their turds into. I wanted something new, so I left England for New England. | |
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