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Porn Users Forum » What i feel
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01-22-09  04:35pm - 5891 days Original Post - #1
shovon (0)
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Location: Bangladesh
What i feel

I have mixed emotions about this one. On one side, I'm not sad to see the Intimate Moments shoved to the side as I thought they were silly rubbish in the first place. Half the girls stayed fully clothed so all you got was this possibly cute girl with her hand down her panties rubbing her crotch and moaning. Sure, it looked real enough, but A: Perhaps she is a good actress. And B: The reason I pay for porn is so I can see stuff, hell, I get more of a rise out of the stuff Hollywood puts on the screen. Oh - and one more bit: The camera doesn't move because the girl is alone. So you better like the angle it starts at, because that is all your getting! And the two or three girl intimate moments, it's like a lesbian circle jerk. Circle Jerks aren't mocked because they are homosexual - they are mocked because they are bloody lame!

01-22-09  06:29pm - 5891 days #2
Khan (0)

Posts: 1,737
Registered: Jan 05, '07
Location: USA
Is it possible you meant this as a reply to the current poll question?

If not, I'm lost as to what you're referring to.

Oh yeah, welcome to PornUsers.com Former PornUsers Senior Administrator
Now at: MyPorn.com

"To get your ideas across use small words, big ideas, and short sentences."-John Henry Patterson

01-22-09  08:19pm - 5891 days #3
badandy400 (0)
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I am a little at a loss here as well.

Oh yeah, didn't you just ask for links to free porn? In this post are say that you pay for it. So which is it? "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~

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