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10-12-14  04:54pm - 3804 days Original Post - #1
LPee23 (0)
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Keeping involvement in porn quiet

This is a question for the professionals here. How realistic is it to think that work producing porn could be done without friends and extended family knowing? This has been a fantasy of mine, and I'm sure it's a common one, but I'm getting to a point in life where the means to make this happen will be available soon. My wife isn't the issue. She loves porn too, and she runs a couple of non-adult related e-businesses. The issue would be our parents, our kids when we eventually have them, and our mainstream connections in our lines of work.

My guess is that it would be pretty hard to keep it quiet. Any other thoughts? Better to be pissed on, than to be pissed off.

10-12-14  05:32pm - 3804 days #2
pat362 (0)
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Can you elaborate a little more on what you mean when you say producing porn? Are you talking about making movies where you and/or your wife would appear on screen having sex or are you talking about hiring talent and shooting those people having sex with each other? Long live the Brown Coats.

10-12-14  06:03pm - 3804 days #3
LPee23 (0)
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Mostly talking about hiring talent. As a side note though, my wife has been doing some shoots for me, and she is an ex-model although she never did any porn. If we ever made any of our shoots public, it would be along the lines of cheatingxxxwife.com and kinkyhousewife.net (both closed) where the model always kept her face hidden in a Mardi Gras mask. Better to be pissed on, than to be pissed off.

10-13-14  09:00am - 3803 days #4
jberryl69 (0)
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Samuel Langhorne Clemens produced porn under the name of Mark Twain didn't he? If it ain't grits, it must be a Yankee.

If you're going to lay her head over the pool table and fuck her throat, get your fucking hand off her throat!

10-13-14  09:05am - 3803 days #5
Cybertoad (0)
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Couple Thoughts for you to ponder.

There are two kinds of perspective to porn.
Adult Entertainment and Art.

If you look at the turn of the century they show more skin in soap operas then they did then. So called blue movies were hidden and risky side businesses done by perverted men.

Now days porn is not nasty anymore then a hooker is.
Just go to Wall Street and people are getting fucked there far worse then a street walker.

Point is here you can't open a business based on what others think about it. If its a niche you must serve that niche.
Bakers do not try and please those whom like french fries.

Did I lose you ? Thats what will occur to your customers if you start looking at the responses from others.
If it is really someone close like parents.
I think hiding can backfire, imagine you get real big and famous how will you hide you are a porn king.

If it was me, I would say I in the adult art industry,if asked. The word art ads class.

My two cents. Since 2007

10-13-14  10:31am - 3803 days #6
pat362 (0)
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Originally Posted by LPee23:

If we ever made any of our shoots public, it would be where the model always kept her face hidden in a Mardi Gras mask.

Let me first say that if you decide that your wife will appear on screen than please do not use mask or any other method to hide her face. I don't think I'm alone in saying that a porn scene where you do not see the performers face is not worth watching. I'd also like to point out that the people who use mask think that their identity will remain private but it's a foolish notion because anybody who knows them personally will recognize them by what is visible and by their voice.

Appearing in porn is not like checking the temperature before jumping in the pool. You can't just dip your toe. You either decide that you can live with the consequences once it's found out that you appear in porn because sooner or later your friends and family will hear about it. The only thing you can control is who tells them. The days when you could do porn and then do something else are long gone. The internet makes that impossible today.

Now back to your original question. I think the only way you can produce porn and have a decent chance that no one will find out is if you hire talent and film in an unknown location. Shooting from home would be asking for trouble because your neighbors would wonder why you keep getting strange visitors and someone would be bound to recognize the house. Hiring talent means that you will have to deal with agents that may not be on the up and up or deal with girls that may not be as reliable as you would like. It also means that you will have to abide by 2257 regulations and that is not something that is easy to do.

Here are some of the questions you should be able to answer before you attempt a foray in the porn industry.

1-The first and most important question you have to ask yourselves is why do you want to make porn? Do you want to make huge sums of money from your movies or is it purely a fantasy? The first is likely never going to be achievable in todays porn world. You could make a moderate living if your movies are popular enough. Now if it's a fantasy than remember that it's rare for reality to come close to fantasy. In fact it almost never happens.

2-Second most important question you must ask yourself is. How much money can you afford to lose? If you do not have at least $10,000 to $30,000 that you can live without than don't read any of the other questions. In case you want to know why I picked those amounts than let me explain my logic. A decent digital camera is about 2000$. You can probably pick a cheaper one but the more expensive ones will offer significantly better resolutions and that is very important today. Add another 1000$ for lighting and editing equipment. You most than find a place to shoot. Now some people shoot in hotel rooms so add 100$-200$ for room rental. More if you want to rent the rooms on either side of yours to avoid trouble with the hotel when the people in the other rooms complain about the sound coming from your room. You must than hire talent. The cost I'm giving you are the prices listed on Kink's website because they are the only ones that actually post cost. Here are the rates for female models: A Solo scene is 500$-600$, a g/g is 500$-800$, b/g is 600$-1300$ and TS/girl is 700$-1100$. My guess is that the higher amounts are because it includes anal penetration or the model is in high demand. The cost for male talent is a lot cheaper. Rate for a male in b/g scene is 200$-400$. I suspect that some males make more money but rarely much more than 500$. If I do a quick calculation than a basic vaginal b/g scene will cost as little as 800$ to as much as 1700$. Since you need more than one scene than simply multiply those amounts by at least 10 to get a cost of 8000$ to 17,000$. of course those amounts are all before you have made a single penny of profit.

2-Do you live in or around Los Angeles or possibly near Miami? Location is one of the biggest hurdle for producers of porn because finding talent is a lot easier in cities that already have a porn industry. It's also a lot cheaper because you probably don't have to add travel cost to your budget. Flying an LA performer to Texas to shoot one or two scene is significantly more expensive than asking her to drive to a designated location. Long live the Brown Coats.

10-13-14  02:23pm - 3803 days #7
LPee23 (0)
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Registered: Jul 14, '13
Location: USA
Originally Posted by pat362:

Let me first say that if you decide that your wife will appear on screen than please do not use mask or any other method to hide her face. I don't think I'm alone in saying that a porn scene where you do not see the performers face is not worth watching.

Yeah, you're probably right about this. That's why the idea would be to hire talent. It's more as a side note that I mentioned this stuff with my wife. She would never want to show her face, and I would not push her. Although she may be my biggest inspiration, and the reason why I could see myself forking over $10,000+ for camera, lenses, lighting, etc, our shoots will have to stay private. There won't be much commercial potential in anything done behind a mask, so if we wanted to share them they would be free or bonus shoots.

Originally Posted by pat362:

Second most important question you must ask yourself is. How much money can you afford to lose? If you do not have at least $10,000 to $30,000 that you can live without than don't read any of the other questions.

I comfortably spent over $5,000 just on consuming porn over the past year. If you read my posts, I mentioned that I purchased copies of some sites that I missed out on directly from the webmasters, and this cost real money in a few cases. I think some of the numbers you quote are still on the low end relative to even a medium scale operation, but if things keep going well in my line of work, it will not be a problem in a few years.

Originally Posted by pat362:

Do you live in or around Los Angeles or possibly near Miami?

My wife loves LA, so we visit quite a bit. If I ever did anything, I think the plan would be to get it done during a trip to LA and keep it discreet. Better to be pissed on, than to be pissed off. Edited on Oct 13, 2014, 02:29pm

10-13-14  06:20pm - 3803 days #8
turboshaft (0)
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Originally Posted by LPee23:

If we ever made any of our shoots public, it would be where the model always kept her face hidden in a Mardi Gras mask.

Originally Posted by pat362:

Let me first say that if you decide that your wife will appear on screen than please do not use mask or any other method to hide her face. I don't think I'm alone in saying that a porn scene where you do not see the performers face is not worth watching. I'd also like to point out that the people who use mask think that their identity will remain private but it's a foolish notion because anybody who knows them personally will recognize them by what is visible and by their voice.

I second that--no masks, please! :

Frankly, I think masks are the black mark of amateur porn, and shows that while the performers are brave enough to have sex on camera they aren't willing to show their faces. Personally, I love porn's unspoken agreement that the people on camera not only are willing to be seen but want to be seen, and masks really take away from that. Even if it's not amateur porn I still find them creepy and weird, especially the bring-out-the-gimpness when men wear them.

And even with the masks I don't think you are ever truly anonymous. The Internet and digital media have brought a sort of permanence to everything we don't necessarily want to be remembered for. Depending on where you work, I think work-related problems could be minimal to non-existent--though I'm assuming you're not a public servant à la a crotch-bulging ex-congressman like Anthony Weiner.

Family and friends...they can be different. I have a range of friends, and while I doubt any of them think of me as a heartless prude many of them probably don't imagine me to be quite so utterly depraved as I sometimes (okay, frequently) sound here on PU.

As for my family? Well, I sometimes worry what would happen if I was killed in a car accident, or even just injured enough to go to the hospital for a few days. I can only imagine how my family would react the instant they wake up my computer or make the mistake of turning on the wrong external hard drive.

And this is only stuff I collected, not produced myself. There's going to be a long trail of digital bread crumbs and that's something that would be virtually impossible to hide from children, especially once they get on the Internet or spend enough time on one of your computers. The documentary After Porn Ends deals with this a bit and it really does affect parents, especially the judgmental parents of their kids' friends (who, of course, never exactly explain how they knew/found out they had done porn).

Of course, you can just totally ignore my comments; I'm neither a professional nor a guy with a porn-loving wife who would consider such a thing (or even just a wife). Just my . "It's incredibly obvious, isn't it? A foreign substance is introduced into our precious bodily fluids without the knowledge of the individual. Certainly without any choice. That's the way your hardcore Commie works." - Gen. Jack D. Rippper, Dr. Stranglove

10-13-14  06:34pm - 3803 days #9
pat362 (0)
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^Not living in or around Los Angeles is going to make it really hard for you guys to shoot established performers and it can also make it hard for you to book them ahead of a visit. There is a lot of logistic involved with booking talent when you don't live in the city you want to shoot your scenes. Especially when you are unknown people to those agencies.

1-The first thing you need to do is research some of the talent agencies in California and see what you can find out about them. The below link offers a huge list of talent agencies. Be advised that some of these are not in the US or in California and quite a few of the links are probably dead like the agency itself. I suspect that talent will be a huge factor in your decision as you may want a specific performer and that means dealing with her specific agency.


Once you have selected a couple of agencies than you should email them and discuss what it is you want to do and see if something can be arranged. Their answer may very well determine if your fantasy can come through or not. Long live the Brown Coats.

10-14-14  04:26am - 3802 days #10
Parsnip (0)
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Those rates quoted above for Kink seem high to me. I guess even today with the dead porn market they are so brutal and violent that they have to pay more.

10 years ago the going rate was $800 for a single straight scene, $1200 including anal. Now you would be lucky to get 1/3 of that.

The girls in Eastern Europe have it worse. They get paid 300 euros ($350) for a nominal half day shoot - 4 hours shooting however long it takes to set up. For that they have to take everything thrown at them, with a queue of guys with jacked-up boners doing scene after scene, 20-30 minutes to shoot each. If the pain gets too bad they just have to stick an anaesthetic in their ass and carry on - no finish, no pay.

Many porn consumers are mysoginists and like it that way. Many more have so little emotional intelligence that they have convinced themselves that the fixed grin on the girl's face as she takes the third cock up her ass means she is enjoying it. She isn't. Most of the time, however desperate they are, one shoot is enough.

As I said before, my wife's sister did porn for 2 weeks, several years ago, and she is still paying for it. Really, it isn't a business to get into.

10-14-14  04:47am - 3802 days #11
AWpress (0)
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Hrm, you've got competing priorities here. The more successful you are producing porn, the more likely it will be that your alter ego will be stumbled upon by someone you know.

10-14-14  08:10am - 3802 days #12
Cybertoad (0)
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Invite them to a free screening of the Lion King and put in the wrong DVD , when it pops up produced by you.... there your opening so to speak. Since 2007

10-14-14  03:52pm - 3802 days #13
LPee23 (0)
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Originally Posted by Parsnip:

For that they have to take everything thrown at them, with a queue of guys with jacked-up boners doing scene after scene, 20-30 minutes to shoot each. If the pain gets too bad they just have to stick an anaesthetic in their ass and carry on - no finish, no pay.

Couldn't see myself doing that. Despite my support for Kink.com and the likes here, that wouldn't be my style. I would definitely go for artistic scenes, mostly solo girl with some girl on girl, and some kinky stuff mixed in, but nothing that requires rectal anesthetics. Better to be pissed on, than to be pissed off.

10-14-14  04:06pm - 3802 days #14
LPee23 (0)
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Originally Posted by AWpress:

Hrm, you've got competing priorities here. The more successful you are producing porn, the more likely it will be that your alter ego will be stumbled upon by someone you know.

You are right about that. There is no easy solution.

At the same time, I feel like doing some porn shoots would be on the short list of things that I would like to do in life. Having seen so much of what's out there, and seeing so many aspects of shoots both done well and done poorly, I know that I could synthesize some of those elements together with my own style to produce something unique. I really feel like at some point in life, I just have to do this. Better to be pissed on, than to be pissed off. Edited on Oct 14, 2014, 05:27pm

10-15-14  08:41am - 3801 days #15
Cybertoad (0)
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Ya know Lpee23,

Its going to boil down to what it means to you.
I have been a webmaster a long time as as porn on the web developed I never ventured into the porn biz much more then consulting .
I hope you take this to heart my friend as from your post over the last year or so you like porn, you enjoy it like most of us. If you pursue porn your attraction will change maybe for the better maybe not.

Look at it this way men often have affairs because they get bored the woman they wake up to doesnt do it for them so they sneak some on the side. Porn day in and out and seeing all the details and preps and mess and arguments on the day of shoots will take porn to another level for you.

Its why you will find some member take a porn break after awhile and even a PU break. but if you are in the business you cant walk away and regroup.

I always thought doing a porn biz would be great and for some it maybe. Just remember that in many cases you wont be able to go back to the way porn is to you now if will be different.

Think of it this way you are a porn biz virgin and once you go in you cant take it back.

Best of luck and hope it all works out as you would like it to. Since 2007

10-15-14  09:09am - 3801 days #16
AWpress (0)
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Originally Posted by Parsnip:

Those rates quoted above for Kink seem high to me. I guess even today with the dead porn market they are so brutal and violent that they have to pay more.

10 years ago the going rate was $800 for a single straight scene, $1200 including anal. Now you would be lucky to get 1/3 of that.

The girls in Eastern Europe have it worse. They get paid 300 euros ($350) for a nominal half day shoot - 4 hours shooting however long it takes to set up. For that they have to take everything thrown at them, with a queue of guys with jacked-up boners doing scene after scene, 20-30 minutes to shoot each. If the pain gets too bad they just have to stick an anaesthetic in their ass and carry on - no finish, no pay.

Many porn consumers are mysoginists and like it that way. Many more have so little emotional intelligence that they have convinced themselves that the fixed grin on the girl's face as she takes the third cock up her ass means she is enjoying it. She isn't. Most of the time, however desperate they are, one shoot is enough.

As I said before, my wife's sister did porn for 2 weeks, several years ago, and she is still paying for it. Really, it isn't a business to get into.

While I don't doubt that the worst examples exceed this dreary account, it's not at all the standard. Sites like ATK, Met Art, and Hegre-Art pay Eastern European models no less than Western European models, and treat them fine (they are all solo erotica sites, however). The preference for Eastern European models on a lot of sites arises because the fixed rate for a scene is more attractive in Eastern European countries (€500 goes a lot further in Bucharest than it does in London). Additionally, I've heard photographers saying Eastern European models are easier to work with; punctual, professional, and so on. Finally, for some reason, they're more often of the body type glamour sites favour (slender and delicate).

We don't shoot a lot of Eastern European models at abbywinters.com (because we're not in Eastern Europe and all of our content is exclusive and shot in-house). That said, Eastern European models have on occasion come to us; we paid them the same rate we would any other model, and were as respectful as usual.

As for rates, we can't disclose specifics, but out models earn hundreds of Euros per shoot (how many hundreds depends on how explicit the shoot is). Ordinarily models who shoot for us do a string of shoots all in one go over the course of a week or two; providing they are up for girl-girl and/or girl-boy, they might walk away with a couple of grand. As an amateur site, though, we don't have ongoing 'porn-stars' on the site; for most of our models, appearing on our site is a short walk on the wild side with a tidy sum for something fun.

10-17-14  04:04pm - 3799 days #17
Wittyguy (0)
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x Edited on Apr 19, 2023, 01:24pm

10-18-14  06:47am - 3798 days #18
Cybertoad (0)
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So remember those playboys you bought and hid under your mattress.

Your Mom made your bed today why you were gone, you come home
she is standing there with them and you say what ???

Same situation but you are now and Adult, and this is an adult discussion you will have. Since 2007

10-19-14  04:54pm - 3797 days #19
LPee23 (0)
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I know exactly what you are saying Cybertoad and Wittyguy. You are right, there is a real chance of my cover being blown, and I would have to prepare for that. Objectively, it sounds like too risky of a prospect. At the same time, I know that I could bring something new and unique to the market, and it's hard to ignore that. Thank you for being the voices of caution. I will keep your advice in mind, and time will tell how this plays out. Better to be pissed on, than to be pissed off.

10-19-14  05:25pm - 3797 days #20
pat362 (0)
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^I wish you the best of luck if you decide to go ahead but let me warn you that if you think you can bring something new to porn than you are fooling yourself. You may be able to bring back something that is no longer there but you are more than a decade too late to invent the porn wheel. Long live the Brown Coats.

10-19-14  07:03pm - 3797 days #21
LPee23 (0)
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Originally Posted by pat362:

^I wish you the best of luck if you decide to go ahead but let me warn you that if you think you can bring something new to porn than you are fooling yourself. You may be able to bring back something that is no longer there but you are more than a decade too late to invent the porn wheel.

It would be pretentious to claim that I could reinvent the porn wheel, as I sit here with nothing to show for it as of yet. Also, I am acutely aware of how much amazing, unique content has come and gone. You are astute to suggest that I might be able to bring something back that is no longer there. In reality, that is a large part of my motivation. I can think of several producers who have come and gone who have produced absolutely amazing content, content that had a unique style that has not been reproduced, and to the best of my knowledge their content is now partially lost. I can't do anything more about that despite my best efforts. What I can do, however, is to be inspired and produce something of my own. If I do ever produce porn, it absolutely will bring back some amazing stylistic features of past producers.

At the same time, I understand why it is easy to think that nothing new can be brought to the table in the porn world. With so many cookie-cutter scenes being churned out by some companies, it seems as if it has all been done already. In reality, there is a lot of new ground to be covered. Just as a small hint of what I have in mind, consider high dynamic range (HDR) photography in porn. To my knowledge, this has not been done yet, at least not on a commercial scale. Definitely not in scenes with motion, which present an additional challenge for HDR. You might argue that HDR is probably beyond the point of diminishing returns on investment, and you might be right, but if I ever do this, it will be a labor of love. I will work hard to recover my costs, but the greatest reward would be in the work itself. Better to be pissed on, than to be pissed off.

10-19-14  07:08pm - 3797 days #22
anyonebutme (0)
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Originally Posted by LPee23:

This is a question for the professionals here. How realistic is it to think that work producing porn could be done without friends and extended family knowing? This has been a fantasy of mine, and I'm sure it's a common one, but I'm getting to a point in life where the means to make this happen will be available soon. My wife isn't the issue. She loves porn too, and she runs a couple of non-adult related e-businesses. The issue would be our parents, our kids when we eventually have them, and our mainstream connections in our lines of work.

My guess is that it would be pretty hard to keep it quiet. Any other thoughts?

You can certainly be involved without your name or your image being out there for the world to find out. Models for sure will be spotted. Their image is on-screen, and that their full information must be given to every producer, will all the people handling that information, someone is going to slip up and make it known. Then the pervs out there jump over it and must add the real name & birthplace & whatever else to a publicly accessible database they help maintain. Why they want to do that? I don't know.

But not as a model in a film, you can conceal your name, you have control over who has access to your information. Keeping the secret is not the issue.

The issue is dodging inquisitive friends and family who want to know what you're doing with your life, what your work is, etc., to keep the secret has the side effect of distancing yourself from them. Not exactly a winning situation. Being family, being friends, to an extent does mean sharing your life.

And, you will likely very quickly learn that the porn fantasy viewed by consumers is nothing like the reality of dealing with the people within the business, the all the drama, and the daunting task of getting a product out there people find and will pay for in sufficient quantities to be profitable.

Some things are best left as is. Edited on Oct 19, 2014, 07:12pm

10-19-14  07:48pm - 3796 days #23
LPee23 (0)
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Originally Posted by anyonebutme:

The issue is dodging inquisitive friends and family who want to know what you're doing with your life, what your work is, etc., to keep the secret has the side effect of distancing yourself from them. Not exactly a winning situation. Being family, being friends, to an extent does mean sharing your life.

This is a valid concern. I would definitely be keeping my current line of work, and just producing on the side.

Originally Posted by anyonebutme:

And, you will likely very quickly learn that the porn fantasy viewed by consumers is nothing like the reality of dealing with the people within the business, the all the drama, and the daunting task of getting a product out there people find and will pay for in sufficient quantities to be profitable.

I'm sure this is true as well. The typical porn fantasy for consumers is to meet the models firsthand, see their scenes in person, and let's me honest, to get a piece of the action. That is not my fantasy at all. I am happily married, my physical desires are already met, and I desire no sex outside of marriage. My fantasy is actually to produce amazing photographs and videos. The process is secondary to the end result. Better to be pissed on, than to be pissed off.

10-20-14  08:21am - 3796 days #24
Cybertoad (0)
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Originally Posted by anyonebutme:

And, you will likely very quickly learn that the porn fantasy viewed by consumers is nothing like the reality of dealing with the people within the business, the all the drama, and the daunting task of getting a product out there people find and will pay for in sufficient quantities to be profitable.

Some things are best left as is.

Wise words, in life 99.99% of the time you can't go back.
You cant un-virgin your eyes to what you will see, its why I avoid all behind the scenes. I do not want to know.
You can however hold on to many things life long, if you chose to not do this. Your love of porn barring any addiction issues will be around for years. However if you venture your love of porn and interest will change forever.

You guys remember the Fuck a Fan series that would flat screw you up I would think. Not the fucking part.
The aftermath when nothing you will ever see again will beat what you experienced. I mean once your fantasy becomes real the fantasy will go poof.

Its also why people that cheat often it ends for everyone in disaster, it was a fantasy and sometimes Fantasy and Reality should not meet.

Last example:

Santa, as a kid he is the guy that brings you cool shit in the morning and its amazing you wake up and there is toys.
Then you turn the age and find out there is no Santa.
You will always wish there was one, maybe even some of you reading it will think that would be great to feel that wonder again.

Porn has a dirty sound in the world , but for those not addicted its just a fantasy and hobby to enjoy and have fun.
Once its no longer a fantasy you can't go back.
For me I would not mind being involved in porn as long as I was never on set or involved in that area.

I just do not want to know. Since 2007

10-20-14  02:23pm - 3796 days #25
biker (0)
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I know I have had, and sometimes it returns, the fantasy of producing my own porn. I have my own ideas I wish were reproduced on film or in photos, but you are right Cybertoad. I would lose something if I ventured into that realm. Fortunately I have no connections and no money to fulfill that desire when it hits me. I'm spared. Warning Will Robinson

10-20-14  03:44pm - 3796 days #26
LPee23 (0)
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Well, looks like it's words of caution all around then. Thanks to everyone for your advice, time will show how this plays out. Better to be pissed on, than to be pissed off.

10-21-14  04:16am - 3795 days #27
AWpress (0)
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On the positive side, it's never been easier to start your own site. That's a detriment when it comes to the immediate profitability, but if money's not the primary focus, it's more than realistic to aim for creating great content and building a following.

In fact, you may consider using a platform like tumblr, possibly in tandem with a micro-paysite to monetise any hardcore fanbase you might build.

10-21-14  06:00pm - 3795 days #28
pat362 (0)
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^Why is it easier now than in the past? The reason I ask is because I would think it's the opposite. Long live the Brown Coats.

10-22-14  05:39am - 3794 days #29
AWpress (0)
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The proliferation of cheap and free out of the box solutions, and skilled labour. In the past, to make a paysite you had to make it, from scratch. Content management systems, download servers, user account management, integration with a third party biller. Most likely you'd need the help of some experts, and they weren't as plentiful back then (read: expensive).

Nowadays there's a well documented API, and open source software package (with free community support), a rentable CDN, affordable experts available on contract from vetted and accountable agencies, and more.

While this makes starting a site even with little-to-no capital, knowledge, or time is easier than before - it also means lots of people have done it (meaning it's not the booming racket it once was, the days of overnight millionaire porn king pins are gone). The proliferation of micro-sites is insane, because the overheads are negligible. It's not unusual for a relatively no-name model to have her own site, they're not in the big bucks, and they typically don't come from a web development background.

Still, with persistence, it's still very achievable to pull together a small site, focussed on a very specific niche, that runs at a modest profit (the overheads are just so low).

The other option is to forget the hard slog to establish and sustain a small site, and just contribute content on a pre-existing platform. There are a number of sites that essentially offer a no-expertise required paysite in a box; you just put your content up and they handle the rest (taking a cut, of course). Live cam sites aren't too far from this either- they've built the streaming porn infrastructure, and traffic flow, you just get in front of a camera and get naked.

Then there's stuff like tumblr, and the nsfw realms of social media, where you can give content away in return for attention and perhaps fandom. Lots of people from the last group do this to build a following, which they then try to direct to their camshows, panty store, or hosted paysite to monetise. Lots of people just post homemade adult content on social media sites for fun, without setting out to make a buck out of it (nothing wrong with that either). That final option is by far the quickest and easiest way to publish some online porn, if money isn't a priority.

10-22-14  09:03am - 3794 days #30
Cybertoad (0)
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Originally Posted by pat362:

^Why is it easier now than in the past? The reason I ask is because I would think it's the opposite.

I am going to disagree on it being easier based on these 5 factors.

1. Exposure from standard sources and advertising cost have sky rocketed. And Google and others are clamping down on advertising from porn sites.

2. In 1900 to 1930 there were a few hundred car makers in the USA and they all merged or failed. Today the top names exist and the smaller ones are few and far between. I would say online porn is over 1/2 way through its growth and will begin to become more business like and compressed in the future.

Globally, porn is a $97 billion industry, according to Kassia Wosick, assistant professor of sociology at New Mexico State University. At present, between $10 billion and $12 billion of that comes from the United States. Revenue from traditional porn films has been shrinking, though, because of piracy and an abundance of free content on the Internet. In 2006 the porn industry was at a peak of 96 billion which shows things are leveling off and the economy is not helping.

Xvideos, about the largest porn site on the web with 4.4 billion page views per month, is three times the size of CNN or ESPN, and twice the size of Reddit. If one is to even try and make a go at it one must realize the small fish in the big pond and be aware the work is cut out for them.

4. DVD sales are down in 2013 for the first time in 10 years. According to Xvideo there growth is up, however the HuffPost. Says 80 percent of the companies that were around five years ago either don't exist or are hanging by a thread. The day a new video comes out, within 24 hours, someone has set up a tripod in front of their TV to copy it and then uploaded it illegally." So the herd is thinning.

I own a few websites and make some money doing it, however last three years even I have to be more creative. Even PU's own Admin is working on a two year project on this site to get a grip on the ever changing porn industry. PU is great but has dropped off the last few years. Other similar sites have done the same.

Not trying to discourage anyone from opening a business after all I make a living consulting new entrepreneurs. But it is with that perspective if you are not unique or have a huge cash flow you could be looking at a Mount Everest challenge.

Just my opinion of course. Since 2007

10-22-14  05:37pm - 3794 days #31
pat362 (0)
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^Thanks for that. I can see why someone would say that it's easier base on so many others doing it but even if making money is not important. I suspect losing large amounts of it must be and that is what many have learned the hard way. Long live the Brown Coats.

10-22-14  05:50pm - 3794 days #32
LPee23 (0)
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Originally Posted by Cybertoad:

I own a few websites and make some money doing it, however last three years even I have to be more creative. Even PU's own Admin is working on a two year project on this site to get a grip on the ever changing porn industry. PU is great but has dropped off the last few years. Other similar sites have done the same.

I'm with you man. One of my wife's websites has seen a slump in sales over the past two years, as have all her competitors in this particular industry, due to changes in customer's expectations regarding pricing for various content.

The flip side is that she has several top notch web developers on her beck and call who do amazing work for cut rate prices. It would be a great resource if I went into the industry. We have talked in passing about spinning off a web development business, I may bring this up with her again now that I think about it. Better to be pissed on, than to be pissed off.

10-23-14  02:49am - 3793 days #33
AWpress (0)
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All good points, but that's why I included the caveat 'if money's not the focus'. If you're interested in self-publishing some porn for the love of it (or anything, for that matter), it's never been easier to do - everything from hosting, to web design, to payment processing has been highly developed into free-or-cheap uncomplicated prepackaged services.

If you want to launch a competitive, profit-orientated site, it's never been harder. The market is saturated with big players, innumerable small fish, free promotional content, and pirated content. I wouldn't recommend it as a commercial venture, but mean to say that it's very achievable as a passion project.

10-23-14  06:55pm - 3793 days #34
pat362 (0)
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^I completely agree with you and that's why I keep saying that anyone wanting to produce porn must have money that they can afford to lose because they will lose a lot of it before they make a profit. In fact I would say that most will lose a lot of it and never make any profit. Long live the Brown Coats.

10-24-14  03:04am - 3792 days #35
AWpress (0)
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You can do it with lower overheads if you want to give up independence and moneymaking potential. Like having an nsfw tumblr, for instance; plenty of folks build quite a fandom by posting quality amateur content there, and can subsequently convert a bit of that to some pocket money with the right auxiliaries.

Nothing like big porn money, though.

10-25-14  03:32pm - 3791 days #36
TVFR (0)
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First of all, hello everybody as this is my first post

Foremost I have to say I am only starting my own project as a (wanabe) producer, and only did a few adult shootings without selling them so far.

Originally Posted by pat362:

2-Second most important question you must ask yourself is. How much money can you afford to lose? If you do not have at least $10,000 to $30,000 that you can live without than don't read any of the other questions.
The cost I'm giving you are the prices listed on Kink's website because they are the only ones that actually post cost. Here are the rates for female models: A Solo scene is 500$-600$, a g/g is 500$-800$, b/g is 600$-1300$ and TS/girl is 700$-1100$.
If I do a quick calculation than a basic vaginal b/g scene will cost as little as 800$ to as much as 1700$. Since you need more than one scene than simply multiply those amounts by at least 10 to get a cost of 8000$ to 17,000$. of course those amounts are all before you have made a single penny of profit.

Regarding talent payment on Kink. Budget is hugely overpriced.
Kink is looking for girls ready to do BDSM ! They must attract girls by paying more than the average site. Also guys are ready to pay since that is rare production.
Also Kink mentions they do scenes (plural) during shooting. And depending how long they for the shooting they can do many scenes, for "only" 500$.
With that Kink is very far from paying thousands of $ for a girl.

Now about you wanting to be a producer I would say you have different ways.
You may want to run your own site or you may just want to be producer and sell your production.
If you want to sell to web sites then you just cannot be the average Joe with a basic camera. You need to become fairly competent at producing video.
On the other hand if you run your own site then you may produce any quality you like.
I understand this is your goal.

10-25-14  06:38pm - 3791 days #37
Khan (0)

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TVFR, you'll notice I've changed your account to a webmaster acct. If you have questions regarding that, feel free to email me at: khan [ at] PornUsers [dot] com.

LPee23, should you go beyond the "just wondering" stage with this, we'll have to switch your acct as well.

Beyond that, speaking to this thread in general ...
I fear this thread is starting to drift into an area that is better addressed at a resource for webmasters. If you need to know of such sites, feel free to email me a the address above.

That is not to say that you can't continue discussion of the original topic, "Keeping involvement in porn quiet". Former PornUsers Senior Administrator
Now at: MyPorn.com

"To get your ideas across use small words, big ideas, and short sentences."-John Henry Patterson

10-27-14  08:45am - 3789 days #38
Cybertoad (0)
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Originally Posted by AWpress:

You can do it with lower overheads if you want to give up independence and moneymaking potential. Like having an nsfw tumblr, for instance; plenty of folks build quite a fandom by posting quality amateur content there, and can subsequently convert a bit of that to some pocket money with the right auxiliaries.

Nothing like big porn money, though.

The only issues I can see and they have been occurring frequently is by using a low over head third party service you could see the service zapped our from under you. In more recent years and months, Paypal, Ebay, Amazon and the list of smaller players go on, are putting restrictions down the pipe line. Not saying it would occur but have experienced it first hand using a service and they changed policy and said thanks. Leaving me high and dry. On this crazy planet Porn and Firearms are the retarded step children of the world that is ignored and only paid attention to when it serves a person politically to do so.
And as such corporations react, not respond to the concerns of others. Google leaving porn and firearms in ads was 100% political and as long as this fucked up system exists porn sites in my opinion are advised to keep work close to home.
Since 2007

10-27-14  11:17pm - 3788 days #39
turboshaft (0)
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LPee23, regarding a couple of your comments here:

Originally Posted by LPee23:

This has been a fantasy of mine

Originally Posted by LPee23:

I feel like doing some porn shoots would be on the short list of things that I would like to do in life.

I was wondering, what exactly is your main goal for this? Is it just being able to shoot a little porn that could be sold somewhere else--ostensibly, making it amateur porn? Or is it to shoot and then distribute it through your own paysite as well, in the process theoretically making it "professional"?

The thing is, as this thread is showing, these are two separate hurdles, since no matter how good/hot/nasty what you create is, it still has to be distributed somehow, ideally for at least a little profit and recognition. 😎 "It's incredibly obvious, isn't it? A foreign substance is introduced into our precious bodily fluids without the knowledge of the individual. Certainly without any choice. That's the way your hardcore Commie works." - Gen. Jack D. Rippper, Dr. Stranglove

10-28-14  06:40am - 3788 days #40
AWpress (0)
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TVFR raises a good point. A pretty solid shot at making porn, for a profit, on the downlow, would be to become a contract shooter for an established site. The obstacles to that would be:

(a) Getting all the required equipment.
(b) Getting good enough at it to meet professional standards.
(c) Recruiting models.
(d) Finding buyers for shoots you make.

10-28-14  08:25am - 3788 days #41
Cybertoad (0)
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Originally Posted by turboshaft:

LPee23, regarding a couple of your comments here:

I was wondering, what exactly is your main goal for this? Is it just being able to shoot a little porn that could be sold somewhere else--ostensibly, making it amateur porn? Or is it to shoot and then distribute it through your own paysite as well, in the process theoretically making it "professional"?

I was having the same questions, having an idea of the direction helps. I just opened site number 25 last night taking another risk in making money. A good idea is to sit down and right out pro's and cons of your idea.
Then pro-cons of your budget. Then pro-cons of your abilities.
They talk with whom ever you will be working close with and see what they think. Going to a consultant may be prudent after your vision is clear what your pro-s and cons are. Since 2007

10-28-14  02:37pm - 3788 days #42
LPee23 (0)
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Originally Posted by turboshaft:

I was wondering, what exactly is your main goal for this? Is it just being able to shoot a little porn that could be sold somewhere else--ostensibly, making it amateur porn? Or is it to shoot and then distribute it through your own paysite as well, in the process theoretically making it "professional"?

My goal would be to do memorable shoots with attractive models and make my priorities top technical quality as well as composition. Beyond that, the rest is details.

You don't see many people putting this much work into shoots and then posting them for free on blogs, with the exception of some art photographers who venture into the erotic. I could maybe go that route to start with, but before long, I imagine that I would want to start to recover some of the expense that I would put into it, or maybe make a profit. Better to be pissed on, than to be pissed off.

10-29-14  03:36am - 3787 days #43
AWpress (0)
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Originally Posted by LPee23:

My goal would be to do memorable shoots with attractive models and make my priorities top technical quality as well as composition. Beyond that, the rest is details.

My recommendation would be to look into becoming a freelance shooter. You'll need equipment and skills, but you'll have discretion, creative control, and the chance to build a reputation for excellent content.

Stefan Soell is an example of a well known photographer who contributes scenes to femjoy. Petter Hegre is a photographer who started his own site (with a focus on high quality erotic photography).

10-29-14  06:22pm - 3787 days #44
pat362 (0)
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^I like your suggestion but do you really believe that there is an actual need for another freelance anything. I would think that the market is already supersaturated with freelancers that established people are having a hard time making a living. Long live the Brown Coats.

10-30-14  07:54am - 3786 days #45
AWpress (0)
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The market is saturated with models, shooters, studios, affiliates, and publishers. It's a pretty saturated market all around; so the competition is going to be fierce no matter how you step into it. That it's hopeless to start, though, or that no new professionals are successfully entering the industry.

At careers.abbywinters.com we've got a posting for contract shooters; you'd be surprised how few serious applicants we get (granted we require exclusivity, albeit whilst paying higher rates). While it's true there's a million guys with good cameras and hot girlfriends around, their professionalism is often below par, and their skills aren't quite as good as they think they are. We provide (required) training in our style and technical standards via learn.abbywinters.com, and applicants flat out refuse to do it- they think they're above it.

With dedication, professionalism, and skill, I'd say it's very realistic to aspire to making one's way as a shooter (or most things, really). If we want to look at the 'easiest' job to get in adult, once you have the skills, then that would have to be web developer. Getting the skills is the trick, though.

10-30-14  10:57pm - 3785 days #46
Parsnip (0)
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That's really interesting. I will look at that video sometime, and maybe work through some of course for myself. I'm a strictly enthusiast photographer, but I've done a few shoots with pro models and always want to improve.

However, I can see why you don't get many serious applicants. It isn't really a very enticing offer! Expecting someone to shoot exclusively for you, but only get 2 shoots (up to 6 if their really good) per month - it isn't exactly going to pay the mortgage, is it? To paraphrase Naomi Campbell, I wouldn't get out of bed for that!

11-05-14  06:52pm - 3779 days #47
LPee23 (0)
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Originally Posted by AWpress:

The market is saturated with models, shooters, studios, affiliates, and publishers. It's a pretty saturated market all around; so the competition is going to be fierce no matter how you step into it. That it's hopeless to start, though, or that no new professionals are successfully entering the industry.

At careers.abbywinters.com we've got a posting for contract shooters; you'd be surprised how few serious applicants we get (granted we require exclusivity, albeit whilst paying higher rates). While it's true there's a million guys with good cameras and hot girlfriends around, their professionalism is often below par, and their skills aren't quite as good as they think they are. We provide (required) training in our style and technical standards via learn.abbywinters.com, and applicants flat out refuse to do it- they think they're above it.

With dedication, professionalism, and skill, I'd say it's very realistic to aspire to making one's way as a shooter (or most things, really). If we want to look at the 'easiest' job to get in adult, once you have the skills, then that would have to be web developer. Getting the skills is the trick, though.

Thanks for the advice. It would honestly be a dream to see one of my shoots on abbywinters.com, which is one of my favorite sites. I checked out the training material there, and it's pretty good. Maybe someday I will take a shot at it.

As for the web developer thing, I really need to talk with my wife about this. Her web developers have done some awesome things for her sites at low expenses, and I can think of hundreds of sites that would benefit from similar services. Better to be pissed on, than to be pissed off.

11-06-14  07:22am - 3779 days #48
jberryl69 (0)
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. If it ain't grits, it must be a Yankee.

If you're going to lay her head over the pool table and fuck her throat, get your fucking hand off her throat!
Edited on Nov 06, 2014, 07:28am

05-06-15  05:44pm - 3598 days #49
LPee23 (0)
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Here's an odd, ironic turn of events.

You might remember from this post how much I wanted to make some porn with my wife and post it.

Without going too much into the details, I will say that from past business ventures as a model, not in porn, she has kept in touch with some like minded people and that's fine with me. Just a few months ago I wanted to make some porn with her as you guys know. Now, she got an offer of high five figures just for a video of her sucking my cock. Damn! I want to do it, but now there's this whole extra consideration of why would someone pay so much for this, and are they getting too involved?

I'm probably going to nix this, but it is just too ironic. It wouldn't be the first time though. Years ago, while we were dating other people for a short period, she got offered $10,000 to do a piss and #2 scene in LA, but turned it down at my request. Sorry guys! Better to be pissed on, than to be pissed off.

05-06-15  07:05pm - 3598 days #50
pat362 (0)
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^It's you and your wife life so ultimately you should only do stuff that you are both comfortable with. That said I get the feeling from this post that you seem to be more interested in the idea of doing porn rather than actually doing it for real. I mean the primary reason why anyone should consider doing porn should be how much money can I make from it and what I'm willing to risk but doing it?

The reasons why someone is willing to pay should never enter into the equation since you must have a general idea of how much money you are willing to accept. Now a high five figure amount for an amateur oral sex video may seem like a lot of money but some people already spend thousands of dollars on cam shows and you rarely get anything more than solo stuff. When you couple that with the fact that your wife as modeled in the past so isn't it possible that someone who has seen her might be willing to spend a huge amount of money for even something as simple as an oral sex video? Long live the Brown Coats.

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