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04-05-08  01:20pm - 6185 days Original Post - #1
kapp (0)
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Question about downloadable vids

When a site says it has downloadable videos, does that mean you can stream them only temporarily or can I actually download them to my hard drive?

I am looking at videobox and videoz.com and they say downloadable vids. I don't want streaming vid, I wanna download them permanently.

Thanks for any help.

04-05-08  01:25pm - 6185 days #2
jd1961 (0)
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It should mean you can save them. However, some sites use DRM (Digital Rights Management), which is a spyware that installs a license to your pc and keeps you connected to the site for as long as you keep the video. Check TBP reviews for a site you want to join. If the site uses DRM, it will be shown in red letters.
I know you can download video from Videobox.

04-05-08  07:08pm - 6185 days #3
Toadsith (0)
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While I certainly wouldn't be surprised by a spyware approach to DRM, I did want to point out that all the sites that I've used that have had DRM have used Windows Media Player's built in DRM management solution. The software is already there and ready to go for almost all users - sometimes they may have to download a Microsoft Security Update - but it is hardly a dangerous thing. More often it is just tedious and frustrating. I'm definitely not a fan of DRM, but in my experience it has never compromised my system with spyware.

And to second jd1961's statement - if the site says "Downloadable Videos" then they are just that: Downloadable.

Streaming is actually more of pain-in-the-ass for the site than downloading, so consequently it is rarer - excluding those horrible freebie tack-on sites that websites use to advertise a larger amount of content than they really have. Most sites, if they even include that free crap, these days make it very obvious what is their primary, downloadable content, and what is just streaming, steaming dog... you get the idea.

Cheers! "I'm not a number, I'm a free man!"

Second Grand Order Poobah in the Loyal Order of the Water Buffalo

04-06-08  08:36pm - 6184 days #4
littlejoe (0)
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PU has been very accurate with specifying if the sites have download/streaming/flash videos. but if you ever do come across a DRM/streaming video you wish to keep, there are plenty of apps where you can legally capture the video for later viewing

04-07-08  04:32pm - 6183 days #5
badandy400 (0)
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For a direct answer.

VideoBox is download able. I have been a member for a while now. Also they do not use DRM. Check reviews for Videoz. I was a member there a year or two ago, at that point the did use DRM, sometimes.

Now to confuse you. If they say downloadable they mean exactly that, you click download...you wait for it to transfer to your drive, then you watch. Stream is a watch as it loads method. If you have a good connection you can do this, but it is temporary. Some download managers can download most streams anyway. Downloads take up space on your HDD, streams generally do not, but they can site in your cache for a little while eventually to be deleted, this all depends on many things though. Try to stick with downloading, especially if you like to see a video more than once.

Now the dreaded DRM. No, DRM is not spyware, it is simply security, you do not stay connected to the site forever. But you must connect to them to view the video. DRM is basically like renting a movie, but not having to return it. Like a temporary tattoo, they only last a short while and have to be renewed, otherwise they go away. Well, the movie does not go away, but you still can not open it. If you download a DRM movie you will have to allow the media player to acquire a license for the movie, you must be online to allow this to happen. It will do this automatically, but you have to log into the server with your username and password. Once you do you get to watch, until the next clip comes then you have to do this all over again! This puts a serious damper on the mood. The point of this is that they can make the license last forever, or 10 minutes, it is up the the owners. Mnay places make the license last for amonth (membership length) then you have to relicense the movie. This way if you canceled you no long can watch their movie.

This also prevents people from sharing movies, and you from moving the movie onto a different computer. If you do you must re do the licensing. A few sites allow you to keep the movie forever once it is licensed, but if try to move it will not work anymore with out resigning up. The goal with DRM is to prevent me from sending you a movie with out you ever having to pay the owners for it. The negative affect is that it also prevents us from making personal back ups of the stuff we pay for. So it ends up bitting the honest, paying users in the ass. This is why so many people are sour about DRM.

Also, worth mentioning. It IS illegal to tamper with DRM. Technically you are not allowed to use screen capture programs, or set back the bios time/date on your computer to be able to continue to watch the movie.

Basically we ask to you to do yourself and everyone else a favor by not giving money to those who use DRM. It will do nothing but piss you off, and condone those who use this monstrosity. If people avoid it like the plague, perhaps webmasters will avoid using it as well. "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~

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04-07-08  06:41pm - 6183 days #6
jd1961 (0)
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Originally Posted by badandy400:

Now the dreaded DRM. No, DRM is not spyware, it is simply security, you do not stay connected to the site forever. But you must connect to them to view the video.
The host is looking into your pc to see if you have a license.

04-08-08  11:02am - 6183 days #7
Colm4 (0)
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Originally Posted by badandy400:

Check reviews for Videoz. I was a member there a year or two ago, at that point the did use DRM, sometimes.

VideosZ stopped with DRM a long time ago (the old movies still have it though). I doubt that there are many sites that still use it. It's becoming a thing of the past.

04-08-08  12:24pm - 6183 days #8
Toadsith (0)
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Originally Posted by Colm4:

I doubt that there are many sites that still use it. It's becoming a thing of the past.

Last time I checked, my beloved German Goo Girls was still using it. However, I believe you are correct that DRM is slowly disappearing - it is such a frustration.

My guess is, despite the trend towards downloads right now - as broadband speeds keep increasing, I think streaming is going to eventually become the dominate viewing format. As soon as they master the technique for delivering instantly viewable and searchable, high-definition streaming video - I'll bet downloads will be eradicated. "I'm not a number, I'm a free man!"

Second Grand Order Poobah in the Loyal Order of the Water Buffalo

04-08-08  08:14pm - 6182 days #9
badandy400 (0)
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You are very correct. We are all at least somewhat familiar with the recent HD format war. Sony obviously pushed Blu-Ray while some others including MicroSoft pushed HD. MicroSoft pushed HD because they wanted the war to continue as long as they could. But notice they did not make the XBox with the HD drive internal? There is two reasons. One being that they actually wanted Blu-Ray to win if the war ended, because it is inherently more resistant to piracy. Although, HD-DVD was the superior format (yes, it was capable of the same sizes as Blu-Ray).

The second reason hit home to what Toadsith said about downloads going by the way side. MicroSoft's main reason for trying to extend the war is because they actually wanted neither format to win...a stalemate. They are working on streaming...streaming everything. MicroSoft wants to get ride of physical media, and the ability to store the data on your drives. Basically if you want to watch a movie, you select it and it is streamed to you. VOD with no option to download. This way you can not copy anything all together. No more worries about people letting friends copy their DVD collections.

Hopefully porn does not follow in this path. It does seem that porn is going the other direction, but hopefully it continues to do so. But, I still say get it while the gettin is good. You never know when things might change suddenly. Imagine stream only for everything! With the way things are going now it soon might be very difficult to even make DVD backups of the stuff you paid for and downloaded. Hell, look what HDCP will do to us with slightly older systems! Does not look good for the consumer! :( "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~

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04-08-08  09:17pm - 6182 days #10
Toadsith (0)
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Originally Posted by badandy400:

Although, HD-DVD was the superior format (yes, it was capable of the same sizes as Blu-Ray).

While I certainly agreed that the route to streaming, though it seems inevitable, is not good at all for consumer media rights - it is sacrificing freedom for convenience, a definitely popular trend in America these days.

However: I've got to stop and nit-pick on something - how in any way was HD-DVD a superior technology to Blu-Ray? It was based on antiquated technology, it was less resistant to damage, the only way it could hope to match Blu-Ray's capacities was to exceed the dual-layer barrier for triple or quad layers, which was experimental to say the least. (Some said that would never make it to market.) Sure it was considered less resistant to piracy, but if I recall correctly, the two formats were cracked within weeks of each other. And now Blu-Ray has read times up to 12x (432 Mbit/s) according to Wikipedia, and they are rating HD-DVD at only 2x (72 Mbit/s). Granted I think Blu-Ray is only going to have about a 10 year lifespan starting now, but I'm quite glad Sony won this round.

Don't forget they were the proprietors of the Betamax format in the last super format war (its main advantage being that is was smaller) - and I think they learned their lesson. The only reason I could see choosing HD DVD over Blu-Ray, for a consumer, was if you were planning on burning data to media, HD DVD was always considerably cheaper. That's its one win in all the categories! And now that Blu-Ray is officially the dominate format, Blu-Ray media and players are already beginning their descent in price. I really do not believe the consumer has lost this time - at least given a choice between the two. I'm certainly no fan of the silly hardware copy-protection they tried putting in there. Thank the gods for AnyDVD.

At any rate, yay for porn's love of downloading and trend away from DRM - may its reign last a thousand years! "I'm not a number, I'm a free man!"

Second Grand Order Poobah in the Loyal Order of the Water Buffalo

04-08-08  09:28pm - 6182 days #11
jd1961 (0)
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Originally Posted by badandy400:

Imagine stream only for everything! With the way things are going now it soon might be very difficult to even make DVD backups of the stuff you paid for and downloaded. Hell, look what HDCP will do to us with slightly older systems! Does not look good for the consumer! :(
There will always be someone counteracting that. DRM can be removed with the proper software, if you want to go that route.

04-09-08  08:57pm - 6181 days #12
badandy400 (0)
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The HD disk and Blu-Ray disk use the same laser to read the disk. HD DVDs and Blu-Ray were capable of holding the same data densities. HD DVDs were much more user friendly and did not come with the extra anti copy stuff built in. Blu-Ray us also soon to be able to tag itself to a certain player. Meaning that once you pt a movie or game in a player the disk will not work in another player. Blu-Ray is not an issue to break at this point because the security features are not active yet.

Since we are on the topic of DRM, Sony was sued over the metallic coating the used on the disks for abrasion resistance. As it turns out they STOLE that technology. Make you go "HUM?" a company is worried aboiut piracy yet they steal from other companies. Just like a few years back they were sued of using an anti-piracy code that was pirated from another company. Seem a little ironic? A company pirating anti-pirate software!

Although I am a little glad Sony won...my PS# I waited several days for in freezing rain for is not useless. But, I guess software is not as bad as the forecasted future of DRM that is hardware based!

JD, currently that is correct. When a DVD is released the producers have until the release date to protect the data on the disk. Hackers then have from the release date to eternity to hack the disk, and there are more skilled people on the hacking side. Now if the data is streamed and never stored by a user, the company sending the data can constantly counteract the efforts to be able retain the stream as a download. They are trying to tip the playing field to their advantage.

My worry is not so much about movies and games as it is with stuff you would currently be able to download of the internet (PORN). There needs to be a way for a person to be able to download or buy something and make backups with ease....but not be able to give a copy to other people, or spread them all over the internet in files sharing networks. Why should I pay $30 for each site I join when the guy down the road got all the same stuff for free. At the same time, why should I not be able to backup my precious downloads to protect my investment from hardware failures. After all if one of my 500 GB drives fail what does that have to due with the site I downloaded from 3 months ago to fill that drive. Well it should not and I should not have to pay to recover the videos and such I already paid for. Of course, practically not possible to know what some one will do with backups anymore. "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~

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04-10-08  12:00pm - 6181 days #13
Khan (0)

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Just a friendly reminder ...

Discussing specifics of how to get around DRM is against the PU Terms of use.

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04-10-08  12:48pm - 6181 days #14
williamj (0)
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Excellent information, I never knew that. DRM always kind of scared me so I avoided sites that used DRM. Will

04-16-08  06:37pm - 6174 days #15
badandy400 (0)
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Williamj. Dont worry, you certainly are not the only one! DRM usage is a definite turn off. Hell it is worse than seeing your own grandmother naked. Seriously though, there are many people who are trying to avoid sited with DRM to convey the message that us the users do not want DRM and all the hassles that come with it.

Khan, I hope I did not step over any lines. I certainly wont be delving into any DRM hacking details. The last thing I need is the FBI showing up and taking all my porn collection, I would cry!

Another sad aspect of DRM is the current works of hardware DRM. Here stuff with DRM computers is said not to even be able to be shared with non DRM systems. This leads into a whole big set of issues. But it also carries much heavier criminal punishments for tampering. My understanding is that the punishment for tampering with the hardware is worse than that of actually cracking the DRM. So even attempting is bad. Kinda like getting 5 years in prison for shooting someone, but getting an extra 20 because you used an unregistered full0auto weapon. That is the actual federal sentence for automatics too. Kinda rough I would say!

Moral of the store: dont use an automatic firearm to tamper with DRM, you might get the death penalty. :) "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~

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05-01-08  04:36pm - 6159 days #16
shooterbo (0)
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Also, if it appears you cannot SAVE and download to your drive, and only stream....if you watch the bottom of the video and it is loading your temporary file, you can wait till its over, SEARCH for the url it indicates, and copy the file to your hard drive anyway.

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