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Porn Users Forum » Recommend a download manager to me
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08-12-10  06:21am - 5326 days Original Post - #1
RustyJ (0)

Posts: 79
Registered: Aug 04, '10
Recommend a download manager to me

What would be the popular choice for a free DL manager to make things go smoother? For a free application ad banners are ok but spyware (if they have any) is not.

I guess the last time I used one was GetRight and that must have been 8 years ago

08-12-10  12:54pm - 5326 days #2
Khan (0)

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You may want to check some of the older threads as this subject has been touched on a number of times.

For example:

Need advice on a download manager / accelerator

Downloading content

Download Managers

... just to name a few. Using the boards search feature should turn up some others. Former PornUsers Senior Administrator
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08-12-10  03:33pm - 5326 days #3
Sevrin (0)
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I use one called DownloadStudio from Conceiva, which I haven't seen mentioned elsewhere here. It downloads pretty well, but that's not my primary reason for using it over others.

DownloadStudio has an Audio/Video Capture module that allows you to capture audio and video on sites which can't be downloaded in other ways, like using RealPlayerSP. It allows you to designate a window to capture and you can save the video either in AVI or WMV format.

08-12-10  04:03pm - 5326 days #4
lk2fireone (0)
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DownloadStudio costs money. $24.95 is the purchase price. I've always used free download managers. Is DownloadStudio worth the extra money? How good is the audio/video capture feature? I normally use DownThemAll or FreeDownloadManager, but I might spend the extra cash if DownloadStudio had a great audio/video capture, that makes a really nice copy from web sites. And if the program itself was easy to use and had a nice feature where you can que up downloads to do them automatically.

08-12-10  04:13pm - 5326 days #5
lk2fireone (0)
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From the CNET official review of DownloadStudio:


DownloadStudio is an attractively designed application with a number of thoughtful touches that both intermediate and advanced users will appreciate. Unfortunately, when it came to actually downloading files, we ran into some problems....

We were able to download individual files, including a 140MB .mov file and several smaller files, successfully. But when we tried to download two large (greater than 300MB) files simultaneously, we received the dreaded Not Responding parenthetical. In further trials, the application slowed or hung on multiple occasions, including during multiple-file downloads.

DownloadStudio looks and feels like a top-notch application, but, sadly, it didn't live up to our expectations. There's a short 15-day trial, though, for users to take this downloader for a test drive on their own to see if their results are better. As it is, we suggest power downloaders wait for the issues to be resolved before investing in DownloadStudio.


Sevrin, apparently you've been using DownloadStudio for a while. Have you experienced any download problems with this program?

08-12-10  04:52pm - 5326 days #6
Sevrin (0)
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I've used the registered version since 2006 and consider the purchase worthwhile. I guess it all depends on whether you find yourself wanting to download video or audio you can't capture otherwise. The WMV format is pretty straightforward, but I've had some problems figuring out the different codecs for AVI files.

If all you want is Youtube videos, there are many free options which work just fine, and they download them for you in Flash Video (FLV) format, but those are never better quality than what you see using the Flash viewer in your browser. Realplayer is one of the most common, but there are lots of others.

I'm not too familiar with other DL managers, so I can't compare options. DS lets you create rules for specific sites and lets you save passwords for sites that require them for each download, assign different download directories for different sites, delay downloads, and it lets you queue up downloads, so that one starts when the last finishes. The program has a lot of options, but you can ignore most of them unless you have a specific reason to change something.

Anyway, you can try a fully functional version for 15 days for free to see if you like it and decide whether you would get your $24.95 worth out of a registered version.

08-13-10  06:46am - 5325 days #7
eleqtric (0)
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I'd say Flashget

08-14-10  12:49am - 5324 days #8
RustyJ (0)

Posts: 79
Registered: Aug 04, '10
Thanks for replies! It appears that DownThemAll! solved all my issues

08-28-10  07:55pm - 5309 days #9
Monahan (0)
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Originally Posted by RustyJ:

Thanks for replies! It appears that DownThemAll! solved all my issues

Ditto. DTA works very well, is lightning fast and is intuitive.

08-29-10  01:08pm - 5309 days #10
pinkerton (0)
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+1 for DTA
Net Transport also works very well, I've used it for a number of years but it doesn't always handle the latest custom web site authentication methods, whereas DTA does.

08-29-10  02:05pm - 5309 days #11
Monahan (0)
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Originally Posted by pinkerton:

+1 for DTA
Net Transport also works very well, I've used it for a number of years but it doesn't always handle the latest custom web site authentication methods, whereas DTA does.

I like CNET's review (http://download.cnet.com/Net-Transport/3000-2071_4-10773391.html) but it is currently priced at $29.95 (with a 30 free trial).

Pinkerton, your comment suggests you are familiar with both. For basic downloads of 500+MB files, which one operates faster? Does Net Transport handle multiple downloads without straining?

01-14-11  06:50pm - 5170 days #12
pornwatcher (0)

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I have a problem using download manager to download files from realitygang. For some reason, I can't use download manager software, ie getright or flashget. I always get an error message that said the URL is invalid. I used the correct URL.

I already entered the correct user name and password in the software menu. Also, I can download files using the download manager with other non porn sites.

Do some porn sites have built in protection that would prevent users from using download manager?

01-14-11  09:18pm - 5170 days #13
lk2fireone (0)
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My understanding is that some sites do not allow the use of download managers, or allow only certain download managers to be used.
There are sites where I can't use Down Them All, which is the download manager I use.

01-14-11  10:23pm - 5170 days #14
slutty (0)
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Just curious, which sites didn't let you use DTA, I haven't come across any lately where it didn't work.

I also like DTA and use it regularly, I'm not a fan of its file naming system, other than that it is a pretty good little program. Bunny Lebowski: I'll suck your cock for a thousand dollars.
Brandt: Ah hahahahaha! Wonderful woman. We're all, we're all very fond of her. Very free-spirited.

01-15-11  12:12am - 5170 days #15
otoh (0)
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I use DTA and like it, but does anyone know of a way to schedule it? That's my main problem with it at the moment.

Here in the UK, almost all internet providers impose a bandwidth quota; mine is 80gb/month (which is high!). Downloading smut gets through that pretty quickly, but they don't count traffic between midnight and 8am, so ideally I'd like a way to stay all my queued downloads after midnight.

01-15-11  07:43am - 5170 days #16
lk2fireone (0)
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I've tried using Down Them All with filesonic and some similar sites.

Instead of getting the file that I want to download, I get a small file titled: "not-allowed.php".

You can download the file you want, by choosing the "Save File" option for downloading, instead of using the "DownThemAll!" option.

I would prefer to use Down Them All, in case the file download stops and then you have the chance to resume the download. Choosing the "Save" option almost certainly does not give you the chance of resuming download, but would have to re-start the download from the beginning.

Is there a way to schedule Down Them All? I use it manually, but it would be an added convenience if I could schedule downloads.

01-15-11  11:42pm - 5169 days #17
slutty (0)
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I'm not aware of a way in which you can schedule downloads with DTA, but perhaps its possible.

on most sites where i couldn't use "save link with DTA" it was possible to click on the link and then use the option to download with DTA.

assuming it is a static link and you want to do the downloads when going to bed, you could probably just pause the download until the appropriate time. however non-static links are the bane of download managers in general. Bunny Lebowski: I'll suck your cock for a thousand dollars.
Brandt: Ah hahahahaha! Wonderful woman. We're all, we're all very fond of her. Very free-spirited.

01-16-11  02:25pm - 5169 days #18
pornwatcher (0)

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Originally Posted by lk2fireone:

My understanding is that some sites do not allow the use of download managers, or allow only certain download managers to be used.
There are sites where I can't use Down Them All, which is the download manager I use.

Thanks for referring me to DownThemAll. GetRight and FlashGet couldn't download the file but DownThemAll fixes the problem with ease.

01-16-11  03:30pm - 5169 days #19
lk2fireone (0)
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pornwatcher, glad that DownThemAll fixed your problem. DownThemAll is a nice program, easy to use.

05-01-11  05:13pm - 5064 days #20
Micha (0)
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"DownThemAll is a nice program, easy to use."

Perhaps once you are familiar with the program.

I downloaded DTA yesterday and am totally out to sea.
I've had puters for thirty years and am adequately literate, but this one has me stumped. I looked at several tutorials and if they are in English, they've been created by tech types who have no idea how folks communicate in the real world. The moving graphics (in the tutorial) are fuzzy and indiscernible and the instructions use terminology hot in my glossary. Anyone know of a tutorial that is readable or watchable? I'm subscribed to TeenMegaWorld and the download speeds border on the impossible, Under 200k for one download, 30k for multiples.

Any help will be fawned over unless life also gives you water and sugar, your lemonade is gonna suck.

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