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03-21-19  09:07am - 2177 days Original Post - #1
mbaya (0)

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Visiting New York

I recently started a thread asking for advice about my upcoming visit to London.

I am grateful for all the information and advice that has been so graciously offered.

I have lived in the New York area all of my life. I have been nearly everywhere and done probably just about everything.

If anyone wants help or advice, feel free to ask.

03-21-19  04:20pm - 2177 days #2
lk2fireone (0)
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I visited NYC in the 1970s a couple of times.
I live in LA County, which is spread out over a wide area, with a large population,
NYC downtown reminded me of an ant hill, with the streets clogged with people.
The prices were high, compared to California prices.
The pizza was delicious, but that was my best impression of the place.
I saw the Statue of Liberty, took the NYC harbor cruise, visited some of the museums.
Think I went to the main library, which was huge.,
Too many people live there. Always hurrying. And rude or aggressive.
Interesting to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there.
England was a better vacation spot, and the prices were much cheaper.

03-21-19  04:38pm - 2177 days #3
mbaya (0)

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New York in the 1970s was depressing. The city was bankrupt and services were getting cut every day. Crime went up as there were far fewer police.

Now it is completely different. Still crowded, but much better in so many ways.

The place to live is in nearby New Jersey. Close to New York so you can work or go there to visit, but less crowded and cheaper. Rents have been increasing as more and more people from New York are moving in. Jared Kushner has several new condo buildings and expected but did not get big tax breaks too. He has been publicly feuding with the Jersey City mayor as a result.

I used to have a volunteer job with my local city councilman. I did the research on tax breaks for Kushner's projects and many others. The councilman did not want to give tax breaks as he felt they were unfair giveaways to rich investors. What Kushner wanted was unconscionable.

There has also been a lot of hotel construction in the area. You can stay in a beautiful hotel in Secaucus and take a bus to New York. This is much much cheaper than a hotel in Manhattan and maybe fifteen minutes away. Edited on Mar 21, 2019, 04:44pm

03-21-19  05:15pm - 2177 days #4
Thomas20 (0)
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I've had a great trip to New York. I would certainly go back at some stage but I also want to go motorcyling in Virginia.

Mbaya, I would never have thought to stop outside the city. 15 minutes by bus sounds ok.


03-21-19  05:50pm - 2177 days #5
mbaya (0)

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Location: new jersey
Originally Posted by Thomas20:

I've had a great trip to New York. I would certainly go back at some stage but I also want to go motorcyling in Virginia.

Mbaya, I would never have thought to stop outside the city. 15 minutes by bus sounds ok.


Public transportation here is great. I certainly have no complaints.

03-22-19  11:44pm - 2175 days #6
PinkPanther (0)
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New York is an awesome place to visit. It's good to get to the other burroughs besides Manhattan. Living in Oakland, Brooklyn felt very familiar.

I lived in Boston in the 70's so I visited NYC a LOT in the late 70's, never had problems - frankly Boston was a hell of a lot more violent in terms of my day-to-day experiences than NYC was - the racism was much worse. The anti-gay-and-lesbian violence was much worse. Living in Boston & visiting NYC felt like a relief. It struck me that when my gf at the time and I went to Ireland in early 1981, even though Northern Ireland was still a war zone at the time - with checkpoints and bombed out sections of Belfast, overall it felt less violent than the northeast cities of the U.S.

I remember being in Grand Central Station in NYC late one night & there were a bunch of guys there that were "hiding" behind various pillars to attack people, but they were all so fucked up that they were literally swaying side to side so they could easily be seen and avoided. It was like a Monty Python scene.

03-23-19  08:20am - 2175 days #7
rearadmiral (0)
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My wife and I visited NYC for a few days last year. It was my first time there but my bride has been there dozens of times. As a kid her family had friends there and they’d visit every summer.

For me, the NYC trip was probably the worst trip I’ve ever been on but it wasn’t NYC’s fault so I won’t write it off as a destination. We bookended a NYC visit on either end of a cruise we took out of NYC. The ‘problem’ was that my bride had booked this and also included her brother and his two kids, then 14 and 17. My wife and I don’t have kids so having two on this trip really changed the dynamic. I know this sounds really selfish (and it is) but the trip was about the kids and what they wanted to do and where we would eat and things like that. For example, I remember we were walking through Little Italy at noon on a Sunday and seeing row and row of restaurants. I was drooling so much I became dehydrated but we couldn’t eat there because the kids wouldn’t ever go to a sit-down restaurant. We ate every meal at the nearest buffet we could find. It just about killed me to be in a city known for it’s food and having to eat crap.

(Off topic, but the same thing occurred when we were on the ship – the kids won’t eat in a restaurant with a menu so we ended up eating at the food trough for every meal.)

For me, travel is about food. When we travel as a couple or with friends (we have a regular travel couple we go with and they have similar interests) the trip is about food and drink and whatever else we can fit in is secondary. So to be in NYC and not be allowed to experience the food, and to see upscale restaurants on the ship and not be allowed to go in was a problem for me.

But as I said, I won’t write off NYC based on that alone. I’ll definitely go back. NYC is relatively close for us too and that’s a plus as I don’t deal well with sitting on a plane for hours on end.

Finally, and I know this will be inflammatory and I probably shouldn’t write it, but like many Canadians I’m taking a break from visiting our southern neighbours. Maybe I’m being too soft but as a veteran who served alongside American troops it hurts to have your president and his friends declare Canada to be a national threat to you and impose punishing tariffs. And to make matters even worse, your long relationship with Canada is pushed aside to make friends with Russia and North Korea. If we look back even recently, to September 11, 2001, Canadians stepped up first and helped. When the US closed its airspace out of warranted fear that any inbound plane could be hijacked, Canada said ‘send ‘em here.’ If any of those were hijacked what danger did that pose for us? A plane could be flown into a building in the Financial District of Toronto just as easily as in New York or Washington. And with hundreds of diverted planes there were thousands of stranded passengers. The musical “Come From Away” is about that time when Canadians welcomed stranded people into their homes as if they were family. Canada didn’t have to be asked to participate in taking on the Taliban in Afghanistan – our Prime Minister was on board immediately. Canada did a lot of heavy lifting in that conflict and we took proportionally higher casualties than Americans did.

But apparently we’re a threat now. But you know what? If something like 9/11 occurred tomorrow Canadians would respond the same way we did in 2001 regardless of the loon in the White House.

Oops… that turned into a rant.

Bottom line – I’ll definitely go back to NYC at some point. And this time I’ll gain 20 pounds because of the great food.

03-23-19  08:26am - 2175 days #8
mbaya (0)

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Location: new jersey
I love Canada and have been there several times. I have been to Toronto once, Niagara Falls once, Montreal six times and more recently once to Quebec City. The people have been wonderful, friendly in every way, as well as welcoming.

If it weren't so cold I might even move there.

Lots of us, hell, most of us, don't like our dope of a president either.

If you ever think about visiting New York, I can give you a few suggestions as to where to eat.

03-23-19  01:10pm - 2175 days #9
PinkPanther (0)
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Yeah, NYC is a great food place. I'm with you - a key part of travelling is enjoying the food, or just hanging out at fun places eating and people-watching. My favorite places to go for both - New Orleans & Seattle.

I'm a huge music fan but as I get older, it's tough to get to clubs that start going right at the time that I'm ready to go to sleep. So going to the New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival is perfect for me. Amazing music at multiple stages & tents from 11 am until 7 pm and lots of great food options. I could live on gumbo & jambalaya.

Seattle also has a great music and food scene and it's also a really easy city to get around in - on foot, on buses, on their Metro - it's only $3.75 or so from the airport into the city on the Metro.

03-23-19  03:55pm - 2175 days #10
careylowell (0)
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I was revolted when President Bone Spurs tweeted repetitively that that he believes Putin rather than his own security chiefs, advising the later to go back to school. And that Canada doesn't have our best interest at heart, it's a questionable ally..Jesus, what a pile of horse feathers. Its all google-able (Is that a word?)This was right after the comment that Japan test American cars by dropping bowling balls on them. In nearly all tweets, the Canadian PM is referred to as 'Justin' while the Very Stable Genius would shit if not addressed as Mr. President.
Now I hear on the CBC and The Globe that Canada is being rocked by the relatively minor SNC-Lavalin affair.
Oh, Lordy, if only my nation could swap scandals with yours. Where did I put that magic wand?

03-23-19  07:10pm - 2175 days #11
rearadmiral (0)
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It's all right by me that a porn site has renewed my love of Americans. Thank you !

03-23-19  11:57pm - 2174 days #12
mbaya (0)

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Originally Posted by rearadmiral:

It's all right by me that a porn site has renewed my love of Americans. Thank you !

I said nice things about Canada and meant them. This being PU I have to emphasize the cons too. Besides the fact that it is too cold, poutine is very unhealthy. Did I balance out the nice things?

03-24-19  07:04am - 2174 days #13
rearadmiral (0)
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^ That is certainly a nice balance. One positive thing about having a winter is that we don't have a lot of the critters that seem to thrive in warmer climates. Venomous snakes and insects are almost unheard of here. The most dangerous animal we have around here is the moose, and not because it attacks people (it does do that) but mostly because it stands in the middle of roads at night and people run into them.

As for poutine, yeah, that's pretty dangerous too!

03-24-19  07:22am - 2174 days #14
mbaya (0)

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Originally Posted by rearadmiral:

^ That is certainly a nice balance. One positive thing about having a winter is that we don't have a lot of the critters that seem to thrive in warmer climates. Venomous snakes and insects are almost unheard of here. The most dangerous animal we have around here is the moose, and not because it attacks people (it does do that) but mostly because it stands in the middle of roads at night and people run into them.

As for poutine, yeah, that's pretty dangerous too!

I went on a tour of Quebec City and saw the sights. At the end the guide told us that the poutine there was something you just had to experience. She said it was heavenly and if you eat enough of it you will die and go to heaven.
One time when we went to a nice restaurant in Montreal we asked the waitress if there were any items on the menu that were traditionally French. After a long pause, she said that in Montreal the closest we could get was pizza and poutine. She also pointed out that both can be lethal and neither was French.

03-25-19  04:22am - 2173 days #15
jook (0)
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lk2fireone, I often debate (with myself!) if NYC was a better place in the 70s. Like, Times Square was a PU user's, uh, wet dream back in the day. Now you would think you were in Disneyland if you didn't know any better.

NYC was a real sh!thole in many respects in the 70s. It was broke and the infrastructure was falling apart. Crime was rampant. But at least it had character. While it still does have character, it's not like it was 50 years ago, though people were probably saying the same exact thing in 1970.

And fugghedabout the pizza, though it was great and almost unheard of to find a pizza place not owned by an Italian. One word though... (old-fashioned) bagels, something unheard of outside the NYC metro area.

03-25-19  04:16pm - 2173 days #16
rearadmiral (0)
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^ I've heard how great Times Square was back 30 or 40 years ago. And I've heard others use the same term that it was 'Disney-fied.' Christ... families have Disney Land and Disney World and tons of other stuff. Why can't we have a few blocks of dirty-book stores, peep shows and whatever else?

03-25-19  04:38pm - 2173 days #17
mbaya (0)

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Originally Posted by rearadmiral:

^ I've heard how great Times Square was back 30 or 40 years ago. And I've heard others use the same term that it was 'Disney-fied.' Christ... families have Disney Land and Disney World and tons of other stuff. Why can't we have a few blocks of dirty-book stores, peep shows and whatever else?

Besides the fun things, it was also a place of serious drug dealing as well as a lot of robbery, pickpocketing and even worse. When my son was a teen, we went to an arcade to play and when we left his wallet was gone. We had no idea of what happened. He wanted to buy a fake id, but I thought that he would get caught if he ever used it. Too phony looking. The drugs were overpriced too. Often they were not the real thing either, or short weight. As if that was not enough, some big time creepy people hung out there. It was intimidating.

Yes Disneyfied is accurate. Only tourists go there now. Edited on Mar 25, 2019, 04:44pm

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