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01-12-13  12:56pm - 4442 days #51
messmer (0)
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Originally Posted by hodayathink:

There's also a few porn movies that have gotten rave reviews in the past couple years for the story and acting in them. They're probably a bit more sex-centered than you're looking for, but you might find them pretty close to your ideal as well. Wasteland and Portrait of a Call Girl by Elegant Angel are probably the two most acclaimed ones. Both are available from the Elegant Angel website and on many VOD sites, if you want to check those out as well.

Well, I certainly wouldn't turn my back on those two movies, so thanks. After all, I do love porn as well, and if the movies have a good story, great!!

As a matter of fact, I recently actually watched a movie on one of our late night channels by Valentine Productions from beginning to end because, for once, the story took first place and was not just a short introduction to an endlessly drawn out sex scene.

01-13-13  01:34am - 4441 days #52
gaypornolover (0)
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Originally Posted by graymane:

Another interestingly amusing and thought provoking post from our valued Gay member, who, as always, adds substance and, certainly importantly, the kind of perspective we can only get from one of the Gay persuasion.

awww shuck ya making me blush!

thanks man! love ya (not in that way!)

01-13-13  01:36am - 4441 days #53
gaypornolover (0)
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Originally Posted by jberryl69:

^ Certainly not something I would have thought of. I don't even like to view Tranny movies.

kudos to gaypornolover

thanks man! grinning away here... how come us porno perves are such nice polite people?!

01-14-13  11:39am - 4440 days #54
Cybertoad (0)
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Originally Posted by gaypornolover:

awww shuck ya making me blush!

thanks man! love ya (not in that way!)

Not that there is anything wrong with that

( Seinfeld referral ) Since 2007

01-15-13  11:49pm - 4438 days #55
turboshaft (0)
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Originally Posted by pat362:

I'd like to add that Paul Verheoven has already shot a movie that comes close to what you're looking for and he did 17 years ago. If you've never seen Showgirls then you must definetely take the time. Many critics at the time gave the movie a bad review and I belive it still holds the most Razzies of all time but there's an interesting take on the movie's wikipedia page (see link) in regards to the movie. The actors may not have had actual sex in the movie but I don't think it really matters if they had because it's near impossible to tell from the shots.

I finally sat down and watched that movie a few years ago...it was truly awful! Sorry if you're a fan, pat, but it felt like a TV movie with a ton of titties and ass (and then more titties!) thrown in for the hell of it. What's worse is they somehow made all that sex and nudity boring--needless to say the least of the actors' worries should've been baring it all. "It's incredibly obvious, isn't it? A foreign substance is introduced into our precious bodily fluids without the knowledge of the individual. Certainly without any choice. That's the way your hardcore Commie works." - Gen. Jack D. Rippper, Dr. Stranglove

01-16-13  12:32am - 4438 days #56
turboshaft (0)
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Originally Posted by hodayathink:

If you want to see a couple, check out 9 Songs by Michael Winterbottom and Shortbus by John Cameron Mitchell (fair warning: There's gay as well as straight sex in that movie).

I actually like 9 Songs though the reviews seemed to have been pretty scathing when it came out (but what do critics know anyway? ). And frankly I found it far less offensive than many other films that depict intimate relationships, whether they are implied or actually sexual. Seriously, what makes some syrupy "romantic" movie or some fart-and-stoner joke-saturated comedy any better?

I liked Shortbus too, though it seemed to be all over the place plot-wise, but again if the nudity offended viewers, they should need to just grow the hell up. (And to be fair, the director is gay, and even included himself as background in an orgy scene.)

Originally Posted by hodayathink:

And I hear that Lars Von Trier is about to make a movie like that as well, but I don't know if it has actually gone into production yet.

Lars Von Trier has already done something like this. His 1998 experimental film The Idiots has plenty of controversial unsimulated nude and sex scenes.

And then a few years ago he released his equally controversial Antichrist. I loved it just for all of its what-the-fuck! moments and overall insanity but the nudity and sex is hardly, uh, sexy by the time you get to it. I would have even considered adding its female lead Charlotte Gainsbourg to this thread if she hadn't scared the hell out of me in it (lets just say you wouldn't want to vacation alone with her in a cabin deep in the woods after seeing the film ). "It's incredibly obvious, isn't it? A foreign substance is introduced into our precious bodily fluids without the knowledge of the individual. Certainly without any choice. That's the way your hardcore Commie works." - Gen. Jack D. Rippper, Dr. Stranglove

01-16-13  02:51am - 4438 days #57
hodayathink (0)
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Originally Posted by turboshaft:

I actually like 9 Songs though the reviews seemed to have been pretty scathing when it came out (but what do critics know anyway? ). And frankly I found it far less offensive than many other films that depict intimate relationships, whether they are implied or actually sexual. Seriously, what makes some syrupy "romantic" movie or some fart-and-stoner joke-saturated comedy any better?

I liked Shortbus too, though it seemed to be all over the place plot-wise, but again if the nudity offended viewers, they should need to just grow the hell up. (And to be fair, the director is gay, and even included himself as background in an orgy scene.)

I liked 9 Songs well enough, it was just a little bit too boring for me. And the acting could have been a little better, but I can forgive that given how hard it would have been to find actors. Shortbus, I keep meaning to see but not actually seeing. I think I remember seeing it on Netflix, I'll have to check again some time to see if it's still there.

Originally Posted by turboshaft:

Lars Von Trier has already done something like this. His 1998 experimental film The Idiots has plenty of controversial unsimulated nude and sex scenes.

And then a few years ago he released his equally controversial Antichrist. I loved it just for all of its what-the-fuck! moments and overall insanity but the nudity and sex is hardly, uh, sexy by the time you get to it. I would have even considered adding its female lead Charlotte Gainsbourg to this thread if she hadn't scared the hell out of me in it (lets just say you wouldn't want to vacation alone with her in a cabin deep in the woods after seeing the film ).

The film I was specifically talking about is Nymphomaniac, which according to IMDB is already in post-production.

01-16-13  06:55pm - 4437 days #58
turboshaft (0)
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Originally Posted by hodayathink:

Shortbus, I keep meaning to see but not actually seeing. I think I remember seeing it on Netflix, I'll have to check again some time to see if it's still there.

Netflix has it for DVD rental at the moment, but unfortunately not Instant Watch.

Originally Posted by hodayathink:

The film I was specifically talking about is Nymphomaniac, which according to IMDB is already in post-production.

Oh yes...I remember hearing some controversy about it last year, or at least controversy relating to the audition of one if it's stars, Shia LaBeouf. Supposedly he taped himself having sex with his girlfriend and then sent von Trier the tape which LeBouf claimed got him the part (and possibly proved his willingness, if not his girlfriend's, to have unsimulated sex on camera).

Oh the things we do to get work. "It's incredibly obvious, isn't it? A foreign substance is introduced into our precious bodily fluids without the knowledge of the individual. Certainly without any choice. That's the way your hardcore Commie works." - Gen. Jack D. Rippper, Dr. Stranglove

01-28-13  10:24am - 4426 days #59
Micha (0)
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Add Julia Stiles to my list unless life also gives you water and sugar, your lemonade is gonna suck.

01-28-13  10:56am - 4426 days #60
jberryl69 (0)
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^ I guess micha watched the Hallmark movie last night. If it ain't grits, it must be a Yankee.

If you're going to lay her head over the pool table and fuck her throat, get your fucking hand off her throat!

01-28-13  08:33pm - 4425 days #61
turboshaft (0)
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Okay, I'm going to add a couple to the list. They're not my top ones, but just mainstream actresses who I find pretty attractive and have not, at least as far as I know, done nude scenes.

- Jill Hennessy Former Law & Order girl, probably best known for her titular role on Crossing Jordan. Also, has an identical twin sister, who played a small part with her in the truly weird Dead Ringers as twin escorts, (where Jeremy Irons played a dual role as twin brother gynecologists!), though don't ask me who is who in that clip.

- Carey Lowell Also former Law & Order girl, and a brunette. Oh, and she was Bond girl Pam Bouvier in Licence to Kill. What's not to like? "It's incredibly obvious, isn't it? A foreign substance is introduced into our precious bodily fluids without the knowledge of the individual. Certainly without any choice. That's the way your hardcore Commie works." - Gen. Jack D. Rippper, Dr. Stranglove Edited on Jan 28, 2013, 08:36pm

01-28-13  11:39pm - 4425 days #62
hodayathink (0)
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Originally Posted by turboshaft:

Okay, I'm going to add a couple to the list. They're not my top ones, but just mainstream actresses who I find pretty attractive and have not, at least as far as I know, done nude scenes.

- Jill Hennessy Former Law & Order girl, probably best known for her titular role on Crossing Jordan. Also, has an identical twin sister, who played a small part with her in the truly weird Dead Ringers as twin escorts, (where Jeremy Irons played a dual role as twin brother gynecologists!), though don't ask me who is who in that clip.

- Carey Lowell Also former Law & Order girl, and a brunette. Oh, and she was Bond girl Pam Bouvier in Licence to Kill. What's not to like?

I'd take Angie Harmon over both of them.

01-29-13  10:34am - 4425 days #63
Cybertoad (0)
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Originally Posted by hodayathink:

I'd take Angie Harmon over both of them.

She reminds me of Madison Ivy/ Crossed with Jessica Jaymes.

Sorry lost focus ........ Since 2007

01-29-13  07:01pm - 4424 days #64
turboshaft (0)
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Originally Posted by hodayathink:

I'd take Angie Harmon over both of them.

And if you prefer your Law & Order lady blonde, there's always Elisabeth Röhm, who to me looks like a cleaned up Amy Brooke, of course, without all the insane onscreen anal work. "It's incredibly obvious, isn't it? A foreign substance is introduced into our precious bodily fluids without the knowledge of the individual. Certainly without any choice. That's the way your hardcore Commie works." - Gen. Jack D. Rippper, Dr. Stranglove

01-30-13  06:08pm - 4423 days #65
pat362 (0)
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Originally Posted by Cybertoad:

She reminds me of Madison Ivy/ Crossed with Jessica Jaymes.

Sorry lost focus ........

Well Angie does have the fake breasts so she is ahead of many porn performers who normally wait a couple of yeas before getting implants. Long live the Brown Coats.

02-01-13  05:51pm - 4422 days #66
Dracula (0)
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Stephanie Abrams from the Weather Channel is hot. I think she'd make a great porn star. A true neck-lover.

02-02-13  06:15pm - 4420 days #67
Pornfreak358 (0)
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eva mendes

02-02-13  10:09pm - 4420 days #68
Dracula (0)
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Here's another, Eva Longora. A true neck-lover.

02-06-13  08:19am - 4417 days #69
Cybertoad (0)
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Originally Posted by Dracula:

Here's another, Eva Longora.

Hilary Clinton

Ok who kept down their lunch ??? Since 2007

02-21-13  04:25am - 4402 days #70
Dracula (0)
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Has anyone nominated Kate Middleton yet? She's another beauty queen, literally! A true neck-lover.

03-11-13  10:09pm - 4383 days #71
borednhorny (0)
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Emma Stone would be incredible

03-11-13  10:55pm - 4383 days #72
RagingBuddhist (0)
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Originally Posted by borednhorny:

Emma Stone would be incredible

Great pick! And welcome to PU Sarcasm is a body's natural defense against stupidity.

03-12-13  01:17pm - 4383 days #73
Cybertoad (0)
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Originally Posted by borednhorny:

Emma Stone would be incredible

Hi there kinda snuck in didnt get to hi.
Welcome to PU Since 2007

04-01-13  09:00pm - 4362 days #74
RagingBuddhist (0)
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Sigourney Weaver is on the Colbert Report right now. When she came out from behind the curtain, I immediately thought, "Damn! I'd definitely hit that!" Figuring a personal encounter with her is kinda like 107% out of the question, I wouldn't mind seeing her doing some lucky guy - or girl - on the screen. Sarcasm is a body's natural defense against stupidity.

04-02-13  12:09am - 4362 days #75
Marcus (0)
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Another vote for Eva Longoria, but also Hayden Pantierre, Nicole Scherzinger, and I think Katy Perry would be quite good too.

04-02-13  12:59pm - 4362 days #76
Cybertoad (0)
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Originally Posted by RagingBuddhist:

Sigourney Weaver is on the Colbert Report right now. When she came out from behind the curtain, I immediately thought, "Damn! I'd definitely hit that!" Figuring a personal encounter with her is kinda like 107% out of the question, I wouldn't mind seeing her doing some lucky guy - or girl - on the screen.

She is always a star people forget how much she has done in her career. Since 2007

04-22-13  06:14pm - 4342 days #77
graymane (0)

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There is another visible light at the end of the tunnel......

For some inexplicable reason, a smattering of popular celebrities decide to do the plunge into porn on their own.
ie.,Tonya Harding, as well as former "Friday Night Lights" star and sexiest woman alive, Minka Kelly.....R-rated Teri Reed, not forgetting Wonder Woman's library of nudes.. The list goes on.
Read more at http://www.ranker.com/list/celebrities-c...#L6flF8fAWGeiC7C6.99 .

My shocker came after seeing Diane Lane ..... one of Hollywood's hottest Stars ... who, in all her powerfully erotic love scenes, carefully allowed our imagination only to guess what resides under her undergarments.....Yet suddenly embarked on a sex-clip filmed at a shipyard with a longshoreman that, compared to our INTERNET hotties, would leave the latter pale in comparison.

I'd say jus' wait awhile and maybe your favorite also will nab a partner and give it up for her fans.

04-27-13  10:51pm - 4336 days #79
Monahan (0)
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Heidi Klum

Megyn Kelly (Fox)

Edited on Apr 27, 2013, 11:34pm

04-28-13  07:17am - 4336 days #80
Cybertoad (0)
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Originally Posted by Monahan:

Heidi Klum

Megyn Kelly (Fox)

No matter what everyone says about fox they have the hottest newscasters on the net work. The Communist New Network has old shriveled up cronies, can watch them ore then a few minutes and fall asleep. But Fox you just looks at the pretty stuff and ignore the news. The panel of 5 has some sweetest women showing up at times with pretty short skirt. Who says sex doesn't sell. Since 2007

04-28-13  09:52am - 4336 days #81
pat362 (0)
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^It's true that Fox has a lot of foxes(sorry for that one) but they are nut jobs and that is a major turn off for me. Long live the Brown Coats.

04-28-13  02:29pm - 4336 days #82
Cybertoad (0)
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Originally Posted by pat362:

^It's true that Fox has a lot of foxes(sorry for that one) but they are nut jobs and that is a major turn off for me.

hehehe, I do not look at women commentaries, I look at her mammaries !
Pat you can also turn the volume down and oooogle ! Since 2007

04-28-13  11:03pm - 4335 days #83
Monahan (0)
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Lindsey Vonn (Olympic skier and Tiger Wood's current main squeeze)

And, referring to CT's post (#82), Bob Hope had it right with his theme song, "Thanks for the Mammaries." Edited on May 02, 2013, 07:53am

04-28-13  11:13pm - 4335 days #84
Marcus (0)
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Oh she's nice. On the subject of Olympians, I really like Jessica Ennis, the British heptathlete. There's an Australian hurdler who's really nice too (have forgotten her name)

04-29-13  09:02am - 4335 days #85
Cybertoad (0)
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Originally Posted by Monahan:

Lindsey Vonn (Olympic skier and Tiger Wood's current main squeeze)

And, referring to CT's post (#82), Bob Hope had it right with his theme song, "Thanks for the Mammaries."

ROFL. Since 2007

04-29-13  09:03am - 4335 days #86
Cybertoad (0)
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Originally Posted by Marcus:

Oh she's nice. On the subject of Olympians, I really like Jessica Ennis, the British heptathlete. There's an Australian hurdler who's really nice too (have forgotten her name)

Hmm Imagine the Kegle control.............. Since 2007

05-01-13  11:44pm - 4332 days #87
turboshaft (0)
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Originally Posted by Cybertoad:

But Fox you just looks at the pretty stuff and ignore the news. The panel of 5 has some sweetest women showing up at times with pretty short skirt. Who says sex doesn't sell.

The prudish jackasses who run the competing networks.

Seriously, it's television--image matters. Fox News worked hard to come up with its mix of bright, eye-catching (contrasting bright blues and reds) graphics; well-lit sets; and yes, its army of blonde talking heads to draw in the eyeballs and the ratings.

Never mind that it at times makes Goebbels look like an amateur in comparison, but it works! "It's incredibly obvious, isn't it? A foreign substance is introduced into our precious bodily fluids without the knowledge of the individual. Certainly without any choice. That's the way your hardcore Commie works." - Gen. Jack D. Rippper, Dr. Stranglove

05-02-13  07:58am - 4332 days #88
Monahan (0)
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Don't forget Lindsay Lohan. [Although some might classify her as a porn star with this photo:

05-02-13  08:00am - 4332 days #89
Monahan (0)
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And of course there's Brittney Spears.

05-05-13  05:56pm - 4329 days #90
etna (0)
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Isla Fisher and Melissa George.

05-05-13  06:11pm - 4329 days #91
Monahan (0)
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Originally Posted by etna:

Isla Fisher and Melissa George.

Edited on May 05, 2013, 06:18pm

05-05-13  06:21pm - 4329 days #92
pat362 (0)
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Originally Posted by Monahan:

Don't forget Lindsay Lohan. [Although some might classify her as a porn star with this photo:

Maybe not a porn star yet but if the rumors are correct than a definitely well payed escort. The truly sad thing is that there was a time when she was a pretty talented actress with a bright futur. Long live the Brown Coats.

05-07-13  05:47am - 4327 days #93
elephant (0)
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Originally Posted by Monahan:

Thanks for this, love Melissa George and have done for years, really nice to see this. "Women are like tricks by sleight of hand, Which, to admire, we should not understand." WILLIAM CONGREVE

05-19-13  12:51am - 4315 days #94
Monahan (0)
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Here's Chandra West, a Canadian actress who appears in several TV shows and a few movies...but what a babe!

Edited on May 19, 2013, 12:55am Edited by Staff on May 19, 2013, 07:02am

05-23-13  09:40pm - 4310 days #95
PantyhoseFan (0)
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New to the forums, so this looks like a good place to start.

Will go by a few categories and limit to 1-2 choices(could easily go much further with some if I took the time):

Music - Katy Perry

Has the body and looks that would be great on vids or pictures. Could see her make some great faces with those eyes.

Newswomen - Kiran Chetry

She may not be currently working but still one of the hottest(check youtube if you never seen her)Nice legs, curvy ass and beautiful face.

Actress - Ashley Tisdale

Cute blonde with great body.

- Allison Brie
From Community and Mad Men. Very sexy brunette.

- Amber Heard

From movies and if you saw the short-lived TV series "The Playboy Club", just imagine her doing the first scene in her red bunny suit with shiny black pantyhose.

Of course I went past 2 without realizing and rambling on about the actresses. Too many could be nice.

One last category of TV personalities - Maria Menounos

Very cute and what an ass on this girl.

05-24-13  07:14am - 4310 days #96
Cybertoad (0)
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Nice list, and welcome to Porn Users ! Since 2007

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