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09-13-10  05:46pm - 5294 days Original Post - #1
messmer (0)
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It's got me baffled .. off topic!

For the past three days I have had a heck of a time connecting to most of my sites. I have to wait for ten seconds or longer before I connect and then another 5-10 seconds before the page will be loaded completely.

I am on a super high speed connection, my speed tests proclaim that all is fine, showing an average speed of about 3MB/s, yet every time I click on a link there's that long pause before anything will move. I've tried other browsers, like Chrome and IE (my default one is Firefox) and the results are always the same.

I have a technician from my local ISP coming to my place tomorrow but am afraid he'll just take a look at the speed and proclaim: nothing wrong here, to my great embarrassment.

Does anyone know what would make my computer hesitate all of a sudden when it comes to connecting to a site .. any site? The Operating system is Windows 7. Thanks for any possible insights or tweaks!

09-13-10  05:52pm - 5294 days #2
PinkPanther (0)
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I suspect that it might be your anti-virus, firewall, etc, taking their time to "examine" the site before the connection goes through. The "better"/more complete your anti-virus, firewall, etc is, the longer it may take examining the site it's going to connect to.

09-13-10  06:01pm - 5294 days #3
pat362 (0)
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I would tend to agree with pink on this one and frankly if that's the case then don't worry too much about it. I'd rather my firewall or anti-virus stop some sorry for the swear word Fucker from uploading a trojan or virus that requires me to wipe my hard drive and reload everything from scratch. That is what happened earlier this year and it required me to buy a brand new computer in the process.
glad for the new computer but I could have spent that 1200 dollar elsewhere. Long live the Brown Coats.

09-13-10  06:29pm - 5294 days #4
messmer (0)
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Thanks for your thoughts, PP and Pat. I'd rest easier if it hadn't happened suddenly without any changes to the set up on my part!

09-13-10  06:30pm - 5294 days #5
Khan (0)

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There's a good chance they're right about the firewall/anti-virus being the main cause, however, one other thing you might check is the DNS server your connection is using. Former PornUsers Senior Administrator
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09-13-10  07:36pm - 5293 days #6
messmer (0)
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Originally Posted by Khan:

There's a good chance they're right about the firewall/anti-virus being the main cause, however, one other thing you might check is the DNS server your connection is using.

They really put me through my paces over the past few days, Khan. They did check the DNS server I am using and there was mention on Saturday that there was a huge loss of "packets" and while waiting to recover them I would time out in the meantime, that's why it took so long.

They frankly acknowledged at that time that the problem must be at their end but after they got no complaints from anyone else and after my packet loss was greatly reduced today (according to them) yet my problem persisted they felt the problem had to be with me after all. I know that I am stumped, but then I'm not a tekkie! Who knows maybe PP and Pat and you are right .. maybe Microsoft issued a security patch that is now messing me up or possibly AVG altered something through their daily update.

In any case, thanks to all!

BTW, even the links within PU to other areas of the site are extremely sticky and take an eternity.

09-13-10  11:36pm - 5293 days #7
lk2fireone (0)
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Unless you are a techie, you can't really rely on what "tests" or some page showing data readout on your connection means.

I could not browse the Internet the last 2 days. The problem was my DSL modem had a password stored on it that was different from the password stored on the server at my ISP. So instead of being able to surf the Internet, and go from one site to another, the only page I was able to view was an error message from my ISP telling me that my DSL modem password did not match the password at the ISP.

But when I opened some page/whatEverYouCallIt on my computer that showed my modem connection data (that I was directed to by tech support), as far as I could tell, everything was working great on the modem. It showed good transmission speeds and everything else was working good, as far as I could tell. Even though I could not browse the Internet, or see any Internet page except for the error message that my password was incorrect.

What I'm trying to say, is that by looking at the page showing readouts for my modem connection, everything looked great. Except that I couldn't browse the Internet. But the readouts page didn't show any errors that I could tell.

Anyway, tech support talked me through resetting my modem password, and I am now able to browse the Internet.

I don't have AVG, I have Norton. And PU and all the other sites I visit are non-sticky.

If someone else at PU has the sticky problem, maybe they could respond by telling us about it. Otherwise, I would guess the problem is with your ISP, rather than the AVG or Microsoft updates, because AVG is used by a huge number of people, Microsoft is used by a huge number of people, and if there was a common problem to either one of those sources, it should have been reported many times on the Internet as a news item.

Reports of problems with Microsoft updates and antivirus updates are common. But you would probably have seen at least a few references to your problem in the Internet news, if there was a "sticky" problem showing up because of Microsoft or AVG.

Edit01: As a side note. Relying on messages from your computer. I've been copying some files from one hard drive to another. The message I've been getting from my computer is "Two minutes and 15 seconds remaining" (to finish copying the files). I've seen that same message for more than 4 hours now, and it's still copying the files. Also, when I started copying the files, the computer message was that it would take 30 minutes. About 10 minutes after it started copying the files, the estimate changed to 60 minutes. And like I said, I've been looking at the estimate of 2 minutes 15 seconds for more than 4 hours. Edited on Sep 14, 2010, 03:51am

09-13-10  11:37pm - 5293 days #8
slutty (0)
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Hey messmer, just curious, have you tried using a different computer? Does the connection work okay with other computers? Knowing this might help eliminate OS/Firewall problems.

Do you get lost packets when you try to ping a site (try pinging both the address, like www.google.com, and the ip directly)? If you do, I would think this is most likely an ISP problem, although I guess there is an off chance it could be a firewall issue. Does the browsing improve if you browse with the PU IP rather than the domain name - I believe it is (although a lot of the links at PU direct back to the domain and thus would require DNS).

There are obvious things you could try that I'm sure you have thought of, reset router, take the router out of the equation, reset modem, turn off security software/windows firewall.

Hope that helps and you get your issue resolved. Bunny Lebowski: I'll suck your cock for a thousand dollars.
Brandt: Ah hahahahaha! Wonderful woman. We're all, we're all very fond of her. Very free-spirited.
Edited on Sep 13, 2010, 11:45pm

09-14-10  10:58am - 5293 days #9
Capn (0)
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A bit of lateral thinking.

Clear browser cache?
Check registry for a lot of errors?

I am not sure it will have a bearing, but it may help.

Cap'n. Admiral of the PU Hindenburg. 2009 PU Award
Hilarious Post of the Year 2010 PU Award
( I would have preferred it to be Helpful Post of the Year for Guys who Hate 'Retail Therapy' ) :0/
Sanity is in the eye of the Beholder!

09-14-10  05:57pm - 5293 days #10
PinkPanther (0)
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Originally Posted by messmer:

Thanks for your thoughts, PP and Pat. I'd rest easier if it hadn't happened suddenly without any changes to the set up on my part!

The other thing to consider is that it's not just you that have anti-virus, firewall, etc. The sites have them as well and they're constantly adding/upgrading to their anti-hacking, anti-piracy security - which means that your security features are checking out the site and the site's security features are checking you out.

Twisty's is a site that takes longer to get to the home page than any other site that I can think of - and I know for a fact that they have uber-anti-hacking software working away, so I just click and wait until I'm in.

09-15-10  04:33pm - 5292 days #11
Drooler (0)
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Originally Posted by PinkPanther:

The other thing to consider is that it's not just you that have anti-virus, firewall, etc. The sites have them as well and they're constantly adding/upgrading to their anti-hacking, anti-piracy security - which means that your security features are checking out the site and the site's security features are checking you out.

Twisty's is a site that takes longer to get to the home page than any other site that I can think of - and I know for a fact that they have uber-anti-hacking software working away, so I just click and wait until I'm in.

This is something I want to keep in mind. Last time I was a member of Twistys, the login used to take a long while, and then it got shorter (was a several-month-long subscriber). Can't be sure if their software got better or if my login finally got cleared faster.

One site that probably also has the max-anti-hacker setup is EvasGarden, the slowest login I've seen in a long while.

Thanks for the tip. I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

09-15-10  05:14pm - 5292 days #12
Tree Rodent (0)
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This may be completely coincidence since I am UK and use BT. Also the hours are different. But I have had the same problems in the afternoon to early evening, which I know are the early hours of the morning through to the early hours of the afternoon in US and Canada. So it shouldn't be related at all, but some sites just seem to stick without loading.

09-17-10  06:46pm - 5290 days #13
lk2fireone (0)
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messmer, did you ever get un-baffled? Did you find a specific reason why your Internet connection was sticky? Inquiring minds want to know!

Do you still have that problem? Or did the problem go away/get solved, because of tech help or The Hand of God or whatever mystery controls the Great Computer Gods in the sky?

Or have you been cut off from the Internet entirely, and that's why we haven't heard from you in days?

Speak to us, o brother. Or write a snail letter to PU telling us you are still all right.

(Can we send a snail letter to PU, if our Internet connection goes down on us?)

09-19-10  03:05pm - 5288 days #14
messmer (0)
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Originally Posted by lk2fireone:

messmer, did you ever get un-baffled? Did you find a specific reason why your Internet connection was sticky? Inquiring minds want to know!

Do you still have that problem? Or did the problem go away/get solved, because of tech help or The Hand of God or whatever mystery controls the Great Computer Gods in the sky?

Or have you been cut off from the Internet entirely, and that's why we haven't heard from you in days?

Speak to us, o brother. Or write a snail letter to PU telling us you are still all right.

(Can we send a snail letter to PU, if our Internet connection goes down on us?)

First of all I want to thank all of you for your suggestions. I couldn't answer before this because I was away until a few hours ago.

What it boiled down to was this: I left Tuesday morning leaving my instructions with grandson to pass on to the technician when he shows up. Grandson starts computer and all seems well. No sticky links, speed is great. Technician shows up, same result, everything is as it should be! He thinks my problem might have been because they worked on some "nodes"??? farther down the street from me. Haven't a clue what a node is, maybe the technician is counting on that , in any case everything is a-okay now. Thanks again to all of you for your helpfulness!

09-19-10  04:54pm - 5288 days #15
Capn (0)
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I get the impression that may well be a variation on the Apprentices' Long Stand.

'Go down the Stores & ask for a long stand.'

Cap'n. Admiral of the PU Hindenburg. 2009 PU Award
Hilarious Post of the Year 2010 PU Award
( I would have preferred it to be Helpful Post of the Year for Guys who Hate 'Retail Therapy' ) :0/
Sanity is in the eye of the Beholder!

09-19-10  07:38pm - 5287 days #16
messmer (0)
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Originally Posted by Capn:

I get the impression that may well be a variation on the Apprentices' Long Stand.

'Go down the Stores & ask for a long stand.'


You might very well be right, Capn!

09-19-10  08:27pm - 5287 days #17
lk2fireone (0)
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Went camping as a boy scout, and my troop leader sent me out to borrow a smoke shovel from one of the neighboring troops. This was a very large gathering of 100s of scouts. At the third campsite I went to, a scoutmaster took pity on me and told me they were pulling my leg.

I'm still not sure how I was supposed to know there is no such item (because people make up terms to describe all kinds of things).

The scout motto is "Be Prepared". I guess that means be prepared to not trust anyone.

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