Porn Users Forum » The last raffle |
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05-23-20 03:42pm - 1754 days | Original Post - #1 | |
Homegirl (0)
Suspended Posts: 45 Registered: Mar 21, '20 Location: new york |
The last raffle I see Alybator with five approved reviews and she has only 18 points in the last raffle. I can't see how as they were all posted on the same day. She should have had 30 points. Tom how is this? Will you give her the missing points for this next raffle? I saw in the thread called Porn For Women, that there was a dispute involving her with Zoe on your staff. I hope this tally error is neither a personal problem nor antiwomen. I would hate to think that female input is not treated equally. Female and proud Edited on May 23, 2020, 07:10pm | |
05-25-20 08:59pm - 1751 days | #2 | |
exotics4me (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 664 Registered: Jan 12, '07 Location: USA |
I will give you my honest opinion. The members here changed years ago. There's no way the members here would have let this slide without replying. They have turned into pussies that do what Tom says. Even though it can be seen that Tom didn't give Alybator her points. I won't do what Tom says. His raffle has been screwing me since it started. I've had 200+ tickets (50+ more than anyone else) and won $75 or 33 cents per ticket is how I had it figured. Alybator is a colleague of mine and it was Freddie that asked me to bring Alybator here and KayTBuffs too. Aly has the past with the staff that you mentioned. The very first post she made a staff member made fun of her post. KayTBuffs has had multiple members speak condescendingly to her about knowledge of porn. But when Tom does something wrong the pussies won't stand up for another member but they will damn sure jump in and talk down to a female reviewer when they think she did something wrong. I'm on here censoring myself just so it doesn't upset anyone. But I stand by what I said above. And if Tom doesn't like it, he can ban me. I won't disable my account. If anyone else doesn't like it they can explain why members are quick to jump on reviewers and their mistakes, but won't say anything when the staff makes a mistake and doesn't fix it. And Tom, please refrain from typing in all caps and telling me how things are going to be. If not for me (2007-2009), Porn Users wouldn't be here today. My first time I jacked off, I thought I'd invented it. I looked down at my sloppy handful of junk and thought, This is going to make me rich. - Chuck Palahniuk Edited on May 25, 2020, 09:08pm | |
05-26-20 02:14am - 1751 days | #3 | |
Homegirl (0)
Suspended Posts: 45 Registered: Mar 21, '20 Location: new york |
I have been welcomed by the members since I have arrived, but what you say is what I was afraid of in my first few posts. Women are treated fairly or they are not. Exotics, what are you referring to in Tom telling you how things are going to be? I have asked Tom several questions and have never received even one answer. Why don't I have all the member functions that others have? If you ban Exotics for being blunt and disagreeing with how things are, you can ban me too. Female and proud Edited on May 26, 2020, 02:34am | |
05-26-20 04:22am - 1751 days | #4 | |
Homegirl (0)
Suspended Posts: 45 Registered: Mar 21, '20 Location: new york |
I won the big prize of $500 in my first raffle. This was the ticket tally: exotics4Me - 107 homegirl - 32 LKLK - 25 kiwijoe- 10 rearadmiral - 7 Wraith0711 - 7 oldfizzywig - 6 pat362 - 6 jjrabbit - 5 The Doctor - 5 RagingBuddhist - 2 Loki - 2 David92220 - 1 I did not know that you had a long history of not winning. You did not win and I did and it just doesn't seem right. You had half the raffle tickets. If I knew then what I know now, I would have refused the winnings. Female and proud | |
05-27-20 12:09am - 1750 days | #5 | |
exotics4me (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 664 Registered: Jan 12, '07 Location: USA |
He has said he's not considering changes to the raffle and if anyone says anything negative he won't reply. That's the same as saying you're going to do it his way and if you complain you will be ignored. He tried to come in with too much of a hard-ass approach. I would even say a disrespectful approach to say he's not replying to what he judges "negative" responses. My whole point above was the missing tickets for Alybator wasn't negative and he didn't even reply to that. No explanation, no leadership, does it now mean if he wants to not count one of our reviews he doesn't have to? If there was a reason he didn't count them then the members need to know so not to make the same mistake. But no explanation. My first time I jacked off, I thought I'd invented it. I looked down at my sloppy handful of junk and thought, This is going to make me rich. - Chuck Palahniuk | |
05-27-20 01:07am - 1750 days | #6 | |
Homegirl (0)
Suspended Posts: 45 Registered: Mar 21, '20 Location: new york |
Tom, You have a chance to make things right. I am very concerned that this site is getting a black eye. This site has a reputation as respecting its members. Lets not let that idea die here and now. Female and proud | |
05-27-20 10:02pm - 1749 days | #7 | |
Loki (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 395 Registered: Jun 13, '07 Location: California |
A lot of us voiced our concerns with changing the format of the raffle and now that those changes are implemented, people are unhappy and bailing on the site. I'm still hoping something will turn around, but don't feel like the user base is being listened to. "A man talking sense to himself is no madder than a man talking nonsense not to himself." | |
05-28-20 02:17am - 1749 days | #8 | |
standard (0)
Active User Posts: 39 Registered: Apr 02, '10 |
I suspect there are a lot who never even noticed and who couldn't care less if they had. Not that they don't care that this happened to an individual, but that it is happening as a whole. I haven't written a review in over a year, and I suspect the only reason I'll write one now would be motivated by the same reasons that had me writing them before the (previously actually winnable) raffle returned, which was a willingness to help others avoid a particular site because I would've appreciated the warning before I'd joined. These days I'm mostly only coming around now to watch the trainwreck, and it has not disappointed so far. | |
05-28-20 06:21pm - 1749 days | #9 | |||
exotics4me (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 664 Registered: Jan 12, '07 Location: USA |
I can't say but am fairly confident it hasn't happened on the scale it happened to Alybator. I have been shorted 1 or 2 tickets in the previous raffles and it's why I have asked if the scoring has changed. Someone not being credited for full reviews is something I haven't seen before this and it wasn't just one but two. Every week someone posts asking why they haven't been credited for their reviews then Tom replies and says he hasn't counted them yet. When Alybator posted it he completely ignored it.
That goes into something rarely talked about here. Some members here, I am one of them, were brought here in 2007 to help the site get going. I knew Khan before PU and he knew I like to write to work on my sequential dyslexia problems. Especially being a dyslexic professional that communicates 95% of my work verbally, which I have no problems with. Everyone has their own reasons for reviewing. I also have over 700 reviews on Amazon if that shows what I mean.
This is the part the current staff doesn't understand. I'm not here to watch the trainwreck or failure. Khan was a personal friend of mine and he spent his last years making PU into one of the most productive and civil online communities. I even worked with Freddie on bringing ex-members back last year but most of them left and more have left. That is and has been part of motivation to try and help out over the last few years. I have been trying to help PU at least return to some of the glory it had when Rick (original owner) was keeping his nose out of the community and Khan had it running it smoothly and efficiently. The current staff doesn't seem to want that help. This is mostly just showing we all have different motivation here or lack of motivation. If I could help the current staff fix things I would and I could, as Freddie could attest to (15 ex-members returned from December 2018 to February 2019). But the current staff doesn't, in my mind, want to make this work or they would lower their egos a little and realize they are here to make the site more productive not to try and alienate, frustrate and anger the members ... unless that is their goal. My first time I jacked off, I thought I'd invented it. I looked down at my sloppy handful of junk and thought, This is going to make me rich. - Chuck Palahniuk | |||
05-28-20 11:54pm - 1748 days | #10 | |
Homegirl (0)
Suspended Posts: 45 Registered: Mar 21, '20 Location: new york |
I think Tom does not read the forum. I also don't think forum posts are counted towards raffle tickets. Female and proud | |
05-29-20 03:41am - 1748 days | #11 | |
Kody (0)
Active User Posts: 26 Registered: Feb 03, '18 Location: NYC |
I must admit I know nothing about this raffle. How does work (officially)? If things are being cheated on (especially based on gender, or differences unrelated to how it works) that could easily be the beginning of the end for a user-based website like this. | |
05-29-20 09:29am - 1748 days | #12 | |
LKLK (0)
Active User Posts: 1,583 Registered: Jun 26, '19 Location: CA |
These are the rules for the old raffle: (For historical purposes only.) https://www.pornusers.com/raffle.html The new raffle, which started a few months back, is held once a month. The prizes are: 1st place: $500 Amazon gift card 2nd place: $50 Amazon gift card 3rd place: $25 Amazon gift card Some people have complained the new raffle is not fair. That people are cheating, or that the outcome is biased in some way. But the PU staff maintain that the raffle outcome is random, and even post a page that shows the drawing for each winning position of the raffle. The basic rule for the new raffle is that each review (that is accepted and approved and whatever other thing is needed) is given 5 tickets for the monthly raffle. There are other ways to win tickets, but I'm not sure what they are. | |
05-29-20 11:40am - 1748 days | #13 | |
Tree Rodent (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 708 Registered: Oct 29, '08 Location: UK |
I've seen critical things said on the forum in the past couple of years, but not quite sure what the complaints are about. Some old members do not seem happy, and it appears to be raffle oriented. I was never one who worried about the raffle and on the odd occasion I won, it was a pleasant surprise, but not the reason I did reviews. I always tried to do great reviews, but looking back on them they are just about okay. I tried to inform, have a gripe over the negatives and also focus on some positives. That's about it. I took quite a long time over them and they turned out okay. I did that for a while, and was happy to put in the time as a little hobby, but didn't want to spend too much time when there were other things to do. I have never been one of the in crowd here but enjoyed regular visits for several years. I still visit occasionally, the atmosphere is different, but not sure why. Obviously there is some sort of dissatisfaction with the new regime. It's inevitable in a way I suppose, but I did like the Khan and Rick way of doing things. It's not that I dislike the way it's run now, but I see some old hands unhappy with what's happening. Slightly puzzled. After writing the above I've just had a look at Homegirls' reviews and from the way I understand, it she should definitely have some points for those. I've sent a trust vote for what it's worth. Now it looks like the points thing was scrapped? I'm more confused. Admin isn't around very much, resulting in little feedback. There should be a continual presence here if they are taking it seriously, so maybe PU is fading away. Edited on May 29, 2020, 11:58am | |
05-29-20 12:11pm - 1748 days | #14 | |
Homegirl (0)
Suspended Posts: 45 Registered: Mar 21, '20 Location: new york |
Thank you for the trust vote. I now have eight and appreciate every one of them. Female and proud | |
05-29-20 08:37pm - 1747 days | #15 | |
exotics4me (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 664 Registered: Jan 12, '07 Location: USA |
I think with me it was one too many pulls on my chain. The problem wasn't towards homegirl. It was member Alybator. The current raffle says one review receives 5 tickets. Every 5 replies receives 1 ticket. Every review of a site that has 0 active reviews receives 1 bonus ticket. She had 5 reviews, 4 were ones with 0 active reviews and she had 6 replies. It's easy to see that's 30 tickets. 5x5 = 25, plus 4 for reviews of sites with no active reviews and 1 for the replies. She instead was credited with 18. She posted a non-aggressive or negative post asking why her tickets were 18 instead of 30. The staff won't even respond to it or explain why they didn't give her the tickets. The last time Alybator posted in the forum (months ago), her post was made fun of by a staff member. So, of course, she's not going to come here and complain any further about the tickets they didn't give her. Some of the rest of us are doing it for her. She's been a very good member with some of the best reviews we have had. My first time I jacked off, I thought I'd invented it. I looked down at my sloppy handful of junk and thought, This is going to make me rich. - Chuck Palahniuk | |
05-29-20 08:42pm - 1747 days | #16 | |
Homegirl (0)
Suspended Posts: 45 Registered: Mar 21, '20 Location: new york |
I feel for Alybator and have posted here about that several times. Tom should have responded by now. But, what Tree Rodent is talking about is not that, it is that I have no review points to get me out of newbie status. He sent me the trust vote that he mentions. I now have eight trust votes, 17 reviews but will be a newbie forever. Female and proud Edited on May 29, 2020, 08:46pm | |
05-29-20 09:02pm - 1747 days | #17 | |
exotics4me (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 664 Registered: Jan 12, '07 Location: USA |
No one does though. They're not just keeping reviewer points from you. They're keeping them from everyone. While it's not really fair it's still being done to everyone so it's hard to complain about that. What was done to Alybator hasn't been done to anyone except her. My first time I jacked off, I thought I'd invented it. I looked down at my sloppy handful of junk and thought, This is going to make me rich. - Chuck Palahniuk | |
05-30-20 08:51am - 1747 days | #18 | |
Tree Rodent (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 708 Registered: Oct 29, '08 Location: UK |
I would have thought if they are going to stop the points thing along with newbie status, members' records should be wiped. Not doing so is a bit of an insult to new members who are contributing a lot but not getting any credit. This thing was built to make money, but they made it fun for members, which is why you had points and badges etc. I have left a positive trust rating for Alybator along with the comment she has not been treated very well by PU. This isn't the old regime, but when Khan and Rick did something, they said why, so even if you didn't agree, you had their perspective. They didn't ignore members. You continually received feedback from them. If this place isn't being ignored or neglected, it may be they want it to be something different. They may want something which has very low cost and input, but just chugs along earning a few bucks. They don't want or need a friendly forum with a social thing building up between members. That can be the only conclusion. If they wanted it to be an original type of PU they would be putting more in to the site, and that isn't happening. One other observation is that if the raffle is causing disagreement, and irritation, just end it. That wont do much for the atmosphere here, and agree with what has been said in the above posts. Having looked at the lack of feedback, new owners don't appear to care about being fair, or about building a community that is fun and active. Edited on May 30, 2020, 09:00am | |
05-30-20 09:13am - 1747 days | #19 | |
Homegirl (0)
Suspended Posts: 45 Registered: Mar 21, '20 Location: new york |
I wish there was a way that I also could leave a trust for Alybator and for KayTBuffs, the other female reviewer here. If they end the raffle, they will get far fewer reviews. If they let the site continue to be neglected, they will have a site that is a lot less successful. As far as I know this site is unique. The idea of a review site by real users is a great one. If this fails, what will happen next? What would you guys want to see happen next? Female and proud Edited on May 30, 2020, 09:16am | |
05-30-20 11:57am - 1747 days | #20 | |
LKLK (0)
Active User Posts: 1,583 Registered: Jun 26, '19 Location: CA |
More participation by the PU staff. Changing the raffle from monthly to weekly. | |
05-30-20 03:39pm - 1747 days | #21 | |
Wraith0711 (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 286 Registered: May 02, '15 Location: Pueblo CO USA |
Same with me, I've never had any luck at all so I was never really concerned at all about winning. I've won a couple $200 and a hand full of of $50 & $25. But I wasn't fishing for them at all. It just happened. I've always written, or tried to anyway, the types of reviews of sites that if I've never been a member of that site I would want to read about before spending my money on it. Homegirl please don't be mad at this, this is just my observation. With the raffle, on one hand it does bring in new members and serves to motivate everyone both old and new to participate in reviewing the sites. But on the other hand it also causes a big problem as it becomes the sole reason some people write reviews. I'm really not trying to be a asshole when I say this and am in no way calling anybody out or accusing in any way shape or form but it just raises the question of how many reviews have been written by people without ever having been a member to the site just to get points for the raffle? I really think the $500 is just too big and people are obsessing over it. $200 was plenty. Yeah, yeah, but your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could that they didn't stop to think if they should. Dr. Ian Malcolm Who's more foolish, the fool or the fool who follows him? Obi Wan Kenobi | |
05-30-20 03:57pm - 1747 days | #22 | |
Homegirl (0)
Suspended Posts: 45 Registered: Mar 21, '20 Location: new york |
I am not at all angry at what you say. I have been a member of every site I have reviewed. An advantage I have as new at this is that I can write reviews for sites I joined a few months ago, not just currently. I join at least two sites a month and sometimes have had as many as five in one month. I could easily post a few more reviews for this raffle period. Most of the points I have towards this raffle have been from replying. The main reason I have put up so many points in this period is that I don't trust that the raffle is fair. Tom knows I am skeptical about how this site will turn out for me as I told him so. So far he has me with a lot of tickets, but I have submitted enough for at least eight more. The same thing happened during the last raffle period. Female and proud Edited on May 31, 2020, 07:23am | |
06-02-20 04:32am - 1744 days | #23 | |
Kody (0)
Active User Posts: 26 Registered: Feb 03, '18 Location: NYC |
The fact that it's not very clear how to earn tickets is already a sign that something's off indeed. At least some transparency on what could increase your chances to win is a basic | |
06-02-20 10:44am - 1744 days | #24 | |
exotics4me (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 664 Registered: Jan 12, '07 Location: USA |
There also was at least one scoring part changed without any notice of it. It was done by editing the post. It originally said sites with zero active reviews would receive 2 bonus tickets. About a month later, it changed to 1. This can also be seen in the thread about the sites that will get new reviews for specific sites an extra ticket. I asked if we were doing away with the bonus point for it being the only active review since I had noticed it changed before. My first time I jacked off, I thought I'd invented it. I looked down at my sloppy handful of junk and thought, This is going to make me rich. - Chuck Palahniuk | |
06-02-20 07:03pm - 1743 days | #25 | |
Homegirl (0)
Suspended Posts: 45 Registered: Mar 21, '20 Location: new york |
Tom is shorting me tickets again. Before the last update, he approved a review after updating the tally. There went five points. Previously he shorted me points for replying, three of them. He never counts forum posts at least not mine, despite that being in the rules. He just updated the tally and did not give me one point each for site reviews that were of sites that did not have one. I hope no none wonders why I am working hard at running up the tally. I make no claims of discrimination, just sloppy record keeping. Maybe that is what happened with Alybator or maybe she is right and it is personal. Female and proud | |
06-03-20 03:44am - 1743 days | #26 | |
tangub (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 135 Registered: Feb 03, '10 Location: UK |
The only way to increase your chances to win realistically is to write 4,5,10 or 12 reviews a month to keep up with the big hitters here who like to monopolize the raffle. Unfortunately those who only join one site a month or now and then have virtually zero to minimum chance of winning anything under the new system. | |
06-08-20 02:33am - 1738 days | #27 | |
Kody (0)
Active User Posts: 26 Registered: Feb 03, '18 Location: NYC |
Even if I had the time to do so, I wouldn't have the budget to join that many new sites haha. Mostly because when I do like one, I prefer to remain a member. But I'm not here for the raffle either way. Before this thread, it had somehow escaped me that there was any raffle going on. I like to follow the forums though, and this thread caught my attention because it seemed "unjust". | |
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