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09-23-13  07:22pm - 4125 days Original Post - #1
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia

Where is everybody?
It's getting so anymore when I post something I'm hearing an echo.
What's left to be said about this waning interaction that's sweeping the Creme de la creme of Internet's premier host of "we the people" reviewers? Saviors of would-be victims choosing wrong pay-sites; they who blindly submit to thirty-day trash; The downtrodden chance-takers haven to get a fair shake for their hard-earned greenbacks?

Is this exodus what we're to expect until we throw down our arms and surrender to this inevitable who-knows-what?
Got any ideas of posting your assessment of bumps in the road ahead until D-day?

09-22-13  02:25pm - 4126 days #4
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
I knew this was coming. I could see it in your recent threads and read the inevitable coming from your diminishing interest I observed through your postings.
And there's always a morbid feeling that something you really value is about to become only a memory.

Farewell, my friend, although sadden, I couldn't agree with you more in your closing remarks and course of action.
Even though the over used phrase: "you'll be missed" might come off as somewhat trite, I can think of nothing else that better fits the bill ..... good luck.

PS ....
As you ride off into the sunset, think about that extra hardship you're laying on what few old timers left to fight our war on wayward porn.

Also .... I might announce there is one person who'll likely be downright grateful and gloriously happy to see you leave this site.

Mrs Messmer

09-22-13  12:51pm - 4126 days #26
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
Originally Posted by jberryl69:


Go figure, though it could just be a precursor to my visit to the neurosurgeon the first part of October - I'm scared shit less to get my neck operated on. Maybe if I don't edit now I will be unable to after the operation.

Ya'gotta do what ya'gotta do, my friend.
Just lay your options out on the table and start weighing the "what ifs" and the "why nots".
Despite the hack job done on me and this grinding three months aftermath,.... via contrast most to whom I've spoken to who have had this surgery done were quite satisfied and glad they had it done.
Unlike my score on every count, If you've got a good and compassionate surgeon, I won't say its a piece of cake, but if you look at it as a period wherein post surgery will yield to a return to normalcy just down the road, then you'll come out of this thing feeling almost reborn.

Don't do like me, after almost four months of being mummified, I couldn't wait to get back behind the wheel of my car and drive again.
But as my lousy luck ever goes, after about three weeks, stopped one night at a traffic light, I was rear-ended by a young man who wasn't looking how the hell he was driving, slamming into my rear right bumper, throwing my weight violently forward and back, giving me for the first time in my life a whip-lash. It just couldn't be a fender-bender, or even a head-on if I had my druthers ... it had'a be a rear-ender.... the absolute worse that could happen to a guy who's neck is freshly wired together with cable, rods, bolts and nuts.
I go back to the same doctor in a couple weeks to go over the scans and exrays of the damage......he's since stopped my therapy and won't discuss anything until he sees me. I don't figure that's any good news.
If the verdict is another trip to the O R under his assortment of garden tools, then I just might take the ten-to-twenty mile Tidewater bridge-tunnel and stop halfway for a date with the Atlantic.

09-21-13  06:40pm - 4127 days #20
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
Originally Posted by jberryl69:

In real life, women under 30 tend to have long hair but as they grow older they realize what a pain in the ass it is to keep your hair long and they cut it off. Sad, but true.

Glad to see September's still got you hanging' with the territory 'ol buddy. Maybe not noticed elsewhere, but 'peers to me We tend to usually lose you for awhile bout' round this time each month.
Taint the some, McGee.

About the short hair: My young Primary physician ( an' take it from me, she's "prime") has cropped short hair, and I'm here to tell'ya, she'd give any porn looker a run for the money ......and isn't that what they're all "runnin' for?
She could have more of mine .... but the banks won't loan me that kind of money.

09-20-13  02:16pm - 4128 days #2
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
No, my good friend .... I don't have a clue!
But seeing that Mac and Bumbling ain't gettin' any takers, I'm gonna toss in this here post cuz you're my buddy and should this thread stay on course of sinking and going under, I don't wanna see you go with it.
If'n it don't pick up ...... we'll blame it on the weather.

09-19-13  02:58am - 4130 days #7
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
Good thread, Reargunner ...... another testament to your invaluable presence here at PU.
My female selection is gonna deviate from most if not all my compatriot's contributing. But before I go there I feel compelled to tip my hat to the Admiral for the many number of visits and replies he's gotten from his threads.
He leaves me standing still with what he puts out there.

My "it girl" is a non-nude Russian gal who's been gracing the internet as a model for "Fame Girls" since her per-teens. My downloads follow this stunning young lady from her peek of innocence at an early age on up into the present .... now twenty.
She goes by the name of Ella .... of whom makes up one of three "Fame Girls"
If you bother to go back and follow how this Goddess has blossomed, I'd have to say you're bound to experience something you'll unlikely find elsewhere in porn.


09-19-13  01:35am - 4130 days #46
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
Originally Posted by Thedebilman666:

You know what, I'll stay out of your precious forums and continue to let you guys live in the fantasy realm of what you think porn has to be, cause, you know, the Dali Lama complex living in denial thing? I will never post another word on this ridiculous forum. I will still stay a member, just for the discounts and cast a vote in the polls, maybe comment here and there on them. Wanna ban me for giving people reality checks and grounding them back to Earth? Go right ahead, this ain't the only site like this around.

Ya'know Debil, you seem like a bright fellow, and assuming you don't have a thesaurus sutured to your nose, I’d say you have a pretty good command of the language. -- although I think you'd fare better with a good course in “anger-management.”
And like my good friend, cybertoad says, You’re a hell’va funny guy.
And that, among other things, are reasons I hate to see you in pout-mode abandoning our happy little family.
Cuz despite your hair-trigger temperament, I figure you’d be one hell’va tough warrior on our front lines with those snappy reviews, as well as putting more life in our forum with that sharpened wit. I mean, can’t you sort’a lower your rage down to at least a roar!
Before my wrap on this subject, I jus’ gotta throw in my two-cent about your associating of this bunch with “born-again-Christians.” if ever there was an assortment anywhere who would be the antithesis to born-again status, its gotta be this flock of porn-lovin’ guys here at PU....whom, I hasten to add, probably wouldn't tell you the difference between a pew and a pulpit.
So chill, man ……and dance with those what brung you.

09-17-13  03:59pm - 4131 days #21
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
Originally Posted by Thedebilman666:

My biggest pet peeve is porn whiners, you join a site with content you don't like, or a site starts adding content you don't "approve of" and then you bitch, piss cry and moan about it, pisses me off to no end. No offense sir, but you are suffering from retard logic. End of rant.

Eh .... let me say, Tb666, I've really enjoyed most of your posts ever since you landed here. I even have to commend this recent one for it's extraordinary choice of words making your point.
And for all practical purposes, (omitting, of course the gentleman who's the object of this rant) I would have to say your's is a damned good one, HAD IT BEEN directed where it would have done the most good ... and that would be exactly amongst where one of our most respected producing member (messmer) put it.

This to me begs the question of how in the world do you think you're gonna fit in here . For crying out loud, man, guy's who "bitch, piss cry and moan" about the insane practices and content spewing from these dumbass websites are all we have here at PU.
If this bothers you, all I can say is that your future here will be anything but the likes of being a walk on the beach.

09-17-13  01:41pm - 4131 days #19
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
I'm in your corner, mess ....always have been. I esp. say that because I feel in many ways we're so much alike in our general views on internet's behavior amidst how and what they're serving up regarding what we want to see.

You make your points rather simple to understand, and because in my mind you're a formidable writer it's sort'a easier than for most to deifier what's going on in your thoughts.

I equate your dilemma here with thoughts of yesteryear, when as youths we fought tooth-an-nails to get into our girlfriend's laundry. The more she resisted the more we wanted her.
Then one night heaven's gate opened, her hard fought struggles turned to limp surrender as she lowered her body as a positive signal that she was ready.
Almost invariably, as it seems nature works, having seen and sampled the goods, her usual appeal starts its journey downhill.
I think you get my drift, 'ol buddy

09-16-13  09:57pm - 4132 days #98
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
By-golly....... I do believe this man can walk on water!

09-16-13  04:57pm - 4132 days #2
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
Well, turbo, I agree. She's a fox!
But look at it this way, all the flak and free publicity sure ain't gonna do her no harm.

09-16-13  04:36pm - 4132 days #92
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
Originally Posted by Cybertoad:

I think that you were absent from allot of what we did and for me after careful thought I felt like you rode back in and wanted to change our world. And here is why, I put in my Head if Khan was the person changing it, the reception I am willing to bet would have been met with allot more acceptance.

Mummmmm! Do'ya suppose a gag-order's initiated because our great leader is being FIRED?
Like, maybe Khan's head is on the block cuz he's loved so much by all of us they fear a coup d'etat . Or maybe he just went up against the Brass in our defense!


In case I'm taken serious, an' this brings somebody from "home-office" (axe in hand) back-off please! Twas jus' a dig! Edited on Sep 16, 2013, 05:14pm Edited by Staff on Sep 16, 2013, 08:41pm (Khan: wuoteback fixed)

09-16-13  03:13pm - 4132 days #88
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
Originally Posted by Rick:


No I agree... Jan/Feb of 2014 is about right.

Ahh-Hum! Could you float a few ideas of what we ought to be doing in the meantime?

09-15-13  12:18pm - 4133 days #80
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
Originally Posted by Cybertoad:

I would love to admit and over reaction or misguided passion to the results GM, I really really hope that everything works out OK.

I do hope all goes well, have a Rick .
I would miss this group and our interactions.

I sincerely hope those who would read my recent post take it for what it is, namely nothing more than perhaps my "misguided" attempt to inject some humor, in hopes that it might serve to disarm at least some of the tension that may still exist. I guess I threw Rick the biggest -- if not the only bone -- because he's clearly out-numbered and his back against the ropes, concerning the exchange taking place between he and thee.

Let me assure you CT, had Porn Users unapologetically crossed the line, caring little of the adverse consequences that would befall those of us who've unquestionably surrendered our trust, clearly leaving unforgivable wounds in their wake, in their quest for whatever measure that might be at stake .... then you can bet the farm I'd be on your front lines fighting side by side with you all the way.

I rest my case

09-15-13  12:00am - 4134 days #78
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
I was just thinkin' ......
Approaching PU's upcoming changes with an open mind, and purely Just for the sake of supposition, then bear with me wiliest I briefly hypothesize Porn Users all-consuming new undertaking that's being touted heavily favorable by PU honchos yet seemingly getting some slightly higher than mild backlash from a number of disenchanted members, most of whom are time-honored, venerable PU entrenched elite.

Now ......

Lets fast-forward and again hypothesize that everything Rick have told us comes true, and contrary to past unsettling worries about the foul aftermaths, we now reverse those negative emotions with collective happiness -- even perhaps overwhelming glee and foot-stompin' appreciation and applause -- all directed to our praiseworthy entrepreneurs upstairs who orchestrated what hopefully will catapult what's promised beyond our imagination.

After which .....
in honor of our nay-sayers, and those of shallow faith, an invitation will be granted for a free dinner featuring prime "CROW."

Bon appetite Edited on Sep 15, 2013, 12:59pm

09-14-13  02:34pm - 4134 days #42
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
I don't have a clue as to Sherry's (real) motive or purpose behind submitting this titillating thread, but, based on my willful concept, I think the answer's simply a matter of tossing in a proposition (deal) granting her whatever it is (within reason) she might be holding back, in exchange for an option arranging to have a boat-load of hot babes desiring a free ride to an envied situational package, deposited on US soil .... after which they're broken up in selected numbers and sent to all locations, within reasonable distance of membership reaches -- where those of us senior member's who're interested, will participate as actors being shot in sex scenes with our lovely visitors. The results of which could be marketed to the highest bidders, with the proceeds deposited to Porn User's coffers .... there to be used for whatever would benefit our site's wishes.
I see it as win-win. We get to bang premium pussies whether any profits materialize or not.

Of course, if plausible, our close Canadian neighbors would be included.

09-10-13  05:34pm - 4138 days #25
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
Originally Posted by jberryl69:

Deep thinker? Perhaps a considered thinker but deep isn't really a reality. "high level of intelligence"? Is about my level

I knew we could reach an agreement. Just keep in mind I'm a smart ass too. And speaking of blowing this off - didn't you once promise me the oralist of my choice?

Love ya Graymane, no shit!

Awww, Hot-damn ...then all's well with the world!

OK, so maybe I stretched the superlatives a bit. Lemme see?
We'll scratch "deep thinker." Also I'll let the air outta the "intelligence" part.
Do the math and I now get down to the reality of seeing you'se as being jus' "plain an' ordinary, ..... and like me,
Just another member/number of the masses.

BTW ... lets chalk up my "blow this one off" not only as a dumb choice of words, but a faux Pas soooo over the top I'm sentineling myself to kickin' my own ass until the cows come home.

Moooo .....MOOOOO

09-10-13  04:27pm - 4138 days #24
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
Originally Posted by Cybertoad:

Seems that there are many side affects that should be asked of a doctor.

Cybertoad Out !

Let me thank and commend you, CT, for the extraordinary quality of information, as well as the sheer volume you've contributed to this, as well as other of my threads.
What you've given to this one I hope magnifies to all an example of what a joy it is to have you on board.
No surprise when your name pops up, that, at least for me, we're in for a treat.
Keep'em rolling KingToad.

09-09-13  06:11pm - 4139 days #17
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
Originally Posted by jberryl69:

I think that most friends want you to take advantage of their friendship and talk honestly about their feelings or be used as a sounding board. I take it as a great compliment when friends do. I mean, if you can't take advantage of having a friend and that friendship wtf is the point?

Or maybe you were just trying to get your point across.

Yes, JB, I was "trying to get my point across."
And I was excited and wanted to share it because of the rarity of two people halfway across the country apart saying almost verbatim the same thing.
Then, when you (what I perceived) shot it down with that a stinging rebuke ....well, I guess 'ol graymane just lost-it.
Friendships are very easy to develop in a forum such as this one, for the best reason that comes to mind is that we're earnestly in accord in an area outsiders just don't understand or fit in .... and should there be exceptions they're afraid to admit it. Whether reciprocal or not, there are a few regulars here whom I consider genuine friends -- more-so than in my little living acre of proximity.
Because, JB, you're a deep thinker, and because one of the perks that goes with that station is usually a high level of intelligence, and because intellectuals on that level often say or do weird things, I'm gonna blow this off, and I hope you do the same.
For me, Lesson learned. Get back on board, my friend.

09-09-13  11:20am - 4139 days #28
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
Originally Posted by Marphel:

Graymane ... dude you crack me up. Thanks for making this frustrated man laugh.

Believe me, Marphel, the pleasure is all mine.
I get similar comments from fellow members all the time relating to my parodies and digs targeting the enormous hodgepodge of simpletons connected with the business of commercial Porn.

But It's never enough! Neither gratitude for my producing guffaws for my PU family, or the perpetual pool of comic material, care-of the bumbling, nay, stumbling victims devoid of diencephalon through which sensory impulses pass to reach the cerebral cortex (whew!)
Tanslation> dim-wits.

Bottom line .....
You keep throwing kudos and yours-truly will toss back attempts at producing more laughter.

09-08-13  06:09am - 4141 days #15
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
Originally Posted by Capn:

G, my friend, you really ought to write a book, even if you have to use a ghostwriter.
I am sure many would be only too keen to take it on.
You may have enough material for a trilogy!
Best regards.


Thanks again Capn for the ultimate compliment.
You aren't the first who've told me that. I've even been admonished for making excuses for not already having started a book. And you know something? I simply love to write in this forum, esp. when I know its viewed and appreciated.
Your post, for an example: did more for my ego than any publisher's invitation to represent me on any project I'd wish to start. I haven't pushed that option because when one enters that arena ... it ceases to be fun and takes on an element of "work." and responsibility .
At my age, I don't know if getting in the ring with those terrors are too wise. Besides, I don't know if I can dredge up enough material to justify filling the covers of a book.

Since, however, I got your warm vote of confidence, I'll leave you with an interesting story:
Despite the goading to do a book, one would think I was a whiz In school. Not so. A slow learner who dragged behind in school, I was ashamed even to show my report card.
This was before the term "learning disability" was ever recognized ... thus students like me might as well give up ... as did some our teachers at trying to help us.
But when given an assignment to either finish or write a story .... envy lit up the room by the do-Weller's as they had to listen to us, having been acknowledged and praised for our story by the teacher, was asked to read aloud our written project.
Never forgot about a teacher of mine in about the third or forth grade. She wrote me off as being a hopeless case and pretty much treated me like one.
Finely one day she gave the class an assignment wherein a short meaningless assortment of words to a plot were to be extended upon to from a story. Unlike the rest of the class, I picked up where the assortment had ended and created a romantic balance to complete a finished story. Although my paper was riddled with misspelling, bad grammer , the way and wherefores upon what went down must'a pushed her right buttons, because she was so overwhelmed that a third grader had that superior imagination , and put it in writing wherein engendering the same effects as one derives from a noted author.
She showed to all the other teachers, next-door neighbors around where she lived ... and finally sent a copy to then world commentator Walter Wenchill to read on his show.

09-08-13  12:00am - 4141 days #13
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
And to you, JB, my remarks were meant full-scale as a compliment ... absolutely no .... not none, caustic intent meant what-so-ever. In fact it was in part mentioned as banter to speak for all the great wit that's passed on to us for which we have the good fortune to enjoy.
And for the record, if my doctor were here, she would solemnly back me up on the amazing authenticity of what I posted.
Further, a sound punch in the gut would be peanuts compared to your accusation my remark was meant to be a hurtful dig .... my knees buckled that a friend like we've been posted this.
Friends don't let drunk friends drive. And they sure as hell don't put them down for no apparently logical reason.

I'll reserve, as you requested, my sentiments for your beloved mother after this has blown over.

BTW, as a friend please note I may seemed a bit pissed that I would unload on you in this way .... now why would I say that?

09-07-13  10:48pm - 4141 days #12
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
Originally Posted by Capn:

If I were you, my friend, I would try the medication.

Side effects, if any, are variable from individual to individual.

I do hope the benefits in peace of mind & quality of life will more than make up for any possible side effect.

They certainly did for me.


Thanks, Capn for that uplifting and sage advice.
Your comment places the last period on this story that prompts me to bring up something of a yet said necessity:

Because my doctor knows every detail of my past, as it relates to my father's abusive mental/physical behavior, at this point in my life it is she, not me, who thinks that's the underlying cause of my depression.
No sane person would argue that observation I must agree... But because of the more recent events for which he's responsible that has nothing to do with the afore-mentioned, my mind was closed to that period altogether wherein I was convinced all traces of those painful times recessed out of sight. leaving me in sort of a limbo wherein I could justify (based on the horror stories I'd read about side-effects of anti-depressives) staying off of them. My doctor's almost pleading attempts for me to reconsider did work a couple times. I actually went on the pills for a month or so but never got the effects I expected, thereby reinforcing what I wanted to believe.

As I alluded to earlier, the last chapter came in the final years of his life, about ten years after my beloved mother passed.
Peddling back to his boyhood, I was privy to stories not unlike the sordid upbringing and heavy-handed discipline he dispensed on me:
Coming out of a very poor family and denied the education, employment opportunities, and courtship privileges enjoyed by most his age, my old man was later so bitter about his station in life he begin hopping trains, departing in different states appealing for handouts and taking on whatever jobs to pay for his next meal. A very handsome dude, penniless and exceptionally smart, he never went hungry.

The best thing ever to happen to my old man was his lucky meeting up with my mom.
Long story short ..... she did the impossible: She turned his life around, inspired growth and stood him on a path that would later lead to far more than a comfortable life style. Nice home, his own business, money in the bank, and generally able to provide any reasonable amenities a family could wish for.
He adored my mom. She would have anything she wanted EXCEPT ..... The ability to pull him of me during one of his angry pummeling of his hapless and only son.
Why wouldn't she leave him? I can think of no other reason than the immense love she had for me by foregoing any chance of putting me unknowingly at the hand of even a worse father. At least with my old man I lived to see tomorrow.

Fast forward to mom's death at around her late 70's. She and my old man, whom she put on Easy-Street, had amassed a considerable fortune ... all of which, while wasting away in her last days in a hospital, she knew he'd become the benefactor. I supposed she recalled those times Throughout my life during which she gave me almost unconditional love, these would be comforting words. she'd assured me everything would be left to me one day wherein I'd never be in wanting.
The grim-reaper unfortunately never takes holidays. Never alters nor wavers from ones assigned time to pass on.
There was nothing mom could do on my behalf during her unexpected plunge into terminal illness. Believe me, her hands were tied.
It wasn't too long after mom's demise did my old man discover that all the things he'd been deprived of during his youth was now his for the taking. Naturally the main course on the menu was women. All the company from which he ordered up and devoured with reckless abandon.
I suppose because of guilt, and/or perhaps mom's initially saving this man's life .... or worse turning her back on ever getting involved, he allowed me to remain in our palatial water-front home sans any outlay on my part.
For the next few years he indulged his new-found freedom comprised of young women and sundry dens of iniquity. All this time I took complete control of his properties, seeing maintenance was done, collecting rent and doing his books -- all of which gave him full time to enjoy his womanizing and extra curriculas. All proceeds I made sure were paid and went straight into the bank.
That is, until an old friend of moms and bookkeeper of the church they attended, showed up out of the blue and volunteered to take over his bookkeeping. She'd convinced him his estate seriously needed overhauling and professional attending. So now everything had to go through her , and I was left only to do the leg-work and turn over the cash.
satisfied she was doing a far better job than anyone else could ever do, he increased her pay and gave her full control.
Shortly after that the old man took sick, limiting his play-time rather drastically. Later, becoming a victim of Parkinson and needing what the bookkeeper assured him was a caregiver (which, up until then I was handling with no complaints) She made it her business to select who would get the job, and how much she would be paid.
It needs to be said ultimately the old man's bookkeeper only showed up when he needed to sign something ... which, incredibly, he did without even reading what he was signing. The caregiver was worthless as tits on a bull. She came and went at her luxury , providing only what he needed but otherwise having said paid for out of the old man's pockets and delivered to the door.
Bedridden and now unable to control his functions, I was now on call 24-7, repeatedly getting up all during the night attending his needs, as well as being awakened daytime when he buzzed me when the caregiver was who-knows-where. By this time I'm in the position of just being in the way, and It wasn't rocket-science figuring out something sinister was lurking behind my back.
After learning the BK had now wormed her way into being Power of attorney, I again approached the old man and reiterated my concern these women ought not be so easily trusted.
when his tired eyes looked me strait in the face and announced his discovery I'd been sealing from him and that I was working behind the scenes with attorneys to take over everything and have him transferred to a cheap nursing home. He was actually brainwashed.... he wouldn't listen to a word I'd say. If you knew my old man, nothing would've made him any madder. The last thing he then said was he wanted me to leave. This, after tending him day and night, catching him during many falls his caregiver refused to do. I actually saved his life on two occasions after administering the hemlock Maneuver after he'd turned blue choking on a piece of meat, and mouth-to-mouth when he stopped breathing.
Before the week's end following our short and shocking confab, motionless, his vocal cords paralyzed, he was in such bad shape he was taken to the hospital.
Lying there, unable to speak nor move his limbs, I along stayed by his side all rest of the day and late into the night until I knew he was peacefully asleep.
Less than an hour later, he suddenly rose up, opened his eyes wide, opened his mouth and uttered the only sound he'd made in the last 24 or more hours... which were spoken clear as a bell ....he called me "Son" for the first time .... continuing, he simply said "I'm going home" closed his eyes and his body became still.
Staff on call, seeing a flat-line on their monitor, rushed in, ordered me out, to which I said "go to hell" they then made a valiant attempt to resuscitate, but the old man refused to come back.

The will was read in two parts ... the one the Bookkeeper wanted read with those she choose to attend with her. and the one I alone would be present to hear (Likely because she thought I'd tear up the place and harm somebody).

She might've been right, because the old man's entire estate, worth well over a million, all went to her.
At his funeral, the only eyes not dry was mine and the old man's young girlfriend ... who arrived in the new car The old man had bought for her.
The bookkeeper's last words to me were, not more than a few feet from the casket was "the house is on the market .. you have a month to move out."
Which I did. Left with only memories and a newspaper ad on the "homes for sale page."

That dear friends is where my real depression took birth.

09-07-13  04:39pm - 4141 days #9
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
Originally Posted by jberryl69:

I think that depression can acerbate ones ability to fight off illnesses and lowers our immune system just like stress can - in fact depression is probably a bastard cousin of stress.

That said my friend, the bottom line is you do what you think is best for yourself. One thing that you have is choice so that even if you decide to check it out, you can always quit).

I gotta say, JB, you just might harbor some latent physic gifts ....
Your post is so close to a carbon copy of every word my lovely physician said to me ... that its downright uncanny.

09-07-13  04:22pm - 4141 days #8
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
Thanks, guys, for your thoughtfully wonderful replies -- esp. those from turbo and my good cyber-buddy Messmer, whom I think might've been somewhat shaken by how heavy male-parental abuse weighed on me in my youth.
And apart from the thread's inquiry, about which Ed, Cybertoad, and pornpundit provided excellent insight that I trust will be as of great value to those who, like me, wrestle with decisions about whether to or not launch into a program of taking drugs reputed to act on our sexual performance as these three have so eloquently stated .. It follows, I must admit though, carries with it perhaps a selfish motive.
To wit ....
I think the best therapy for me, as well as others who carry open wounds from this atrocity into later life, indeed, well into one's elder years, need to lay it on the table for all to see whenever the occasion presents itself.
Hence the painful example so stated in my effort to add the needed impact to renew our awareness to this insidious stigma that's native worldwide.

Child abuse is more common than we might think. And the ramifications are so dire it cries out to reach far and wide to visit our thoughts. (mercifully, graymane is now stepping off his soapbox)

My apologies for straying off the main theme of this thread.
But once I get started on something this close to my heart, it jus' ain't easy to let-up.

09-05-13  03:37pm - 4143 days #20
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
Originally Posted by Wittyguy:

Thanks for the kudos man. I'm still lurking here in the background but, as you have noted, I'm sort of waiting to see what roles out on the new site(s) rather then spending much more effort here at the moment. I plan to do as the Doors did and "break on through to the other side" when the time gets here but I doubt I'll ever be as active as I was several years ago since my free time is more limited (which is a good thing overall). Hopefully the new site will entice more users to engage but I guess we'll all see.

Maybe I'm not seeing the big picture!
Not one to usually give reviews, because I belong to a couple sites that feed me enough bits and pieces of prevailing content to keep me informed about what's going on elsewhere. I do, however, give reviews on all pay sights I do subscribe to.
I pretty much devote my time to the polls and our forum.
I've read all Rick has to say about this site's forthcoming transformation ... and to be honest, fail to see what compliant, adverse after-effects it has to do with me.

But hell, there's got to be something I'm missing because too many members (esp. our older and regulars) that are raising the roof off this place in defiance of the changes that are to take place.
So please, would those really bothered by all this, who know something I don't know, or through ignorance, or, frankly, I wouldn't want to know, who can tell me what elements are at play that's getting all this back-lash.
If its gonna effect me, I wanna know.
It is only by an answer from somebody who can step in my shoes long enough for all this to rub-in will I .....or can I, throw my weight where it belongs.

09-05-13  02:46pm - 4143 days Original Post - #1
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia

My drop-dead gorgeous Primary Care Physician won't let it go. She keeps insisting (at 80, mind-you) I need antidepressants to help bring me out of the Psychological morass my "daily-beat-the-hell-outta-me" abusive father used to hand-down (pun-if-you-will) on me as a lad.
Compounded by constant belittlement and proclamation of my being a burden he had to live with and attention shared with my mom.

Bare with me, if you will, while I go back and give you but one-of-many an example of how mean this SOB actually was:

My childhood friends refused to come on our property for fear of this man -- and for good reasons -- one of which was the following:
After returning one afternoon from his business, knowing I hadn't yet performed one of the chores he'd assigned me -- in our front yard, RIGHT IN THE CLOSE PRESENCE OF ALL FIVE OF MY YOUNG FRIENDS -- he walked straight from his truck to where I was standing ....kicked me in the ass so hard it lifted me off and onto the ground, where (lying on my back, my arms shielding my face for what I knew was coming) he then begin kicking and slapping me so violently that my up-held arms received bruises so intense the marks stayed for weeks.
For an unexplained time ..... my friends stood frozen in abject fear -- when, after realization set in, abandoned their bikes and fled like the wind and without looking onto the street toward their homes.
Their fathers had to later retrieve their bikes because they would thereafter never come near our house.

So much for the preliminary drama! That is to say I'm not looking for or expecting any degree of sympathy.
If you think that, as well as too many similar happenings, might have something to do with my doctor's assessment of my elder-year's state of mind, strongly warranting drugs to combat the aftermath she's convinced are intensifying to my declining health, then please vote affirmative on her behalf .
BUT ..... if you lean to my reluctance and fears of these drugs adversely effecting ones's sex life .... then please raise your hand.
It's not like I have babes beating down my door demanding a piece of my unconquerable sexual gifts, for which drugs might sorely bite into performance ...(naughty smile) if, indeed, that dream was reality.
Suffice to say:
The bottom line is clear and simple ......
I don't want "Oscar" asleep at the wheel if and when I do need him?

Got anything you can say (nay or yah) or add on this subject, brother-pervs, gays, or otherwhoms?

09-05-13  11:17am - 4143 days #18
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
Originally Posted by Cybertoad:

Squirrel, good to see you. I can not say what occurred here with such bad timing and I too felt tossed aside like a wet rag from TBP and PU.
But the reality is we are customers to websites plain and simple. And if sites like this can not listen that makes it all the more clear. I have about 12 reviews I could do, but why do that and have it removed. Until I can see this is a site I want to stay I am on hold giving funding, If They had listened would have been different but again this is a privately owned site.
I put this here to let all of you know you are important to this site. I do not think the owners understand what we feel about it or they would have asked us what we thought. They do not realize when Khan was ill and GM and other are having health issues we are concerned of their well being.
When they said they are changing the site they do not realize this was a safe haven for many of us.

I hope to see you on the other side guys. But I always have a hard time being pushed and told what to do. And why I am supportive of changes that are healthy I have a deep suspicious thought we will be left in the cold on this.
Membership is nill, reviews are rare in my past posts I predicted this would be just what would occur. Is that the idea to weed us out ? I have no idea. But to realize you mattered is important.

And is why I posted the list because you do matter to the members all of you.

A deservingly touching and excellent piece .... a score on one of our best.
Thanks, CB, for exercising the presence of mind to post this important and timely account.
Lets hope this venerable and treasured member see this as a testament to ours as well as his best interest. Edited on Sep 05, 2013, 11:25am

09-04-13  01:02am - 4145 days #13
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
Originally Posted by biker:

I would be happy if they stopped looking at the camera. This ruins the whole fantasy for me. They're suppose the be making love to each other and not be interested in who is watching them. It doesn't make it very sexy if they are more interested in the camera then their partner.

Well sassafras-an-sour-dough!!!!
Doggone-it... There is somebody else out there who's pecker drops to half-mast when these performers can't keep their eyes off the camera.
One of many pet-peeves that frost my balls.

"Lookie" 'hey, mr cameraman.... over here." "No! not him....ME, YOU IDIOT!"
"MY LIPS ..'Hey Buster. get a closeup of my lips!"
"Where the hell you going with the camera, asshole!"
"How's Hollywood gonna know who I am if you keep movin' the damed camera around?"
"Will somebody kick this shithead off the set and get a lensman who can appreciate real beauty."
"Hey, half-ass!!! "I'm fuckin' over here!" "Were you born brain-dead or what??"

So on it goes, with would-be-wanna-be-discovered porn who think talent scouts are peeping from around every corner.

You're right, biker ... it may as well be ice water thrown on your dick!

09-03-13  06:39pm - 4145 days #2
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
Well thanks, CB .. that's a supreme honor. But observing the company I'm in, particularly your underlying impressive list of PU's finest, I can only say I'm infinitely humbled by my name merely being on the same page with this wealth of talent -- to say nothing of the exaltation, the ironized glory I'm propelled to by simply being put in a competitive position with these great guys.
And while our forum's mutual admiration society apparently seems to currently be in full bloom, I think I speak for us all by aptly including you, CyberToad with the others who belong and certainly warrant sharing, if, indeed themselves sole ownership of top honors.

09-03-13  04:52pm - 4145 days #12
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
Originally Posted by turboshaft:

There's an interview with Nina on YouTube. It's about an hour and fifteen minutes long but I think worth watching if you have the time

Much obliged, Turbo ......
I shall browse on over to youtube and check out the multi-gifted, bi-spectacled legion.

Did you know that Nina has her clit insured with The Lords Of London for a Mil. and a half?

09-03-13  04:17pm - 4145 days #9
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
Originally Posted by Cybertoad:

GM, Good points as usual my friend.

Cybertoad Out !

You don't do bad yourself, CB.
Truly ....... I shutter to think what this forum would do without your contributions. Always hands-on experience with so much cool stuff.
I've learned a lot from you .... I mean expert stuff ranging from you-name-it-firearms to conceivably where one can purchase viagra coated rubbers (sans receptacles) for less than the price of a pack of cigarettes.

Did I mention hilarious?
"spank the monkey" ....priceless!

09-03-13  11:12am - 4145 days #7
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
If this thread is touching on narcoleptic videographers, then ,brother, I'm your man .....Esp. if it has to do with those airhead lensmen who doze on close-ups while focusing on the genitals.
Wherein through endless frames all we see is this locked-in scene of a guy's hairy ass as his balls are resting on the crack of the gal's vagina. "SOMEBODY PLEASE SHAKE THIS DUMMY AND TELL THE IDIOT TO BACK-OFF FOR PETE SAKE!"

I've even speculated that most of these mentally challenged "dropped babies" were, as a youth, likely sorely deprived of seeing or knowing what pussies actually looked like (thank prudish mommies for that).
So now, camped behind a camera, flushed with free porn, he's probably trying to do catch-up at our expense!

Harking back in time at my tenure to this great forum, as well as being a thorn in my side, I've also been preaching until I'm blue in the face about it ... alas stupidity still reigns.

09-02-13  09:50pm - 4146 days #9
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
Originally Posted by Cybertoad:

She could check out my books any time.
Id she like to show here my Dewey Decimal system.
Id like to show here were I store the hard files.
I liked to see what I could to make her scream in the library.
I wonder what she would do if my book was over due and I had no money ?

She is a Goddess in the industry .

Couldn't agree more, CT .....
At 54, she can still hold her own with the best Porn's got going. If she can't give you a woody, then you might wanna start popping some high-potency Zink tabs -- and/or seek the company of a good urologist.
This lady's not only still an ace doing those fuck scenes, she publicly dabbles in all kind of political and social stuff. Would you believe I saw her in a video doing Karaoke in a local bar.

09-01-13  08:35pm - 4147 days #16
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
Originally Posted by pat362:

^You always make me laugh with your post. You sir are an amazing gentlemen without equals.

Thank YOU, sir, (I think) for that truly welcomed and warm compliment.
It is that kind of receptive member-homage, and affable camaraderie I feel here at PU that makes me so glad I found this great place ....and that emotion is especially compounded when a member, so revered among his contemporaries as you so obviously have proven, pays me this level of an endorsement.

It makes me happy to know I make people around here laugh .....that would surely make My cup runneth over

09-01-13  12:33pm - 4147 days #14
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
Originally Posted by pat362:

Strange you say that because I would think that the number would be rather quite small. I know of maybe one or two sites that have a sort of similar types of content but they are all Eastern European so no dialogue to go with the scene

I respectfully yield to the gentleman authoring this latter posting.
I find his rebuttal well grounded and much too convincing to argue.
Salutation remains in order, my welcome mat dutifully dry-cleaned and placed as an invitational beacon.
As always, I see Pat as Porn Users answer to Wikipedia.

09-01-13  09:48am - 4147 days #3
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
Originally Posted by Ed2009:

That's not going to help sales!

I doubt any billing companies are operating in North Korea any way.

Thanks Ed, for paying this anemic thread its only visit.
Billing companies you say?

I would hope not only should all credit cards be ban from use in North Korea, but that sanctions be levied so heavy there that, among other things, the damned rodent-face little fart would have to build a hen-house in his back-yard to have eggs for his morning breakfast.
But unfortunately, thanks to our uncontrolled generosity to Kim Jong Un's neighbor and close bedfellow CHINA, it looks like it'll be business as usual for the unforeseeable future.

09-01-13  12:21am - 4148 days #12
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
Originally Posted by ThatShoegazer:

Okay, I know asking for something like this is a bit taboo/ controversial... but are there any porn videos out there where a guy "surprises" girl with very rough anal, just as things are getting "good" and she ends up really liking it? .

You're almost right-on there, shoegazer .........
May I chime in, cause' I Can't help but agree anal is clearly a front-runner under the heading of "taboo"

although I'd have to say its a tad more than a "bit" more controversially controversial. (does that make sense?)

Now ......Regarding this thing wherein a gal is surprised by a guy, right out of the blue, (in front of God and everybody else) pouncing on her and immediately commencing to help himself to some "rough anal" .... presumably all the while consensual on the part of the "surprised lady" -- even advancing to the point of her actually "liking it."

My gut feeling, (and this is the good news) video offering this scenario are as plentiful as bottled Budwieser ... you just need to know to find it.

But at the same time, I find myself laughing on the inside ... as my mind's eye is focusing on a vision of this gal just walking along minding her busniness when all of a sudden this guy appears and she gets this dick shoved up her ass .... incredibly, followed buy the guy roughing her up wherein after all that she consciously and obligingly gets in sync with this guy as he's jerking her around while on a mission to put some hurt on the poor woman ..but "surprisingly" with her ending up going with the flow.

Forgive me please if I'm guilty of walking all over somebody's nitch. But I had'a hang in there for the lovable absurdity in this one...

08-31-13  03:36pm - 4148 days #11
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
If I were awarded only one wish, promised, guaranteed and fulfilled any way I wanted .....for all the options from which to select, including riches, sex, power, and/or other worldly pleasures off-limits to human creation.

Without hesitation, foregoing all these temptations ...... my wish would be the following:

That the people of North Korea turn on this worthless heap of sewage .... initiate a people's arrest for high crimes against those he's sworn to protect..... charge him thusly, then sentencing this mega-ugly-freak-of-nature to be dragged through the city streets via vehicular cable attached to his stubby leg onto said moving vehicle until his fetid flesh is stripped from his worthless body.

After which, like another one of history's infamous barbarians -- that of Mussolini's corpse, hang from a light post for his people's viewing pleasure.

08-29-13  04:05pm - 4150 days #4
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
My apologies, lk2fireone, For duplicating this story.
I wrote up my thread on this and posted it before I logged on to the forum.... where, of course, I made the discovery.
If there were any way I knew of to delete it , I would.

08-29-13  03:43pm - 4150 days Original Post - #1
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia

Oh yeah! The grotesque "runt" and power-hungry nut-case Kim Jong Un, who runs things in North Korea, has now found himself a new source of entertainment to satiate his blood-lust: ... torture and gun-down anybody caught dabbling in porn......... except, of course, Kim, who's notorious for exercising his self-appointed right to simply seize any woman, (teen, married, or whomever) who fetches his aberrant fancy. Needless to say They're used as sexual slaves or for whatever his addled mind dreams up.

The story broke when news got out that he had an x-girlfriend, who's a popular pop singer, brutally executed by machine-gun and having her family forced to watch ... after which they were imprisoned -- probably for life.. Simply for making a sex tape.
Herewith is a link to the story.


08-24-13  03:04pm - 4155 days #49
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
Originally Posted by Thedebilman666:

All these things could simply be avoided if the customer took some responsibility. Didn't uncheck a box while joining up and you wound up joining two sites, your fault. Got rebilled again because you didn't cancel your membership, your fault. Didn't read the fine print and got charged extra, your fault. Should've taken two minutes out of your day to find out what you're spending your $ on so if you get taken for a ride, 99% of the time it's 100% your fault

I feel so liberated now having learned any mistakes made pertinent to this topic was solely my fault.
I think it only justifiable, for this egregious lapse of judgment, that I offer the offended sites a formal apology.

08-24-13  02:20pm - 4155 days #17
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
Oh yes, Simarimas:
A question now does come to mind ... one I suspect would only interest me.
Is it fair or too premature to ask if your's is a nude or a non-nude site?

Further, would it be too much to ask, barring either shorting or re-arranging your rather complicated name, that you offer or accept an abbreviation. This is an appeal from an aged senior, that it be ignited so I won't have to copy and paste your name each time I need to address you.


08-24-13  11:29am - 4155 days #10
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
Originally Posted by Simarimas:

I do not want anyone to think I am starting this thread to get traffic to my site. I do not even want you to visit it. And definitely do not want people joining it.
Feel free to comment .

No questions or comments, sir.
Just wanna thank you for saving me $29.95

08-24-13  11:10am - 4155 days #31
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
Originally Posted by jberryl69:

I hereby nominate Graymane to speak for me.

Rant on my friend

Even though we're polar-opposites on a couple strong issues?

BTW ...Ain't seen'ya for awhile ...you steppin' out on our lovable website again....I mean, like, fornicating with other forums that do reviews?
.ain't the same without your sharp wit, don't'cha know?

08-24-13  04:54am - 4156 days #28
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
Originally Posted by Capn:

Fans of this genre will likely not be short of suggestions, both for content & method of delivery.

I think you have come to the right place to ask!


Took the words right out of my mouth, my good friend ..
And they look far better, and carry more clout coming out of yours.
I appreciate your valuable support, sir. I urge you to hang around and jump right back in if the sprit moves you.

08-24-13  04:32am - 4156 days #18
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
Originally Posted by Capn:

Quite the opposite.

It is very refreshing to have a Webmanager show a genuine interest in what their potential customer needs & preferences are.

Even more so if they are prepared to act on it.

There have been others, but they are few & far between & should be actively encouraged.


Thanks for the support, Capn. ...... a very well written and informative posting. I hope you'll hang around and jump right back in when the spirit moves you.

08-24-13  04:19am - 4156 days #17
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
Originally Posted by Marcus:

I think sites will begin offering more tiered-style membership, almost 'pay as you go' whereby you can tailor what you see, but it will inevitably be at your cost. The user thinks they're getting extra, but they're just paying more for what they've always had. It's all about the upsell.


Thanks for coming on board, Marcus...... I'm especially grateful you did because there's always something thought-provoking in nearly everything you contribute. This one is no exception in that it simply compounds my argument concerning things these websites dredge up to get deeper into our pocketbooks.

08-23-13  10:16pm - 4156 days #44
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
Originally Posted by Simarimas:

For the non recurring billing cycles, would you be appreciative, or annoyed, by a reminder email, that the subscription is about to expire?

I think the word "ecstatic" best fits your inquiry.
Unthinkable by most of your counterparts in this "either fish or cut bate" industry ....... Indeed, the reminder term is the most refreshing idea since sliced bread.
I personally don't think you can go wrong with that one.

However, one has to weigh the possibility of another payroll check to dole out at week's end.
Scratch the webmaster, he's already got a full plate.

08-23-13  09:18pm - 4156 days #14
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
Originally Posted by Simarimas:

Me, a trend setter? I don't know if I can live up to that, hahaha.

Well I am not only willing to listen to any and all ideas, I crave them. So feel free to overwhelm me with them.

And once more, I am truly humbled.

Sir..... do you see the icon of a flame at the thread title's beginning?
assuming its still there at this reading, then let me explain:
That, figuratively speaking, means this thread's on fire. And it appears because of the overriding response its getting and the interest its generating.
And the flame is there for none other than your presence to this forum. And the amazing thing about this is we haven't had but three people involved. I count this icon a supreme honor because there're very rare. And I believe this one is my first. So thanks for making this possible.

I am disappointed (although its early) that not more of our regulars haven't tuned in and seized on this opportunity to vent some of their concerns. My fervent hope is that this will be forthcoming.
Barring that, I'd suggest you not becoming a stranger to our forum. Stay tuned in, read our reviews and feel free to contribute, draw from, or simply revel in anything pertinent to the added success of your website.

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