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10-08-08  01:03pm - 5993 days #2
Toadsith (0)
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Location: USA
I'm glad to know the porn industry is safe and won't be needing a big government bail-out. "I'm not a number, I'm a free man!"

Second Grand Order Poobah in the Loyal Order of the Water Buffalo

10-03-08  01:16pm - 5998 days #2
Toadsith (0)
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I've seen a few videos that fit the description of both genres you've suggested - but as for enough content to really qualify them as a genre, not really.

Especially the second one - that is exceptionally rare.

As for the first one, check out a DVD site like Videobox and start browsing the black section, you'll quickly find content that matches that, just not a ton of it. "I'm not a number, I'm a free man!"

Second Grand Order Poobah in the Loyal Order of the Water Buffalo

10-02-08  10:45am - 5999 days #5
Toadsith (0)
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Sweet! 3 Cheers for CCBill! That is the only fair way to do the billing in my opinion. "I'm not a number, I'm a free man!"

Second Grand Order Poobah in the Loyal Order of the Water Buffalo

09-30-08  01:36pm - 6001 days #4
Toadsith (0)
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Might be a good reason to switch :-D "I'm not a number, I'm a free man!"

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09-30-08  10:32am - 6001 days #2
Toadsith (0)
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If you are using Firefox, try DownThemAll!. I had no trouble downloading zips from InTheCrack when using it. "I'm not a number, I'm a free man!"

Second Grand Order Poobah in the Loyal Order of the Water Buffalo

09-29-08  03:06pm - 6002 days #13
Toadsith (0)
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To answer the question of the thread - I always prefer wide screen aspect ratios (be it 16:9 or any of the other popular wide screen formats) as they mirror the way humans see the world - it is much more engaging in my opinion. At any rate, as we all are switching over to High Definition for movies and television, both preferring wide screen aspect ratios, it seems logical for porn to follow the trend. "I'm not a number, I'm a free man!"

Second Grand Order Poobah in the Loyal Order of the Water Buffalo

09-25-08  10:17am - 6006 days #2
Toadsith (0)
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Try Drunk Sex Orgy from the nice people at Orgy Max. It is basically an unscripted party / orgy event featuring only professional models - usually 2:1 girls to guys. It is very pricey because you have to join the Orgy Max network - but the content is pretty good and fits what you are describing rather well. "I'm not a number, I'm a free man!"

Second Grand Order Poobah in the Loyal Order of the Water Buffalo

09-22-08  01:06pm - 6009 days #6
Toadsith (0)
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The first break down is by the Site Network if the site is part of one, or simply by the site name.

Then it is broken down by the model if there is enough content with one model appear in multiple shoots. In that case, each model has her own folder with a head shot to identify her. I have a superb memory for faces, so I can quickly sort through volumes of content without any extra organization as long as I have those head shots as identifiers.

That is all there is to it. I've considered organizing it all with a dynamic website, but it seemed like too much of a time investment just to make it a bit easier to view porn. "I'm not a number, I'm a free man!"

Second Grand Order Poobah in the Loyal Order of the Water Buffalo

09-19-08  10:11pm - 6011 days #14
Toadsith (0)
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Originally Posted by roseman:

I never trusted Swedish technology. As for Subaru I don't like Impreza car's body. I finally bought a Mazda RX - 8 R3 for wifey and of course a Greddy Turbo Kit and a Fuel System upgrade, as she likes high speed a lot.

Haha, sweet - that should zip along nicely :-) "I'm not a number, I'm a free man!"

Second Grand Order Poobah in the Loyal Order of the Water Buffalo

09-19-08  10:10pm - 6011 days #13
Toadsith (0)
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Originally Posted by roseman:

Did I hear Lotus?
My partner bought few days ago one of them and sold it because of some engine issues. Finally, he bought a Lambo Diablo (if you know the car).

Wait, let me get this straight, he got rid of a Lotus because it was unreliable / broken and then went and bought a Lamborghini Diablo as its replacement? Isn't that like saying a Jalapeno pepper is too hot so I'll eat this Habanero pepper instead?

I mean, don't get me wrong - the Diablo is fantastic looking car. I always loved that it would do 60 in reverse. However, Lambo's aren't known for reliability (until the Germans bought them). Nor are they known for handling well (until the Germans bought them). Of course if your friend is just cruising down the boulevard, nothing will attract more attention than a Diablo. Well, excluding the Pagani Zonda S.

It is a bit ironic that one of the reasons I'm interested in recent Lotuses, is that Toyota builds the engine so that should be unbreakable... in theory. The other reason is that the Lotus Elise reliably gets the highest ratings for driving satisfaction every year in the Top Gear customer survey - since the Exige is a faster, more hardcore version of the Elise, and, well, you get the idea. Fast acceleration and unbelievable grip through turns; so they say. Plus, even though they are considered by many as one of the super cars, they are remarkably cheap. You can get a 2007 Lotus Exige S for about $40,000 - most people spend more on their crap SUVs that they use for commuting and school runs. So, hopefully I'll be able to pick up a Lotus in the next few years. I'd never drive a highway again :-)

I gotta say though, I wish I made the money your partner does - it must be plenty to allow him to part with the kind of money needed for a Diablo. By my estimations that should be at least 100,000 bones. Due to the term "partner" I was wondering, are you earning similar money? If so, why aren't you checking out some loftier rides than a Mazda or a Peugeot? Perhaps a selection from Merc's AMG division? I always say buy used because you save so much money and a car isn't fully mature until it has had a year on its wheels... but the new Nissan GT-R super car is mighty attractive and very reasonably priced, for being hand built in a hermetically sealed lab. And nitrogen filled tyres - how can one resist?! "I'm not a number, I'm a free man!"

Second Grand Order Poobah in the Loyal Order of the Water Buffalo

09-17-08  10:11am - 6014 days #77
Toadsith (0)
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Originally Posted by asmith12:

Can't help but recall of Lewis Carroll here :-).

As in "I have said it thrice: What I tell you three times is true." ? "I'm not a number, I'm a free man!"

Second Grand Order Poobah in the Loyal Order of the Water Buffalo

09-16-08  04:38pm - 6015 days #14
Toadsith (0)
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Originally Posted by darealkidd:

Thanx Toadsith i wont b thinking about bluyray anymore.

In i really didnt think it was that much more to a HD site.

Anyway i c your point n thanx 4 b n able to read my thread!!!!

No prob :-) Yeah, I don't think Blu-Ray porn is worth it at this point, especially considering that I think most of the coolest porn out there doesn't get onto DVDs or Blu-Ray.

However, I'll probably be upgrading to Blu-Ray soon myself, but that is a matter of the fact that my interest in cinema exceeds even my interest in porn. It is also due to the change in prices for digital projectors capable of 1080p output - I just ran across a refurbished model going for a mere $1300. For a viewing experience that surpasses that of a normal movie theater, I'm pretty much sold, lol "I'm not a number, I'm a free man!"

Second Grand Order Poobah in the Loyal Order of the Water Buffalo

09-15-08  03:18pm - 6016 days #7
Toadsith (0)
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Glad to hear your wife is ok - car accidents are bloody scary.

As for the cars, Mazda is a pretty good car company, though they are very gadget oriented, which can be irritating. That said, they are Japanese, so one expects that. One also expects reliability, and they usually deliver on that front as well.

Peugeot is French. One doesn't decide to go to out for a night of fine dining with German cuisine and one does not go out for a reliable, sturdy car made in France. Despite the 406's fame in the French series "Taxi" - I would never recommend anyone buy a French car unless they know full well that they should tether it to a mechanic's garage.

Anyway, of the two - the Mazda is much cooler looking and will definitely provide a more aggressive and precise ride.

Now I need to keep saving money so I can buy my Lotus Exige. "I'm not a number, I'm a free man!"

Second Grand Order Poobah in the Loyal Order of the Water Buffalo

09-15-08  03:01pm - 6016 days #6
Toadsith (0)
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And that entire wall of text filters down to one single line:

Originally Posted by darealkidd:

can i get a better picture with blu ray than what i have now or do i have the best picture and trying to get any better might be just a waste of money

To answer that question: No, you cannot get a better picture quality than 1080p by switching to Blu-Ray. Blu-Ray is at best 1080p (sometimes 1080i).

Oh, darealkidd also asked why there were so few HD sites. That is a more complex question but I think the answer lies in the start-up cost for high definition video websites. Not only do you have to invest in at least one HD video camera (with will usually be at least $3000) you also need a powerful computer to handle the video editing and you need to pay for a web server that can serve HD video - huge amounts of bandwidth. It is a lot of money to invest and the reason a lot of porn sites surface is because they have low overhead. "I'm not a number, I'm a free man!"

Second Grand Order Poobah in the Loyal Order of the Water Buffalo

09-12-08  09:41am - 6019 days #33
Toadsith (0)
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Originally Posted by Drooler:


Excellent word - I like that word and really should use it more :-) "I'm not a number, I'm a free man!"

Second Grand Order Poobah in the Loyal Order of the Water Buffalo

09-11-08  03:07pm - 6020 days #29
Toadsith (0)
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Originally Posted by messmer:

Thanks, Toadsith, for giving me a well-deserved (if unintentional) kick in the pants because that's exactly what I tend to do. I'm so afraid that my review might cost someone $29.95 that I tend to come across almost apologetic for liking things that a younger generation (the majority) seems to dislike, and it shows in some of my reviews. PU watch out, self-righteous and confident it will be from now on. :-)

So, for me, your post made the thread indeed worthwhile.

Haha, glad to have been of assistance :-) I must admit that I am as much an offender as anybody in that department when writing reviews. Of course, I haven't written a review in so long that people may wonder if I even write reviews. I'm looking forward to the increased space given for the Bottom Line, haven't used it yet - but hopefully I'll be able to present some solid, recognizable opinions in the future. As everybody knows, I need that extra space, hell - I ran out of room with the 10,000 character limit in the last post - had to edit it down to fit, lol. "I'm not a number, I'm a free man!"

Second Grand Order Poobah in the Loyal Order of the Water Buffalo

09-11-08  02:31pm - 6020 days #27
Toadsith (0)
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I believe the Porn Users community deserves a pat on the back for how civil people have remained so far. Most forums would have quickly degenerated into a flame war with a topic as polarizing as this. So congratulations to all.

I will admit, even I found my hackles raising a bit on this topic - but I shall continue with as much of an air of civility as I can muster. williamj has a specific point but I believe, despite his best efforts, has failed in properly conveying it to the populace at large. Not surprisingly his first post (and many of his following posts) lead people to believe he was irate at the distribution of the monetary remuneration for time spent in the community. The raffle is designed as an incentive to spend time on the site; is easy to conclude it would be a sore point for those that haven't had winnings from it.

However, he has stated many times that he wasn't concerned about his lack of winnings. So I conclude that he believes other users are not providing adequate reviews and the cause of this is they are trying to stack the odds in their favor for winning the raffle.

I have discussed my personal beliefs about what reviews should contain in great length in another thread. Instead, I would first like to focus on one distinct flaw in his argument. He pointed out the volume of reviews some of our top contributors make. Specifically citing roseman's 8 reviews in 7 days. I know roseman to be a thorough reviewer, so it goes to reason that each of his reviews are rated by the Porn User Administrators to be "excellent". To see what qualifies a review as excellent, please visit their Feedback Points page.

Now an "excellent" review will earn a user 3 raffle tickets. However, to keep things in balance, it has been decided that a user may only earn 10 tickets per week from reviews. That means that roseman need only to write 4 "excellent" reviews in order to earn his 10 tickets, thereby making the extra 4 reviews superfluous. I conclude that ticket earning is not what motivates roseman. That being at the heart of williamj's argument throws much of his contention off balance.

So, with the raffle is evil argument out the window, let us focus more on williamj's discontent with the state of the reviews being produced by our most prolific reviewers. One discrepancy that immediately caught my eye is this statement of his: "They include alot [sic] of information, the same information you can get from The Best Porn or from other review sites." The largest problem with this statement is it stipulates that Porn Users is not an independent and self sufficient review site. Even if the listed facts were entire replications of facts available on other sites, it would not matter - for despite Porn User's kinship with The Best Porn, it is a site designed to stand on its own and it certainly has no affiliation with any other review site other than The Best Porn. The statement presents Porn Users as an accessory to real review sites - implying that opinions are only what need be presented here because a user would be foolish to expect all the facts they need to make an informed purchase be present on this site. This indicates a severe deviation from the consensus of many in this community. That consensus is that Porn Users is not only a thorough and independent review site, but that it is in fact superior than other review sites due to its diverse and plentiful reviewers and its vast coverage of new and unusual sites. Many of us would argue that it is superior to even the mighty The Best Porn.

In regards to that, let us look at the "site information" that williamj stipulates is available on The Best Porn compared to what is available on Porn Users. Often, Porn Users will have a more up-to-date site facts listing, despite The Best Porn updating site facts more frequently than they post reviews. Lets look at a recent review from mr smut, Petites Parisiennes (9/10/08) and the complimenting The Best Porn page, focusing on the site facts (updated 7/24/08). This is what we know from The Best Porn:

Galleries: 83+ (avg. 100 pics each), high res yes, model index yes, small & large pics yes, zip files yes, watermarks yes and small. Videos: 12+ Videos (min. per video varies), full scenes no, multi-bandwidth no, vid caps no, watermarks no. Updates: no update logs, no content dates, updates schedule unknown. Vid Format: DivX, 1100k, 1200 x 700, downloadable, No DRM, actual movie size is 1024x756. Exclusivity: 100% DL Limit: None. Other: 8 models, bios.

Now mr smut's did not include the following things: Download Limit, Exclusivity, video bit rate, or the number of videos or galleries. However, he did tell us there are now 11 models (an indication of why current information is important), that the resolution of the video 1024x576 (likely to be more accurate than the Best Porn as that makes for a perfect 16:9 aspect ratio), that the updates aren't always on time, that pictures have a long dimension of 1000 to 2000 pixels, that the download speed is capable of greater than 500kbps, that some sets were as small as 50 photos, that the models ranged between 18 and 26 years of age, and that the bio notes were thorough (measurements, piercings, tattoos, et cetera).

That is a considerable amount of information that was not included on the Best Porn's page and if we stipulate that users should not put site information in their reviews, we will lose that potential resource.

Now I've been inferring quite a bit about the intention of williamj and his comments and I'm going to have to keep doing that because unfortunately his comments aren't quite as clear as he seems to believe. What I believe to be the main complaint is that he does not feel our most prolific reviewers are providing enough opinion and are focusing far too much on fact. In this matter, I would have to say that he has a leg to stand on because I personally have battled this issue in my own reviews. I put a very large amount of priority on collecting site facts thoroughly and accurately while preparing for a site review. It is one of the reasons I write reviews so infrequently. However, getting all those site facts in while leaving space for a proper opinion piece can be difficult. To this end I usually decree that I must included as few facts as possible in the Bottom Line, thusly regulating the fact portion of the review to the Pros & Cons.

A common theme that I've seen repeated is that the Porn Users community is one of an ever present self depreciating tone that disinclines users to state their opinions loudly with the exception of a numeric score. An oft heard comment is "everybody has their own tastes". Truth be told, a good reviewer needs to be a confident, self-righteous bastard that will stand up and say "I'm right, I know what is right and this is what I think." Most of our users are too polite to do that.

williamj also complains about generic and repetitive reviews. There are two explanations of this. First is that the reviewer could be using a form letter style approach to avoid missing crucial topics in their review. I use a "cheat sheet" for my Pros & Cons. Sadly, the second and more likely reason is that the sites they are reviewing are generic and repetitive. Network sites are the worst offenders here.

Rather than have one large, well organized network site - they make a number of child sites that pretend to stand on their own. They can be hard to distinguish from each other as they all share the same base design and creative input. The Brazzer's Network is a fine example. Trying to review each site is an easy way to drive one to desperation. I tried and quit - it simply wasn't worth the time involved to review each site. So perhaps williamj's dissatisfaction is misfocused. Perhaps it isn't the reviewers but the sites that need a kick in the pants.

In the end, this is all conjecture. I hope in the future, williamj may approach topics with a bit more tact, understanding that users can have different priorities and methodology. For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day. I personally have no need for such quantity of porn, but if I had an unlimited budget, I could easily see myself joining 10 sites in a month or more. If you count network sites, I've already done this many times. I tend to explore sites I'm interested in quite thoroughly - especially before posting a review - but that is my style. I usually need that much time to formulate an opinion; other users require less time, I do not believe their opinions any less valid. williamj asks "...5 reviews in ... 24 hours? How's that possible[?]" and I would answer, "With 5 hours of continuous work." I have done that in the past, I won't say it is easy, but it is extremely possible.

I suppose my overall story arc in this novelette is that discussions like this need to be stated clearly and thoroughly. My first urge was to say concisely but I shouldn't practice in hypocrisy as my arguments are rarely concise. Yet illuminating your argument with careful language and good illustration will give birth to better discussions with less animosity garnered from the community. I fear williamj has made a few enemies when he could have started another lively discussion about the responsibilities of the reviewers and the websites. In the end I hope this thread can still be worthwhile. "I'm not a number, I'm a free man!"

Second Grand Order Poobah in the Loyal Order of the Water Buffalo

09-10-08  10:52am - 6021 days #70
Toadsith (0)
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Originally Posted by Riffy:

I got into it in the 1970's when I was at school. Very hard to get now.

I particularly loved their segments of "If Famous Authors Wrote the Comics":

Originally Posted by "If Gilbert & Sullivan wrote Dick Tracy":

Dick Tracy: Though I am trapped and I have no gun
you still can't kill me 'cos it can't be done.
The whole darn force is waiting down below
I summoned all the boys on my wrist radio!

Crooks: He summoned all them cops on his wrist radio!

Dick Tracy: So even if I'm helpless in your evil grip
you cannot kill a flatfoot in a comic strip!

Mad Magazine, 1959

Hehe, classic. "I'm not a number, I'm a free man!"

Second Grand Order Poobah in the Loyal Order of the Water Buffalo

09-09-08  06:16pm - 6022 days #66
Toadsith (0)
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Originally Posted by Riffy:

Mine is Alfred E Neuman...

Mad magazine for those of you who may not know him.

That was such a good publication back in the 50's & 60's. "I'm not a number, I'm a free man!"

Second Grand Order Poobah in the Loyal Order of the Water Buffalo

09-09-08  04:39pm - 6022 days #12
Toadsith (0)
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Originally Posted by messmer:

To me, it looked too clean, Toadsith. :-) When they asked me why I was uninstalling I mentioned the lack of a menu bar as one of the reasons, the other was the lack of a master password. Another reason was the inability to tweak things to meet one's own tastes, e.g. I don't like underlined links but found no way to adjust that. As to the transfer of passwords from Firefox, I think that they transferred the urls of the password using sites but not the passwords themselves. Maybe it's because I am using a Master Password in Firefox.

I love the clean look myself - I've never seen the need for the menu bar to keep taking up space since I only use it once a month at most. Granted tweaking the browser is limited at this stage, but as it gets more popular, I'm guessing that will become easier. I don't use a master password in Firefox, so that is probably why I didn't run into any problems when Chrome grabbed the passwords. I do find it runs considerably faster than Firefox - even counting that I tuned Firefox up for speed. Plus, I love the way it handles the tabbed browsing - it is very slick. Hopefully they will add a master password option for people like you with security concerns, and the cache / history cleaning on close option too. "I'm not a number, I'm a free man!"

Second Grand Order Poobah in the Loyal Order of the Water Buffalo

09-09-08  10:08am - 6022 days #63
Toadsith (0)
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Originally Posted by messmer:

Thanks, toadsith, I went to stock.xchng but they want way too many personal details before they let you look at the pictures, so that one is out. I'm going to have a look through my personal pix and see if I can use something from there. Or, better yet, maybe I'll try the Google Images way.

You can browse stock.xchng without logging in, you just can't get the full resolution images without it. However, since our avatars can only be 100 x 100 pixels max, that shouldn't be a problem. "I'm not a number, I'm a free man!"

Second Grand Order Poobah in the Loyal Order of the Water Buffalo

09-08-08  02:46pm - 6023 days #10
Toadsith (0)
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Originally Posted by messmer:

eliminate all traces of my web activities when leaving the browser, yet keep my passwords.

I'm pretty sure the "Incognito Browsing" feature on Google Chrome will achieve that function for you. I just like how fast and cleanly designed the browser is. It loads pages considerably faster than Firefox.

As for password encryption - I don't know how encrypted Firefox is on that - Chrome pulled the passwords direct from Firefox without even asking directly (it said something like, Get settings from Firefox?). It is partly based off of Mozilla's code as well as other open source code, so that might be why. "I'm not a number, I'm a free man!"

Second Grand Order Poobah in the Loyal Order of the Water Buffalo

09-08-08  02:32pm - 6023 days #60
Toadsith (0)
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Originally Posted by messmer:

Hey guys and Lady J, I am still avatarless after all this time. What's a good site to pick one up. I tried to google one but didn't find anything under their listed sites that suited me. Chances are somebody listed a url somewhere in this conversation already but there are so many posts I don't want to read through them all. :-)

The avatar can be pretty much any picture you want - the restrictions are listed pretty plainly, but I'll repeat them here:

File Formats: .gif, .jpg, or .png
Max. File Size: 15 Kilobytes
Min. Dimensions: 50 x 50 pixels
Max. Dimensions: 100 x 100 pixels
NO Hardcore Content: Boobs are ok, genitals are not.
NO Illegal Content: no child porn, bestiality and other illegal material.
NO Animated Avatars: considered too distracting
Warning: Copyrighted material may be removed if requested by the copyright holder.

In the case of the file format, I personally used a .png file so I could have a transparent background that wouldn't clash with the two possible background colors (white and the normal beige-ish color. Gif can also do transparent backgrounds, but can only support 256 colors, as opposed to 24-bit color capable with .png and .jpg. JPEG (.jpg) cannot support transparent backgrounds.

The content of the avatar can be just about anything - most people have gathered an image or compilation of images via Google Images. If you are worried about Copyright issues, try some of the free stock images sites - my favorite is stock.xchng out of Hungary. Or you could just photograph or draw your own. "I'm not a number, I'm a free man!"

Second Grand Order Poobah in the Loyal Order of the Water Buffalo

09-08-08  10:30am - 6023 days #3
Toadsith (0)
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You didn't need to change if you didn't want to - at this point I just look at people's avatars rather than their names for the most part. None-the-less, may your new title serve you well :-) "I'm not a number, I'm a free man!"

Second Grand Order Poobah in the Loyal Order of the Water Buffalo

09-08-08  10:25am - 6023 days #6
Toadsith (0)
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I'm not familiar with Sea Monkey, but I wanted to point out on a positive note that Google Chrome Beta works fine with this site. :-) "I'm not a number, I'm a free man!"

Second Grand Order Poobah in the Loyal Order of the Water Buffalo

09-07-08  04:45pm - 6024 days #11
Toadsith (0)
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Originally Posted by messmer:

So let's blame Vista and Microsoft. Thanks, guys!

Vista is evil! "I'm not a number, I'm a free man!"

Second Grand Order Poobah in the Loyal Order of the Water Buffalo

09-05-08  02:15pm - 6026 days #8
Toadsith (0)
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Originally Posted by messmer:

The video I picked at random this morning is 472.011 KB in size and about 55 minutes in length with a bitrate around 380, badandy.

My guess is that file links to a streaming video. If your player is reporting the bitrate correctly at 380 kilobits per second and the length is 55 minutes exactly then the math for estimating it's size goes like this:

1 kilobit = 1024 bits

380 kilobits = 389120 bits

55 minutes = 3300 seconds

55 minutes at 380 kbps = 1,284,096,000 bits

1 byte = 8 bits

1,284,096,000 bits = 160,512,000 bytes

1 kilobyte = 1024 bytes

1 megabyte = 1024 kilobytes

160,512,000 bytes =~ 153.1 megabytes

Of course, that is just the video data - the audio data would probably be another 20 megabytes. So the actual file should be in the 175MB range.

None-the-less, for an hour video that is a small file. Even using high compression DivX, that is still going to be a pretty fuzzy looking picture. If the file were really only 472KB for 55 minutes, it would end up looking like porn rendered by an Atari 2600. Even 2 hour movies encoded for tiny cellphone screens tend to be over 100MB.

At any rate, back on your original question: Not only do the compression softwares like to remove all non-visible light for humans like badandy was mentioning, but they also like to merge same color areas together and remove subtle detail in dark shadows or bright whites. Water is often a big pain-in-the-ass for encoding software as it can cover much of the screen and have incredibly complex, changing patterns that simply cannot be compressed without losing detail.

Another very simple trick is anytime the image is still, rather than saving 240 unique frames for a 10 second title card (or 300 for standard video) - the program will save one frame and then instruct the computer to display it for 10 seconds.

One of the big innovations that set DivX apart from other encoding software back in the day was the use of key frames. Every time the video changed significantly enough it would capture a full resolution frame. The key frame is the starting point, for the next frame all DivX would record was the difference between that frame and the key frame. This way full frames would only comprise a small portion of the file and the rest of the video's frames would be rendered from those key frames using the instructions in the file.

In a sense, it uses the same compression ideal that makes vector drawings so small. It takes less space to tell the computer how to render an image using maths than it does to tell the computer what color each pixel should be. "I'm not a number, I'm a free man!"

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09-05-08  01:38pm - 6026 days #10
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Originally Posted by Wittyguy:

For me, I look at this way: Could I ever give up on porn and nuke it all from my hard drive? Probably but it's not enough of an influence on my day to day life where I see having to do that in the near future.

I've nuked my entire collection many times - sometimes just because I needed the spare hard drive to build up a new rig. One time my porn drive became a music drive for my brother's wedding. I certainly enjoy porn, but it is hardly a problem if I delete it all. Frankly, I'd probably be more annoyed if I lost my normal movie collection - largely because I have more money invested in that. "I'm not a number, I'm a free man!"

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09-05-08  12:06pm - 6026 days #6
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Seems fine to me - haven't noticed any particular slow down of any kind, but I'll keep an eye out and report anything that appears out of the ordinary, speed-wise. "I'm not a number, I'm a free man!"

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09-04-08  11:57am - 6027 days #6
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I choose a third choice: Enthusiast

I have numerous hobbies, but the one that most closely coincides with my porn interest is movies. I have a modest movie collection (a couple hundred movies) but I've seen a massive amount of movies. Officially that number is at 1269 - based off the number of ratings I've made on Netflix, but I'm know there are some movies they don't have in their library and certainly there are some that I've somewhat forgotten.

I own certain movies I believe I will watch again with somewhat frequency or want to have on hand to show to another person at a moment's notice. I do not collect movies in the same way as one collects most other things. For example, I own Tim Burton's Batman - but not Batman Returns. Nor do I own every Audrey Hepburn movie - as much as I am a fan of hers. I am an enthusiast, I love movies and I spend a great deal of time and money watching them.

I have a selection of porn - a 500 GB drive dedicated to it. It isn't full yet, and it may be a while before it is. I certainly spend a good deal of money on porn, and I've viewed immense amounts of it - from pictures and videos to books and AIF. Not all of the porn I've seen is worth seeing twice (or even once) - so I don't archive it. I also trim out material in my archive that I haven't been watching. I all admit I have a tendency to archive smaller sites - but later I usually clean out the less-than-stellar material. Is the content highly organized? Yes - I wouldn't watch it at all if I couldn't find it quickly. Porn is to movies as McDonald's is to Brasserie Les Halles. Fast food isn't useful unless it is fast and at easy access - it is the same for porn in my opinion. Yet like movies and books, you always look for new, interesting and different porn. It isn't an addiction in the alcoholic sense nor in the obsessive collecting sense - it is just general enthusiasm for the genre. "I'm not a number, I'm a free man!"

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09-02-08  01:22pm - 6029 days #16
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Originally Posted by messmer:

I kept shaking my head in the same place (Video Box), to the same remarks re. bush. How could, within one decade, tastes change so much that something that was considered to be erotic throughout history all of a sudden become "yuk?"

I think I found about three videos on that site that featured models au naturel, the rest were shaved.

In regards to finding proper natural women on Video Box - while they don't have a "hairy" category, their "Classic" section is pretty large now and I'd say about half the classic movies contain both plot and some (if not all) models with trimmed or natural pubic hair.

As for the main topic - I'm sure if you group us users in age categories you'll find a definite statistical trend of preference towards specific porn categories. Of course, as always with Statistics, it is good at telling you things only about a group. It is useless with individuals. I, for example, have a very eclectic taste in porn - varying from softcore photography to bondage and extreme S&M themes. However, if I were to pick my absolute favorite porn, it would almost certainly hail from the 1970's. Also, my listed age is accurate - if I recall correctly it is required to retrieve our forgotten password (if ever forgotten) so I wasn't remotely inclined to lie. "I'm not a number, I'm a free man!"

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08-19-08  09:04pm - 6042 days #3
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Well you could use a translator plug-in for the Colmax website I suppose, but I'd recommend instead signing up with a site that offers English language support. Try Explicite Art - they too are French - it is the site for famous French pornographer John B. Root. The site is well designed though a bit confusing at first glance. It is maintained well and is available in 5 languages. The quality of the content varies, but anything new is pretty much HD. "I'm not a number, I'm a free man!"

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08-19-08  06:51pm - 6043 days #12
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Originally Posted by Khan:

But certainly you're not suggesting that just because humans have a "long history" with something then it's ok by today's standards. I mention this because it occurs to me that rape also has a long history in both culture and art but I'm pretty sure you wouldn't suggest it is an acceptable practice in today's society.

You are correct, I'm not suggesting that rape or zoophilia are acceptable practices in today's society, as our laws clearly express. That statement was to make the point that it is neither a new nor a particularly unusual phenomena. Whether it stays unacceptable or not as our society changes, only time will tell.

The overall point I was trying to make is that if our laws banish zoophilia solely on the basis of informed consent - they are not in step with our other animal related laws toward animal occupations. Informed consent would be incredibly hard to prove with most animals, even ones with relatively impressive cognitive capacities. Gorillas would probably be the only ones right now that could feasibly provide informed consent. Yet many animals are put in harm's way on a daily basis without that elusive informed consent.

I'm not stating that zoophilia should be or will be made legal in our society anytime soon - I'm stating that if that is the letter of the law, then it should be thrown away and rewritten to something that matches how our government address animals in other respects. I'm simply looking for consistency. I haven't see the specific federal laws that ban zoophilia, perhaps they are more specific, but if not - that is a bit of an incongruity that should be addressed by law makers. "I'm not a number, I'm a free man!"

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08-19-08  03:12pm - 6043 days #9
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Originally Posted by Wittyguy:

One of the main legal limitations imposed on porn is consent. That's why beastiality and child porn is a no-no

Is that the official reason against the legalization of Bestiality? Zoophilia (also known as Bestiality and sometimes Beastiality) has a long history in human culture and artwork. I find it strange to claim sexual relations with an animal cannot be legal because an animal is incapable of informed consent and yet animals are coerced into all kinds of behavior via training.

Informed consent is most certainly not involved with police dogs - they believe it to be a big game. That is largely the reason that police dogs must retire after being shot as they no longer want to play that game. If informed consent is needed for animals to be porn stars, then it should be needed for them to enter any potentially harmful occupations, be it physical or mental harm. If it is absurd to worry about informed consent with a police dog or horse, than the same should go for their participation in the pornographic industry.

Unlike the Zoophilia informed consent hypocrisy, the ban on child porn works fine as children aren't allowed in other potentially dangerous occupations for the same informed consent reason. "I'm not a number, I'm a free man!"

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08-18-08  10:22pm - 6043 days #7
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Originally Posted by pat362:

I don't know if anyone is aware but until the arrival of the internet, it was very rare to impossible to see a girl tied up and being fucked. The rule is quite simple. You can have a girl having sex, but she can't be restrained and vice versa you can have a girl being restrained but no sex.

That is a very good point - in fact, Kink themselves were very, very cautious about producing content that involved both bondage and male/female intercourse (for some reason bondage with female/female intercourse is considered ok). If you are curious about that subject and the origins of Kink as well as a bit of a retrospective on bondage in general, there is a fabulous profile piece by the New York Times on Kink and its owner, Peter Acworth.

http://www.nytimes.com/2007/04/29/magazi...9941be4b&ei=5124" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">"A Disciplined Business"
The New York Times
April 29th, 2007 "I'm not a number, I'm a free man!"

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08-17-08  03:34am - 6045 days #4
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Originally Posted by MargulisAZ:

So what do you guys think about this? And let's be brutally honest. Would that turn you on, or would it disgust you? Have you ever seen something like that before?

Being brutally honest, as you put it, yeah, it might, with this caveat: The scene needs to include a disclaimer of sorts indicating that all activities depicted were consensual. If you edited much of the content produced by Kink.com - you could easily convince a jury it was rape. What makes it ok and sexually appealing is that it isn't - the viewer (and the performers) get to explore that fantasy of rape without actually committing or condoning it.

The scene you describe could be real or it could be a performer losing themselves in the fantasy of it. Without seeing it myself I can't say which side of the fence I believe it falls on. A number of models for Kink have stated that the activities they performed worked as a catharsis for them. The pain was real, but they can cry and scream and yell for whatever reasons they need to - it was as much a form of emotional release as it was a sexual escapade.

Getting to the root of the matter though, the activity isn't really the issue - it is the question of whether all parties involved would agree that the activity was consensual. One of the mandates of freedom, is that others may enjoy freedoms that we do not. Sexually, there are a number of activities I don't find arousing. A few examples: needles, clothes pins and other clamps, anything involving fecal matter or blood, puking, burning. I firmly believe that people should be allowed to perform those activities as long as all parties involved consent to it. Freedom dictates that people be allowed to do all activities, not just ones I agree upon.

Now I will grant that I don't trust my fellow man. That is why there is a government to set limits to our freedoms - like activities that result in the guaranteed death of a being capable of self-recognition (i.e. anything that passes the Mirror Test or equivalent). I'm not a fan of rules, but humans have shown over and over that some rules need to be in place lest things get out of hand. Politically I often find myself in a bit of a conundrum due to the fact that I long for small government in the style of laissez-faire, so I will have free access to porn, explosives, guns and be able to race about at a billion miles an hour. On the other hand, I'd like universal health care and I think minimum wage needs to be there so people don't starve.

I guess I want a small government that protects the little people from poverty and disease but lets the rest of us run around blowing shit up. The wild-west with a smile and clean hospitals. Oh, and no death penalty - because it is hard to say sorry when you've already killed the person (in the case of wrongful convictions). I'm all for personal revenge, but we the people shouldn't be exacting revenge on the individual. Rehabilitation and treatment - fine. Revenge just isn't an action the government should be allowed to take.

At any rate, back to the questions at hand. Have I seen content like that described? Yes. Have I liked it? Some of it, yes. What do I think about it? If it is consensual, then it is a A-OK. Otherwise, not so much. "I'm not a number, I'm a free man!"

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08-17-08  02:27am - 6045 days #5
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Originally Posted by shooterbo:

thanks folks! Is there a special category name for a female/female reverse facesitting situation (my favorite)?

Not quite sure what you mean exactly. Are you talking about a simple lesbian "69", or soixante-neuf, position?

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/69_sex_position "I'm not a number, I'm a free man!"

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08-13-08  01:37pm - 6049 days #3
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Originally Posted by Wittyguy:

The veritable "landing strip" is when a woman shaves everything but a thin vertical strip of pubic hair above her ... (you know what I'm talking about).

Wittyguy nailed it on the head. I've always been amused that a bar near the airport is named the Landing Strip. Rather tongue in cheek I suppose.

Anyway, the landing strip haircut just specifies that the pubic hair doesn't retain the traditional triangular shape of a well trimmed pubic region. The common joke is that a landing strip is intended as something to aim for if the male is withdrawing before ejaculation. "I'm not a number, I'm a free man!"

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08-13-08  01:28pm - 6049 days #51
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Originally Posted by Lady J:

I cant even get my personel avatar to work here they have to be so small!! then how can they really be viewed? Its frustrating

Send me a link to the avatar you normally use and I can convert it into an avatar compatible with this site if you like. "I'm not a number, I'm a free man!"

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08-12-08  09:32am - 6050 days #3
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I've used X-Rent DVD off and on for years. They have a massive collection and prices are pretty reasonable. They too are located out of California - so you'll probably get pretty good shipping speed. They also will do recommendations and allow you to rate DVDs and so on. DVDs ship in a basic looking white envelope labeled 24-7. The main benefit of X-Rent is the sheer number of DVDs they have to choose from. Though they don't have a massive quantity of each DVD, so sometimes you'll have to wait a bit to get a specific DVD. That's why it is important to have a large number of choices in your queue. "I'm not a number, I'm a free man!"

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08-08-08  09:54am - 6054 days #4
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Here here! The PornUsers staff as a whole deserve many accolades - this site runs smoothly and any problems that do surface are resolved posthaste :-) "I'm not a number, I'm a free man!"

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08-06-08  05:25pm - 6056 days #2
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Ah, ok - so you didn't mean killing the guy.

Anyway - any site dedicated to cream pies will fit your criteria. All Internal is a very good choice in that category. "I'm not a number, I'm a free man!"

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08-04-08  02:04pm - 6058 days #2
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Facial Abuse and its related sister sites are pretty extreme while being very simple. As far as "real" - if you are looking content that contains seriously strong Sadomasochism, I haven't seen much of anything online that is legal that beats out Facial Abuse for the reality dominance feel. The basic fact is that if it is legal content, the models are being paid. Facial Abuse takes it to the limit in the matter that many of the models don't appear to be enjoying the action - but they soldier through for the dollars. Kink.com has played with some abduction / rape themes on their various sites but they are very careful do make it very obvious that it is all a game, people are playing parts and the models are enjoying themselves.

John Thompson's sites often feature very extreme content more along the lines of Facial Abuse, but with some extra theatrics and a grittier feel. On the other hand, wherever they find these models I won't know but these models very much enjoy the extreme nature of the action. So again, it is a show.

If you just want extreme content and don't mind that it is an obvious show, try out these two sites. First, Kink.com's Sex and Submission - they combine all sorts of bondage play with actual sex between the dominate male and the submissive female. Secondly is John Thompson's site German Goo Girls, which has a lot of sex and bukkake and generally rough action. Thompson also produces some other sites aiming more toward pissing and such.

If you are insisting on the reality of it all, you are probably going to head away from legal content and I wouldn't recommend that. "I'm not a number, I'm a free man!"

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07-31-08  10:12am - 6062 days #11
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Originally Posted by Khan:

to utter in a bombastic declamatory fashion

Bombastic - oh how I do love that word :-) "I'm not a number, I'm a free man!"

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07-30-08  02:45pm - 6063 days #4
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Originally Posted by Monahan:

Hopefully, like me, you also enjoy strolling up and down Oxford Street on a warm summers afternoon (like July) when the exceedingly well endowed and underadorned British ladies show off their stuff.

Oxford Street, I think I've heard that mentioned on BBC's Top Gear - I gotta visit the UK some time. "I'm not a number, I'm a free man!"

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07-30-08  09:16am - 6063 days #2
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Welcome! Since most of us are consumers, it is always nice to get another voice from the business side of the industry :-) "I'm not a number, I'm a free man!"

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07-29-08  11:15pm - 6063 days #16
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Is obscure really that obscure of a word? I know we all dabble in the fine art of Logorrhea occasionally but I just never thought obscure would garner so much attention as a word. Perhaps I'm being persnickety myself; I'll just scuttle back to my haunt and discontinue my interruption of the etymological foray. "I'm not a number, I'm a free man!"

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07-28-08  05:09pm - 6065 days #37
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Originally Posted by StacieAdams:

I have seen plenty of women who don't turn me on because when they are on film they don't seem to be into it. This ruins a good scene for me, whether they are from Europe or the US, mainstream or amateur (have noticed the problem across all of these). I wish there were an exhibitionist score index somewhere that was a handy guide to how turned on the pornstar is by being on camera.

I couldn't agree more - an Exhibitionist Rating is a wonderful idea. It really is quite a tragedy when stars just phone in their scene. Sadly, I find it is most common to see this in lesbian porn - I think a number of the models are willing to perform with other women, but just aren't all that excited by it. On the flip side though, those who are really do stand out. None-the-less, a less than enthusiastic model can really neuter a scene, even if she is beautiful - Allie Sin comes to mind as one. I've only seen her into maybe 3 or 4 scenes - the rest she might as well be laying on her couch and flipping through channels at 2 in the morning.

[Side Note:] Nina Hartley? And you aren't into classic porn? "I'm not a number, I'm a free man!"

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07-28-08  04:55pm - 6065 days #55
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Originally Posted by StacieAdams:

Wow, this is a popular thread now!
For me the classics have too much plot, tease, and pubic hair, which some of you don't seem to mind.

What else should we look to for a higher bar than the current mainstream of porn?

Pubic hair you will definitely have to get used to if you are watching Classics. You'll see trimmed, but rarely shaved - that wildly popular phenomena is much younger than many people seem to think - 15 years at most by my best estimate.

At any rate, I'm not exactly an expert in the classics, but I've explored my fair share and I find that the plot and tease you mention is somewhat of the allure of the older porn cinema. If you step back into the 70's and early 80's - porn still thought of itself as an offshoot of the Hollywood movie scene. They knew they didn't have as much funding or the same objectives, but they designed movies for customers to buy a ticket, sit down and watch their product from the titles to the credits. A lot more care was taken in the finer points of movie making.

The most noticeable is the cinematography - lighting, interesting camera angles and so on. They also spent time on establishing shots and other scenes to get absorb the viewer into the story and fantasy of it all. Acting could be an issue - no doubt. There are times you had to endure some terrible performances - and in general, there are more clunkers than you can imagine, but those few excellent examples are better pieces of cinema than I've seen out of Silicone Valley in years.

The only recent feature porn films that I've fond to be at all watchable are ones that were complete comedy pieces. Evan Stone has enough of a screen presence to carry a comedy by himself and has done so a few times at least. What makes many of the classics really interesting is that everybody involved was quite interested in doing their best to make a film - not just a series of one-take scenes strapped together with a skimpy plot. They didn't always succeed, but by god were they trying.

So, a few of the oldies I love. I'll start with my absolute favorite that I've watched end-to-end many times:

It is a super classic and is by far the most impressive porn film I've ever seen. From grandiose locations to good writing with a plot specifically designed for the porn rather than strapping the scenes onto a normal movie plot. Many of the shots would make excellent stills. Many of the actors do quite well, no stumbling over lines. Lastly, but not least, the porn itself is great. Lots of variation, nothing gets tired and boring. Hugely recommended.


8 to 4
A send up of the Hollywood comedy, 9 to 5, this film is amusing and enjoyable. Production qualities are decent and the plot is tied together well enough that you may find yourself interested in following the characters all the way through their sex filled day. A guilty pleasure, and worth a watch.


Those two are off the top of my head - I'll have to look through some lists to come up with more that I'd highly recommend - but perhaps those will get you a taste for the appeal of classic porn. "I'm not a number, I'm a free man!"

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07-27-08  01:11pm - 6066 days #7
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The numeric score has been thorn in my side for as long as I've been reviewing sites here. I enjoy picking out all the little pros & cons, and writing the bottom line, though time consuming - I find it to be an art in efficiency - covering all the important topics while staying under the character limit. The part I dread, is that numeric score.

This got me to thinking. For all intents and purposes this should be the quickest and easiest part of the review - two key strokes and I'm done. Yet sometimes I review will sit waiting for hours before I finally decide what to score. Then another user will call me on that score and I'll go through the whole rigmarole again.

My final conclusion is this: A 50 to 100 score option with increments of 1 is 44 more options than I need. I'm also a member of Netflix - and while I don't bother writing up reviews because their character limit is ridiculous - I rate movies all the time. I've scored well over a 1000 movies with that site, and all because they have a 5-star rating system. It is blunt and easy. I don't have to decide why I might score Zatoichi as a 92 and Delicatessen as a 97 - both are a simple 5 stars and can I go along my way.

So the solution I thought I might implement - though I haven't as yet - is to treat the scoring system here in the same manner. A 50 equals no stars. A 60 equals one star, and so on until 99.

As long as the numeric score stays in place, I will not score a 100 - 99 is my Mary Poppins score and in my opinion that is high as it gets. I have never come across a site with no flaws and no room for improvement. People see this opinion as cynical, but in reality it is hopeful. Hopeful in the manner of always seeing room for progress and never content with the status quo.

I returned to VideoBox again recently and must admit they are dangerously close to perfection - their streaming video with the film ribbon of screen caps indicating content at various times is genius. The site has massive amounts of content and a good search system - but still, there is room for improvement. They should expand their niches, their model searching isn't perfect and their streaming video still doesn't look quite as good as DVD quality (though the technology exists - see Hulu). Compared to many sites, they might seem like perfection - but the reality is that every site has its blemish and I believe it is our duty as reviewers to remind them of that blemish. If we stop giving sites a kick in the pants when they fall down, they'll just relax in the mud and progress will grind to a halt.

It might take a damn long while for that to happen - but the basic points are that critics are a necessary evil. So it remains a symbolic gesture on my part to never give a 100 - but it also stands that I don't believe I'm doing my job if I can't find a blemish in the site. It is there, it is always there - if you haven't found it, you haven't searched hard enough.

Let us return to the original topic though. Having even 10 choices for scoring can be difficult - upwards of 50 is mind-numbing. Sure, you can take into account many of the different factors and try to weigh and balance the site accordingly. I myself always check for about 30 different specs while reviewing a site. For me it is this vastness of choice that makes the score so difficult. There are too many factors and too many options. Consequently, I think the scoring debate will continue ad nauseum as long as we have that much choice. One of these days I do plan on switch my scores over to my 6 option system for simplicity's sake. Undoubtedly this will annoy a few, but I find most people ignore the numeric score anyway - so perhaps I'll stop avoiding writing reviews if I can avoid the numeric score thusly. "I'm not a number, I'm a free man!"

Second Grand Order Poobah in the Loyal Order of the Water Buffalo

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