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08-24-13  03:31pm - 4157 days #51
Cybertoad (0)
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Posts: 2,158
Registered: Jan 01, '08
Location: Wash
Originally Posted by Capn:

I think that was just standard internet trolling.

Pay it no mind.

Show me someone who claims never to have made a mistake & I will show you a fool & a liar.


Ok then what do they call me ? I make more mistakes then rights. Since 2007

08-24-13  06:08am - 4157 days #29
Cybertoad (0)
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Location: Wash
Originally Posted by Simarimas:

One thing I have gathered in reading through not just this thread, but nearly all of them, is that more than anything, customers want honesty. If there is a limit on access, just state it. If there is no nudity in a set, say so. As long as the site is honest with you, you are satisfied. It may not be what you are looking for content wise, but at least you will not go away mad.

Yep, thats for sure. Nothing like paying cash and going on and snipe hunt . And at times thats how it feels. Since 2007

08-24-13  06:06am - 4157 days #28
Cybertoad (0)
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Location: Wash
Originally Posted by Simarimas:

Perhaps that is where I am different then. Born and raised in Texas. I won't comment on California, as there is a pretty big rivalry there when it comes to politics etc. And don't want to start an argument with anyone. But I am fiscally conservative, and probably moderate on social issues.

I guess that mindset is just foreign to me. Not how I was brought up to try to screw people over. Be it for money, love, or whatever. This may be counterproductive to running an adult website, but if so, then so be it.

And I actually consider this site a town hall meeting. I think if more webmanagers would become involved here, then it would only help the industry. Unfortunately, just like a true town hall meeting, the public is ranting, but very few (politicians or webmanagers) are listening.

Yes don't let my rambles drag anyone into a political fight hehe. Most here know I am opinionated. Respectful but opinionated. After all its my money I spend through this site and others. So I think being honest how I feel is better then excusing poor behavior ( in my book ).
I think because I like more conservative type porn over progressive lol kinda does duplicate my political view to. However I like to think I sit right in the middle on a lot of stuff. Since 2007

08-24-13  06:01am - 4157 days #29
Cybertoad (0)
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Registered: Jan 01, '08
Location: Wash
Originally Posted by graymane:

Took the words right out of my mouth, my good friend ..
And they look far better, and carry more clout coming out of yours.
I appreciate your valuable support, sir. I urge you to hang around and jump right back in if the sprit moves you.

Yep, but be prepared, you will get a few members wanted
a pink lizard suit wearing a cowboy hat riding a pig in the rain, why listening the Elton John and tossing feathers . Since 2007

08-24-13  05:51am - 4157 days #46
Cybertoad (0)
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Location: Wash
Originally Posted by Simarimas:

Thank you both, more wonderful information. I never really considered the reminder before getting into this thread, but the more I read about the rebills, and non recurring payments, etc. I also believe that is the way to go. I always thought it would be seen as more spam, than a friendly reminder. Though I suppose that would still be in the eye of the beholder.

You could even say in the checkout would you like a reminder and notice of special deals ? Since 2007

08-24-13  05:50am - 4157 days #25
Cybertoad (0)
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Location: Wash
Originally Posted by Simarimas:

A truck with no bumper, and a tent with no stakes. That is just ridiculous, but I have to admit, it made me laugh as well.

So are you saying that in the trial period, say 3 days, there should be no restrictions on downloads of content as well? Or, if it is stated that the trial period has this restriction, is that acceptable? Not saying I am against either, just trying to get an idea of what people expect.

I guess I am saying it should be clear. If its says "full access" Then that means no limits.
Now often times the webmasters fear is you will pay the typical 2.95 and stay up all night stripping the site and leave. So they sneak limits ( not all but some do ).
The practice of a trial is up to the site. But I don't use trials myself usually.
I think if you read around the PU forum you will find we despise most as a group , pre-checked hidden items, and misleading advertising . Like full access when its not and bottom of the page crosschecked sales.
What I think we look for is honesty, offer what you say and say what you offer and the consumer will be there. Twistys is a popular site, with great practices. They exist because they offer exactly what they say at great price and their bottom line shows in them doing well in the economy. (MO)
( PS ya the missing bumper was in California too ok last time picking on Calif. ) Since 2007

08-24-13  05:39am - 4157 days #23
Cybertoad (0)
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Registered: Jan 01, '08
Location: Wash
Originally Posted by Simarimas:

If you must resort to scams, hidden fees, shady business practices, and things of this nature in order to make money, then you don't have much else going for you. I suppose they figure it is like illegal drugs. If I bought bad dope from a dealer, who am I going to complain to? They must think
most people aren't going to tell their friends not to go to a certain site, because they don't want it known they went there in the first place.

Many site owners operate on the new wave of the future.
The consumer owes me because I offer him to spend his money.
California has to be the most fucked up Liberal state I have seen. Where you pay a tip at restaurant even if you get poor service. They tack the tip on the bill if you don't pay they call the cops. ( was born and raised there for 26 years so I can comment on how screwed up it is ) So now you take a state that allows such practices as the porn hub of America. And it all makes sense and false into place.

See Simarimas, many California based webmasters not only think they should be able to trick, manipulate and con the customer, you as the customer should embrace their arrogance and self entitlement. Remember this is a state that tells all school children we are having a contest and everyone wins attitude. The Liberal attitude in the porn capital gets everyone asking wheres mine and you owe me crap. I Obviously moved mainly because of how screwed up businesses were there. ( I WONT EVER BE BACK )
I'll by pass that state at all costs. Not to knock Liberals or California, but progressive never equals a good deal for the consumer never has never will. California's porn businesses prove that all too clear with the me, me me attitude. Sorry if the California comments offend anyone but being born and raised there gives me that privileged. And that state fully represents the worst of the porn industry and its practices. I wish there was a town hall meeting where porn connoisseurs like us could stand up and say hey that messed up.
But sadly more and more businesses justify their acts why putting their boot on the neck of the consumers, why stealing him blind. ( but wait Cybertoad tell us how you really feel LOLOL ) Since 2007 Edited on Aug 24, 2013, 05:43am

08-24-13  05:22am - 4157 days #22
Cybertoad (0)
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Registered: Jan 01, '08
Location: Wash
The reality and sadly in many websites is they fall into poor practices that is exactly what other businesses are doing world wide.
Marcus is dead on the operators are supplying less for more.
21 Sextury was one such site that pissed me off. And bordered of false advertising. They say you get XYZ, but then XYZ had areas that were extra $$$ so leading the consumer to think if you buy XYZ you get that.
I recall in the 1990's I bought a brandnew dodge truck, loaded. At check out I paid and then ask the dealer where was my rear bumper? He said oh that was extra. A trucks many talents is that it can tow. How do you tow without a bumper.
The truck appeared to be the best deal, and was sold as loaded well except the bumper .
Bof A bank tried pulling a stunt like this a few years ago too taking on hidden fees under other fees. I bought a tent awhile back. No tent stakes with it, those where extra ?
WHAT THE FUCK !!!!! Since when do tents not come with tent stakes ? In my 50 years camping never saw one without it.
Oh there are the trials that say full access, you join and find you are limited to content downloads and areas of the site. Again WHAT THE FUCK!!!!

If I pay for a site that means the site should allow access to it. Not nickle and dime my ass for every penny.
21 Sexutry will never see another dime from me, the quality was great but the site was operated in my opinion tricky and shady. Since 2007

08-23-13  09:43pm - 4157 days #43
Cybertoad (0)
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Location: Wash
Originally Posted by Simarimas:

For the non recurring billing cycles, would you be appreciative, or annoyed, by a reminder email, that the subscription is about to expire?

I think reminders are fine, a site being helpful people like, a site making it difficult not so much. Since 2007

08-23-13  07:30pm - 4157 days #13
Cybertoad (0)
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Location: Wash
Originally Posted by Simarimas:

Thanks for the info CT. At the moment I do put the name of the model on each photo on the site. Always in a place that does not cover the model in any way. I actually don't use the site name in the watermarks, because it is about the model, not me.

Me, a trend setter? I don't know if I can live up to that, hahaha.

Well I am not only willing to listen to any and all ideas, I crave them. So feel free to overwhelm me with them.

And once more, I am truly humbled.

I think model names are much more acceptable by viewers then site name that appear like ads. So big Kudos for being ahead of the curve on this . Since 2007

08-23-13  06:27pm - 4157 days #28
Cybertoad (0)
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Location: Wash
Originally Posted by pat362:

It's official. Cameron Bay is HIV+. I hope that she is the only one because she might very not be. My prayers go with her on what is now a life altering event.

Sad very sad indeed. Since 2007

08-23-13  06:25pm - 4157 days #10
Cybertoad (0)
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Location: Wash
Originally Posted by graymane:

Damned, Simarimas ..

Don't think for a minute your questions in these threads are a problem and/or it becomes annoying.
Nothing could be further from the truth.

Here! sit at the head of our table, make yourself right at home and announce what you have to offer ... although we know you can't please everyone or placate every niche, but ideally Porn users will certainly make you glad you came for dinner.

Yes GM nailed it we love to have discussions with webmasters, as rare as it is at times and one that will listen to ideas and thoughts we have is amazing. It is the way we wish all webmasters were. Lets start a trend, webmasters that give a shit LOL. Since 2007

08-23-13  06:23pm - 4157 days #9
Cybertoad (0)
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Location: Wash
Originally Posted by Simarimas:

Perfect information, thank you CT (if you don't mind me shortening that) Exactly what I wanted to know.

One other thing, do these sites offer the zips at a price to non-members? Also, are the zipped pics watermarked? Would a clear watermark across the image be too annoying?

Thanks again.

No usually the person joins and the package is part of it.
There have been rare sites awhile back I joined where you could pay for Video or video and picture. But that is the only correlation close to what you are asking I have seen.

There are two aspects to water marks.
One they protect copyrights, two they take away from the purity of the photo. The one who are subtle are best for the viewer. The thing is watermarks actually do not protect your copyright unless you have an aggressive legal team to be honest. I just bought a few cds on Ebay of photos and all were copyrighted material and this guy make thousands.

In pictures I do I encode watermarks.
This way I know where the mark is and can easily tell a person these are fake because.... and if you don't know where my mark is ? Well then it stolen. Again I would weigh whether I could pursue infringements legally ( it costs allot) And how is the consumer interacting with my stuff.So water making is a win lose thing and only a website owner can say what result they want.

Personally I hate watermarks, I think all should be encoded so they are seen only when a problem arrives and leave a nice clean photo .

Thats my take. Since 2007

08-23-13  05:17pm - 4157 days #6
Cybertoad (0)
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Location: Wash
Originally Posted by Simarimas:

Cybertoad, I am glad to hear about this about the zipped files, something I had wondered about. Whether that was a real need, or just a convenience. But from what I have read around PU, I think it is a necessity now. Do the sites you frequent, that do offer zips, offer them to members free, or are these charged for? And are they just of the set, or do they offer exclusive extra pics in the zip> Again, just curious.

My experience is they are not free but included with the membership. And usually includes the standards set reflecting the video seen often on any sites. Photo only sites why they do not reflect the video cause there is none . They at times are the biggest offenders on zip.

My server experience tells me its far cheaper to allow members to download a 10-20MB file then have them using bandwidth for slide shows and page access. I actually find financially it is better for the website cost wise to have zips. Why some times people do both. I think 99% of my PU photo pals here download zips even if there is a slide show.
Besides that the view at home is far better then a site can offer and quality is better usually. And again it should save bandwidth when one downloads instead of handing on the server 10-15 minutes per set. Oh yes and the file is smaller on the server too. So kinda a win win for everyone and is why I am baffled when sites just have pics and no zip file it feel likes 1998 LOL that the way it was back in the internet stone age. Since 2007

08-23-13  04:47pm - 4157 days #41
Cybertoad (0)
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Location: Wash
Originally Posted by graymane:

Its your call,Simarimas] ... I have no problem with rebilling as long as it includes an equally visible option to pay as you go.
I hasten to add that I think I speak for all of us .
And Thanks, sir , for showing us your interest by posting in our forum.

I agree as well GM, billing length should be optional as the content not billing should make a person come back again next month.
people like to windows shop and options that allow this to be done are very helpful. I join I guess 3outta 5 are less then 2 months. And the option to leave when I wanted was helpful. Those who did not force me to have to stay longer then I wanted, also saw me as a returning customer. Since 2007

08-23-13  04:39pm - 4157 days #3
Cybertoad (0)
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Location: Wash
In a word, Organize.
I am sick of large sites with poor navigation and misguided information. The last 5 outta 5 reviews I did the complaint was poor navigation and way to many cookies and scripts being set at billing time.

Second why doe snot have to do with the credit card it is just as bad a problem.
#2 sites that do not zip their photo's
It cost nothing to zip them free software is abound on the net for .zip and .7z for free and still photo sites make it a chore and in some cases a full time job to download a models set.

I have other concerns but these above waste my time and do not make it easy to use the money I spent.

CT Since 2007

08-23-13  04:02pm - 4157 days #8
Cybertoad (0)
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Location: Wash
Originally Posted by graymane:

Seen a few recent clips, she's made. I gotta tell'ya:
She ain't lost a bit of that early "stacked like a brick-house" figure.
An Legs are ageless and still extraordinarily firm and wrap-around-friendly.

She could check out my books any time.
Id she like to show here my Dewey Decimal system.
Id like to show here were I store the hard files.
I liked to see what I could to make her scream in the library.
I wonder what she would do if my book was over due and I had no money ?

She is a Goddess in the industry . Since 2007

08-23-13  03:59pm - 4157 days #7
Cybertoad (0)
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Location: Wash
Originally Posted by RagingBuddhist:

Damn, Denner - you're old enough to remember what the real "ol' days" were. When I saw your title, I thought you'd found some radical new site that was bringing back memories of the "Ginger/Amber Lynn-Harry Reems-Nina Hartley-Jamie Gillis-Seka-John Holmes" years.

Since 2007

08-22-13  10:23am - 4159 days #25
Cybertoad (0)
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Location: Wash
Originally Posted by graymane:

So, cybertoad ......
Where do I go to get a download of KM and Xnview?
Your bringing this to my attention is much appreciated.

By the way..... I'll donate you an organ if you'll direct me to a good Paint program.

Hi GM I missed your question sorry about that.
KMPlayer here:


Xnview is here


KMplayers video capture is located on the player tool box it looks kinda like a gear shape and under misc that where you activate to record all frames odd place but it in there.

CT Since 2007

08-22-13  10:16am - 4159 days #2
Cybertoad (0)
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Location: Wash
Originally Posted by Denner:

Diesel Media deserves a praise........getting some of the great plesures from a time before this - and not forgotten.
At both Young Legal Porn and 18 Only Girls they got this newer model - not a stunning beauty - but certainly a big time natural: Mika....One vid is: "Lick me, please" - love it.
Reminds me of Aicha - some old timers will remember her from Nubiles - among others.....I still go back and watch those vids/sets with Aicha - now and then.

She is a pure natural beauty for sure thanks for sharing Denner. And Aicha i remember those days Since 2007

08-22-13  10:13am - 4159 days #24
Cybertoad (0)
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Location: Wash
Originally Posted by turboshaft:

18 year old girls know what sex is...they just generally don't acknowledge its more dire consequences, like their own mortality. You know, at that age we were all indestructible.
Of course the fact that people in the US have to purchase private health insurance out of pocket is the real political elephant in the room, not the manufactured controversy that is the legality of porn. But that's perhaps a different topic for another time...

I recall going to parties in the late 70's and 80's and the girls would take on anyone. I often turned that type of girl down because I knew what VD was and how you got it so those women who gave it up to easy were not my taste ( lol and here I say that on a porn site lolol ). Since 2007

08-22-13  10:09am - 4159 days #25
Cybertoad (0)
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Location: Wash
Originally Posted by turboshaft:

I'll see your Playboy and raise you Larry Flynt's Hustler.

I recall when those hit the magazine racks. There was full beaver with no mystery .

I hear what you say about Hustler, but that could be said about a few others too, my thought was that Heff, started the ball rolling ( I think he dropped the ball on an opportunity missed ) but their was hustler, Brazzers which was called something else originally can't remember. Allot of people did some great stuff and then it kinda goes south after their fame I guess.
Since 2007

08-22-13  07:36am - 4159 days #22
Cybertoad (0)
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There is risk with such activity that I think it is sad that in some aspects these are paid slaves with little care to their wellbeing. The reality is 18 year old girls barely know what sex is let alone HEP-C and HIV and what causes it. The producers should teach these ladies how to take care and limit risk., men as well. There are accident each year in porn that never makes then new much cause its porn.
In contrast you never see TV and Movie actor ever put at risk in less risky exposure. That alone should raise red flags for the industry to wake up and help out or the industry may drop out from them. Since 2007

08-22-13  07:28am - 4159 days #8
Cybertoad (0)
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Location: Wash
Originally Posted by turboshaft:

I'm not sure how ebay would monitor bootlegs/piracy without buyers sending complaints directly to them or putting it explicitly in the feedback. It sucks buying online, but especially ebay, because you can't physically handle the product and a lot of time sellers just put up a generic photo for multiple items ("Same photo I use on other items. I don't care, fuck you. But please give me 5 stars!" ).

Laziness, ignorance, and general indifference on the part of sellers is ebay's Achilles heel, IMHO. Sometimes I want to give people bad feedback just from reading one of their listings.

I hear ya, I did complain once on a guy selling adult photos that had brazzers, digitaldesire etc water marked. Took a few months but got a notice saying they verified it was fraud. Problem is they setup shop get closed down. Get a walmart credit card open up a new paypal and ebay account and go back in business. Since 2007

08-22-13  06:06am - 4159 days #23
Cybertoad (0)
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Location: Wash
Originally Posted by Capn:


This forum is just about unique on the internet for being adult about adult concerns.

Which is why I hope at least the forum carries over to any imminent revision of this site.


If you can do something that not everyone else is doing success is just minutes away.
If you look at pioneers in the adult industry the most famous people were ones who did something different and marketed it as such, if people can know your brand you are a sure in to do well. Playboy need I say more. A man listened to what men wanted and succeeded the largest adult industry identity to that date and for decades on.
Playboy only lost ground when the internet and cable took off. Heff I solute you Since 2007

08-22-13  05:57am - 4159 days #6
Cybertoad (0)
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Location: Wash
Originally Posted by turboshaft:

Yet ebay lets you buy and sell (with PayPal) all kinds of porn and sex toys in its "Adults Only" category--the guidelines seem to allow everything damn near everything but used underwear and swearing.

In other words PayPal'll take your dirty heathen money, they just don't want you to be too upfront about what you're buying with it.

Yep, Turbo I just bought some adult DVD's on there with Paypal.
One thing I do not like is Ebay does not monitor copyrighted bootlegs as well as they should , I ended up with an pirated copy a few weeks ago from a guy selling these for years. Since 2007

08-21-13  07:01pm - 4159 days #57
Cybertoad (0)
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Location: Wash
Originally Posted by Simarimas:

Reading through this post, I have a question for everyone. Have you contacted site owners with these thoughts? Given suggestions to them for shoots? Not criticizing, just sincerely curious.

There is something to the same old same old problem. I find myself thinking the same thing when I am doing shoots with my models. We do different outfits every shoot, but it becomes very difficult to find new poses, come up with new ideas for shoots, etc. I know personally, I would LOVE to get input from people on what they want to see us do on the site. Granted I have a small budget, so some things may not be doable as far as settings go, but I would definitely do everything possible to make them work.

Most websites may not look for input on content, I am not sure about that, as I am not your typical adult website guy, I am a regular guy doing the site, so I am outside those circles. But I couldn't imagine not taking my fans, and customers, thoughts to heart.

I will tell you I have given allot of feedback and very little in-response some ideas I had were pretty cool. I am an amateur photographer so gave my ideas to them sites and not even so much as a response. Since 2007

08-21-13  03:23pm - 4160 days #4
Cybertoad (0)
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Thanks Greymane

I do have a Paypal account and was why I was curious.
I will check around and see, hmm maybe paypal allows it but wont say they do >>?? Since 2007

08-21-13  11:26am - 4160 days #258
Cybertoad (0)
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I am still slightly confused.
Is this a downloadable strip site or is it a Cam only style.
I looked at old reviews and the refer strictly to it being a nice cam site is there updates that have changed???


CT Since 2007

08-21-13  08:47am - 4160 days #30
Cybertoad (0)
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Location: Wash
Change of heart, I think.
After along review of the ups and downs at this site.
I came to realize that why the members have a tight nit relationship in the comradry in the niches we share. Our perspective is that of members. Whos users names are all the powers that be know about us.

Its like one can kick and scream until the end, but what will be done will be done. We are customers. Not stock holders. We are just numbers and stats and the act to end many things we may like was done with numbers in mind not our feelings as customers.
However we are personally involved with our wallets and personal lives. Conveying that to a business history shows is futile.

After careful thought I realized it was allot to ask a company to not only see unhappy customers, but then to act accordingly was not going to happen. And as nice as the power that be are. Bottom line we are stats and numbers to a company. No more no less.

So I change my vote to go with the flow on this, because nothing said or done will change what will occur anyways.
So since I like the people and the site, I will stand behind the business changes no matter how insane the seem to me, I feel as one of the long time members I need to be supportive of changes done. So for the record I support the move to upgrade and change the site to new and hopefully better interactions with our hobby. Since 2007

08-21-13  08:33am - 4160 days #253
Cybertoad (0)
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Location: Wash
Originally Posted by Simarimas:

Thanks Capn, hope we are more what you are searching for.

I am looking forward to hear what you think, and open to any suggestions to make the site better.

The site looks small ( unless I am missing something) and reasonably new, but looks very very promising.
Nice to see a site like this. Since 2007

08-21-13  08:16am - 4160 days Original Post - #1
Cybertoad (0)
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Posts: 2,158
Registered: Jan 01, '08
Location: Wash

I recently ask on on a poll about sites that use PayPal.
Apparently in June 2013 Paypal executives voted to approve the use.
These sites apparently accept paypal now .

At : http://paypalporn.blogspot.com/ they put an article and some sites.
( I have not checked or verified the authenticity ).
But leads one to think it has chnaged.

Anyone have any in site on this ?

I will search and add more if I find anything about it.


There is no Paypal option for US based customers, only in Europe (andorra, austria, belgium, cyprus, denmark, finland, france, germany, gibraltar, luxembourgh, greece, greenland, ireland, iceland, isle of man, israel, italy, liechstestein, malta, monaco, netherlands, norway, portugal, romania, san marino, slovenia, spain, sweden, switzerland, turkey, united kingdom, vatican, This is all europe (includes Swiss, Norway, Romania) + Israel, Turkey.)
But that just occurred in June 2013

The USA has not accepted Paypal for porn since the EBAY bought Paypal. Still dont......... Yet ??

CT Since 2007 Edited on Aug 21, 2013, 08:27am

08-20-13  07:10am - 4161 days #23
Cybertoad (0)
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Location: Wash
Originally Posted by graymane:

Thanks, MES.....
I can't believe Cybertoad didn't pick up on that.

...Ummm........LOL oh....... ok . Der..... wheres that boat I missed.

Yep flew right over my head.

Zzzzzzzzoooooom. lol Since 2007

08-19-13  08:40am - 4162 days #31
Cybertoad (0)
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Originally Posted by graymane:

One simply cannot ignore the impact of what our esteemed regular have just brought to our attention.
Kudos are Resoundingly in order to ragingBuddhist for this magnificent contribution.

Yep its kinda like going to Walmart and bitchin about them not carrying your favorite cereal anymore.
There gonna do what they want and really nothing will change that. As I said there are two choices stay and try and adjust or move on. I still do not know what I will do. I agree as RB so eloquently said. It Sucks Balls, and yes not in a good way.

Rick just a side note, leaving the site up 6 months won't replace 6 years of input from members. I have to say it is sad the perspective of why some are here is severely being missed. I too go back and look up stuff and search and many renew old information. I Just left a place of employment after 5 years. Gees If you told me to go back and start over I would think one had lost their minds. I feel thats the situation a new site will open and all will be at square one and everything else will be gone DUST IN THE WIND.

Kinda like hey thanks for the memories heres your gold watch now get out LOL.

Side, side note the site looks pretty nice and I can see allot work going into the change. Its not that I am not sympathetic I am, but I put my time in too so not easy not to feel cheated

CT Since 2007 Edited on Aug 19, 2013, 08:46am

08-19-13  08:31am - 4162 days #29
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I for one appreciate your unique perspective that you bring to the forum, I know I am happy to see you post and that tells me that you are doing ok. There is a certain comradely in that exists around here. Perhaps that why the website changes have my not happy as it may take away from a very unique set of standards I for one have not see anywhere but here. We are all private people but seem to have some insight into each others lives. I think I speak for many when I say, we are pretty blessed to have you be a real person in this group. I would have to say you have to be the most open person on here about whom you are in real life and that pretty cool. So I for one hope that the one foot on the banana peel and one in the grave is along way off from now I think we all benefit having you hear I know I do .

CT Since 2007

08-19-13  08:21am - 4162 days #20
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Originally Posted by graymane:

I for one simply cannot restrain the breath of gratitude I must convey to Mr. Jupiter for gracing this thread with his astonishingly jaw-dropping, and all-impressive reply upon which he's laid this remarkable contribution.

I wish I could get on board, but I can't on this for now.
Just my nature to be suspicious of things like this.
I am hoping I am proven wrong on this, but for now its not passing the taste test for me, but I am always the black sheep in these forums . Since 2007

08-19-13  08:18am - 4162 days #5
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Originally Posted by Ed2009:

Speaking as a webmaster, I prefer to use the members' forum (on my site) to communicate with members. I find about 1 in 3 e-mails I send to members (in reply to their queries/suggestions) get blocked by their e-mail provider. Some I have been able to reach by using other e-mail accounts, but some I find I am completely unable to contact - leaving them with the impression that I don't care. Very annoying.

If their e-mail provider sends me a message saying that the e-mail was blocked I can use other accounts, but often they don't notify me so I don't know whether the customer got it or not.

ED you always seem to be good webmaster , but I think you more the exception top to the rule as seems to me the bigger the internet business is the more outta touch, they act like politicians. Since 2007

08-19-13  08:14am - 4162 days #18
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Originally Posted by mitchell79:

Cnet rates Xplorer2 Pro 5 stars (both editors and users), and starts review with:

"Eat your heart out, Windows Explorer. This powerhouse file manager beats the pants off Microsoft's built-in utility on almost every count."

Having used Windows Explorer, that sounds like what I need. But I will take Cybertoad's suggestion to retain WE as the default. Thanks

I should add when I did try Xplorer as a default I had to uninstall the explorer to put WE as default again that that only flaw I found was that. And as previously mentioned some windows programs by pass default settings and go directly to WE so it seemed to open the Xplorer and the We a the same time and froze. So because WE is more proprietary then say IE or WMP. I saw it as good replacement but the default not working well is WE fault not Xplorers. Since 2007

08-18-13  07:56am - 4163 days #14
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I'll be honest you may lose me as a customer here.
I again see this whole concept missing the boat. The users who have made the site a success are now being and after thought and in a nice way told to deal with it.

I think that it is missed, that we were all loyal customers that who's participation in the site allowed your freedoms as owners to split and ignore the sites contributors. I have spent thousands supporting this site through ads maybe thats why it puts a thorn in my side to see the oh well process.

I have said it before bad practices and making your customers pay for it is hardly fair, but its your money. It is also my money that I may go elsewhere with.

I have to say that I am very disappointed Rick, and actions speak louder than words in a situation like this. I feel like the guy who worked at the business 20 year and then is told oh hey by the way all that hard work you did, hey thanks but we wont be needing it. I may be alone in my thoughts and I love this site and appreciate the ownership too. But not cool how this has gone down.

Nothing personal, I am also the guy at town hall meetings that stands up and says we need crosswalks to make the streets safer kinda guy. So not attacking the changes, but speaking my mind as a paying loyal customer as to whom really will benefit from such changes.
Since 2007 Edited on Aug 18, 2013, 08:00am

08-18-13  07:39am - 4163 days #2
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Not saying this is the the case.
But many online businesses spend more time selling items then customer service. The most successful consumer businesses in the world are masters at consumers happiness.

In a word...........WALMART.

Love em or not they are 100% targeted on the happiness and pleasure of the consumer. Their return policy is near hassle free. Even if the eat it they still try and make you happy.
They put their bottom line on the supplier not the consumer and is why they are sucessful. As some know I do business and security consulting and Walmart regardless of your views is about the consumer, or better said making it appear its about the consumer. Online businesses thing two dimensional they always have. Facebook and alike do not think this was as are successful. Knowing how to run MYSQL and sever does not make you good at business. The misconception is internet business owners think that true and try and do things themselves oblivious to the market from a consumers point of view and is why you feel ignored, its not unusual for online businesses to be blind. Since 2007

08-16-13  03:42pm - 4165 days #5
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Originally Posted by messmer:

Nice rant, CT. I would slightly disagree about some of the causes for today's state of Western Culture but you might be right to a degree that all the things you mentioned contributed to it.

My, not infallible, view on the state of porn is that a whole generation of very young people gained access to it in their early and mid-teens, thanks to the internet, and that, over a period of time, they became more and more desensitized and now demand their fix raw and immediate.

There are other cultural factors at work of course, as you pointed out. My explanation is no doubt subjective and only addresses part of the whole problem.

As in, where were the parents when the kids looked at porn? Where were they when the youngsters were learning how to steal cars in their video games?

There's been a wholesale destruction of the Middle Class and both parents are practically forced to work in order to maintain a reasonable standard of living, creating millions of latch key kids. And then there are others who just plain don't care and their sons pick gangs and guns for security, since it is lacking at home. And on and on!

None of these things are conducive to a kinder and gentler and more sensuous way of living ... or porn. And that's my rant of the day.

I would tend to agree as well with allot of what you said Messmer. Since 2007

08-16-13  07:44am - 4165 days #16
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Originally Posted by hodayathink:

Actually, I would argue that a performer is more likely to catch something like Hep C because tearing (vaginal or anal) is much more likely to happen during a porn scene than it is during regular sex due to various things like the size of the average porn penis, the length of the sex, and the style of sex being had (generally speaking, as deep and as fast as possible). Though previous STD might increase the likelihood somewhat, it wouldn't be as much as those factors.

I would agree completely with this. Good Statement. Since 2007

08-16-13  07:32am - 4165 days #2
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Nailed it............CLINICAL .
Thats the best word to explain it. I think as a society we are becoming allot like this. We live in a world where at an accident some will grab the video camera first then call 911 so they don't miss a shot.

If it were me being older I blame video games.

They make guns fun and they are serious business people blame the NRA. The NRA did not make taking a life a game. Game makers have blurred the lines of children.
They make hiding away in your room socially acceptable for our kids. These games teach stealing from others is ok, and you take Saints Row or GTA games and they glorify crime and drugs and prostitution and killing is just a way of life in a game.

It is no wonder the soft, sensual adult porn, has turned so much as now little Johny is staying up watching porn on the computer and his first exposure is not a sexxy playboy admiring the human body. Its a lady bent over a couch and man pulling her hair shoving his 12" cock in her ass.

You take Gun, games, and sex and they all have exploded do to societies inability to keep reality.....reality.
Ive said before Gun are not bad, neither are video games or porn. However they all can ruin a life and also change your mental perspective. a man with a gun can kill in real life, but he can get extra point and a free motorcycle if 12 year old jimmy kills that man running the pawn shop in Saints Row video game. He can grab a few hookers get a blow job and have sex if he kills even more and robs more.

Is it any wonder we have a society confused with gun, games and sex ? 30 years ago there was no gun control persay, their was playboy and penthouse and Pacman, Asteroids and Pong.
Life was good violence was low in all areas of guns, games and sex. There is one source that teaches that sex, gun and game violence is ok and thats game manufactures that condition children to say killing, robbing and raping is ok, and tells them real sex is a guy with a cock in a womens ass.

No wonder as a world we are fucked up, nothing is the way it was and everything has changed to make us less sensitive to how we teach our children. We teach them Games are fun even if they kill, steal and rape, we teach them guns are fun in games. We teach them sex has no foreplay in real life we teach them women want it rough and dirty and facials.

Why is it like this? I think we as a nation desenitised our youth through 20+ making violence as a who acceptable.
Just look how the youth treat our elderly and authority.
How there is no family time, just dad in the basement with porn, and little Jimmy learning he can waste a whole street of people on Saint Row with his AK47 and sadly every gun in every game is an automatic, when it is illegal and impossible to even get an automatic yet that all you hear in the news. There is something to be said when in the 1990's congress said Grand Theft Auto was too violent. And we ignored those signs. Now we have a nation that does not respect women, or each other.

My Rant ! Since 2007 Edited on Aug 16, 2013, 07:37am

08-16-13  07:13am - 4165 days #15
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Originally Posted by marcdc1:

Thank you for a very clear explanation. I of a process I've been using for years. While I haven't noticed much loss of quality, I bet I will when I upgrade my monitor.

Yes some of my older video from the old monitors get so outta sync they look bad and take some edits to show up ok. Since 2007

08-16-13  07:11am - 4165 days #21
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I must be a bigger fan then I thought a year ago,
I found more erotic sexxy material and went and doubled my collection to over 350,744 pictures. And actually eliminated 2000 videos from my collection.

Gtaymane also KM player will snap shot every frame automatically then one can go back and sift through and pict your favorites,ive done that on a few videos that did not have photos and Xnview has a quick crop etting faster then the others with quickly light and contrast so you can get what you want . I made wallpaper that way. Since 2007

08-15-13  07:27pm - 4165 days #9
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Originally Posted by messmer:

^ What's the full name of ddgirls, ct? Is there anything of the "innocent, sexy, soft" left in the present site? Thanks.

I think now its Digital Desire, Messmer. Since 2007

08-15-13  01:55pm - 4166 days #4
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I have a few videos from the original ddgirls when they first started.
The ladies seemed innocent and sexy as soft and lezbian scenes seemed almost like they cared about each other. I saved them because of the intensity with out the roughness was a wow moment in the site.
They still do well at quality but as I have seen much was missing. After I last joined 21st Sex websites I was taken back on some of the videos that the foreplay was less then 2 minutes. Some solos were good but sex scenes are rushed.
I hate when you can tell some was left on the cutting room floor. I have a keen eye and can npt watch any regular movie or porn without catching inconsistencies. Or when they move scenes around to put something somewhere else, when it can be seen lighting outside changed dramatically. Or stuff moved in the rooms. and then is back a few minutes later.

There are a few out that that remain my favorites and most are more erotic then sex, I have some nude dancing of well known stars that is really good an a nice grind and shake goes along way in my book. Since 2007

08-15-13  10:49am - 4166 days #3
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I think they did a reasonable addition. One aspect I have liked so far is say I open a word document and leave it open on one desktop. Switching desktops is 1 second far faster then opening it. And it does not eat up resources when you switch . I found that very cool.
I am still doing some testing but free and seems to offer the most options for free.
For instance, the ability to customize your display resolution could come in handy if you like to send video from your computer to your TV but lack multiple output settings. You can set a video-specialized desktop in Dexpot and just click to switch when you're in the mood for a movie. It's also great for families, working at home, gaming, and any situation that calls for a different desktop.
I recommend direct download from the site as there are reports even on CNET of spyware and toolbar hijackers, I had no issues direct dl from HERE

I found no ads or anything weird yet, installed on my win7 ultimate 64 no issues so far not a crash or freeze just smooth. Since 2007

08-15-13  09:51am - 4166 days #2
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Hear Hear,

Some feels like a circus act now days. And now here they are for your pleasure two people having sex.


Agree 100% Denner. Since 2007

08-14-13  11:06am - 4167 days Original Post - #1
Cybertoad (0)
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Not since XPPro have I had any luck combining my PC for work play and games.

I came across a DEXPOT that allows you to have several on the fly desktop sessions and even backgrounds, icon etc. I am sure some have heard of it, I just never did.
The fact it allows separate wallpaper,sounds and screen saver and even passwords the desktop from prying eyes is pretty cool and its free ( for personal use ).
So I setup one sexy one, and one game one and one regular business one. and all I do is click a number in the task bar and it changes it. The password one is cool so if you want to leave your movie player open and switch it cant accidentally be clicked and seen without a password. Cool and very very easy to use.
Anyways if you are like me and like switching around to other looks etc, now you can do it easy. I was surprised it was free and no spyware etc that I found. Its been around several years but all the custom options is like having multiple pc's.
I think there is a mac version too but not sure. Since 2007 Edited on Aug 14, 2013, 11:09am

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