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Post History:
pat362 (0)
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02-25-24 10:47am - 375 days | #5 | |
pat362 (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 3,575 Registered: Jan 23, '07 Location: canada |
I'm really glad that she survived because we had already lost two other performers not long before her overdose and now we have lost Kagney Linn Karter to suicide that I fear that if Emily chooses to make a come back to porn then she won't survive the next one. Long live the Brown Coats. | |
02-01-24 07:43pm - 398 days | #4 | |
pat362 (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 3,575 Registered: Jan 23, '07 Location: canada |
I concur that it's truly sad to hear about her and Masumi both dying at about the same time and even sadder that drugs were involved in one but likely both of their deaths. Long live the Brown Coats. | |
09-20-23 03:36pm - 533 days | #4 | |
pat362 (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 3,575 Registered: Jan 23, '07 Location: canada |
The only major problem I have with Indexxx is that so many of the models who appear on that site will never go the midcore route or let alone the hardcore one. That said the few that do are just amazing. Long live the Brown Coats. | |
05-29-22 11:46am - 1012 days | #2 | |
pat362 (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 3,575 Registered: Jan 23, '07 Location: canada |
As far as I know EA doesn't own Jay Sin's content anymore than they own the content of the vast majority of their other producers. They are simply a distributor so a producer could request that all his/her videos be removed and I EA would have to comply but I don't think this is the case here so while EA may claim that they didn't want to be associated with a man who was convicted of owning child pornography. The fact that Jay pleaded guilty 2 years ago and Stagliano as only now removed Jay's movies tends point to the story coming out and Stagliano wanting to avoid negative blowback to the company as opposed to a moral stand point. Long live the Brown Coats. | |
02-01-22 09:40pm - 1128 days | #2 | |
pat362 (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 3,575 Registered: Jan 23, '07 Location: canada |
It was bitter sweet news when they announced that they were shooting a new Dune movie because it was only part one and while I am thrilled that they will shoot part two. Sadly we won't see part two until late 2023 or likely 2024 and worse is that we may not even see the extended version of part one until then or later. An extended 3hr or longer version of part one would go a long way in helping us wait for part two. Long live the Brown Coats. | |
01-13-22 07:43pm - 1147 days | #18 | |
pat362 (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 3,575 Registered: Jan 23, '07 Location: canada |
Making jokes about a pandemic when we are still in it and the end is not on the horizon might have alienated more fans than it brought any new ones and entertainments jobs is to make us forget for a short while what is happening in the real world and joking about Covid would defeat that purpose. I will only add that mo matter how talented he is. I'm not sure even he is capable of making many funny jokes about something that will wind up killing upwards of one million Americans by the time we are through this ordeal. Long live the Brown Coats. | |
01-10-22 09:10am - 1151 days | #2 | |
pat362 (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 3,575 Registered: Jan 23, '07 Location: canada |
I'm sorry to hear about your trouble but the good news is that your post will help many others who might have fallen victim to their less than honest business practice. I've rarely been tempted to take up any of these add-on offers because unless I know exactly what my money will get me then I won't take the plunge. That means I probably lose on some great offers but I avoid getting shafted when the offers turns out to be too good to be true. In many ways Gamma is like Mindgeek in that they are so big that they are everywhere and own everything so it's hard to avoid them but I wish that they weren't as big because things like that wouldn't happen. Long live the Brown Coats. | |
10-16-21 09:04am - 1237 days | #4 | |
pat362 (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 3,575 Registered: Jan 23, '07 Location: canada |
I haven't used them in a while but I have done so many times in the past and didn't have a single issue with them. I put them on the same level as Epoch and CCBill. Long live the Brown Coats. | |
10-04-21 03:51pm - 1249 days | #4 | |
pat362 (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 3,575 Registered: Jan 23, '07 Location: canada |
^Not that it will help but my gut feeling is that this was something shot for a C4S story years ago and this may be the only time that women appeared on video so identifying her might not help because that's all there is. Long live the Brown Coats. | |
10-03-21 11:04am - 1250 days | #2 | |
pat362 (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 3,575 Registered: Jan 23, '07 Location: canada |
Wish I could help but I don't recognize the site that made the video and I don't recognize that woman. When you said a tattoo of Marilyn Monroe then I though of Joanna Angel because if my memory serves me correctly then she has one but it's on her arm and she definitely does not look like the girl in the pics. Long live the Brown Coats. | |
09-15-21 08:51pm - 1267 days | #5 | |
pat362 (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 3,575 Registered: Jan 23, '07 Location: canada |
On a related note. I know I'm kind of alone on this one but Infinity and Endgame basically put the final nail in the MCU coffin for me. I know they will keep churning out more movies because they are too good money makers but I can't watch them anymore now that the entire population of the f..g Universe died and was brought back 5 years later and somehow the world is more of less the same. P.S: One could say carey that you Missed it by this much Long live the Brown Coats. | |
09-04-21 12:50pm - 1279 days | #3 | |
pat362 (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 3,575 Registered: Jan 23, '07 Location: canada |
In case someone hasn't read me mention it before then I am one of those people that is pretty picky about what he downloads so the idea that I could own as much as 15TB of porn is hard for me to imagine. I don't think I've ever download more than maybe 5 TB of porn and about a 1/4 of that is likely me downloading the same video twice because I forgot that I already had it. I still see some good to great videos getting made today but most of what passes for modern porn does very little for me. We have reached the point where modern porn is basically mouths, vaginas or asses getting penetrated by toys, dicks, hands or sometimes feet and the only major difference is the number of article that will penetrate the orifice(s) and the person getting penetrated but too often that last part is negligible as the camera will spend so little time showing her face that the viewer can be forgiven for not knowing who is getting penetrated. Long live the Brown Coats. | |
07-27-21 05:01pm - 1318 days | #2 | |
pat362 (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 3,575 Registered: Jan 23, '07 Location: canada |
The thing with comics as a whole is that every one in a while they have to re-invent or re-imagine a well known character if for no other reason than if they don't then they can't write any more stories because they have all been told. In many ways discussing the sexual experience of most comic book characters is in many ways the same as discussing the sexual experience of our parents. We know they had and still have sex but it's not necessarily something that most people are comfortable discussing because they tend to be asexual in our mind. The only time that I can think of where Superman having sex with Lois lane would not have killed her is in Superman 2 because otherwise Lois was going to discover yhat having sex with Superman was a death sentence for just about anyone. If you don't know what I'm trying to say then enjoy the accompanying linked video to explain it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m_aMss1p8EQ Long live the Brown Coats. | |
06-13-21 07:37pm - 1362 days | #4 | |
pat362 (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 3,575 Registered: Jan 23, '07 Location: canada |
I don't have good news for you because she happens to belong to that elusive group of Eastern European models who wind up doing porn but never have to do few if any b/g videos. In her case she appears to have done 2 b/g videos but they were with a man called Jan of Jannudes a now dead site that if I remember correctly offered glamorous photos. As far as I can tell the The two videos that Club Seventeen offer are the ones she shot with Jan because he sold them to CS when he went out of business. Sadly it's impossible to confirm that CS has the two videos because their preview section is non-existent which in turn means that I would not recommend you join the site. The good news is that while she is a very attractive. There are quite a few women that look a lot like her and these women have a larger library of videos Long live the Brown Coats. | |
05-15-21 12:47pm - 1391 days | #6 | |
pat362 (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 3,575 Registered: Jan 23, '07 Location: canada |
Here's my take on the subject of re-imagining films icons. Why do we have to have a black James Bond? Why do we have to have a black Superman or a black Batman? I've been hearing that B.S for decades and I've yet to hear the reason why. I know that people know the name James Bond, Superman or Batman and this way the producer doesn't have to come up with a new name for their character but here's where I see the problem inherent in re-imagining a well established character. The audience for those movies already know what the character looks like and while they may accept the new version. Other than the race of the character. What is different if he happens to be black? Is he going to have a different back story? If yes, then he isn't actually going to be Superman other than in name? Is he going to fight racial injustice then how exactly is he going to do that? Are we going to have a scene where a black Clark Kent gets harassed by a bunch of racist men and he then kicks the shit out of them or how about a scene where he gets pulled over because he's driving a nice car while being black but later saves the life of the racist white police officer who stopped him then repents and is no longer racist. Excuse the following expletive but FUCK ME. I am beyond tired of film producers using their asses to come up with idiotic ideas instead of actually creating something new that we can talk about for years to come. Is the character going to be any better if the gender or race is different and that is ultimately why news like this make me both sad and angry because the answer is obviously no. Long live the Brown Coats. | |
04-12-21 03:47pm - 1424 days | #2 | |
pat362 (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 3,575 Registered: Jan 23, '07 Location: canada |
If I am correct then the officer is a female and while it's true that the reason for stopping the vehicle was less than ideal. It would appear that There was a warrant out for Mr Wright but none of these things change the fact that another black man was shot for a dubious reason. Long live the Brown Coats. | |
04-12-21 03:45pm - 1424 days | #2 | |
pat362 (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 3,575 Registered: Jan 23, '07 Location: canada |
Poor Holly was forced to move to Los Angeles and then she was forced to sleep with a man who was 53 years older than her and she was forced to do it for over six years because we all know Hugh was a controlling prick who kep her locked away for all those years...Fuck me but I have no patience for people who can't face the reality of their choices instead of blame others. Long live the Brown Coats. | |
03-05-21 03:18pm - 1462 days | #8 | |
pat362 (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 3,575 Registered: Jan 23, '07 Location: canada |
I can't think of a single thing that TBP needs to change or add to make it any better than it is now. Whatever formula the people behind the site came up decades ago still works for me. Just one addendum: I wish TBP had the power to change the level of piracy on the net so that we can maybe go back ot a time when we had multiple studios trying to do their own thing instead of having a few giant companies owning the bulk of all the porn already made of being made. Needless to say I don't think TBP, Rabbit or PU has that power but one can still wish. Long live the Brown Coats. | |
03-05-21 03:12pm - 1462 days | #11 | |
pat362 (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 3,575 Registered: Jan 23, '07 Location: canada |
^I don't know the rules regarding reviews of specific sites within a network but in the past those were accepted as stand alone reviews. Needless to say that someone could easily review a dozen active sites within a network and if the rules are the same then get points for each review and someone who reviews just the network would only get points for that review. Maybe Tom can give us the rules but I think some networks have such a wide range of porn that reviewing the network would limit the amount of information you can offer. Adult Time is a good example because they have so many different sites in the network and each of them have very different kind of porn that it's pretty hard to just review the network. Long live the Brown Coats. | |
02-26-21 03:57pm - 1469 days | #3 | |
pat362 (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 3,575 Registered: Jan 23, '07 Location: canada |
The biggest appeal to a PU review over a TBP/Rabbit review is that it's usually from the point of view of a porn fan like myself as opposed to someone who does it for a living. That gives it as different perspective. Now that doesn't mean I don't appreciate TBP because I have said it plenty of times before. TBP has been my go to review site since my early days of surfing for porn because they have never been people who are going to offer a bullshit review to get money back from the sites they promote. Long live the Brown Coats. | |
02-26-21 03:47pm - 1469 days | #2 | |
pat362 (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 3,575 Registered: Jan 23, '07 Location: canada |
I can't complain about the status of the site or the forum because I'm part of the list of first ones on the site and I don't come here as often as I should and I certainly don't come as often as I used to. sadly many of the first ones are long gone and many of them were a large part of why I came here. It was fun to interact with them but so few people now actively participate in the forum that I wind up interacting with one or two people. I'm not going to ask you to go back and a decades worth of threads but there have been epic back and forth on this forum that I have not seen elsewhere. I don't want to diminish the people who participate in making what PU is now but we have had some seriously smart people who aren't here anymore. Now in regard to the recent AT review. It's not the way I would do it but doug got his point across and justified his score but a fairly long explanation. I'm not entirely sure if the anal in his pros is really a pro by the words he used but I'll y=take him at his word that he enjoys anal porn and joined AT because they have a lot of it. he loses me in the complaining about download limits because 300GB is a shitload of videos in my opinion and if he downloads at a normal rate then he could conceivably download upward of 6000+ videos with his monthly membership. Pardon my French but FUCK ME if that isn't a staggering number of videos. That is at least 12,ooo hours of porn or 500 days worth of porn. Since many of the videos on AT are not in HD then a minimum of 300GB worth of porn per day is in onw word...Gigantic. I haven't disabled my profile yet and I doubt I will do so anytime soon but Participating on a daily or even a regular basis is not something I currently plan to do. I've already stated why. Long live the Brown Coats. | |
02-21-21 04:13pm - 1474 days | #6 | |
pat362 (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 3,575 Registered: Jan 23, '07 Location: canada |
^I agree with you take and I will add that if Cherie thinks what happened to PH is a witch hunt then she must have a very short memory because less than 15 years ago Max Hardcore and in a smaller part John Stagliano could show her what a witch hunt really looks like. At this point no one at PornHub/ModelHub or Mindgeek has been accused of a crime. They have lost their CC processor which granted is basically a stake through the heart of any porn business but you have already well explained that Mindgeek has never been a fair or decent porn company. They basically screwed every other porn studio for years until only a few were left alive and the rest they bought for peanuts. Unless PH/MH was offering a significantly larger portion of the protits to their registered models then I honestly don't see why Cherie is bothered with what happened to PH. I mean you still have Many Vids and C4S that can offer a similar service for models. I also think that if there is money to be made from having that kind of site then somebody not owned by Mindgeek could start their own site offering themselves to all the models who used PH/MH to post videos. Long live the Brown Coats. | |
01-30-21 08:10am - 1496 days | #2 | |
pat362 (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 3,575 Registered: Jan 23, '07 Location: canada |
I have bought a couple of MV videos and was quite happy with my purchases but this platform is nothing like OF. MV is basically C4S with a different name and less clutter. It's also harder to find content which is not great when you consider that it's already hard and very time consuming to find content on C4S. You will often notice that a performer has both a C4S and an MV account and the content and pricing are the same on both platforms. You are best bet when searching for content is to search by performer name and not than sex act. You'll have a smaller headache that way. Long live the Brown Coats. | |
01-21-21 03:23pm - 1505 days | #4 | |
pat362 (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 3,575 Registered: Jan 23, '07 Location: canada |
She belongs to that rare group of models who through talent or maybe luck is able to earn a living for many years doing mostly softcore with some midcore content but never anything that is I consider true hardcore. For that reason I would never join any sites because of her and that includes her own site. That said if she was open to do some hardcore content then she could earn a lot money but I don't think that will ever happen. Long live the Brown Coats. | |
01-21-21 03:12pm - 1505 days | #2 | |
pat362 (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 3,575 Registered: Jan 23, '07 Location: canada |
This is probably telling of how much/little my understanding is of Twitter because I didn't think you needed one to follow performers. At least I don't have one and I can normally read most tweets but clearly I don't get a notice when they tweet or retweet something but I don't care. Long live the Brown Coats. | |
01-10-21 10:33am - 1516 days | #2 | |
pat362 (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 3,575 Registered: Jan 23, '07 Location: canada |
The only thing I can do when I see/hear something like that is laugh because the other option is cry. I mean you either have balls the size of the moon or you are beyond delusional. To call what privately owned companies are doing to a man who as called for violence and insurrection of the duly elected Government censorship is a joke. A bad, unfunny joke with a terrible punch line but a joke nonetheless. I don't think a single one of those companies is doing on morale grounds. They mostly feared the pushback if they had allowed him as well as others to remain on their platforms. It took the storming of the seat of Government before any of those companies took action. I'm not even sure they would have done anything if there had been less violence or deaths. This is probably the best example of why the Government as to start legislating what can be posted on Facebook and twitter. Long live the Brown Coats. | |
12-31-20 07:47am - 1526 days | #10 | |
pat362 (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 3,575 Registered: Jan 23, '07 Location: canada |
^Let me first say that my post was directed at a poster who was complaining about feeling shafted when he had bought a yearly membership during a pandemic where most/if not all sites stopped producing porn for a period of time in 2020 and some have yet to start shooting again. This was his second comment about buying a yearly membership to another site and feeling shafted. I'm glad that people are still supporting the porn industry but I'm not sure buying long term memberships is the best way to do it because unless people have a lot of cash to burn then putting all your money in a few sites means that most of the others will suffer. Of course I don't mean buying a membership to a site that you don't care about but joining those that you like for a month instead. For me Phil-Flash is a scam site because while they claim to be updating with new or remastered content. That content is likely a decade old and selling a 45$ yearly membership seems very high. The 25% monthly isn't much better. Digital Playground is mostly a dead site now and has been dying since the day it was bought by Mindgeek. Their update schedule is horrendous and anyne who signs up for anything other than a month as no one to blame for feeling shafted. Lastly we get to Kink which sadly I now consider a nearly dead network. Let's go down the list of why I write that. 1-Hogtied last update was June and before that they were only updating with two videos per month. 2-The Upper Floor's last update was in April and before that they were only updating once a month and that had been since 2019 because before that they updated at least twice per month. 3-Sex and Submission's last update was in May but before that they were updating at least 2 to 3 times a month. 4-Whipped Ass last update was in May and before that they updated twice a month but they had been doing that for many years. 5-Everthing Butt last update was in April and before that they only updated twice a month and in my opinion the quality of their scenes took a significant drop well before 2020. I could go on but at this point people that join Kink should mostly do it for their extensive library and not for anything they add. Long live the Brown Coats. | |
12-21-20 05:33pm - 1536 days | #8 | |
pat362 (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 3,575 Registered: Jan 23, '07 Location: canada |
At this point I have to wonder why you keep purchasing yearly memberships during a pandemic. The world wide porn industry has been shooting significantly less porn and many sites have simply not shot anything in nearly a year. I can sort of understand joining for a month if you want past content or the site is still updating but no one should be buying year long membership anytime soon. That's just throwing your money away. Long live the Brown Coats. | |
12-21-20 05:26pm - 1536 days | #3 | |
pat362 (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 3,575 Registered: Jan 23, '07 Location: canada |
Maybe someone from PU/TBP/rabbit can confirm but I believe that if you use one of their links to join Brazzer than you get downloads included with your membership but if you use another sites links then you may not. I know I did when I joined recently but I'm no longer a member. Long live the Brown Coats. | |
12-17-20 04:28pm - 1540 days | #2 | |
pat362 (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 3,575 Registered: Jan 23, '07 Location: canada |
I read many of her tweets but ultimately what I got out of them is that Asa has an agenda because this so called war on sex workers is such B.S that I'm surprised people keep up using the same examples. 1-The attack is coming from the two biggest capitalistic CC on the planet and last I checked neither is associated with any Government, Religious group or moral group. Visa and MC are companies that are out to make as much money as they can and until this article came out then they had no problem with PH using their services and pocketing their 3-4%. 2-This isn't the first time that Visa and/or MC have gotten involved with the porn industry because they basically told Kink years ago that they could no longer shoot some of the content they did or they would ban their members from using their services and I don't remember fans and performers saying peep about it. 3-At this point one of the biggest tube site on the planet has been targeted and frankly PH has never been a friend of the porn industry so while many models may be decrying it's disappearance. Unless PH offered a significantly better profit margin to the models who used their services then they still have Many Vids and C4S. They even have OF which is supposedly a Godsend to performers because they get to keep more of the money they earn. The only thing PH had going for them was name recognition but to us fans. That name is bathed in the blood of all the producers and by extension the performers who have lost money because their content wound up on PH a millisecond after it was uploaded on their platform. Long live the Brown Coats. | |
12-06-20 09:49am - 1551 days | #3 | |
pat362 (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 3,575 Registered: Jan 23, '07 Location: canada |
^I agree with you but somehow I think that happiness is not something that Elliot is going to find any time soon if ever. Being a public figure would already be difficult but being an actor/actress with an established profile is going to likely create so many problems for him that I suspect many projects that might have been offered to him will no longer be because producers prefers when it's their project that people talk about and not the people in it and you know this is going to be what anyone is talking about for the next few years. Long live the Brown Coats. | |
12-06-20 09:43am - 1551 days | #10 | |
pat362 (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 3,575 Registered: Jan 23, '07 Location: canada |
I'm really sorry to hear about his Mother. It's bad enough to lose a loved one in normal times but during a pandemic where you are more than likely not able to be with them must be traumatic. When you had that he is suffering from the same infection then the only thing I hope is that he gets well soon. There aren't many of the old guard still active on this site and forum. Long live the Brown Coats. | |
11-19-20 04:42pm - 1568 days | #2 | |
pat362 (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 3,575 Registered: Jan 23, '07 Location: canada |
The two most recent example of the changes are that both Black Widow and Wonder Woman 84 are going the streaming route with very little theater time. Long live the Brown Coats. | |
11-18-20 08:05pm - 1568 days | #7 | |
pat362 (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 3,575 Registered: Jan 23, '07 Location: canada |
While there is no denying that getting your name picked in the raffle is amazing. I joined a couple of sites in the last few months and didn't bother writing a review because I didn't feel like doing it and I knew that meant my name would not be in the draw. I'm currently a member of two sites and I may write a review but it's not because of the raffle. I think what as far more affected the participation in this forum is that we have lost over the last couple of years some of our original members and we haven't added many new ones that are as prolific writers as those great ones. It probably doesn't help that there hasn't been all that many new sites to talk about in the last few years and 2020 as a whole as been even shittier than normal when it comes to life and porn in general. Sadly I visit but don't participate as much here while I am more involved in another forum but I miss interacting with the great ones that made this forum what it is. Long live the Brown Coats. | |
11-16-20 04:10pm - 1571 days | #4 | |
pat362 (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 3,575 Registered: Jan 23, '07 Location: canada |
^I saw Primal which is the movie you referred to. Is it possible that you hadn't seen her in long time? Now I'm not going to claim that her choice of facial surgery aren't grim looking but she had already done some work before recent time so I knew what to expect. Long live the Brown Coats. | |
11-15-20 02:09pm - 1572 days | #2 | |
pat362 (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 3,575 Registered: Jan 23, '07 Location: canada |
I'm afraid you are preaching to the wrong group. Famke belongs to that rarified group of individuals who live and die with their looks and she is a 56 years old woman working in an industry where youth is probably the most important thing to have and when nature does what it does then you start relying on science to alter what time does and it's often more miss than hit. She looks about the same she did in Hansel & Gretel and that movie is 7 years old now. Long live the Brown Coats. | |
10-10-20 08:37pm - 1607 days | #8 | |
pat362 (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 3,575 Registered: Jan 23, '07 Location: canada |
I'm really curious to know how she can say that when the last time we had a similar World Pandemic was over 100 years ago. That particular pandemic killed 20 to 50 millions people and over 500,000 Americans. People went back to see plays in theater after that so why wouldn't people go back to see plays and movies in theaters a year or two from now? Does she believe that just because theaters chains go out of business that someone looking to make money wouldn't just buy the existing properties and go back into business? Long live the Brown Coats. | |
10-09-20 02:56pm - 1609 days | #6 | |
pat362 (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 3,575 Registered: Jan 23, '07 Location: canada |
I think the entertainment industry as a whole has got their proverbial heads up their asses when it comes to ward shows be they the Emmy's, Golden Globe or the Oscars. The simple truth is that I suspect many people are tired of seeing celebrities give each other pats on the back for the great work they are doing and this has been especially true in the last few years but so much more this year. There are over a million people dead in the World from Covid with over 214,000 just in the US. The US is about to reach the milestone of at least 1% of their entire population killed by Covid and Hollywood still thinks people want to watch an award show be it live or virtual. The fact that many movies aren't eligible for nomination because they couldn't be released in a theater and they ahd to include drive-ins is just the tip of the stupid iceberg. They are pushing just about every movie currently in the can to late next year or 2022 while still filming new movies when maybe they should look for streaming options which would ingratiate them to the general public who need to think about something other than Covid and can't go to a theater to see a movie but have a large screen TV that will be more than enough to enjoy most/all movies. Long live the Brown Coats. | |
10-03-20 11:51am - 1615 days | #2 | |
pat362 (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 3,575 Registered: Jan 23, '07 Location: canada |
I think the pandemic as been amazing for OF (Only Fans). For one thing their main competition was the various porn sites but with so many of them shutdown or significantly reducing their output. It has meant that more porn models had to seek other sources of income and their choice was OF. I don't know if OF would be talked about as much if the industry was shooting the amount of porn they normally do because OF business model is such that you are more likely to get screwed out of your money with hope of good content beyond their paywall than actual good content. There is no way to know what your money gets you and the vast majority of the models on OF go out of their way to hide the content. What the Bella incident did is bring to the forefront what was already a a serious problem because so many people got conned out of their money with her bait and switch and then complained that OF had to do something to address the problem but I'm a member on another forum where it's common to read that such and such model as crappy content in her OF account but you would never know that by reading her tweets. The simple fact is that if the content was as great as people hope it is then models would be talking about it to get more people to join their OF account. Long live the Brown Coats. | |
10-02-20 04:03pm - 1616 days | #6 | |
pat362 (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 3,575 Registered: Jan 23, '07 Location: canada |
^^Perspective on cost of porn is something that you can only have if you are of a certain age like myself because I belong to the generation who first saw porn on a big screen and then on VHS tapes. Movie tickets weren't as high as today but salaries weren't as high either. Cost of rental was decent but you still spent probably 5$ for one VHS tape which you had for a couple of days. 25$ got you 5 tapes so at most about 20 scenes but porn producers were better at lying about the content and there was no way to know what you rented until you got home. Today you spend 25$ and get at least hundreds of videos and you can keep watching them once you save them to your HD. Long live the Brown Coats. | |
09-28-20 03:30pm - 1620 days | #3 | |
pat362 (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 3,575 Registered: Jan 23, '07 Location: canada |
^Pretty much every membership I have had offered a discount if I was willing to stay a member beyond the first month and it was usually half the cost of a full membership. ^^The problem with sites doing something like that is that it would be a lose lose for everyone involved because the site would see significantly less money coming in and all members would get less porn because the site got less money. People that are willing to pay for their porn usually don't mind the price they pay for it and the ones that don't want to pay for it find sources where they can get it for free. Long live the Brown Coats. | |
09-22-20 03:36pm - 1626 days | #2 | |
pat362 (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 3,575 Registered: Jan 23, '07 Location: canada |
The biggest problem for Peacock(that is a really dumb name) was that like HBO Max. Neither was offered on the two biggest streaming platforms which are Roku and Amazon Fire. The parent company of Peacock(Universal) tried to play hardball by threatening to pull some of their other streaming services from Roku but I'm not sure that would have been such a threat to Roku. The good news is that Peacock signed a deal with Roku and as of yesterday it is now available on Roku. Long live the Brown Coats. | |
09-21-20 03:40pm - 1627 days | #13 | |
pat362 (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 3,575 Registered: Jan 23, '07 Location: canada |
The only thing that I heard is that George wanted to make a Lucas version of the Rise of Skywalker but only using footage that is already in the can but even if he does that. You can't unscramble the mess that Disney created with the first two movies and there is no money to shoot a new version of the sequels. The best anyone can hope is that fans are forgiving enough that they are willing to give future Disney SW movies a try but there are a lot of things that will have to come together for that to have a chance. I was on You Tube last night and someone did a small fan animated movie of Heir to an Empire. It was amateurish in looks but you could do something similar with a huge budget and I think fans would definitely be willing to see that. You could always recast every major player from the original movies and make a live version of Heir to an Empire but I don't know if there is anyone bold enough to do that. Long live the Brown Coats. | |
09-20-20 03:53pm - 1628 days | #9 | |
pat362 (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 3,575 Registered: Jan 23, '07 Location: canada |
^What if studios decide to drop the price to let's say $15 for streaming only and $30 to download and save as a digital copy? I mean sooner or later studios will have to decide if they are willing to sit on movies for years or release them where they can make more than a decent profit. I don't disagree with you in regards to what Disney could and probably should have have done with SW but that's not what they did. They tried to reboot the original movie using new characters and bringing past ones but they never respected what those past characters meant to existing fans and that is in large part where they got things wrong. The best example of that is what they did to Luke Skywalker. The main hero of the prequels was reduced to a homicidal recluse who left clues to how to find him but never wanted to be found. Many people have argued that a lot could have changed to make him that way and if they had told that story then they might have had a point but that's not what they did. They basically made him that way without any explanation and expected us to be okay with that. How did that work with the end of games of Thrones? How many people were okay with Daenerys going full psycho? It's hard to argue seeing the success of the Mandalorian that there isn't still plenty of great stories to be told using the original timeline as a basis. You don't have to have a Skywalker in the story for it to be a SW movie. All you need is that it looks like the SW universe. That said I would have loved to see movie versions of Timothy Zan's Heir to an Empire series of books. None that I have read come close to recreating the feel of what the SW universe is like and what our main characters are like now that they have defeated the Empire. Long live the Brown Coats. | |
09-20-20 11:12am - 1628 days | #6 | |
pat362 (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 3,575 Registered: Jan 23, '07 Location: canada |
What mostly killed Lynch's Dune was studio involvement in the editing process so that key elements were removed so that the movie would have a shorter run time. If you have ever seen the extended version then you know there is nearly an hour of extra content that would have greatly helped. The other is mostly directed at Lynch who clearly had a different take on Dune in some important elements to the story and these became distracting to fans of the source material. His take on the weirding way is the most glaring of all and makes watching the movie a little hard for me. I give him kudos for the way his Fremen looked as well as the worms which is my favorite version of all and that includes Denis Villeneuve's version. Long live the Brown Coats. | |
09-20-20 11:03am - 1628 days | #5 | |
pat362 (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 3,575 Registered: Jan 23, '07 Location: canada |
^^You are correct that there are two new games but if you checked them then you know they aren't based on the sequels but on the original 3 movies that are 30-40 years old. That is the problem with the Disney sequels. They didn't expand the universe so much as crap on the old one. Don't get me wrong. George pretty much f..cked the pooch with his own prequels but he at least understood the source material and toys and games were created for those prequels. Disney clearly had no idea beyond that they saw how much money George made from Star wars and their greed coupled with their utter disregard for what made Star wars great is what has brought them to here. Their most successful foray in the Star wars universe is The Mandalorian and it's still based in the old SW universe. The Force Awakens was 5 years ago and I still have no clue to what happened to the Republic with the fall of the Empire after Return of the Jedi? Why is the new Republic now the Rebel Alliance? How was the New Order created? These were things that should have been addressed in movie #1 or better yet expand the universe by placing the actions many decades in the future. It's not like having any of the original characters meant much since their on screen time together was zero and they were never key participants in the main story(at least whatever passes for a story in a Disney SW movie). At best they were secondary characters there to move the story along but in the end removing them wouldn't have done much to the overall story. There's talk of shooting a movie based on the Old Republic and that has potential but if Disney is involved beyond paying for it then there is a high probability that it's going to be shite. Long live the Brown Coats. | |
09-17-20 04:44pm - 1631 days | #2 | |
pat362 (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 3,575 Registered: Jan 23, '07 Location: canada |
There is no denying that Covid-19 has hit theaters in such a way that they may never recover for no other reason than it will likely be another year or more before enough people are comfortable going back to theaters and can theaters survive that long with the few people brave or foolish enough to go see a movie? Can studios wait a year or more before releasing the movies they already have in the can? Especially when filming as already begun on new movies that they can't really wait 2-3 years to release. I expect that some will wind up on streaming platforms before making it to dvd/blu-ray without ever going the theater route. Will Hollywood have to change their policies when it comes to the Oscars because the rules are such that only movies released in theaters are allowed to be nominated for an Oscar but if theaters aren't open then does that mean no Oscars in 2021? What should really scare Hollywood is when a guy like me who used to buy at least one dvd each week and went to see a movie almost once a week stopped doing that about 2 years ago because most of the stuff being released was plain boring worthless shit. I think I bought about 3 dvd's in the last 18 months or so and while Ready Player One and The Meg were financial successes. I don't think either one would be considered record breaking by any stretch of the imagination. I'm beyond tired of super hero movies. I don't care to see another Fast and the Furious movie or their clones and don't get me started on another f...ing Batman movie. Disney Star Wars was by all estimate a great financial success box office wise but Disney may have killed what should have been a major cash cow with their contempt for the source material they spent a shitload or money buying from Lucas. Where are the toys from the new movies? where are the upcoming video games based on the new movies? Long live the Brown Coats. | |
09-16-20 03:37pm - 1632 days | #4 | |
pat362 (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 3,575 Registered: Jan 23, '07 Location: canada |
^Porn taste vary from one person to the next and the great thing with performers doing different things is that we get to see one of our favorite do the things we like. I love anal and I like dp's but if I had to pick only one than it would be anal because too often dp's stop being sex acts and become circus acts. Once they get into the double anything then it's pure circus acts. For me Elsa's anal and more than likely dp videos will be a mix of thrill that she is doing on screen anal and dp and bittersweet that she does not look like she used to. The breasts I can more or less overlook because she didn't go too big but the facial surgery means that she looks different. Not necessarily bad different but just different. Long live the Brown Coats. | |
09-15-20 03:27pm - 1633 days | #2 | |
pat362 (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 3,575 Registered: Jan 23, '07 Location: canada |
If you are a fan of Elsa and anal then buckle up because this is not a one and done type of video but part of a showcase series of videos that I suspect will include her first dp. Long live the Brown Coats. | |
09-05-20 11:12am - 1643 days | #9 | |
pat362 (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 3,575 Registered: Jan 23, '07 Location: canada |
^I have yet to contact WD but it's on my list to do that because if they tell me that it's not possible then i will have lost nearly 2 TB of content of which at least half is porn. Long live the Brown Coats. | |
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