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06-15-14  12:10pm - 3860 days #2
pat362 (0)
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Location: canada
I second the sentiment. Long live the Brown Coats.

06-15-14  12:09pm - 3860 days #12
pat362 (0)
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Although I agree with everybody that this is a corporation trying to play the moral card when their business practices are far from moral but is anyone really a loser in this particular decision? Let me explain. I rarely use Google for porn search because 99.9% of all my results are tube and torrent sites. The days where I could enter certain key words and actually get decent links are long gone.

It's much better for a porn site to go the route of TBP/PU or similar review sites. I know you'll say there are no other sites similar to TBP/PU and you are correct but there are still some decent porn review sites. Sites might as well save whatever money they were using for U because they might get a lot more traffic and it's great for customers because they can get access to some great deals by using the TBP/PU links.

Porn is in deep financial trouble in large part because people can easily find free porn just by Googling for it. Advertising has not helped prevent that so the fact that sites can no longer advertise on Google should not affect their bottom dollar. Long live the Brown Coats.

06-11-14  06:27pm - 3863 days #42
pat362 (0)
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^Although a dental dam law may get pass sometime in the future. The current AB1576 does not consider oral sex when it mentions protection and that is the one being talked about. There is no doubt that performers are developing an STI through oral sex but since most of them will also have vaginal and possibly anal sex with the infected partner than the fact that they may have contracted the STI through the oral part of the scene is mostly academic.

As much as the industry keeps saying that AB 1576 is going to be bad for business. The truth is that Wicked is in the top 3 most profitable porn studios right now and all their movies have condoms in them so condoms isn't the real issue.
Having to pay for the test isn't even much of a problem. The simple truth is that the industry would rather talk about anything other than the fact that Manwin who owns most porn publication has well as almost every tube site has been screwing with the industry for nearly a decade to the point where no one makes huge amounts of money. You have the odd studio who still makes a profit but most can barely stay afloat and that includes some big players. Long live the Brown Coats.

06-10-14  05:53pm - 3864 days #37
pat362 (0)
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Here's why AB1576 had to exist and more importantly has to be implemented.

http://www.mikesouth.com/ Long live the Brown Coats.

06-06-14  06:27pm - 3868 days #36
pat362 (0)
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^&^^Here are the problems with allowing "real couples" to go bareback in their penetration scene.

1-How could you prove that the two performers are in a real relationship? I'm not taking the word of a producer who has a vested interest a scene bareback and I don't think an OSHA inspector will.

2-Even if you could prove it then how could you prove that they are in an exclusive relationship? There are currently plenty of performer in relationships and they do shoot the odd scene together but they also shoot with plenty of other performers so.

3-Allowing real coupes to shoot bareback scenes won't change the fact that producers still have to pay for the STD test and that is by far the main reason why studios are fighting this law. Long live the Brown Coats.

06-01-14  01:11pm - 3874 days #2
pat362 (0)
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You'll have a big problem with this type of fetish because I don't think it's required in any Country so no one shoots BJ scenes with condoms. May be one day they will but don't hold your breath. Long live the Brown Coats.

05-31-14  06:44pm - 3874 days #27
pat362 (0)
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^I'm going to take you at your word and assume that what you wrote is the truth so first let me ask you who's rights are being violated with the condom law? I mean it doesn't prevent anyone from shooting with anyone else. All it does is force studios to use condoms during the penetration part of their scenes. I know some have made the argument that the rights of performers to shoot their scenes bareback is being violated but since so many performers now escort and I assume most use a condom than where is the problem with them also using one while doing porn? Especially since it's been proven that you can no longer trust the STI test performers have. Some have used the excuse that condoms cause friction and this can add to the possibility of them getting an infection but Wicked has been using condoms for decades and no one has ever complained so that excuse is hard to accept.

Now as to your choosing to not wear a seatbelt. Why would you do that? A seatbelt is meant to save your life in the event of an accident so you are telling me that you don't care whether you live or die simply because someone in the past made a law based on scientific studies that seatbelts saved more lives than they cost. You do know that makes absolutely no sense. I'd also like to point out that enforcing seatbelt laws probably cost government more money than not doing that because people who used to die in car accidents, prior to seatbelt laws, now survive and cost more money for their medical treatments and rehabilitation. Long live the Brown Coats. Edited on May 31, 2014, 06:50pm

05-31-14  08:10am - 3875 days #25
pat362 (0)
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Originally Posted by Cybertoad:


This is not like seat belts and helmets where the lack of use affects everyone. Its in at the privacy of a studio and art is being done does the government need or should have that right ? I say no.

It's the exact same thing. I don't know if you are aware but motorcycle owners bitched and fought tooth and nail for decades trying to prevent the government from passing any kind of helmet law. The most common statement was usually that it's their right to go without a helmet because it's their life and they can do what they wanted with it. That is only true if you live alone on a desert island but you can't say that if you don't. One person's actions affect more than themselves. It affects their family and friends as well as complete strangers who's life is affected when that free person crashes his bike and requires the services of paramedics, doctors, nurses, polices officers who will have to deal with someone who didn't care enough about the others to wear a helmet while riding a high speed vehicle.

It's no different for the condom debate because the people in the porn industry don't live on a desert island where their actions affect only themselves. In fact it's much worse because unlike a bike helmet. One infected person will automatically infect at least one more person by not wearing a condom. Since so many porn performers now escort on a regular basis than their actions can also infect non-performers.

Originally Posted by Cybertoad:

There will come a time and I will laugh my ass off when you will be sued for not wearing a condom during sex.

Rant Over.

You must already be laughing your ass off because I'm sure that people are getting sued, as I write this, because they did not wear a condom during sex and infected their sexual partner. If not that then guys are getting a nice lawyers letter stating that they are now the father of a beautiful baby and must start paying child support. Long live the Brown Coats.

05-28-14  06:10pm - 3877 days #19
pat362 (0)
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^You'll have to show me where this law prevents anyone other than porn performers from doing what they want with their genitals because all it does is make sure that all performers wear a condom during vaginal or anal penetration.

The biggest California porn studio has been using condoms for penetrations scenes for decades and no one prior to the last 2-3 years had any issue with them. In fact Manwin bought Wicked knowing that they only shot porn with condoms and Manwin is part of the group who's against condoms. Is there any logic in that? Long live the Brown Coats.

05-26-14  05:23pm - 3880 days #17
pat362 (0)
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^I won't comment on the level of regulation for anything else but I have no problem whatsoever with the government getting involved in the porn industry. Performers are getting infected as we speak because some of the people in charge are to cheap and uncaring to want their performers to wear a condom during penetration. Long live the Brown Coats.

05-25-14  06:15pm - 3880 days #1221
pat362 (0)
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^No they weren't. The only reason why Titanic became the hit that it was is because there was a love story between two beautiful young people. You take that out of the movie or girls decide that it's not a believable love story and Titanic becomes the most expensive flop in the history of cinema. Long live the Brown Coats.

05-25-14  06:11pm - 3880 days #14
pat362 (0)
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Originally Posted by turboshaft:

Kink.com has been thinking of moving out of San Francisco for a while now,

I don't know if they will move but I don't think condoms has anything to do with it since office space is at a very high premium in San Francisco and converting the armory in office space would make Peter Acworth countless millions of dollars. Of course if he choses to sell/convert the armory and move to Las Vegas to open a new studio than he is a major idiot because whatever money he will make from the armory will quickly get eaten up opening a new studio in Las Vegas. Not to mention that he will never be able to offer the same type of porn he currently does because the armory gives him multiple studios to shoot from, kitchens and dinning rooms office space for the staff and finally it also has sleeping quarters for staff and performers. None of these things will be possible anywhere else.

Now if Acworth wants to leave porn than selling/converting the armory is a great way to make a huge pile of money but that's it. Long live the Brown Coats.

05-24-14  12:10pm - 3882 days #5
pat362 (0)
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I never use logic when discussing what you can and cannot buy with a credit card because it would be an exercise in futility. What I will say is that there are still some sites with a large percentage of water sports but as far as I know they are all Eastern European in nature. I'm not certain but I think that seeing blood and/or fecal matter in your content is likely to get you blacklisted by every CC Processor. The first because whatever you are shooting is likely to be dangerous to the health of the performer and the later because anything containing fecal matter is considered scat porn and that is probably illegal to show on the net and sell. I'm not saying that it doesn't exist but that I certainly wouldn't want to own a studio that offers this type of content. Long live the Brown Coats.

05-24-14  11:59am - 3882 days #10
pat362 (0)
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^I don't know if you are aware but Acworth is one of the people who is so far up shit creek with OSHA because of serious violations that he's now spent the last year or so spewing BS to try and discredit anyone pro-condom bill. Long live the Brown Coats.

05-24-14  08:12am - 3882 days #8
pat362 (0)
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Originally Posted by LPee23:

The bill as drafted calls not only for condoms for oral but for protective eye wear to be worn according to XBiz.com. There has never in history been a case of HIV transmitted by contact of semen with the mucus membranes of the eyes.

No, it does not. The only thing the bill calls for is condom during vaginal and anal penetration, mandatory 7 day testing and that producers pay for the test. All the other stuff is what some in the industry tried to put forth to scare people. Xbix and AVN are owned by Manwin and you have to take what these sites write about with a large box of salt.

The simple truth is that the industry was asked countless times over the last 10-20 years to implement some industry wide policies regarding the health and well-being of it's performers (specially in regards to STI's) but the industry pretty much said F..f Y.. to the government so what exactly was the government suppose to do?

The fact is that the vast majority of the porn performers have had one or more STI's in the career and although the number of actual HIV performers is tiny. I certainly would be very afraid to hear how many past and present performers have herpes and/or warts and are now infected for life with an incurable disease. Long live the Brown Coats.

05-22-14  06:07pm - 3883 days #5
pat362 (0)
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^&^^I may be way off but I truly believe that the health of the performers is the primary reason for why this law was passed and in this case the politicians were honest while the industry wasn't. Long live the Brown Coats.

05-21-14  06:16pm - 3884 days #2
pat362 (0)
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^It's no secret that I don't mind condoms and I think that in todays porn industry it's a necessity so hopefully we will finally start to see studios only shooting condom porn.

Most people who spoke against the law used a variety of reasons as to why it was a really bad idea but not one of them said the real reason which is that it producers must now pay for the performers test as well as making condoms available on sets so another big expense. Basically money is the reason why some in the industry are against condom in porn and no other reason. Long live the Brown Coats.

05-20-14  06:11pm - 3885 days #1218
pat362 (0)
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^Your reason makes sense and it's probably why I don't like Loopers. I've seen too many time travel movies and TV shows that I need tem to have a certain logic for me to really enjoy the movie Long live the Brown Coats.

05-19-14  05:58pm - 3886 days #6
pat362 (0)
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^That's exactly what I got as well. I was always under the impression that it was an European studio. Long live the Brown Coats.

05-19-14  05:57pm - 3886 days #1216
pat362 (0)
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^I don't know if they were paying homage to the history of Godzilla or the studio responsible for the movie wanted to make sure that Japanese audiences would go see it but one of the main character is Japanese and a large part of story is spent in and around Japan but for once Godzilla doesn't destroy anything in Japan. The US doesn't fare as well.

Do not read below this if you don't want to know Godzilla's fate.

This time around he survives and returns to wherever he comes from(it's somewhat vague). This is a good thing because I read this morning that a sequel has already gotten the go ahead. Long live the Brown Coats.

05-19-14  05:50pm - 3886 days #4
pat362 (0)
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I seem to remember hearing about one Israeli porn movie that was made but this is going back many years now. I do not believe Israeli, Indian, Arabian cultures actually do porn movies. These cultures may enjoy looking at porn (I'm guessing they do) but I think really terrible things would happen to the people who appear in them and therefore most don't. Long live the Brown Coats.

05-18-14  06:20pm - 3887 days #1214
pat362 (0)
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I saw Godzilla this afternoon and I was very pleased with the final product. Here is how you make a movie to please new fans and older fans. The acting is top-notch, the effects are excellent and you don't have to wait an hour and a half to get the big reveal. My only issue with the film and I suspect this is primarily due to the marketing campaign is that Bryan Cranston has a very small role but he's everywhere in the trailers and promos. Long live the Brown Coats.

05-14-14  05:57pm - 3891 days #6
pat362 (0)
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Originally Posted by turboshaft:

I guess it comes down to trying to prove that the offending shoot or video was actually shot in the district

The dumbest prosecutor of all time could prove that the scenes were shot locally since 2257 regulations require that producers keep relevant information on each of their performers so all they need to do is ask the performers if their scenes were shot locally. Long live the Brown Coats.

05-13-14  06:36pm - 3892 days #2
pat362 (0)
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I read some of the article but it's clear that whoever wrote it didn't do a lot of research (if any). I'm a past member of BRCC and ECG so I know the kind of content they offer. I'll tell you about the same thing I did on ADT and it's that I don't believe this guy is big con artist as the article seems to imply.

Is it possible that he is a scumbag? Yes it is. I read some things about him that make him out to be less than a good guy but that he cons these innocent young women into having sex with him in the hopes of getting huge porn offers. Let me ask you. How innocent can a woman be to let a complete stranger fuck her in the ass? 34 of the last 40 women to have appeared on BRCC had anal sex with the guy. I mostly think that he prays on cam models and strippers who have either never heard of the internet or are too lazy to do a quick search.

I would think the fact that he shoots porn in Arizona would be far more interesting a subject for an article as it's technically illegal to do so. Long live the Brown Coats.

05-13-14  06:23pm - 3892 days #3
pat362 (0)
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What site are you refering to because it would be nice for us to know which one to avoid. Long live the Brown Coats.

05-11-14  12:01pm - 3895 days #4
pat362 (0)
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^It's not looking very good for porn in general. I can't say that it surprises me since I've been saying for years that Tube and Torrent sites were killing the industry.

You know it's bad when giants like EA can no longer release semi-decent movies on a regular basis. Imagine how bad it must be for the lower tier players. I just looked at the last 8 releases on EA and you have 2 TS movies where one it's just solo TS masturbating and the other it's also all solo except for two scenes that involve TS having sex with each other, a gigantic fart of a movie by James Deen, then you have a Buttman movie which appear to all contain older scenes followed by 3 anal themed movies (2 from Adriano and 1 from Francesca Lee) and to top this you have an entire movie dedicated to tattooed women. It doesn't really get much better the further I get from the most recent as you can see a recurring theme in the overall quality of the product being offered. Long live the Brown Coats.

05-08-14  05:46pm - 3897 days #2
pat362 (0)
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^I have never read anyone's memoirs and don't plan to ever do that. I can't help but feel that it's impossible for someone to be objective when it comes to talking about themselves and their life so a memoir is basically just one version of the story.

I have read the odd article by performers but most aren't very good and some are really awful. Of course from time to time you will find the rare jewel but don't ask me who wrote it or what is was about. Long live the Brown Coats.

05-06-14  06:37pm - 3899 days Original Post - #1
pat362 (0)
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Maybe I'm alone on this one but I can't help but feel like there has been a significant drop in the quality of the product this studio has put out this year. I know quantity is more or less the same as previous year but It's the finish product that is at issue with me.

That's not to say that they aren't still making some really great movies but if I look at the 40 titles they uploaded in March and April than I can say that about 10 would have made it on my save list which is a not a bad number but I can remember a time when it would have been closer to 20.
Of course the choice of models has a lot to do with my opinion because there are way too many over tattooed girls now in their movies and I'm not talking about girls with multiple small tattoos but large portion of their bodies covered in ink.

I actually cancelled my membership and I had a special price which is telling. Long live the Brown Coats.

05-05-14  05:05pm - 3901 days #11
pat362 (0)
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^The only connection I can see and it's not necessarily a close one is that in some cuckold scene the male will eat the cum from the other guy and I've seen a few scenes where the cuckolded male is wearing women clothes. Now is either of these things common in cuckold porn??? I really don't know as I've already said that I don't like it. Long live the Brown Coats.

04-30-14  06:27pm - 3905 days #2
pat362 (0)
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That would be retired performer Bridgette Kerkove. be advised that the picture is showing what she looked like toward the end of her career. She started looking rather quite different.

http://www.iafd.com/person.rme/perfid=bk...ridgette-kerkove.htm Long live the Brown Coats.

04-28-14  03:59pm - 3908 days #2
pat362 (0)
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I seriously doubt that if someone likes one he or she must automatically like the other. They are so different in nature that they have very little in common. I know that I don't like any kind of cuckold type porn but I do like some tranny/transsexual porn but only if it's a TS with a woman.
I'm not a huge fan but I do find it intriguing at times. Long live the Brown Coats.

04-26-14  09:52am - 3910 days #2
pat362 (0)
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I had the hardest time finding any info on this site and I know TBP/PU is not even allowing anyone to view their old review so my guess is that it was a bad site to join. In many ways it's better that it doesn't exist anymore because it was more scam than honest. This was basically a BTS type of site where you got to watch a porn video being made and could interact with the performers and director. You had to pay extra to actually see the finish product.

I'm not aware of anything like this so if you were hoping for some good news than you won't find it here. Long live the Brown Coats.

04-26-14  09:27am - 3910 days #11
pat362 (0)
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^Yeah I can just see the comments in the forum when the winner bitches that he got an STd during his trip. Long live the Brown Coats.

04-22-14  05:59pm - 3913 days #8
pat362 (0)
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Originally Posted by Wittyguy:

I stand by original post of 4 years ago but add this observation: I sort of wonder how many of the women that cater to these places are trafficked there.

Seeing as it's very common for European porn performer to do the escort tour thing in various European cities than how hard would it be for one of them or regular prostitutes to be offered a similar type of deal but in a resort?

Maybe it's because we are more knowledgeable than other people but how could anyone believe that a woman sleeping with him for money is guaranteed to be free of std? The fact that she is a prostitute if everything except name should be a big clue. Long live the Brown Coats.

04-22-14  05:47pm - 3913 days #4
pat362 (0)
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^Not a problem because I had high hope that Marie would do anal at some point but it never happened and I don't think she is shooting porn these days or at least very little. Long live the Brown Coats.

04-20-14  11:01am - 3916 days #2
pat362 (0)
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I'm not aware that Marie ever did any anal beyond a small toy on "in the crack" and an ass hook on a BSDM site. Long live the Brown Coats.

04-12-14  10:25am - 3924 days #6
pat362 (0)
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The reason why Playboy, Penthouse and Hustler have a much bigger name recognition than any porn site is that they all precede the internet by decades. Playboy is 61, Penthouse is 48 and Hustler 40. How old is the oldest porn site? Is it even active? Long live the Brown Coats.

04-06-14  07:43am - 3930 days #4
pat362 (0)
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Great now I and everybody else on PU will have to watch out for lights in the sky.

Thank you for this. It brought a smile to my face. Long live the Brown Coats.

04-06-14  07:40am - 3930 days #2
pat362 (0)
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I was under the impression that Clara's site had already been dead for a couple of years. I stopped visiting it a year or more ago because there were never any new updates being added. Long live the Brown Coats.

04-03-14  06:17pm - 3932 days #19
pat362 (0)
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Originally Posted by LPee23:

Saeeda Vorajee aka Sahara Knite worked in porn and even did two scenes for wettingherpanties.com before moving

HBO has always been an equal opportunity employer when it comes to porn performers. It's not like they haven't been pushing the envelope when it coms to showing sex scenes. One could argue that a large part of why they are such a popular cable channel is because of the graphic sex scenes they show.

Now it's true that Sahara shot a few scenes for GOT but she is by no means the only porn performer to have done so and more importantly her role is not as important as the one that Sibel Kikelli plays on a regular basis. Sibel was a famous German porn actress who came into the industry in early 2000 and transitioned to mainstream. I believe she was nominated for a few awards and may even have won some. Long live the Brown Coats.

04-03-14  05:55pm - 3932 days #23
pat362 (0)
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^The only reason I said that about Bonnie is because she keeps getting nominated for awards and I believe that she has won some as well. Now it's quite possible that her popularity is all fabricated by certain people within the porn industry and if that is the case than great because I would much prefer that then to think that she is a uber popular performer because of her body art. Long live the Brown Coats.

04-03-14  05:47pm - 3932 days #2
pat362 (0)
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^I'm no expert because the only TS porn that I watch is the kind where it's a girl with a TS and nothing else. Maybe it's a cultural thing where TS are more acceptable in South America than in other parts of the world. I know that SA has a lot of TS porn but if you look at the TS performers on Kink's sites then you will see that they aren't from Brazil or South America. Long live the Brown Coats.

04-02-14  06:24pm - 3933 days #20
pat362 (0)
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^Once upon a time you would have been correct that girls could make a 1000$ a day but this is no longer the case in todays porn industry. Many of them still get paid 1000$ or more for a b/g scene but producers are starting to offer less money for a scene. Since so many studios died in the last few years than there are less and less people hiring girls and that creates a sort of monopoly on employers.
Even those studios that hire on a regular basis have either cut down on their total output or must cut their cost to make a profit so they have a vested interest in offering less money to the girls.

It doesn't help that there is a huge talent pool of girls willing to do porn so that although it's getting rare to see a performer stay in the industry for a year. There is always a new girl willing to take her place and that means that you have a situation where multiple girls all needing money are fighting for the few available jobs.

That's why a producer who just a few years ago would have had to pay a girl 1000$ for a standard b/g scene can now get away with paying her 800$ or less. He knows that the girl needs the money and if she won't do it than the next one will and fan appreciation is no longer a thing to worry about. I know that 800$ is a lot of money for one day of work for almost anyone but if this is the only job that this girl gets in the week than her weekly salary starts to look a lot like ours and now that testing is every two weeks and girls have to pay for it than that's about 200$ out of their pocket and let's not forget that she had to pay her agent fee of 10% to 20% on the scene. Long live the Brown Coats.

03-31-14  05:36pm - 3935 days #17
pat362 (0)
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Location: canada
^You may be right but I think it's more a question of the increase in std's and not just the curable kind but the incurable ones that has started to scare away many would be performers. It also really doesn't help that so many porn companies have gone out of business and all the others are looking to save money so there are less and less jobs for a large and larger pool of talent and producers are starting to ask the girls to work for smaller fees all the time.

Welcome to porn in the era of tube and torrent sites. When less and less people pay for it then producers produce less and less porn. Long live the Brown Coats.

03-31-14  05:30pm - 3936 days #3
pat362 (0)
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Location: canada
I use any video converter vs 3.0.5. I say this because my version if a free one. I remember once making the mistake of updating my version to a newer on (they're at vs 5.5.and I lost the free aspect of the software. I'm including the official link of the software but I can't tell you which version it will be.


These are the formats for input:

3G2, 3GP, AMV, AVI, AVS, DAT, DIVX, DV, FLV, M1V, M2TS, M2V, M4V*, MKV, MOV, MP4, MPE, MPG, MPV, OGM, QT, RM, RMVB, VOB, WMV *, and more!

Videos from YouTube, Google, and Nico Video are also supported.

* DRM protected M4V and WMV files can't be converted by this program.

These are the output formats:

Video: MP4, MPG, WMV, FLV, SWF, 3GP, 3G2, AVI, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MKV
Audio: MP3, WMA, AAC, OGG, WAV, M4A Long live the Brown Coats.

03-30-14  10:02am - 3937 days #7
pat362 (0)
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Location: canada
^Yes, for this time but when will you ever spend any amount on this site based on their update schedule? Long live the Brown Coats.

03-30-14  10:01am - 3937 days #16
pat362 (0)
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Location: canada
^I think you misunderstood what I wrote. I'm not saying that we don't have any amazing looking porn performers because you have already named some of them but these are performers from Canada who had careers of various levels in the US but little if any in Canada. I'd also like to point out that I think every girls you named have been retired for a while now. Long live the Brown Coats.

03-30-14  09:49am - 3937 days #14
pat362 (0)
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Location: canada
^I see it differently because I don't think that many fans like them so much as they are now resigned to seeing them. I know many people will point to Bonnie in saying that Americans must love tattooed girls because if there was ever a poster child for popular tattooed girls than Bonnie would be her but the general consensus on other forum is that she is more the exception than the rule and a large part is because she doesn't mind shooting a nastier brand of porn than some fans simply love.

I don't think that American porn performers are getting tattoos after joining porn so much as the amount of women willing to do porn is getting so small that producers are now reduced to hiring girls with tattoos or running out of new models. The problem with hiring girls with tattoos is that these girls seem destined to add more ink to their bodies and usually want to go bigger than smaller. Long live the Brown Coats.

03-29-14  06:40pm - 3937 days #12
pat362 (0)
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Registered: Jan 23, '07
Location: canada
Originally Posted by rearadmiral:

I realize that what you wrote is quite contradictory, but it's an opinion that I share.

I'm not a fan of tattoos but some models can still make it on my list of favorite if they have multiple tattoos but can think of with a huge amount of tattoos is Johanna Angel.

I really like Asphyxia but I don't consider her to be a very tattooed girl. She has a couple of very visible ones one her face but few on her body. In no way can she be in the same list as Bonnie and Krysta who are very tattooed. Long live the Brown Coats.

03-29-14  09:45am - 3938 days #3
pat362 (0)
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Registered: Jan 23, '07
Location: canada
It's often easier to tell how old video content is because resolution prior to 4-5 years ago was significantly lower than it is now and most sites have kept up to date on the newer resolutions but it must be a lot harder for photos since camera resolutions have been very high for a much longer time. Long live the Brown Coats.

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