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01-25-17  01:56pm - 2968 days #9
pat362 (0)
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Location: canada
Before I start to offer some suggestion I just have one question for you. How much money are you willing or able to invest in this site? Long live the Brown Coats.

01-21-17  09:01am - 2973 days #5
pat362 (0)
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I could be in left field but I think that even if you have a very high speed internet connection. This doesn't mean that you can download files at the maximum capacity your ISP offers for no other reason than your download speed is really controlled by the site you are trying to download from. Now of course a high speed internet will go a long way in accelerating the download speed but I suspect that you may never be able to utilize the full download speeds your ISP offers.

There is also the peak hours effect to consider. A site may get significantly less traffic at specific hours of the day and therefore your download speed will be significantly faster during those periods than when there more users online. Long live the Brown Coats.

01-20-17  05:19pm - 2973 days #5
pat362 (0)
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I'm afraid I can't add anything because as the OP stated it's January 2017 and I'd like to wait at least 3 months before I comment on the great stuff I have seen in 2017. In fact 4-5 would be significantly better. Long live the Brown Coats.

01-19-17  06:00pm - 2974 days #9
pat362 (0)
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^It's strange that you say a Japanese company was caught with uncensored porn and somehow they are in the wrong. The law may have changed recently but if it hasn't then as far as I know it is quite legal to produce uncensored porn in Japan as long as it's only available outside of the Country. Now this being a website than all they have to do is make sure that no ISP from Japan can access the site and voila no problems anymore. Of course there problem might be something different. Long live the Brown Coats.

01-17-17  03:35pm - 2976 days #5
pat362 (0)
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^I'll second Amanda's comment. Mind you since they are closing then I can't see why they would care all that much. Especially since they are getting the same person to pay twice for the same content. Long live the Brown Coats.

01-15-17  05:24pm - 2978 days #2
pat362 (0)
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^Your situation seems to be a rather unique one because your card was used by another person to access cam content to the sum of 1250$ from another Country. The company credited you but they still came out the loser because I assume that there was an actual charge. The fact that you travel overseas probably doesn't help because the company now knows that it would be possible for you to access porn from another Country than the one you used to sign up and then complain that your card was illegally used. I'm not accusing you of this but simply pointing out what it looks like from the outside. I suspect that a company in these hard times simply can't take the chance of that happening to them a second time regardless that you were innocent of the crime.

The good news is that you don't seem to be blacklisted from other cam sites. Long live the Brown Coats.

01-15-17  09:56am - 2979 days #2
pat362 (0)
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^I don't know what you consider out dated but there is a May 2016 review of Private Classic on TBP and an Oct 2016 on Rabbits website. In my book these are recent reviews and should be trusted to be accurate.

The news is even better for Private.Com because there is a Jan 2017 review on TBP. Now normally I would have said to avoid joining Private casting because the reviews on TBP, and Rabbits site both give a score below 80% which to me is a clear sign that you want to avoid joining that site but you already get access to that site with your Private membership.

To conclude you can either join both Private and Private casting for about 35$ or join one first and see what they offer before joining the other site. At this point I do not know if there is any overlap in content between the two sites. I hope that Private casting truly is a library of their older movies all available under one site. Long live the Brown Coats.

01-14-17  10:23am - 2980 days #3
pat362 (0)
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^I agree that guys like you and me who still pay for our porn are helping the industry but you do realise that the OP is talking about pornhub. That is one of the biggest tube site on the net and by default one of the biggest content thieves on the net. Who gives a fuck what they have to say. How about they close their doors and instead invest their stolen money into producing their own content instead. Long live the Brown Coats.

01-13-17  05:36pm - 2980 days #4
pat362 (0)
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If you think you should quit watching porn than the best thing to do is to at least take some time off. Start small like a week or two and see how it goes. I have taken some time off from watching porn and these days I don't dedicate all that much time to it because I much prefer reading or playing with Skyrim. Long live the Brown Coats.

01-12-17  03:41pm - 2981 days #21
pat362 (0)
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^I think the correct expression should be" There are very few studios that wouldn't be lightning rods for obscenity prosecutions". Think about it. Max Hardcore was accused of producing child pornography when everyone involved with the case knew that all the performers in his movies were of legal age. Of course they didn't prosecute him on those charges because of the above facts but he was still accused and that added an extra dimension to the prosecutions ability to bargain with Max's lawyers. Long live the Brown Coats.

01-08-17  10:24am - 2986 days #14
pat362 (0)
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^True but at least all the conversation is in English even if it's the translator who is relaying the info. It would be a lot worse if there were only subtitles. Long live the Brown Coats.

01-07-17  09:23am - 2987 days #11
pat362 (0)
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^Download speed will vary a great deal based on the size of the video file because Pierre has started to offer his videos in 4K. The good news is that you aren't limited to 4K videos so if you choose a lower resolution video than it will obviously download a lot faster because it's much smaller.

I've never had any complaints with Pierre's download speeds in large part because I'm a returning member who doesn't have to download as much content as a newbie each time I join. I wouldn't let download speeds to stop me from joining Pierre sites because there is just too much great porn to be found that I have to join at least twice each year. Long live the Brown Coats.

01-05-17  11:01am - 2988 days #8
pat362 (0)
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^I'm not really a nomad when it comes to my porn. The kind that I like today is the same that I liked decades ago. That doesn't mean that I don't keep on searching for new sites to join but these mythical sites will only be new to me in the sense that I didn't know they existed. Their content will not be because if it isn't the kind of stuff that I have always liked than I won't join.

What really sucks for me and I guess many long term porn fans is that there are very few true new sites. Most of what appears under "new sites" on TBP tends to fall under two categories.

The first category are sites that I call the remastered video sites. These pass off their old content as new. For a good example see my recent review of Your Mom Loves Anal.

The second category are sites that offer the videos from other sites as being their own. They are in many ways similar to the above category but the differences are that they don't necessarily remaster any of the videos and it's quite possible that you already own many of their videos since they bought them from sites that were once popular.

The only sites I can think of that have appeared in the last five years and offer a brand of porn that was not represented or was only represented by a couple of sites are Tushy, Blacked and Vixen. None of these sites invented the wheel but they all managed to create a type of porn that was only available with sites like X-Art and the WOW series of sites and even then those sites mostly hired European models so that there was no North American equivalent until Tush, Black and Vix arrived. Legal Porno is probably the only European site that comes to mind when I think of being very different from the other sites and although it precedes the last five years. I would argue that it has really come into prominence only in the last five years. Long live the Brown Coats.

01-01-17  08:35am - 2993 days #23
pat362 (0)
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Originally Posted by Otrivine:

First of all thanks for all the comments so far on this topic. If we make a little calculation : € 55,99 for three months basic membership + 3x € 29,99 to allow three months of download makes a total of € 149,96. For this price I probably have a full year of membership at many other porn websites download included. Take Brazzers one year membership : € 119,88, Evil Angel one year : € 139,95, Private : € 149,95 to give a few examples and all these websites offer full download of their content. I'm sorry but where is this leading to? If this will be the future way of doing business in the porn industry I will never ever join a website again. Next time I'll join a website I will be a lot more careful before joining because I learned a valuable lesson.

Although the no download is already a bad thing. The fact that you were charged in Euro's is far more troubling. If there is one thing that would piss me off would be if I got charged more for the same content as say someone in North America because I happen to live in Europe. At least when I join a US site from Canada. All I have to worry is the exchange rate. Most European sites don't charge me in Euro's. The cost is usually in US dollars. Long live the Brown Coats.

12-31-16  09:13am - 2994 days #2
pat362 (0)
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It's never happened to me and I seriously doubt it ever will. In fact I have never actually met a porn performer. Long live the Brown Coats.

12-30-16  05:31pm - 2994 days #9
pat362 (0)
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^I'll second your wish and add

1-I want to see a studio willing to shoot scenario based videos where there is some acting a huge amount of foreplay(with lots of kissing) and sex scenes that have hardcore in them but somehow were shot in such a way that they could pass for softcore or at the most midcore with some editing.

2-I want to see a lesbian site that will shoot scenario based porn with an emphasis on anal but more like the kind Tushy does than what Kink or Evil Angel usually puts out.

3-I want all the porn sites to start hiring makeup artist so that they can make sure that each performers looks their best as opposed to what most of them currently do which is not give a shit. No offense but I'm aware that we all have skin blemishes but if mainstream media is able to make them disappear on their stars than I'm pretty sure porn can do the same for their performers and it's not going to cost them thousands of dollars to do it. In fact since porn performers have to be naked than it's even more important to hide razor burns, pimples and other skin blemishes. Long live the Brown Coats.

12-30-16  08:15am - 2995 days #21
pat362 (0)
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Originally Posted by malikstarks:

Good Points, I am sympathetic to the plight of porn producers and performers these days. In fact I made a thread about piracy a few years back. I will say though that I still think this practice by DP is a little shady at least on the surface

Don't get me wrong. I also think that what DP is doing is borderline crooked because not everyone is going to stop and think before joining the site or is even aware of sites like TBP/PU and therefore don't know that it's a sort of pseudo-streaming only site but all of these things should not make it morally acceptable for anybody to steal the content that sites had to fork over large sums of money to produce. Long live the Brown Coats.

12-28-16  05:19pm - 2996 days #17
pat362 (0)
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Originally Posted by malikstarks:

You know it's estimated that only 11% of porn consumers actually pay for their content. Considering this, you'd think these companies would be bending over backward to please the paying customers instead of nickle-and-diming

1-Just because someone is part of the 11% paying for it doesn't mean that he isn't above re-selling the material he legally paid for by uploading it on sites where you get credits for doing that.

2-In this instance the site in question did not nickel and dime the OP because he had all the tools at his disposal and did not use them. They would have either saved him some hard earned cash or serious annoyance.

3-These days you can get access to most porn sites for a fraction of the cost these same sites would have charged just a few years ago. Although I would be thrilled to believe that they do this because business is amazing but sadly I think that they do it because they would rather make significantly less money than to make none and go out of business. Long live the Brown Coats.

12-26-16  05:30pm - 2998 days #6
pat362 (0)
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^That may be true but Kink is still in deep shit with OSHA in part of something that happened on one of their sets where the scene should have been stopped and wasn't.

I have no problem blaming Brazzer or to be more precise Mindgeek but let's not forget that it wasn't exactly a decade ago that Stoya accused James Deen of a similar thing and then all of a sudden a bunch of other women came out saying that they were also roughed up by James while filming scenes for various porn studios. I don't know about the rest of you but I certainly remember that not that long ago spitting, chocking, slapping and a general disregard for the comfort of the women was common in too many gonzo videos. Although we see less of this now. I don't think it's because the producer now care so much as there are simply less porn being made and less studios that shoot a more mysogynist type of porn. Long live the Brown Coats.

12-25-16  10:26am - 2999 days #8
pat362 (0)
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^So basically you can't actually download to save for later so much as download to speed the streaming of the videos.

That's the kind of info that is crucial in reviews of so-called streaming only sites because others might think like you and be very surprised the day after their membership runs out and they want to watch a saved streaming video. Long live the Brown Coats.

12-24-16  10:39am - 3000 days #4
pat362 (0)
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I want to first say that I'm sorry for your problem. Now my below statement has less to do with picking on you and more to do with being an important piece of advice that every visitor to PU and TBP should take to heart prior to joining any site now and forever and ever.

Here Goes:

****Please read the most recent reviews and comments prior to joining any site that happens to be advertised on TBP/PU and Rabbit's site***

I don't think you did that because it's quite clear on TBP's June 13 2016 TBP review that the people(assholes) who manage the DP site offer streaming only content unless you pay a premium price. In fact their entire price scheme is kind of fucked up. The TBP/PU one month membership price is 17.95$ while the 3 month one is 59.95$. If my math is accurate than it's cheaper to join once every month than to buy a 3 month membership. You save about 10$ by simply re-joining each month. Now I'll finish my post by saying that one of my biggest pet peeves and the main reason why I never joined DP is that they were always a streaming only site. It's only since Mindgeek bought them that they changed their policy. Of course one of the reasons is that Mindgeek pretty much gutted the company to the point where they don't really have contract stars anymore and don't do big budget porn movies. Long live the Brown Coats.

12-22-16  06:09pm - 3002 days #20
pat362 (0)
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Originally Posted by superjank:

As long as you know for sure you'll enjoy pretty much all of the content on the subscription it makes sense to me.

That is the main reason for why you should want to buy a long term membership. Otherwise no matter how amazing the discount is/was. You will soon find it quite distasteful. Long live the Brown Coats.

12-22-16  06:04pm - 3002 days #2
pat362 (0)
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Pretty shocking to read this. I like the wording that they were shooting an "unscripted" porn scene. That somehow implies that they got naked and started to have sex with no prior discussion on what kind of scene it was supposed to be or what was going to happen during the shoot

The way the article is written it sounds like the scene was always going to be a sort of force sex porn scene which to my knowledge is something that Brazzer was warned not to do anymore when Visa threatened to stop allowing people to charge memberships to Brazzer on their Visa card if they didn't stop producing videos for their pornstar punishment series. This Brazzer did and actually removed most of the already uploaded videos from that series. So aside from the fact that you should never do that to anyone. Why even shoot a scene that Brazzer was probably never going to buy anyway? Long live the Brown Coats.

12-21-16  05:50pm - 3003 days #3
pat362 (0)
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I feel bad writing this when they are still newlyweds but what's the likelihood that they are still married this time next year? The track record for long term relationship that involve actors and actresses is atrocious so why would she be any luckier? I mean she is a very popular actress working with plenty of good looking actors that sometime involve her getting naked for a love scene or two. You then compound the situation in that a new married couple because they can't actually live together because one of them happens to be shooting or promoting a movie in many different cities and Countries for more than half a year.

Mind you I'll gladly eat crow next year if they are still happily married but I'm not holding my breath. Long live the Brown Coats.

12-17-16  06:45pm - 3007 days #6
pat362 (0)
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Originally Posted by rearadmiral:

I'm gonna have to put some thought into this...

If they are anything like me than it's going to take some time because I downloaded a lot of porn this year and picking which videos are my favorite is going to take time. It's probably harder for some posters because they may not be as picky as me so there is even more content to go through. Long live the Brown Coats.

12-17-16  09:05am - 3008 days #2
pat362 (0)
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Thanks for the warning. I don't recognize the Credit card processor so that is an immediate red flag for me. Long live the Brown Coats.

12-15-16  05:30pm - 3009 days #214
pat362 (0)
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^Thank You Skippy. That made my day. Now hopefully I can remember the joke tomorrow so that I can tell it to some co-workers. Long live the Brown Coats.

12-13-16  03:14pm - 3011 days #4
pat362 (0)
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^If it was only that easy but in fact LP pulls their models from the same pool of Eastern European talent as every other Eastern European studio. I would add that I suspect that LP is far more generous when it comes to the amounts they pay their performers but they would have to be to get very young girls to do a DAP. The kind of budget LP has is so much higher than most other studios that you can't use them for your baseline. For that reason you can't expect a girl that has shot for LP to be willing to do a fisting scene for another studio because her asking price may make her unaffordable. That and she may now be burned out from doing all those extreme circus acts for LP.

The less I think about all those young girls shooting DAP's for LP the better I will feel. Long live the Brown Coats.

12-11-16  05:57pm - 3013 days #2
pat362 (0)
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It's hard to tell how good or bad the site is but it looks decent. The girls are all pretty well known Eastern European models, they appear to update with one new video per month, the join price is only 15$ and they use Epoch for a CC processor. At this point I would recommend that no one buy anything longer than a one month membership because the site is simply too new and the kind of fetish it offers is not something that many models want to attempt so the future is still uncertain. Long live the Brown Coats.

12-05-16  03:41pm - 3019 days #12
pat362 (0)
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Originally Posted by merc77:

Elizabeth Warren 2020!

I like your choice but sadly she would not fare any better. I can't help but feel that in many ways Americans aren't comfortable with women in power and therefore you will need an exceptional woman to run for President before she has a modicum chance of being elected. At the moment the only woman that could crush any Republican candidate is Michelle Obama and she will never run for office. Long live the Brown Coats.

12-04-16  06:30pm - 3020 days #2
pat362 (0)
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I can't be 100% certain but I feel confident in saying that it is probably next to impossible in todays porn to have a just walked off the street amateur doing porn on the same day. The simple reason is that you have legislation called 2257 requiring that all porn producers have the pertinent information on all the people who appear in their videos as well as a valid STI test prior to shooting porn. Of course that doesn't mean that you can't have an actual never done porn amateur appearing in porn videos. An obvious example is a site like girls do porn. As far as I can tell there as never been more than maybe 2-3 women who either had done some other stuff prior to appearing on GDP who later did some more videos. Two other examples of sites that hire amateur or as I like to call them unknowns are the sister sites backroom casting couch and exploited college girls.

Both of these sites hire unknowns/amateur who will never shoot another video or at least nothing that isn't on a cam site. My gut feeling as always been that they find women that have done cam or may be planning to do cam work. Call me weird but I find it hard to believe that even an 18 year old girl would choose to have sex with a stranger, often unprotected sex if she wasn't either a prostitute or a budding cam model looking to get a bigger profile. Long live the Brown Coats.

12-04-16  06:12pm - 3020 days #8
pat362 (0)
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Originally Posted by Toadsith:

This is the problem with legislation of this sort. Supposedly the USA is all about freedom of speech, but the moral conservatives don't give a fuck about that.

I was all set into writing a long winded speech regarding how little most Americans understand what Freedom of Speech really means but instead I will simply point out that most Americans must really want this type of legislation since they basically elected a Government that wants that kind of legislation. I mean Americans by their votes or choice of not voting have elected a Republican President, Republican House of Representative and Republican Congress. At this point is there anything that anyone can do for the next couple of years and that's only if in the midterm elections people still don't vote for the Republicans. Long live the Brown Coats.

12-03-16  10:56am - 3021 days #5
pat362 (0)
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I read the article and if it was just as clear cut as they make it seem than it wouldn't be such a bad thing but as is often the case with these things. it's the small print that is worrisome because it uses certain words that have a very different meaning from one group to the next and if something isn't clear and precise than it opens the door to interpretation and this is the kind of law where you do not ever want to have people interpreting it the way they want to.

Originally Posted by null:

automatically block human trafficking hubs, prostitution sites, revenge pornography, child pornography and ‘obscenity,

The best example from the article is: Obscenity. That's the kind of word that should send shivers down the back of anyone who loves the Constitution because it wouldn't be all that difficult for a powerful group to tag a site or organisation as being obscene or producing obscene material. Long live the Brown Coats.

12-01-16  03:03pm - 3023 days #16
pat362 (0)
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It wouldn't surprise me to discover that most of the people who are okay with 50$ a month are older than those that are opposed to it. For no other reason than older people like me remember a time when 50$ didn't even buy you a VHS tape which is why porn was so popular in video stores. Long live the Brown Coats.

11-25-16  05:18pm - 3029 days #7
pat362 (0)
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Originally Posted by MikeC:

Plinkett is GOD...a messy, mumbling God who locks women in his basement and forces them to play fucked up games. But a God, nonetheless.

I completely agree with you. The man his a genius when it comes to analyzing movies. Of course on the downside there are some rare moments when I wish I hadn't seen his reviews because it now means that I can no longer watch the three prequels without noticing everything that my brain failed or refused to see before.

I love their site and it like PU/TBP holds a special place in my heart. I make sure to visit it at least once a day just like I do for PU. Long live the Brown Coats.

11-24-16  03:16pm - 3030 days #4
pat362 (0)
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^Seeing how he did the prequels than it makes sense that he would write a story where the characters weren't as well thought out as they should have been. There are some nice tidbit's in Mr Plincketts reviews of the prequels where he discusses what George had in mind for the characters and it's frightening to think what Star Wars would have looked like had he actually have all the power he did for the prequels. You know what. We don't need to imagine it. We have the prequels and Indiana Jones and The Crystal Skull as examples. Long live the Brown Coats. Edited by Staff on Nov 25, 2016, 07:04am

11-22-16  05:51pm - 3032 days #2
pat362 (0)
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^I think it's still fine to watch Star Wars because I get the feeling that they didn't do much(if anything) during the filming of that movie. They didn't have many scenes together so the chances of them actually being in the same place at the same time was probably quite rare but it's a very different thing for Empire. That movie should make you cringe just like me because you have an off screen affair between her and Harrison and you have an on screen incestuous relationship between her and Mark.

I know it's rarely discussed but what the hell was George thinking about when he wrote these movies. The quick kiss in SW was one thing but a full on the lips kiss in Empire is beyond creepy when it's revealed that they are twins in Return. Can you spell GROSS. Long live the Brown Coats.

11-21-16  03:31pm - 3033 days #4
pat362 (0)
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^You are partially correct. What Kink used to do is charge you 30$ for the first site and if you joined another than the cost was only 20$. I used to do that and I suspect I wasn't alone which is why I think Kink chose to offer the entire network for 50$. The new discount makes it even more appealing except that they now update about every two weeks and frankly that is a long time between updates. That and I don't seem to be as thrilled with the models they have been hiring of late or they keep shooting with the same ones. Long live the Brown Coats.

11-20-16  05:00pm - 3034 days #5
pat362 (0)
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^Never apologize for not being as fluent as other posters in English on this forum. Especially when you already speak four languages. I speak only two and there isn't a day that I don't wish I could speak more or at the very least read them.

Older content will never be released in HD because the source material was never shot in HD and current technology can at best clean up the video to remove some of the static. This is even les possible the further back you go because some of my favorite porn is at least 20 years old and some of it was shot on cassette recorders and released on VHS/Beta. There are tons of early Dorcel movies that I would love to own in any format regardless of the video quality because these are still some of my favorite movies but alas that may never happen. Long live the Brown Coats.

11-19-16  05:40pm - 3035 days #2
pat362 (0)
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^Look out African Americans, Mexican Americans and any other non-white American. This boy is RACIST and that is not good for a Country where at least half of it's citizens happen to be of color. The good news is that you all remember that Trump promised to drain the swamp. He just never said how he would do it or when. Long live the Brown Coats.

11-18-16  05:39pm - 3036 days #8
pat362 (0)
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^Does LP still require that convoluted email confirmation system for their membership and token purchases? Long live the Brown Coats.

11-17-16  06:23pm - 3037 days #5
pat362 (0)
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The first thing I recommend is that you avoid as much as possible buying year long memberships. I know the cost is very tempting but unless you like everything a studios puts out than you are going to dish out money for a lot of content you don't want to see. The other thing to consider is that if the site stops updating than you know you aren't getting your money back.

Now if you are dead set on joining for a year than here are some things to consider.

1-Do you want North American porn or European porn? 21sextury is all European while the other two you named are all American except for the performers that appear on those sites. There will be European models on Team Skeet and Jules Jordan. Just not that many.

2-Do you want a huge library of porn? I suspect 21sextury has a lot more content that the other two. Long live the Brown Coats.

11-17-16  06:15pm - 3037 days #2
pat362 (0)
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1-Are you looking for a site that allows you to download complete dvd's or just the sex scene from said dvd's?

This is rather important because I'm not aware of many site that allow users to actually download the entire movie. The main exceptions are streaming sites like AEBN and Hot Movies but you are going to pay nearly 20$ for those movies

2-If you only want the sex scenes than what kind of porn are you looking for? You gave Dorcel and Evil Angel as examples so is that the kind of porn you are looking for? Long live the Brown Coats.

11-15-16  03:24pm - 3039 days #2
pat362 (0)
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Just so that we are all on the same page. Are you looking for videos where girls rim the guys and also get gangbanged or are you looking for videos where the guys rim the girls and gangbang them?

I'll see what I can suggest once you reply but be advised that ATM, Anal Licking, Anal Rimming and anything else that involves mouth and anal cavities are things that I avoid in my porn viewing so my suggestions may not be that impressive but that may mean that somebody else will be able to suggest some great stuff. Long live the Brown Coats.

11-12-16  05:55pm - 3042 days #2
pat362 (0)
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^The only company I know that uses MBI-Probiller as a CC processor is Brazzer and that probably means that other Mindgeek owned sites use the same Processor. I had no problem joining and/or cancelling. Long live the Brown Coats.

11-12-16  05:46pm - 3042 days #17
pat362 (0)
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^As much as I'd like to credit Moore and every other so called expert who predicted a trump win. I say Bullshit to them like I say Bullshit to every other so called expert who said he could never win. The fact is that no one was certain of the outcome of this election and that includes both Trump and Clinton.

I think many people will study this election for years to come and maybe one day we will get a detailed report as to why he won but I would not take anyone's theory at this moment because it's without corroborating facts.

The only thing I feel comfortable saying is that whoever believes what Trump said throughout is campaign is deluding him/herself because he did what every other politician has done since there were elections. He told the people what they wanted to hear. Now the hard part for him is that he has to deliver on all those promises. Long live the Brown Coats.

11-11-16  05:59pm - 3043 days #8
pat362 (0)
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^OSHA has already fined the hell out of Kink twice and I believe that three performers are suing Kink for on-set HIV infection that occurred in the last three years.

I agree that technology is advancing rapidly and cost must be going down as well but as you point out porn production are still low budget and it can be argued that they are even lower than just a few years ago. I can't see any studio actually spending money on CGI technology when they
can still film condomless porn with impunity. The day OSHA enforces the condom laws is the day porn chooses to look into technology to remove the condom from the video.

I'd also like to point out that most porn scnes are for the most part not edited or very little is done. That's why a gonzo video that used to last maybe 25-30 minutes now last over 40-45 minutes. Long live the Brown Coats.

11-11-16  05:33pm - 3043 days #15
pat362 (0)
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^Clearly not enough Americans know about the debacle that is trickle down economics because they keep electing Republicans. Just the title should give you an idea of just how bad it's going to be. If you take a shower than the last thing you want is trickling water. The only time you want trickling anything is when discussing a leak of some kind. Long live the Brown Coats.

11-11-16  11:33am - 3043 days #6
pat362 (0)
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^Rebecca isn't the only performer to have required condoms and being from France where it is mandatory than I can understand why she went that route. One of the biggest hypocrite in the industry is Jessica Drake who has required condoms in all her scenes for over a decade and she was a major advocate against Prop 60 because of the mandatory condom law. She would be significantly more credible if she actually worked for companies that force her to shoot condomless.

-The Hollywood comparison is often brought up to shoot down the mandatory condom use and I can see why but it really isn't an accurate one because in fact there are strict OSHA guidelines imposed on Hollywood and the fines are quite high. Why do you think studios buy insurance to cover possible accidents during action sequences? These days many stunts are done post production in CGI because there is no danger of someone being hurt. I'd also like to point out that unlike porn. If a stuntman is hurt than he is the only person but in porn two or more people will in fact be affected.

-Actually most new performers have no clue of the danger involved in shooting porn. I'm not saying that many of them wouldn't still shoot porn if they did because it's clear that the vast majority of performers will get more than one STI in their porn career so it stands that they knew the danger after getting the first one and they kept doing porn.

-The CGI thing is a recurring theme on another forum and the general consensus is that it's not cost efficient for any porn studio to even consider. When you couple that with the amount of hours a technician would have to dedicate to removing the condom and you can see why porn studios will probably never consider it. That is unless the technology gets to be very cheap and quick to do. Long live the Brown Coats.

11-09-16  05:33pm - 3045 days #4
pat362 (0)
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Here is part of what Mike South wrote about Prop 60. It came too late but I hope it will clear a lot of misconception about that law.

1. Condoms cause rash/chafing and aren’t made to withstand the rigors of “porn sex”

Ever hear of Lube? Olivie oil? Astroglide? whoever said you can only use one condom per scene?

MikeSouth.com Truth-O-Meter says : Bullshit!

2. It allows anyone to sue performers.

Actually it only allows anyone to sue producers, performers can also be producers.

MikeSouth.com Truth-O-Meter says : Mostly Bullshit!

3. It compromises the privacy or performer producers.

If someone sues the producer who also happens to be a performer they would have to have the name and address of the person they are suing simply to file the suit, so this isn’t something that would come out as a result of the suit. performers who are also acting as producers have to list the 2257 required info on all the sites anyway, that info includes a real name, and a real address …not a po box so Prop 60 does nothing to compromise performer/producers privacy, that info is already required by federal law to be listed on the website or the product packaging. When a performer makes the move from performer to producer this is part of the responsibility that comes with being in business for yourself. if you don’t like it, get 2257 repealed.

MikeSouth.com Truth-O-Meter says : Bullshit!

4. It would run the business underground and or out of state.

Condoms are the law in all 50 states, if OSHA cracks down as they have indicated they are going to then moving to a different state will not help. It is already pushing the business underground,and in a way that is a purpose of prop 60, shooting underground wont help you if you are open to civil damages after the fact.

MikeSouth.com Truth-O-Meter says : Somewhat True!

5. It would supplant the current testing methodology and make STDs and HIV even more likely.

Nobody has indicated that it would or should replace testing and the current rates of STDs could hardly get any worse…at any given time 1 in 4 performers has an active STD. That has been proven by several peer reviewed studies.

MikeSouth.com Truth-O-Meter says : Bullshit!

6. We haven’t had an on set HIV since 2004

The Rolling Stone Article completely proved that false, in 2014 The CDC confirmed at least one on set transmission in the breakout involving Cameron Bay and Rod Daily

MikeSouth.com Truth-O-Meter says : Bullshit!

Now for all the things you have read about Proposition 60 lets get to the bottom line

Producers should pay for testing as well as any treatment required IF they do not allow condom use.

Ela Darling, Julia Ann, I am sure you guys think you are doing the right thing but have you stopped and asked yourselves what would happen if YOU tested HIV positive tomorrow? You may think it can’t happen to you but I can list 50 former performers here who are now HIV Positive that would tell you ya, I thought that too.

These are the facts…You would immediately be put at arms length by the industry, The FSC would work very hard to say you did not get it on set NO MATTER WHAT YOU SAY! As soon as the dust blows over nobody in porn will have anything to do with you, there will be no financial assistance, no moral support, no paying jobs in the industry doing anything, not even mopping floors. If you don’t have insurance and can’t afford your medical care you can go to AHF or you can die. Is this what you want for your fellow performers Julia? Ela? Is this acceptable to you?

If you think this is bullshit ….please tell me ONE person that this did NOT happen to….There is ONE…John Stagliano, do I have to explain why he is different from the rest?

Does it tell you anything at all that Wicked Pictures REQUIRES condoms on all of their sets? Does it not strike you as the ULTIMATE in hypocrisy that Brad Armstrong and Jessica Drake are telling you don’t use condoms when they haven’t shot anything without a condom in 20 years? If they are such fucking freedom fighters why aren’t they standing up for what they believe and shooting non condom? Its easy for them to tell you to risk YOUR health, they certainly DON’T risk theirs. Long live the Brown Coats.

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