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Visit Hustler HD

1. Hustler HD (0)

Do Not Bite It (0) 03-11-25  07:48pm
No Badges TRUST USER?   YES (0), NO (0)
Status: Current Member for over 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: One of the biggest names in adult entertainment over the last 50 years.
Video downloads in clear high definition
Back catalog of the digitized Hustler magazines
Downloadable photo sets
Multiple updates per week
Professional, clean and not cluttered website
Cons: Despite a clean design, the site and its included sites can become confusing and overwhelming
I would like to see more download options on the videos
Bottom Line: Like many Porn Users, I remember the days of buying a Hustler magazine from a corner store. It does not seem like bookstores carried Hustler back then, but I could be wrong. I only remember Penthouse and Playboy in bookstores. Hustler was a premium adult magazine to most of us.

That is one of the most interesting parts of a membership to Hustler HD. It comes with access to a couple decades of Hustler digitized magazines. One of the oldest jokes about men subscribing to adult magazines was, “I read the articles.” Hustler was maybe the best and truest to that saying. From hilarious cartoons to stories of all kinds of sexiness and jokes, often, extremely politically incorrect jokes. You get to experience all that with these digitized magazines.I thought maybe it would just be a bunch of nude pictures, but there are all the features, or if you prefer, articles.

Hustler HD seems to be the future for Hustler. They include access to all the content from Hustler Mega Pass. I do not know why they would rebrand, but you get access to a lot of content. Which is one of the cons. The content becomes harder to find the further you go into the site or network. You are better off finding actresses you like or a series of DVDs and just searching through those, otherwise, you end up in areas of the site where some links are dead and pictures do not even load. It feels like this site is the future, but they are trying to either get rid of older content or somehow integrate it.

I have seen 3-4 updates per week and there are over 3,000 videos in the video section. There are also over 2,000 photo sets. You can download as many videos and photo sets as you want and the quality is high definition, 720/1080. The videos range from solo, lesbian, hardcore and group.

I was not even aware of this site until an email promo caught my attention. I do not see a huge difference between this site and the other Hustler sites. That is not really a bad thing, but it does make me wonder why they would replace an otherwise good site with another just good site.

The navigation is good. I am impressed with the site design and maybe that is my answer for why there is this newer Hustler site. I would confidently compare the sex quality in the scenes to Viv Thomas scenes. It is more like the porn from the late 90s and early 2000s than the hardcore gonzo we see in most newer porn sites. It is a definite positive step in the right direction, but it’s more of a pensive baby step than a giant step forward.
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Visit Upskirt Jerk

2. Upskirt Jerk (0)

2Cigars1Woman (0) 10-08-24  11:12pm
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Status: Current Member for over 2 months (at the time of review).
Pros: I just want to thank the jerk that took these pictures and videos
Upskirts, somehow, some way, are an underrated niche in porn
The production of these scenes is extraordinary, especially the clothing choices
Extremely high quality video and picture downloads
Beautiful British models with their sexy accents
Lots of niches are tapped into especially ones involving panties
Cons: Never seen this as a con, but I thnk it’s a good one to mention. Most porn we see these days is made in America. Upskirt Jerk is from the UK and there is an adjustment to make.
I can see some porn fans not appreciating the amount of tease and lack of action.
Bottom Line: Where oh where has this site been? I love upskirts and have for, I’m guessing, most of life. If you have ever said that or felt it, do yourself a favor and join this site. Just use that as a TL;DR.

Upskirt Jerk also brings the quality. There are plenty of 4K downloads and if not, you still can download in HD. Once I realized just how underrated and underrepresented upskirts are, I caught a glimpse of how big this site is. Upwards of 2,500 videos and a similar number of photosets. It had me rethinking my opinion of how underrated and underrepresented this classic niche was. After a few months of membership, I feel confident in calling it underrepresented.

Maybe, the con I used, could be a pro or con depending on the reader. I don’t know if there is a consensus feeling on this, but non-American sites do seem to have figured out how to do some things better. The outfits are such a huge factor for this niche. The scenes can be changed by simply having a model in a sexy skirt with panties “accidentally” slid over. I believe that is called a wardrobe malfunction or a perfect porn photo op.

While watching the videos from Upskirt Jerk, I did, at times, wonder what the scenes would be like with a man or even woman joining the model. After much thinking, I’ve come to the belief, nothing more is needed. The majority of these models likely make a living off shooting porn like Upskirt Jerk has. These women are so experienced in showing us their upskirts, you never know what they’re going to do to expose their panties.

This site could seem to be a little overrated, but it’s not. They nail the technical quality, the quality of models, the clothing and they live up to their title of Upskirt Jerk. While ti’s clear the scenes are planned out, the innocence and simple act of doing an upskirt, reminds us, a lot of young women like their bodies stared at and wanted.

The biggest connundrum you’re going to find yourself in is how to join the site. It is part of one of the best networks I have ever seen. You can join just Upskirt Jerk for $29.95 a month, or you can join their network for $49.95 a month. The network not only includes Upskirt Jerk, but also has the equally as teasing, Wank it Now and the outsdaning Bopping Babes, plus severlal others. I do believe the network is the better deal and better way to go, but I just had a membership to Bopping Babes a few months ago.

The next time I join it, I plan on joining the entire network. I will just make sure not to join any of their sites until I join the network.
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Visit Mr. Man

3. Mr. Man (0)

LadyLover (0) 09-28-24  06:22pm
Rookie Badge  Top Monthly User TRUST USER?   YES (0), NO (0)
Status: Was a member approx. 1 month prior to this review.
Pros: This site is the converse of Mr. Skin – but instead of showing nude women, the site features nude men.
If an actror has appeared nude in a movie house movie or broadcast or cable TV, his nude scene is almost certainly going to be here
Video downloads are now offered in h.264 format (MP4)
HTTPS is used
Newer clips available in 720p for download (older may still be lower quality)
LOTS of content
14000+ Celeb Pages
12000+ Title Pages
110000+ Pics
37000+ Clips
540+ Playlists
1040 Original Videos
Cons: Most videos are not HD, and the ones that are top out at 720p
Most clips include only the parts with nudity, so you lose some of the context and build up in the scene. Adding a couple of minutes to get the complete scene would be nice.
Many of the thousands of scenes they show are extremely short - as in a couple of seconds. For some of the super-short ones, they’ll offer a super-slo-mo instant replay.
Nearly all the photos are screen caps
No biographical information
Bottom Line: Mr Skin has been around since 1999, Mr Man was spun off more recently (I’m not sure when but I’d guess at least 10 years ago).

As you can probably tell from my User Name, female nudity is more my thing. But I got a chance to get a one month membership for 5 bucks, and curiosity got the better of me, so I joined up.

When you first go to Mr. Man, to sign up, they do require a credit card to be presented. They claim they will not charge the account, it’s only to prove you are over 18, and in my case, to their credit, they did not charge me anything and no transaction appeared on my account.

If you sign up this way and also sign up to receive emails, you will soon get an offer to join the site for $5 for the first month, rebilling at $20 per month after that. I signed up for that deal. Cancelling after the first month was very easy. Note that they have cross-checked sites so clear those, they also provided a one-month free subscription to two additional sites. Cancelling those extra sites is easy too, but make note – you have to cancel each of the three sites individually.

A ”Playlist” is a collection of scenes that fit a theme, such as “Best Blowjobs of the 90s” (this one has 17 scenes) or “Hot Gay Threesomes” (this one has 19 scenes). Body of Work is a pretty regular series where they focus on a single actor.

Their “About Us” statement is a pretty good summary of what they offer

Mr. Skin- the world’s foremost authority on celebrity nudity- is pleased to present the newest destination for male celebs at their hottest, Mr. Man. Since 1999, Mr. Skin has been the greatest, most dynamic, most all-encompassing warehouse of celebrity nudity on the planet. Now we’re using our below the belt expertise to bring you all your favorite male celebrities nude and exposed.
With meticulously catalogued video clips and pictures of actors who have dared to bare, Mr. Man has no fakes and no scams, only the highest quality content that you can trust. Forget the days of wading through plot and dialogue just to get to the moment when your favorite actor gets nude, Mr. Man is “fast-forwarding to the good parts” so you don’t have to.
From Hollywood heartthrobs to the latest nudecomers, Mr. Man delivers one-of-a-kind celebrity entertainment experience with Mr. Skin’s signature brand of bawdy, boisterous comedy. If you’ve ever seen a gorgeous actor on-screen and wondered if they’ve done a nude scene, Mr. Man has the answer.
It's a dirty job, but someone's got to do it!”

Navigation is quite good, especially if you can recall the actor’s name (first or last) or the name of the movie. The browse function for celebs also offers a lot of choice (some sites might call this advanced search). For example, some of the filters include: has shown penis (2947 actors yes, 11,106 no), hair color, ethnicity, country, and keyword such as athlete, childhood star, singer/musician, etc.

Downloads are fast - helped by the small file sizes due to short scene length. But browsing and streaming are also pretty snappy.

Mr Skin has offered lifetime memberships off and on for years, I got mine a long time ago for $99. Mr Man also offers them occasionally, but the cheapest price I have seen the past couple of months was $139. If you subscribe to their emails, there will be sales where annual memberships go for $48, or one-month for $5. So if you are considering this site, do sign up for emails first.
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*Newbie reviews and ratings don't count toward a site's overall score/rank until the user reaches the Rookie status level (5 points). This rule is needed to help prevent fake (or heavily biased) profiles and reviews.

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Visit Upskirt Jerk

1. Upskirt Jerk (0)

Delta 9 (0) 01-12-25  10:04am
No Badges TRUST USER?   YES (0), NO (0)

Going downhill

I was on this site a few years back and don't recall it being anything like this. Billing through Westbill.com? Never heard of 'em. I don't remember the login taking you to an upsell page and the overall layout seems more cluttered than before. There used to be a bunch of screenshots for every episode, now it's very few that have them so you have to stream to preview. Getting past all that, I noticed the file sizes for the 4K video were way off. Verified by my bitrate viewer, they've lower the quality of the 4K video by half or more. They're now averaging 6000-9000kbps where before everything was 16000 or better. The last kick in the head is that none of the advertised 8K links work. I don't know if that's somehow tied to my signing up under the PU discount or not, but there it is (or isn't, actually).

Edit: Turns out the real last kick in the head is that there's a download limit. 15 gigs a day, evidently.

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Visit Mr. Man

2. Mr. Man (0)

LadyLover (0) 11-20-24  01:40pm
Rookie Badge  Top Monthly User TRUST USER?   YES (0), NO (0)

Lifetime membership available for $129

They are offering it now for $129. It's not offered all the time, and I have no idea if they will have a lower price any time in the future.

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Visit Adult Empire.com

3. Adult Empire.com (0)

PinkPanther (0) 07-13-24  08:32am
Rookie Badge  Talk Back  Comments  Pollster  Top Monthly User  Trusted User TRUST USER?   YES (0), NO (0)

Adult Empire Unlimited

For porn fans that don't mind a streaming-only option, I just discovered quite an enticing site. Adult Empire, the biggest U.S. DVD site also has a streaming-only subscription, AdultEmpireUnlimited. It advertises streaming-only access to 165,000 movies, 700,000 clips for $24.99/month or $49.98 for 3 months or $149.94 ($12.95/month billed annually) for 1 year. Certainly beats the hell out of Videobox and their rotated selection of bargain basement updates.

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