I was on this site a few years back and don't recall it being anything like this. Billing through Westbill.com? Never heard of 'em. I don't remember the login taking you to an upsell page and the overall layout seems more cluttered than before. There used to be a bunch of screenshots for every episode, now it's very few that have them so you have to stream to preview. Getting past all that, I noticed the file sizes for the 4K video were way off. Verified by my bitrate viewer, they've lower the quality of the 4K video by half or more. They're now averaging 6000-9000kbps where before everything was 16000 or better. The last kick in the head is that none of the advertised 8K links work. I don't know if that's somehow tied to my signing up under the PU discount or not, but there it is (or isn't, actually).
Edit: Turns out the real last kick in the head is that there's a download limit. 15 gigs a day, evidently.
For porn fans that don't mind a streaming-only option, I just discovered quite an enticing site. Adult Empire, the biggest U.S. DVD site also has a streaming-only subscription, AdultEmpireUnlimited. It advertises streaming-only access to 165,000 movies, 700,000 clips for $24.99/month or $49.98 for 3 months or $149.94 ($12.95/month billed annually) for 1 year. Certainly beats the hell out of Videobox and their rotated selection of bargain basement updates.
This site has become a video for video clone of Bang!.com. I have both pages open side by side and have scrolled multiple pages and they are completely identical.
This, and apparently all Hustler sites have been rolled into hustlerunlimted.com, which is STREAMING ONLY. I was a subscriber through barelylegal.com, and they switched my sub over, so I was able to see the new members' area. Briefly, before cancelling my subscription. There does not even appear to be an upsell option, they really do seem to have just decided we can't have their movies anymore. Bummer, they will be missed.
If you attempt to return to the site and renew your membership:
No matter what you select they will set up a years membership
No matter what offers are displayed they will charge you the full annual price
Even if you immediately cancel your membership they will not refund you
Bunch of thieves!
There is no option for joining at less then $30.00 and when you do join it is impossible to cancel as the phone number listed is not in operation and they give you a run around by Email. I may have to cancel my credit card to shake these crooks!!!
I had an active account on PornBox and I have one on DDFBusty. Both registered via the same E-Mail account and I registered both sites with different user names. I cancelled my subscription on PornBox. Since a week or so when I log into DDFBusty I'm redirected to PornBox. However I can't sign into PornBox not via Login not via Register. If I try Register it says that my E-Mail address is already in use. If I try to register I get a sorry we can't log you in. I already contacted PornBox support but to no avail. My DDFBusty account expires somewhere in November so I still want to use it.
Against my better judgement I rejoined this site to get back some videos that I lost. On top of the membership they also charge you an extra $3 for 24/7 support, what a joke! Last time I needed support my emails went unanswered and the live chat operator would disconnect immediately after opening the chat session. and once again 99.9% of the updates are through videosz, all their sites are archive, no longer updating.
I am screaming..DON'T JOIN SITES THAT ARE ONLY STREAMING! Will please, those of us who have been around the block can " read between the lines" but newbies might compare this site blight to far better such as " Video Box " or "Video Z" that does...shame Will. Have a great day folks!
I click the link to get the discount. I paid and the biller was RocketGate. There is no cancel link or button anywhere on bang or Videosz. I wrote to support and I got this stupid reply:
I'm Alison and I can help you with your cancel request.
We would like some more information about why you've decided not to proceed with your membership with Videosz.com! We value you as a customer, and we would like to know if there's anything we can do to keep you as a member. First, can you tell us why you'd like to cancel today?
As a note, Rocketgate is our in house biller and we don't send receipts from it.
Feel free to ask any other questions, as we're always happy to help.
I never received an e-mail confirmation for my subscription. And now they are giving me the runaround. After that, those same people complain about torrent and piracy. Well they ask for it don't they. I hope this forum will be able to fix my problem and cancel my subscription.
Fuckndrive uses condoms and tries to hide the condoms with software.
Fuckndrive has 2 problems.
First problem, fuckndrive uses condoms.
Second problem, fuckndrive tries to hide the condoms with software manipulation (or image manipulation).
I had been talked out of believing that Bang Bros. was behind Videosz now, until I checked my credit card. I had cancelled the same day I subscribed and after a lengthy exchange of emails was finally told grudgingly: Okay, you're cancelled!
And now I just noticed that the biller has charged me for August as well as September. Just got off a chat that took forever and the "best they could do for me" was to let me have this month because according to them I was already subscribed and then cancel after that. That's not what I wanted. I wanted a refund since I didn't bother going to the site for months. But they insisted on copies of all the emails we exchanged at the beginning of the original subscription and my email doesn't keep them that long. ECHST.NET itself does not keep copies so I was stuck with a compromise. Beware of ECHST.NET!!! Friends, don't be like me, check your credit cards regularly and thoroughly, a small amount can easily escape your notice.
I was disturbed to find out that Videosz is now associated with Bang.com. I am so scared of the past unethical billing practices of Bang Bros. that I don't dare use my subscription. One wrong click and I might find myself subscribed to a site I didn't want. They might have had a change of heart in the meantime but my fear of having to cancel account after account that I had never subscribed to runs too deep. They are more than welcome to close down my account which has over three weeks left. A shame since I used to love Videosz. All the promotional sales on the site turned me off as well.
I emailed customer support about the missing download links they reply back that due to a legal glitch they can only stream some of their content. No problem, I just found their studio site and joined it at a discount!
Unsurprisingly I suppose, I didn't receive my refund. It was supposed to have been sent, but of course they can't understand why I haven't received it.
I mailed Segpay with the following message "Dear Customer Service,
This money has still not arrived. If it does not arrive tomorrow I shall presume it has been stolen and notify the bank and Porn Users accordingly. It looks as though you had absolutely no intent of issuing a refund for money that was stolen from me. Stolen because you and your associates gave my details plus password to a separate company which presumably allowed a hacker access to my debit card. Or does this happen all the time because it is good for business, as people are unwilling to complain? Well I certainly am. I shall pursue this to the end one way or another, even if I have to change bank and cancel my cards, just to make a point about your company."
They replied "If the refund is not in your account until now we will make a follow up to our upper management further assistance."
I understand customer service are just flak takers for dishonest and disreputable management so I didn't say "tell "upper management" (sic) to curtail their afternoon blow job, and get off their fucking arses and do something about it." No, I just told them I have contacted my bank and lodged a complaint, which they have noted.
The bank tells me I am unlikely to receive the money if I haven't received it by now, so on Friday I can start the process of trying to get my money back.
How many thousands and tens of thousands does this happen to? Most are not going to do anything about it, so multiply 5-10 dollars times 5000 for a nice yearly little earner. You get the occasional awkward bastard like myself, but generally it pays to do what they are doing.
This is my first review or comment for several years, and sadly it isn't to commend brilliant customer service, or outstanding quality, no it is to report a fraudulent charge on my card.
I received one of those emails about congratulations you have signed up to live cams when I hadn't, because I never use them. Whenever I receive one I cancel immediately, even if they are free, because I have heard about very dodgy behaviour before on here. Those free cams sites you don't want to join, end up charging you for services you never use.
Strangely enough when I first went to live chat to close down the account that I never signed up for in the first place, they told me the account was already blocked. Then I found a mail which notified me of a charge for $6.54. I immediately cancelled Videosz, and told both Segpay and Videosz/Bang, why I was cancelling. I insisted on a refund.
Segpay have told me they are sending it to top management (lol) and will have to wait 2 days for it to be settled, but I have also heard from "Alison" at Bang, who told me the cams thing is free but you can only authorize payments yourself, so I wouldn't receive a refund, which is very strange because I never use cams sites, found myself signed up to a free cams site, and then charged for something I had never used.
I contacted my bank who told me the charge was "pending." I can only dispute the charge once it has been processed, and then it looks like I will have to cancel my card, as these people cannot be trusted. I have mailed both Segpay and Videosz/Bang to tell them what I am doing.
Look folks, I know you're in a dirty business, but you are dealing with someone who hates being ripped off or cheated. I'll happily donate $100 to charity for a worthy cause, but try to rip me off, and I don't mind in the least yelling, kicking, screaming, and giving my bank and credit card company all the gory details, purely on principal. Don't fuck with me.
Late edit addition - Now it seems there was an illegal access of my account. They managed to block most of the charges and are going to refund the rest. Alison at Bang ended up helping me, but the problem is being signed up for something you didn't want in the first place. It's one more thing to go wrong, one more organisation with your details. The end result is VideosZ/Bang and Segpay now have one customer less because of greed.
For the life of me I cannot see how this site gets the marks it does. The majority of "new" vids are extremely old and being re-cycled and the rest use very poor quality "girls". I can go through page after page and not see a video scene that I would want to download. It is a triumph of quantity over quality.
Over the last few days it has become increasingly difficult, and now impossible, to access this site. You either get the error code 503 or "waiting for...." - the last never arrives. I deliberately waited today for over an hour - and nothing. I don't know what is going on, but thought you should be warned.
On all the sites of this network that I have been to, which includes a bunch of pee, pantyhose, and solo model sites, there are a few broken links. You can still get the files which are still on the server, you just have to be resourceful. You can get them by copying a working download link and changing the file name to the file you want.
Out of the last 200 updates only THREE are exclusive to the site, save your money and just sign up to videosz.com, It's what the videos are watermarked with anyway.
Protecting Minors We are strong supporters of RTA and ICRA, two of the most recognized self labeling organizations. Our site is properly labeled to assist in the protection of minors accessing inappopriate content. For information about filtering tools, check this site.
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