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Visit Lost Bets Games

1. Lost Bets Games (0)

PalmTrees (0) 09-10-24  06:12pm
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Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: + After seeing a couple of scenes of models playing games, I searched and found this site.
+ Large site with various fun strip and sex games.
+ The models look like amateurs to me.
+ Downloads are unlimited and are HD quality.
+ Very fun scenes which to me is unusual in porn.
+ The scenes are long and involved.
Cons: - I don't know if the site is updating. The dates on the scenes show as updated, but I can't say for sure.
- Some of the games are boring and I just end up fast forwarding thru the game.
Bottom Line: I saw a few scenes of porn models playing games, I believe from ALS Scan and maybe Girls Out West. I thought that is a great idea.

Joining this site reminded me there's a big difference between pro and amateur models. That difference is the pros have to act. The amateurs can just be themselves. It works well on Lost Bet Games.

The models generally act shocked and surprised when they have to take an article of clothing off and most important, by the time the game is over, you can tell the models are really turned on and ready for sex.

The games vary, most are just a variation of strip poker, but some become borderline boring. I think to produce this type of porn, you have to have a pretty high opinion of your ability to engage porn viewers. We are talking about people paying to see nudity and sex.

The models become game show contestants. Of the scenes I have watched, I knew within the first 3 minutes of each one if it was going to be a good scene. Some of the models do seem to be trying to act and those stand out in a negative way. The models that are being themselves are great. You see a lot of laughing and real smiles.

The scenes are typically long. It does look like there is some editing to maybe speed up the slower games. I'm thinking there needs to be a time limit on how long it takes to see nudity. At least there was for me.

The site could use some updating. You just get one page and scroll. I have downloaded 38 scenes and believe that is going to be enough for my collection.

Don't take the low number as a negative. That is around 40 hours of stripping games!

The scenes do make major changes. Some of the scenes look polished and professional. Those usually have models that look like pro models. The other scenes look more ad libbed. I much prefer the ad libbed ones. Even though, those are the ones that have some boring scenes. The professional ones just look like any group hardcore scene.

I am not for sure who would be in the recommended group for this site. The video quality is good. There are no pictures. If you like seeing naked people being genuine and having fun, that's who I recommend this site to.

There isn't much kinky or obscure sex acts in it, yes, those would make the content even better!

It's a great idea which means no one else will try it. I could see the sites that like using the family sex niche turning a game site into not so wholesome entertainment. It would at least add a fun narrative. I like the site a lot, but would only recommend it to those who like laughing while watching porn. I doubt I will join it again, unless I can see they are updating with new scenes.
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Visit Lost Bets Games

2. Lost Bets Games (0)

Do Not Bite It (0) 08-08-23  07:43pm
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Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: I always wanted to join one of these games sites and am glad I finally did
Over 600 unique scenes that seem more real than many porn plots
I think all the models including males are amateur
Videos can be downloaded and are HD quality
No need for stories or plots, the game being played in each scene takes center stage
It’s quite lighthearted and I like that about it
Cons: Some of the games are just boring
The videos could be clearer, even the HD ones
Expensive site if you don’t have a promo
Bottom Line: The basis of a site like this one comes off as a perfect setup for a porn scene. Much like the popular card game, Strip Poker, the games are created to work within a plan of getting the models naked. The winner gets to do what they want to the loser.

The name of the site explains the result of each scene. Lost Bets Games. The loser gets sex, rough sex, pushy sex and sex that just looks like it could be too physical and vulgar for some fans. It helps that the majority of the models are unknown amateurs.

It's probably better than I expected; the video quality is good and camerawork is very good considering you have multiple people in the scenes. I mostly had only heard of porn in this niche. I have seen a few scenes here or there that have strip poker or similar, but I hadn’t found a whole collection of these types of scenes before now.

The scenes all follow a game format. It could be any of 10-15 different games or competitions. Each one ends with the losers either playing the sub role in sex or masturbating for the winners. What is interesting about this niche is it’s totally different than any other porn niche I have seen. One of the things I noticed is the sex takes a backseat to the game. The game often takes longer than the sex.

It led me to a revelation. This is why this niche is not as popular as I thought it would be. The best scenes in this niche aren’t the best because of sex, but are the best because the game had some intrigue and question about who was going to win.

The sex could very well be the anticlimactic part of the scene. You may think the sex would be the most important part for you, but don’t think that. When a scene is 40 minutes and 34 of those minutes are the game and 6 are the sex, the sex cannot be the most important part.

Overall, the site is good, but it does look outdated and likely is outdated. There are no pictures or zip downloads. The navigation is basic and that’s the best way to describe the site itself. It does become repetitive after 5-6 scenes. I think this niche asks too much for porn writers and pornstars.

What I found is I didn’t even pay much attention to the looks of the models. I was becoming too involved in watching the game and often laughing about the results – not getting turned on. It does make it difficult to recommend, but I would think most people would know if they are interested in this type of niche and if so, at least give it a try. At worst, it’s a very different pornsite from what you’re used to.
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Visit Lost Bets Games

3. Lost Bets Games (0)

UMBA8 (0) 02-25-20  01:42am
Rookie Badge TRUST USER?   YES (0), NO (0)
Status: Was a member approx. 1 month prior to this review.
Pros: - Appears to be a unique niche that not too many other sites cater for. In each update people competing against each other in some sort of game, with the loser (or losing team) suffering a forfeit. The games can sometimes be just simple card games, all the way up to more erotic stuff such as who can make their opponent cum first. The forfeits are equally as varied, ranging from embarrassing (running outside naked or getting spanked in front of people) to ones based more on sexual pleasure, be it masturbating, toys, girl on girl, boy on girl, group, etc...

- Very straightforward web site. By default, the updates are simply listed in order of most recent first, then heading all the way back. Therefore very easy to keep track of what you have or don't have if you're a downloader like me!

- All the scenes seem to use amateur, or certainly lesser known/indie porn stars, and everyone seems to be having a genuinely great time, be it during the games or the forfeits. Not much faking imo.
Cons: - I was a member last month, so I can't 100% confirm this now, but I don't seem to remember there being a filtering system I could use to search for certain scenes, or at least not one I found useful. For example - as someone who preferred the more sexual forfeits over the ones set up to embarrass the participants, it would be great to be able to filter the scenes by type of forfeit. Instead, I had to click in to each scene and read the description, or in some cases watch some of the scene, before I knew if it would be one I would be interested in or not.
Bottom Line: I really enjoyed this site. It reminded me a little of another site I stumbled across many years ago called DareRing, which seemed to be set up by some guy who managed to get several groups of strangers together, to play truth or dare style games, with the games progressing in risk/erotic level throughout. Unfortunately DareRing was never updated beyond the first 8 or so updates (I guess it's fairly difficult to get willing strangers to create that type of content!), so it was great to come across a website with a similar vibe, all be it not quite as amateur, but at least with plenty more updates to keep you busy!

I can definitely see myself joining this one again some time in the future to check out the latest updates.
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Visit iStripper

1. iStripper (0)

Wraith0711 (0) 02-20-20  06:49am
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Good program but model list is stale

I love this program and have invested a lot of money into it buying the model cards. The Model index has grown a bit stale as it offers only white euro models, An Ethnic model is rare. Question: Is there any other program remotely close to this? I've tried to look into it when I remember but nothing but this ever comes up,,,,

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Visit Life Selector

2. Life Selector (0)

Wraith0711 (0) 01-27-19  03:52pm
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Is this just POV video or is it Virtual Reality? There is no clear answer on their site or in searches. Also are all the scenes online only or do you get to download them?

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Visit Interactive GF

3. Interactive GF (0)

skippy (0) 01-17-18  06:41pm
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Just got a $99 lifetime offer....

The folks at Mr. Skin seem pretty busy these days. I signed up for their lifetime deal and have since been offered several others for $99. Today it was this Interactive GF site. Funny how I just asked PU folks about it yesterday....

Now....I just went straight to the site to see what the regular prices are and notice there is NO monthly option. There is a trial (one scene, $0.95), a 90 day sign-up ($59.95) and a 1 year sign-up ($119.40). If I didn't know any better (I don't), I might think these guys are cash strapped...either that, or they grossly overestimated the appeal of interactive material and invested too much into it.

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