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Shakermaker (0) Registered August 12th, 2007
Male, 45 yrs old  

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Avg Site Rating: 68.1

Category Total
*Total Points 0
Site Reviews 8
Site Comments 4
Site Ratings 0
Replies Given 6
Replies Received 6
Forum Posts 7

Shakermaker's Activity

*Points are awarded based on qualified reviews and badges earned.

Site Rating Review Date
1. Live Jasmin 70 Yes 06-05-12
2. Matures Cam 60 Yes 06-02-12
3. Matures Today 75 Yes 03-07-09
4. Access Matures 65 Yes 02-26-09
5. Homemade Archive 70 Yes 08-16-07
6. Old Man Tales 70 Yes 08-15-07
7. World Mature 75 Yes 08-15-07
8. Mature Uniform 60 Yes 08-12-07

View All : Latest Ratings

Site Rating Review Date
1. World Mature 75 Yes 08-15-07
2. Matures Today 75 Yes 03-07-09
3. Old Man Tales 70 Yes 08-15-07
4. Homemade Archive 70 Yes 08-16-07
5. Live Jasmin 70 Yes 06-05-12
6. Access Matures 65 Yes 02-26-09
7. Mature Uniform 60 Yes 08-12-07
8. Matures Cam 60 Yes 06-02-12

View All : Top Sites

Question Answer
What are your favorite porn niches or tastes?
May favorite porn niches is Mature vs young. I prefer the russian types og this niche, since in particulary the americans is too similar and the ages of the mature part is often questionable.
What sites do you currently have a membership to? (if any)
What influences you the most when signing up to a pay-site?
That it has a huge movie archeive
You prefer downloading or streaming video?
I prefer downloading, although I won't mind that there's a streaming possibility for viewing the scence, so that I can decide if I want to download it.
What's your monthly porn budget?
$25 - $50
What do you like and dislike about PornUsers.com?
There shold be a forum for users to debate and ask requests from other users.
Is there anything else you'd like to add?
Again, there shold really be a debat forum.

Answered: 7 of 12

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