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Visit Live Jasmin

Live Jasmin

About the Performers

I think I'll write a few words about the performers here, I have not let them affect the score in my review too much as the site is generelly not to blame for bad performers and they actually reacts to complains about them.

First off, one thing you'll learn is that for some reasons, alot of the performers (not all of them) has a strange attitude towards what they do, especially the more expensive ones. Some of them will seem totally indifferent to you, ignoring your questions or even respond in rude. I find this kinda strange, because it can sometimes feel like you're trying to pick up a girl and not buying a private show.

Even simple request like: "do you have a dildo?" can be met with the respond: "sigh come to private to find out". This basically means that you would actually have pay her to find out if you will pay her for a private show?

I have also found servarel performers that had rules written on their profile page on how you should behave in their free chat. If you didn't follow these rules they would kick you. I never got that far, cos I jumped these perfomers over as soon as I learned about their rules. Nevertheless it still annoys me that this attitude towards paying members can be found.

The quality of the shows are very VARIED and I really mean it and the higher the prize does rarely mean better show. The best performers I found were the cheaper ones. There are also no connection between prize and 'hotness' of the models. Serveral models you would think - based on apperance - would be cheap can be expensive and the other way around.

The above means that finding a performer that fufill your desires is very expensive. Both the performers and sites are to blame for this. The performers because of the bad attitudes and the site for not allowing a transperrent raiting system, where members can warn each other. As it is now you can't write negative comments about a performer at her site, because she will just delete it.

When above is said I must say that when you have work through the crap and found the few models that are 'made' for you, you can have some of the best shows known to men. I found a few which I return to time after time, and they no exactly what I like and some of them will even spend their own private time prepareing a special show for me. Some of them have even become my friends in real life.

So bottomline is that alot of garbage peerformers, but treasure can sure be found.

06-14-12  05:30pm

Replies (1)
Visit Live Jasmin

Live Jasmin

Status: Current Member for over 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: Nice selection of models and there’s generally a lot online 24/7

Categories that easily guides you to what type your preference

There are some good and fun models that can and will give you an enjoyable time

Support is generally ok
Cons: Price, especially for EU citizens, because the site runs with Dollar = euro policy. BIGGEST minus there and the reason I’ll not come back when my last credit is spent.

Small traps to lure you into paying more money. The site wants money for everything and I mean EVERYTHING. (more on that later)

Some design issues (more on this later)

You can rate a model, but you can’t warn others about her/him in anyone, since the site restricts the possibility of member interaction outside the chatrooms. You can’t even write a negative comment on their wall, because it will get deleted. So basically there’s no real way for users to give a fair review of a performer.

Some bad bad bad models.

Some models English is very limited.The actual number of online performers is in fact smaller than what the site promise, the reason being that many models have more than one profile pointing to the same live cam.
Bottom Line: This site is very expensive and it’s actually cheaper to get a real call girl in my country, than to get the same level of satisfaction on this site. This is just wrong.

The site itself:

As for the site it is generally well design. They recently updated their design, but I used the old one, which you could still use. I found the new design far too buggy; then again perhaps it was just my browser.

There are a lot of categories to choose from and I can’t imagine that you’ll be looking for long before (you find what you are attracted to pure physically. The site does this very well, when you have found her/him the is the possibility to roll over the preview image to get a live fee for the performers cast, which is good since the preview image more than often seems a little too good to be true.

The problem with the design when you get deeper down though is you discover that it in my opinion is design deliberately to trick people into keep buying ‘services’. E.g. becoming a member and getting credits doesn’t really give you anything special accepts the possible to get into the private with the performers. The site then offers a Top member service, which is more money out of your pocket promising a lot of could stuff, but as in turns out, if you buy this you’’ get a few nice abilities, but as it turns out you’ll find yourself again seeing even new things you can get for just a little more credit. And so it gets piled on and on. The sites information level on these extra goodies are extremely well ‘hidden’, so you’ll end up thinking you just bought something, but as it turned out you only bought the possibility to get this goodie. An example is the possibility to send offline messages to performers “even for free” as a top member, but as it turns out even for free only means if you have spent time in a private shown with a performer, and the free messages are only to her. To all other performers you have to pay, just like a normal member. The site is filled with these traps.
Had the site existed in my country, it would have been taken down for entrapment for this.
The support is ok, fast and nice for the few times I was been in contact with them. However I would say that I have heard BAD stories from other members, and even performers, but I haven’t let that affect the score I have given the site as I can’t confirm anything, but now you how been told.

I’ll not comments on the look of the models, their outfit etc. as it’s not my place to say what people are looking for. However I’ll like to point out in the wide range of quality of the performers attitude, language skills, “speed”, and so on.

Well it’s like playing the lottery really, you can keep trying to play the game, but the chance you hit jakepot are rally low. A model looking great and are playful in chat, might be slow and frustratingly boring when it comes to the fun behind the curtain. On the other hand, when you hit the big 5, you can get a performer that will blow your mind away and cater to your every need and desire. I found a few models I was able to messages my fantasy and they really went out of their way to get it to work when you then met in private.

A most annoying thing about some of the models is that they have these persons they are good friends with, which means that while you’re trying to get their attention in the free chat to find out if she’ll dog this or that for you, you end up getting drowned in the friendly talk between her and her friends. It’s bad service in my opinion.

Other models will send you a request to go into private even before you have exchange 3 sentences. Others will be on their mobiles; others will be chatting with friends in the room she’s in, others will be drunk and some just sits there starring into nothingness. I even once experience the woman’s husband (I guess) walking past in the background and I also found more than one model sleeping.

Worse of all, I found that some models are even rude, like your wasting their time with questions, to figure out if she’s actually what you’re looking for. Most models will claim that’s for private, which in my point of view is nonsense; No sane person will waist the first 10 minutes discussing if the model can do what you want, not at minimum 1.99/min anyway.
That being said if you can actually find some amazing performers that will cater your every desire and not waist anytime for you in private, too bad most you money will be spend finding these performers.

If money is no issue to you and you can find those few good models you can be in for a threat, but if your budget is tight and you’re not into spending a lot of time looking for what you want: STAY AWAY!

06-05-12  07:11pm

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Visit Penthouse

Reply of elephant's Comment

Yes, I have experience this at many sites. At it's not just pron sites that do it, many other business have started this policy aswell. I have actually been thinking writing to the EU to put a focus on this problem as it can't be in our common interest this way.

06-02-12  02:29pm

Visit Matures Cam

Matures Cam

Status: Current Member for over 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: Some really good and genuinely nice models

HD quality for many models

Ok variety in models

You can actually have a fun time in free chat with some of the models
Cons: Very expensive

“FRAUD” for EU cities – we have to pay more than the US

Some really, and I mean really bad models (even bad mannered)

The site LIES with the actually number of online models

Preview pictures rarely gives a true impression on how the actually model looks like on cam.

Some online models are obviously recorded playbacks (in the free section)

Even if you register and buys credits, you have to pay even more to become a actually member to watch member chat

The site is bad at explaining the different functions it offers e.g. the above member function mention above
Bottom Line: This is actually a bit difficult to review this kind of site for me, because do you review the site itself, just the models or a combination of the 2. Depending on which one you take, you’ll end up with three different results. I will try the combination.

First of this live cam experience is VERY expensive and in my p.o.v. far too much so. I mean I can actually (and I live Western Europe) hire a real stunning looking call girl for much longer for the same amount of money than for some of the average model on this site. This is just crazy in my book. Futhermore be careful as this website uses the dollar equal the euro policy. For us in Europe this means that we end up paying way more for the same service as the Americans. I really wish the EU would do something about this as it’s not only confided to porn but also other business areas, but for now it seem that immoral businessmen are having a blast because of this.

Moving on: You’ll realize after some tries, that the more expensive models don’t equal a better experience - far from it. I actually found an average looking woman, that gave me some really fantastic cyber sex and even though she didn’t get much for the time I spent with her, she never dragged out time or tried to keep me in the paying area. On the other hand some models would drag out time, so I would become so frustrated that I just ended up leaving, because I could see my money just wasting away.
And that is the real problem with sites like this in my point of view. You never know what you get and some models are amazing while others are just plain bad and you have next to no way of telling or finding out before hand, so most of your money will actually end up being spent on finding a good experience and not the experience itself.

There is of course a free chat with the models were you can get a preview and a little chat with the woman before jumping into a private show with her, but to my experience this again offers next to no insight in the ‘real’ experience behind the private curtain. Most of the models will even press you to go into private before even discussing what you want from the women. This is useless to me and more than once I even find women there just sat there ignoring your question as if I’m wasting their time, because I want to find out if she will fulfil my wishes. Tbh I find this very rude and bad service.

That being said you can actually find a few but generally nice women to have a funny chat with and I ended up with a few friends along the way. Even in real life.

The simple preview photo of the women you get before you click a specified woman to go to the free live chat with her is in 95% of the time a really bad preview photo of how she really looks at live cam. Even more annoying is it that some of the models have multiple ‘accounts’ up, which means that the site lies when it says there’s e.g. 300 models online, when in fact the actually number is smaller, because many of these 300 live models actually points to the same women.

Even worse is it that some of the free live feeds are obviously recorded tapes and not an actually live feed. I don’t know if there’s a real person in the private show with these, but I never dared to try and to find out.
The site ‘offers’ a member within member sections as I see it, but for a new user it is really confusing. I signed up and added some credit and I thought I was now a member of the site and could see the girls in their member chat to avoid the spamming from free users in the free live feed. But no this is apparently a whole feature on it’s own you have to pay even more to get access to it. This would be okay, if the site just explained this better, but it doesn’t and it really seems that the site deliberately tries to keep as much information hidden about such extra features to lure people into a trap, so they can milk you to pay just a little more, as you are now committed as you have already paid what I would now call the initial fee. In my p.o.v. this is a prime example of bad morale business and had the site been based in my country it would without a doubt have been sued for entrapment.


I’m really split in my opinion about this site. About the women: I have had a really good time with a few women here sexaully and I have even made a few friends in real life. On the other hand it’s VERY difficult to find the good experiences and you’ll end up paying A LOT of money to find them as the quality varies so much.

The site facilitating it all is generally bad; it’ll do anything to lure its users into paying just a little bit more. It’s information levels is prime example of this, as it is lacking, confusing and misleading.

I will end up with saying: Be careful with your money if you want to try this site out – especially if you’re from EU.

06-02-12  02:16pm

Replies (2)
N/A Reply of careylowell's Poll

Yes, I actually like all different kind of etnic women.

However I will not join if the male actors are of another etnic group than myself. Not that I have anything against them, but It destroys the fantasy that it could be me pounding her.

03-13-09  02:12pm

Visit Matures Today

Matures Today

Status: Was a member approx. 2 months prior to this review.
Pros: - Many videoes
- No download limit (a big plus)
- Nice models
- Good Video and picture quality
- Download speed is acceptable, though it can seem slow at times.
- Models reused alot or rarely
- Exclusive videoes and pictures
- No DRM
Cons: - VERY VERY VERY expensive
- Older downloads are in parts, while most of the newer videoes are in one big file. No options are offered
- No model directery/navigation
- You basicly get access to alot of sites that is out of the niche and no use to you (etc. shemales, foot, gay)
- Updates come to rarely in the niches you signed up for.
- Camera work is annoying
- Models reused alot or rarely
Bottom Line: First I signed up for this network because of the mature women vs young guys and the older men vs younger women niches. However you should be aware that there's alot of other sites with different niches attached to the network.

These other niches recieves the same attention as those sites there are in the niches you sign up for.

This is quite frustrating since the network is VERY exspensive and I would have much prefered that those sites where removed and the cost where lowered.

Moving on...

The mature women vs. young guys is for the most part very well carried out and there are some very good and exclusive stuff to get here. The ages differeent between the models are obvious in most cases and the acting is acceptable. Most models seem to enjoy themselves which futher add to the exciment. Futuremore there's quite alot of scenes to get and this is very positive.

The older guy vs. young girl niche is quite disappointing to me. I can't really put my finger on it but it's just not aswell carried out and alot of the scenes could imo easily have been put on any straight hardcore site. The avaliblility of scenes in this niche is also considerable smaller that the mature women vs young guys.

Updates do come, but as mention in the beginning there are other niches attached to the network and the fact that these recieves as much attention means that you can wait quite a long time to get new updates in the niches you joined this network for. In my book uacceptable.

The biggest down point about this network is that the action in some scenes can be very limited. It's gets really frustatin having a scene with the model you like and only get 5 min. or less of hardcore.

Another point of critizism is that there is no model directery which leaves you painfully have to go through all sites (you have to access each site individually) manually to find scenes of that particular model. This is time consuming since the navigation leaves alot to ask for imo.

The camera work is fine in some scenes, but can be downright annoying in others. Why or why etc. put a camera 90 degrees on the side at a doggystyle scene so you have to tilled you head to get to see what's going on? I just don't get it.

Some models are reused alot and this can be quite a blessing if you like her/him, but it can be equally frustrating when a model you like only appear in a few scenes. Again I refer to the fact that you have to go through each sites manually to find out.

A few actors really look like the could have appeared in a movie from the 50s. This annoyes me, since it for me kills the mood watchting etc your favorite girl getting it on with a man lost in time.

Bottom line: This could be a good network, if the price where lowered and the focus where put on the niches you signed up for.

If you into the niche there's quite alot of stuff to get, all you need is a fat wallet and patience since updates are slowly for the price you pay.

03-07-09  07:41am

Replies (0)
Visit Access Matures

Access Matures

Status: Was a member approx. 1 month prior to this review.
Pros: - Download speed is very fast
- Video quality is above average
- Photo quality is quite good
- Trial grants full access
- No download limit (that I was aware of)
- Notable age different
- Photo sets can be downloaded in 1 zip file.
Cons: - Update system
- Lack of content
- Simulated sex in alot of scenes (special for the young girl vs old man niche)
- Bad acting in alot of the scenes
- action is very limited in alot of the scenes,
- Navigation is annoying
- No model indeks
- Some models looks like the rather be anywhere else than in the scene
- Little to no model swapping
Bottom Line: This network could have been one of the better ones in the the niche: old vs young. The basis is there. The models are great, the age differents between the models is obvious, download speed is among the fastest I have ever experienced and the video and photo quality is above avarage for the most part.

Unfortunately at a closer look the network chooses to be just another 'join once, download everything you like - then leave and never return or you will regred it' - site.

Where to start:

- Well first up is the updating system which is extremely flawed. If you like I have been a member of some of the sites in this network before it was lauched, you'll be very dissapointing in knowing that the scenes and photos the network is claiming is newly updates actually is old movies which just get 'labeled' as new updates. This means that when you join network ad access one of the sites it will claim that a particular scene was added etc. yesterday. However if you (like I) had join the site half a year or a year ago it claimed the very same and I'm sure if you join half a year from now it would claim the same. This is just not acceptable to me and it basicly means that you should never join this network more that once or you'll have to 'start over' with claimed 'updates' that can be years old.

- Some of the sites if not most dosn't even update and therefore have very little content and nothing new is been added.

- The network is also very difficult to navigate and there is no model directery. This is annoying since the models is reused on differents sites in the network and you'll have to access each site and look through them to find scenes or photo sets of the models you like.

- Most of the old man vs. young girl contains simulated sex, which the network dosen't tell you before joining. For me this would be OK if the acting and action was good. Unfortunately in most cases it isn't.

- Which bring me on to the fact that the actually action in many if not most scenes is very limited. This means that you can watch a 15 min scene and get as little as 1-2 min of actually porn.

- Another critisism is that most models only seem to act with one or two particular models. This can be quite annoying if you don't like the models that your favorite actress/actresses is with in the scene.

Bottom line: This could have been a fantatic network, but sadly it isn't. I recommend that you join as a trial member, get everything that you like and leave forever.

02-26-09  08:45am

Replies (0)
N/A Reply of nygiants03's Poll

If I haven't have sex for a while - then 2 min. is a very long time ;)

Under normal circumstances, between 11 - 20 min.

03-31-08  10:47pm

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

I must say that quite often I have been very dissapointed with a site I've joined. The problem is that far to many of the kind of sites I like seems to be dominated/owned by the same ring of people, that lauches new sites under diffent companies every now and again. These sites I then join with great expectations, only to yet again find a site with 5 exclusive movies and then alot of non-exclusive contents that also appeared on the last many sites I have joined.

08-21-07  05:53am

Visit Fetish Discounts

Fetish Discounts

This site is a clone!

I would just like to point out that this site has at least 3 clones, that gives access to the exact same sites:

These sites are:

Pantyhose Discounts
Shemale Discounts

I can not give you links, since it's not permitted. But you can search: thebestporn website with the names I have given and you'll find the urls.

08-16-07  04:16pm

Replies (0)
N/A Reply of Drooler's Poll

Personally I would like the models kept to one name only, because it's very frutrating not being able to find other sites or even DVDs that the model appears on.

I can undertand that some sites deliver a fantasi, etc. mature teacher sex and therefore name the model Mrs. XXXXX, but atleast they could provide the real name.

08-16-07  12:40am

Visit Homemade Archive

Homemade Archive

Status: Was a member approx. 3 months prior to this review.
Pros: - Exclusive content (I haven’t seen it anywhere else)
- Video quality is great (divX)
- No DRM
- A fair amount of content
- Simple navigation
- Fast download speed
- Some sweet models
Cons: - No trial option
- Site doesn’t seem to update
- No bonuses sites
- A bit expensive
- No preview option, only a few thumbnails
- Download option is very limited
- No bonus sites
- Bad editing in some scenes
Bottom Line: This site is kind of: “what you see is what you’ll get.” This simple mean that the movies available in the member area, can be seen as thumbnails with descriptions, duration and file sizes on the front page. This is really nice, because you can get a clear idea if you’ll like the content or not, before joining.

The movies vary from great to downright bad. You’ll find some of them are nicely edited with a moving camera man. Others are filmed with a camera that doesn’t move and no editing at all. Some scenes even contain elements, where the filming crew comes into the picture to take photos and what not. Some has sounds and you can here the models moan, others have loud music playing.

The models acting skills vary a lot too. Some of them really get into it and they are an enjoyment to watch. Others seems to wish they where anywhere else than in a porno scene. Some of the male actors have problems with keep an erection and because of the bad editing, you can end up with a scene where half the time you are watching a guy jerk off and a female just sitting there looking.

Some of the movies are short, some are long and they are only offered in 1 file. This can be a pain, because the longer movies are really big (~350 MB). However the download speed is great, but I would recommend people on slow connections to stay away.

The site doesn’t seem to update, which means that if you should choose to join, get the 1 month subscription, download what you like and then stay away.

08-16-07  12:18am

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Visit Action Matures

Action Matures

Models name etc.

Does anyone here know the real names of the mature females models from this site?

On the sites they are only name by sir name, and I don't think it their real name, since they do appear on other sites under different names.

The models I'm paticular interessed in is:

- Alice
- Ramona
- Leila
- Helena
- Bridget
- Silvia


08-15-07  09:29pm

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Visit Access Matures

Access Matures

Sites doesn't exist!

This site is terminated! If you try to access the site, you'll get this message:

This account was terminated due to exessive spam!
Noscash team

However you can get access to all the sites through any of the sites in the network. Even the trial will grant you full access to all the sites.

The sites in the network can be seen here:


08-15-07  08:29pm

Replies (1)
Visit Old Man Tales

Old Man Tales
Reply of uscue's Reply

Trial membership grants you full access to the site and the bonus sites! The other sites can be seen here:


08-15-07  08:22pm

Visit Old Man Tales

Old Man Tales

Status: Was a member approx. 1 month prior to this review.
Pros: - Trial grants access to 10 other sites in the old vs. young niche
- Video and picture quality is fine
- No DRM
- Exclusive content
- Large picture archieve
- stays true to the niche
- Nice site layout
- Easy navigation
Cons: - Updates comes VERY slowly
- Big video file sizes
- No preview option for movies
- Simulated sex in some scenes
- Too few videos
- Too little focus on maintaining the site
Bottom Line: I’ve been a trial member of this site up to several times. 3-4 months apart each time.

Why keep signing up you might ask: Well the site stays true to the niche older men vs. young girls and there are some very nice exclusive content exploring this niche available, however the site updates far too slowly. Only a new video is added every 3 month. Pictures come at faster intervals though.

The site offers access to 10 other sites, which almost all explores the same niche - a new site is being added every 4 month or so. However the sites are very similar, and hard to tell them apart. It does leave one wondering why the sites creators did not just make one big site, and focus their expenses in updating it regularly, like other sites.

Another point of criticism is that for some of the movies, action is kept to a minimum and some even contains what obvious is simulated sex.

Movie quality is great, but only come in big chunks, 3-4 pr. scence ~60 MB each. There is no preview option.

Bottom-line: This site could have been one of the greatest sites in the old vs. young niche, however the update interval for the movies, the fact that the creators puts their energy and in launching new similar sites, instead of maintaining the existing sites and lastly that some scenes lacks action, just doesn’t justify signing up for more. I therefore recommend that you do what I do: sign up for the trial, download what you like, and return some months later to get the new content.

08-15-07  06:20pm

Replies (2)
Visit World Mature

World Mature

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: A fair amount of exclusive content
Grants free access to 2 other exclusive mature sites
Video and picture quality is fine
Pictures can be downloaded in ZIP-format
Great download speed (I got more that 400 kb/s)
Cons: Update system is annoying
No trial option
Bottom Line: Joining this site will grant you access to some nice exclusive content, both in terms of movies and pictures. All movies are DRM free and in standard wmv format, and the picture quality of them is over acceptable.

The site explores the niche of mature women with younger guys. However some of the new content, sometimes do feels like it could have appeared on a normal hardcore site, rather than content on a mature vs young site. The oldest content of the site is however true to the niche.

The site updates regularly which is positive. However the way the site updates is really frustrating. This is because scenes come in intervals, meaning you’ll have to wait 3 – 5 updates (between 6-12 days in total) to get a full scene.

The site do grants access to 2 other exclusive mature sites, which is very positive, but these sites suffers under the same updating system.

Bottom-line: I recommend that if you want to try this site out, join up for the 30 day membership only, since no trial is avaliable. Then download everything you like from the site and the 2 bonus site too. Then leave.

The updating system and the fact that new content sometimes does not feel like mature vs young content at all, just doesn't offer the justication for being a recurring member.

08-15-07  03:31pm

Replies (0)
Visit Mature Uniform

Mature Uniform

Status: Was a member approx. 3 months prior to this review.
Pros: Trial account does offer access to 5 other sites.
Video quality is fine.
Video content seems to be exclusive.
Download speed is great (wmv format).
Cons: Doesn't seem to update, or updates comes VERY slowly.
Not enough content (or updates?) to justify a full membership.
Bottom Line: I have been a trial member 3 times of this site or other sites that offers access to this particular site. Last time I was a member was a few month ago and this site doesn't seem to have been updated at all in the time it has been available.

The quality of the movies is however over acceptable and I haven't seen them anywhere else. However there are far too few of them and the fantasy about mature women in uniforms is not very well carried out.

Bottom-line: If you going to try this site, I would recommend that you sign up for the trial. Then download anything you like and then stay away forever or until the site shows clear signs that it have received updates.

08-12-07  10:51am

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