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Shakermaker (0) 03-07-09  07:41am
Rookie Badge  Pollster  Top Monthly User TRUST USER?   YES (0), NO (0)
Status: Was a member approx. 2 months prior to this review.
Pros: - Many videoes
- No download limit (a big plus)
- Nice models
- Good Video and picture quality
- Download speed is acceptable, though it can seem slow at times.
- Models reused alot or rarely
- Exclusive videoes and pictures
- No DRM
Cons: - VERY VERY VERY expensive
- Older downloads are in parts, while most of the newer videoes are in one big file. No options are offered
- No model directery/navigation
- You basicly get access to alot of sites that is out of the niche and no use to you (etc. shemales, foot, gay)
- Updates come to rarely in the niches you signed up for.
- Camera work is annoying
- Models reused alot or rarely
Bottom Line: First I signed up for this network because of the mature women vs young guys and the older men vs younger women niches. However you should be aware that there's alot of other sites with different niches attached to the network.

These other niches recieves the same attention as those sites there are in the niches you sign up for.

This is quite frustrating since the network is VERY exspensive and I would have much prefered that those sites where removed and the cost where lowered.

Moving on...

The mature women vs. young guys is for the most part very well carried out and there are some very good and exclusive stuff to get here. The ages differeent between the models are obvious in most cases and the acting is acceptable. Most models seem to enjoy themselves which futher add to the exciment. Futuremore there's quite alot of scenes to get and this is very positive.

The older guy vs. young girl niche is quite disappointing to me. I can't really put my finger on it but it's just not aswell carried out and alot of the scenes could imo easily have been put on any straight hardcore site. The avaliblility of scenes in this niche is also considerable smaller that the mature women vs young guys.

Updates do come, but as mention in the beginning there are other niches attached to the network and the fact that these recieves as much attention means that you can wait quite a long time to get new updates in the niches you joined this network for. In my book uacceptable.

The biggest down point about this network is that the action in some scenes can be very limited. It's gets really frustatin having a scene with the model you like and only get 5 min. or less of hardcore.

Another point of critizism is that there is no model directery which leaves you painfully have to go through all sites (you have to access each site individually) manually to find scenes of that particular model. This is time consuming since the navigation leaves alot to ask for imo.

The camera work is fine in some scenes, but can be downright annoying in others. Why or why etc. put a camera 90 degrees on the side at a doggystyle scene so you have to tilled you head to get to see what's going on? I just don't get it.

Some models are reused alot and this can be quite a blessing if you like her/him, but it can be equally frustrating when a model you like only appear in a few scenes. Again I refer to the fact that you have to go through each sites manually to find out.

A few actors really look like the could have appeared in a movie from the 50s. This annoyes me, since it for me kills the mood watchting etc your favorite girl getting it on with a man lost in time.

Bottom line: This could be a good network, if the price where lowered and the focus where put on the niches you signed up for.

If you into the niche there's quite alot of stuff to get, all you need is a fat wallet and patience since updates are slowly for the price you pay.

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