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N/A Reply of Drooler's Poll

I LOVE to watch a girl get herself off with a toy (or toys). Nothing else even comes close to getting my motor running. Sorry guys, I guess I'm just a freak.

04-07-12  01:28pm

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

Although I wouldn't call it mainstream just yet, it's much more out in the open and accepted than it used to be, even ten years ago. But sexual content, talk, etc. is more widely accepted in society now (advertising, movies, strip clubs, as a few examples)that porn is just part of that package. also depends on what kind of porn we're talking about, of course. Bestiality, excrement, rough B&D. to name a few genres that will probably never come close to being accepted.

04-07-12  01:25pm

N/A Reply of roseman's Poll

I can generally tell if I would like a given site, keeping in mind some don't tell you everything or accurately. But that's what I've got PU for!

04-07-12  01:19pm

N/A Reply of Cybertoad's Poll

PornUsers is one of the best review sites there is...mostly b/c it gives you both opinions of site reviewers and the "Porn Users" themselves. Virtually all the sites I've joined I've used PU to get the straight dope on them and I've never been steered wrong, so far.

04-07-12  01:16pm

N/A Reply of Denner's Poll

Kind of a combination of "most (but not all) of the above." I voted "Not enough videos," but value for the money (i.e. price) is also a factor as is a poorly organized, stingy or otherwise off-kilter preview site.

04-07-12  01:12pm

N/A Reply of Drooler's Poll

I rarely take the time to look at such content. Depends on the model, however. If it's Eufrat or Blue Angel, just to name a couple girls, I'm interested in knowing as much as I can about them.

03-13-12  07:41pm

N/A Reply of Drooler's Poll

I rarely give much time to it, but it depends on the content and most especially the model. If it's anything with Eufrat or Blue Angel, just to name a couple of girls, I'm interested in knowing as much as I can about them.

03-13-12  07:39pm

N/A Reply of Colm4's Poll

I download and keep what interests me and usually take at least a glance at the rest.

03-13-12  07:33pm

N/A Reply of Colm4's Poll

For me, her voice quality is more what I pick up on. I am, however, rather partial to all those Eastern European accents. Very sexy.

03-13-12  07:15pm

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

I voted Legal Young Models, but a very close second would be college co-eds. I don't actually make much distinction between the two. The real truth is, if they're cute, beautiful, exotic, sexy or anything in that range, so long as they're naked I love them all.

03-13-12  07:09pm

N/A Reply of Wittyguy's Poll

I really come and go a lot. If there's a new site that interests me, PU/TBP is the first place I go to find out more. Otherwise, I'd much rather look at all that beautiful content out there, rather than talking about it.

03-13-12  06:56pm

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

In most cases, it takes me a looong time between first discovering a site and finally joining it. I'm very deliberative about what sites I join.

03-13-12  06:50pm

N/A Reply of Denner's Poll

There's so many great ones out there (among many more mediocre ones) I can't name just one particular favorite.

03-13-12  06:48pm

N/A Reply of nadiencendia's Poll

I had to say, it depends. The stuff I like seems to be getting better and more plentiful. But...as we discussed a few questions ago, there is definitely a creeping pervasive nastiness to a lot of the new stuff that's come out in the last few years. Degradation, disgusting body waste, anal prolapse just to name a few things. I avoid that kind of content at all costs.

03-13-12  06:43pm

N/A Reply of graymane's Poll

Yes, I actually did it...but only once. Years ago in Hawaii, a Navy buddy and I bought some video equipment and we started a little business on the side making "boudoir" videos of couples who wanted to have their lovemaking sessions recorded in higher quality than what a personal camcorder would provide. One night after we had finished a shoot on Hickam AFB, we were riding the shuttle bus across base to where our car was parked. On the bus with us, was a very attractive young woman. Judging by the way she was glancing at our video equipment and smiling at us it was pretty obvious that she sensed that we probably did some "special" things with those cameras. My buddy and looked at each other and said, "Why not?" We moved over next to her and started chatting her up in the short time before we got to our car. As we got off the bus, I gave her a business card and told her to give us a call if she was interested. A couple days later she called me and told me that she wanted to make a video for her boyfriend who was on extended temporary duty in Japan...but she stipulated that she would need to get all raw footage and all finished copies. "No problem," I said (not our standard practice, but she was too hot not to shoot). Well, we got everything arranged and the results were breathtaking. After a little rehearsal to practice her moves, she did a bone-inducing strip tease and then got down to business with a nasty double-headed dildo, while we rolled both cameras to catch every juicy minute from every angle. After we edited it down to glorious VHS (including a nice music bed) I gave her what we told her were the only copies...but, of course they weren't. My partner and I made a couple copies each for archive (as we always did) as well as for our own private collections. We both always wished that we could have submitted it to "Homegrown Videos" (there was no internet back then, let alone internet porn). But we made a promise to her and we both felt we needed to keep that promise. We never saw her again but this is as close as I ever got to "...helping a willing young lady get into [internet] porn."

03-13-12  06:21pm

N/A Reply of Colm4's Poll

Yes, bukkake and shit immediately come to mind...but there are other things as well. I agree completely with greymane that the amount of disgusting things in porn has definitely increased over the past few years. It's as if some content providers seem to think that we've reached some saturation level for good clean dirty porn and so therefore they have to increase the shock level just to keep our attention. IMO, how wrong they are. I will always love to watch porn where all participants are interested in not only their own pleasure but the pleasure of everyone else involved...without having to resort to degradation and depravity to get there.

03-13-12  03:51pm

N/A Reply of Drooler's Poll

Definitely joining a network site only to find that content is a) hard or impossible to stream and/or download, b) has too many sites with content I'm not interested in, c) sacrifices content quality for quantity or d) all of the above. I'm very careful (perhaps overly so) about what networks I join. So far, I've been very happy with my choices...probably b/c I scrutinize so much before I join.

03-13-12  03:36pm

N/A Reply of GCode's Poll

Solo girls are where it's at for me, so this one was an easy one to answer.

03-13-12  03:24pm

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

The question is what is acceptable. I accept that a website can put some reasonable limits on how much content can be downloaded per day. (As an example, a recently reviewed site, Morey Studio has a 1.5Gb limit. That's not reasonable, that's ridiculous--even for a primarily photo site.)

Now, do I like download limits? HELL, no! I think everyone who's responded is in agreement that we may have to accept it but we don't have to like it. And it seems that most everyone has expressed the fact that their window of opportunity to visit the site and download content is limited by work schedule, amount of free time, etc. When a website puts some draconian limit on downloads, it forces us to visit the site on their terms and timetable--and nobody likes that.

I think the best approach is to not join the such a website at all. It's been my experience that there are tons of great websites for just about every erotic taste and which have few, if any, download limits. Those are the ones we should be going to and supporting. The other ones will either get the message or go out of existence.

01-11-12  06:27am

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

Generally no, I certainly don't go looking for it and when I do find it, I generally don't look at it.

Having said that, if it's tastefully done (CERTAINLY no sex/penetration or nasty split beaver shots!) then I would probably at least give it a glance.

I think pregnant women, nude or not, are beautiful--if only for the fact that pregnancy is the fullest display of their femininity. I love women...and I happen to believe that they play a very important role in the continued existence of the human race. If they want to celebrate that role then I say they should do it--so long as it is tastefully done and not exploitative or degrading in any way.

01-10-12  07:57am

Visit Teen Models

Teen Models

Thanks again for a great site

The middle of last year (2011), I'd been a TM member for a few months and I noticed that there were a couple of snippets of one particularly hot video of Eufrat in the site's 2-minute teaser but that the full video was not available (the accompanying pix gallery was available, which made me want the vid even more!). It took a few tries but once I got their attention they responded and got to work on it--with a vengeance. As I understand it, they practically tore the place apart trying to find it. When they didn't find it right away, the W/M, Parker, kept sending progress reports assuring me that they hadn't given up. Finally, after two months they found it it, got it into editing and posted after a couple of weeks. The result was spectacular!...and, they also found some other earlier video gems which they posted, as well.

I highly recommend TeenModels not only for their Herculean efforts to find the Eufrat video and their great member service, but for all the content--it's truly a great site.

(So, Parker and co., if you're reading this thanks again. NOW, as I've gotten deeper into TM, I've been noticing that there are quite a few more earlier sets where the the pix are available but not a video: not saying that you guys should go through hell like you did before, but maybe you might want to rummage through some old drawers and cabinets to see what you might find. Just sayin'...

01-10-12  07:38am

Replies (0)
N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

The question is whether a Webmaster would influence my decision to join/rejoin.

Join: probably not, since it's assumed that I would have very little 1st-hand knowledge of the site and little/no contact w/ its Customer Service. (But that's why we have TBP and PU to find those things out before we join, right?)

Rejoin: definitely, if I'd had an experience which stood out in my mind-either good or bad. Otherwise, however, it probably wouldn't make much difference. As Denner says, it's the content that counts most.

The only significant contact I've had w/ any website was with TeenModels, and I should take this opportunity to say how great they were.

The middle of last year (2011), I'd been a TM member for a few months and I noticed that there were a couple of snippets of one particularly hot video of Eufrat in the site's 2-minute teaser but that the full video was not available (the accompanying pix gallery was available, which made me want the vid even more!). It took a few tries but once I got their attention they responded and got to work on it--with a vengeance. As I understand it, they practically tore the place apart trying to find it. When they didn't find it right away, the W/M, Parker, kept sending progress reports assuring me that they hadn't given up. Finally, after two months they found it it, got it into editing and posted after a couple of weeks. The result was spectacular!...and, they also found some other earlier video gems which they posted, as well.

I highly recommend TeenModels not only for their Herculean efforts to find the Eufrat video and their great member service, but for all the content--it's truly a great site.

(So, Parker and co., if you're reading this thanks again. NOW, as I've gotten deeper into TM, I've been noticing that there are quite a few more earlier sets where the the pix are available but not a video: not saying that you guys should go through hell like you did before, but maybe you might want to go through some old drawers and cabinets to see what you might find. Just sayin'...

01-10-12  07:35am

Visit Morey Studio

Morey Studio
Reply of BradlyH's Review

Looks pretty unexciting to me, although the models all look very hot. Doesn't strike me that there's to much action going on other than a lot of naked posing. I gotta have more than that. If they could bump it up to at least close to the caliber of TeenModels, X-Art or joymii, then I'd definitely be interested.

01-09-12  11:06am

Visit Morey Studio

Morey Studio
Reply of Drooler's Comment

Yeah, the simularities struck me right away, too. But the one big difference of course is that on LSG many of the girls penetrate themselves with fingers and toys whereas Morey Studio is merely a "glamour" site where they only pose nude, albeit pretty provocatively sometimes. Correct me if I'm wrong on this. I'd really like to know b/c if this site is as good as LSG used to be (it positively sucks now), with some of the hottest masturbation scenes I've ever seen, then I'd definitely be interested in checking it out. The models all look positively gorgeous.

01-09-12  10:56am

N/A Reply of Cybertoad's Poll

Some probably do, some probably don't. Simple as that...depends on the personality and what they're doing. I can't see how anyone could enjoy such things as bulkake (spelling?), but I suppose some might. Or having an orfice pried open past the breaking point.

Generally, if the models are treated with respect and made to feel like attractive, worthy human beings who are making a lot of people very happy, I'm sure that goes a long way toward them enjoying it. Unfortunately, there's still too much porn out there that doesn't have those elements. As much as possible, I avoid that kind of porn. If I encounter it, I'm out of there.

01-02-12  12:16pm

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