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Visit Twistys


Twistys reduces video quality

So Twistys has recently dramatically cut the quality of their videos by well over 50%. The majority of their videos now top out at only 3,000 kbps. They used to be 10,000 kbps. Most top sites have a minimum of 8000 kbps these days, Twistys is taking a huge step backwards in video quality. Oh but they do provide misleading file names to make you think the videos are of higher quality then they actually are, but if you look at the file properties will see the dramatic reduction in file quality to second or third rate site standards.

08-25-16  03:59pm

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Visit Twistys


75% less new content

It was only 2 years ago this site provided 2 new videos a day, now it's only 1 new video ever other day, a full 75% reduction in new video content. The tech quality of the videos hasn't changed, but the quality of performers has, overall, gone downhill. You'll still get some good ones, but the selection of monthly Treats is mostly a joke now. Even the work of the better videographers/photographers is not what it used to be more often than not. So what you have is a 75% reduction in new content and overall it's worse content. Way to destroy a once great site.

02-20-16  12:17pm

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Visit Twistys

Reply of Monahan's Reply

They now have some nameless person running Twistys, who does not interact with customers. This is as of the beginning of September. The only person who reads content comments is the censor and they are very into censorship. Bottom line they no longer give a crap about customer feedback. I can't see it doing anything but getting worse with that attitude.

09-11-14  08:59pm

Visit Twistys

Reply of skippy's Comment

It's actually changed a whole lot since just last year 2012. Daily updates have been reduced from 3 photo sets and 2 videos to 1 of each. Power search was removed at least a year ago. They no longer listen to user comments and eliminated the forum. Pretty much they no longer interact with customers. They don't shoot any European models located in Europe anymore any such content was shot at least 6 months ago. Tammy Sands, one of the best photographers they used no longer shoots for them. Holly Randall, the other best photographer they used rarely shoots for them anymore. They have started using some crappier photographers to make up for it. Oh and they now fix the ratings and supposedly are dumping the treat of the year contest after the fallout of fixing this years contest.

They're now purely driven by money and don't give a lick about customer satisfaction or new content quality. Download historical content but much of the new stuff is disappointing.

09-11-14  08:49pm

Visit Twistys


Twistys cuts way back on updates

As of today Twistys has reduced it's update schedule from what was once 3 photo sets and 2 videos a day only 6 months ago to only 1 photo set and 1 video a day. The reason? A major decline in memberships (income) due to a major decline in quality of new content over the last 3 months. Now that's all they can afford.

Twistys still has a lot of great historical content, but new content is rapidly becoming mostly 2nd rate stuff you'd find on free sites AND now there's less of it. They also censor most negative comments. The new content manager is on Twitter and acts like he doesn't care about the site and it shows. Of course the VP doesn't give him much funding to work with anymore either.

06-12-14  03:30pm

Replies (6)
Visit Twistys

Reply of cjd2004's Comment

Several of Twistys top models, including, but not limited to, Elle Alexandra, Bree Daniels, Vanessa Veracruz and Emily Addison, who was planning to come back and shoot for them again have all said they will never shoot for Twistys again. Follow them on Twitter for more info.

Additionally, one of the best photographers they use, Tammy Sands, who shoots a lot of the Treat content, has said she will never shoot for Twistys again.

The content manager, know as Twistys Rob, quit because he didn't want to be part of fixing the Treat of the Year contest.

Twistys also shut down the forums and is now deleting most critical comments posted to content. Basically the new people in charge now are big on censoring/silencing customers complaints.

Twistys is also rumored to be planning to be reducing new solo and g/g content and going with more b/g content eventually, which is why the named the 5th place finisher the 2014 Treat of the Year runnerup, because she does b/g.

Look into #BoycottTwistys on Twitter for more details on the drastic changes to Twistys management.

03-22-14  11:10pm

Visit Twistys

Reply of cjd2004's Comment

From a Twitter post I saw the only one allowed to do or say anything negative is Twistys (MindGeeks). It's ok for them to $hit all over models, members, photographers and employees, but if you complain about it you are banned.

03-15-14  10:44am

Visit Twistys

Reply of Clownpuncher's Review

Sadly the site is headed for major changes, toward a b/g site. This is evidenced by how they just screwed over the real Treat of the Year runnerup in order to name a model who does b/g who only came in 5th place as the runnerup.

The guy who ran Twistys for the slimeball parent company was forced out because he had too much integrity to play ball with this sham. He let it be know that his bosses wanted to turn Twistys into something more of a cheap Brazzers clone, which would no longer be Twistys as you've reviewed.

03-14-14  06:38pm

Visit Twistys


Twistys now run by slimeball company MindGeeks

The MindGeeks (Twistys parent company) VP decided to screw over the runner up of the Treat of the Year contest and make the 5th place finisher runner up because they want to completely change Twistys into just another blah boy/girl site.

They've already shrunk updates from 3 photo sets and 2 videos a day down to 2 and 1 and the quality seems to be dropping off. They still advertise 3 and 2 updates, so they are engaging in illegal false advertising and have done so for a couple months now.

If you're thinking of joining Twistys for hot models in glamor style solo and girl/girl shoots, well that may only be historical content going forward. The slimeball VP who is now in charge is determined to change the site into generic boy/girl site so don't expect a lot of new traditional Twistys content going forward. These slimeballs also run Brazzers and other sites and have ZERO respect for customers, models and everyone who works for them.

03-14-14  04:08pm

Replies (1)
Visit 21Sextury.com

Reply of SexCliche's Review

Just be glad you even got a response from customer service. Out of about 12-15 times I've attempted to submit problems in the past through the official customer service channels I've gotten ZERO responses and have seen ZERO of those problems fixed.

The only responses I ever got from them was here on this site in response to comments, but apparently they stopped giving a cr@p completely and don't even do that anymore, which is not to imply the response here were ever helpful, just that there was a response.

04-06-13  10:11pm

Visit 21Sextury.com


Site navigation is now a joke

The site navigation has become a complete joke. If you go to a models page it lists her scenes in a completely random order. It used to always be in chronological order, but not anymore. For a model like Sandy with a few hundred scenes, it's impossible to find anything specific if you're looking for newer stuff. There are no sort options whatsoever. I submitted this issue at least a week ago, never heard anything.

Furthermore technical support is non-existent as has ALWAYS been the case. Sure you can submit problems like this but you're just wasting your time as no one will ever answer them. Their link for checking submitted problems is a fake and just sends you to the site homepage. As such I suspect the problem submissions page doesn't actually submit problems either. Their email address is worthless as they don't reply. It most likely goes to a mailbox no one ever checks.

Simply put as has always been the case they don't care one bit about customer support. However, at least in the past you could still find what you were looking for, now with content displayed randomly, in no specific order, you can't even do that for models with more than a small number of scenes.

03-29-13  08:17pm

Replies (3)
Visit 21Sextury.com


Still no evidence 21Sextury actually has customer support

I have yet to personally see any evidence that 21Sextury actually has any customer support beyond replies on this site. At the very least they NEVER respond to problems regarding content issues. I've reported various issues with videos over the last 2 years and never got any response and none of the problems have ever been fixed. In one case I've reported all the links for 1 video are pointing to the wrong video about 6 times now over that span and it's never been fixed and I've never gotten a reply (I don't count auto-generated replies).

Also their customer support "Submit a Request" page has a corresponding link to check on issues you've submitted but the link just sends you to the members homepage, which would also seem to indicate their customer support doesn't actually exist.

No replies EVER from actual people and no evidence anyone ever even looks at request means they have no customer support in my opinion.

04-21-12  11:02am

Replies (1)
Visit 21Sextury.com

Reply of Monahan's Comment

Monahan count yourself lucky. I've never even gotten a reply on any problem I've submitted. They always go completely ignored. The only reply I ever got was in response to a negative comment I posted here. It didn't really help any. There was one particular video that was linked to the wrong thing on their website, something you see too frequently with older content, and I've reported it at least 4 or 5 times over a year and a half and it's never been fixed. I pretty much gave up on reporting anything since they NEVER respond and seem as if they couldn't care less about content issues when it isn't brand new content.

The content overall is great but if you find something that doesn't work don't bother reporting it because you'll be ignored and it will NEVER get fixed.

12-16-11  11:45pm

Visit In The Crack

In The Crack

Fairly Frequent Download Failures

While In The Cracks content is very good they've set their downloads up so the fail fairly frequently, I imagine to discourage too much downloading. The larger the file the more likely it is to fail at least once or twice. Also there is no support for resuming so you can't pause a download either. That's also the main cause for download failures I suspect, caused by a brief download interruption from net congestion.

It's not so bad that you can't get and enjoy the content, just be prepared to be frustrated far more then you should be (which is not at all) with a professional site while downloading. With the highest monthly price I've seen in the industry you'd think they could fix the problem, but I think they designed it so the downloads fail a decent amount to curb downloading.

Also they're set up to discourage queuing with rather short timeouts, which I think is only 30 minutes to an hour.

07-21-11  03:51pm

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Visit 21Sextury.com

Reply of messmer's Review

I'm just wondering why it seems no one every mentions the lack of customer support in their reviews. For me personally they've never responded to any problems I've submitted since I joined more then 6 months ago and they're mostly simple problems, like broken links/missing content. I think customer support should factor into a review and be worth at least 5% of the score, maybe 10%.

01-04-11  08:30pm

Visit 21Sextury.com

Reply of Sandstone's Reply

"we indeed have too many ways to get there"

Really? There is only ONE way to supposedly get help that I've found. Click on the customer support link, in very small text, at the bottom of the page. That takes you to websupportcentral.com. Then click on another small "Contact Us" link near the bottom of that page which goes to a problem submission form. I've submitted about 4 to 6 problems over the last 5 or 6 months using that form. The oldest was about 5 or 6 months ago. At least 3 or 4 were before December. Other then a canned email I've never gotten a real human response to any of them.

I could accept the whole, we didn't get to it because of the holidays argument if the only ones you hadn't responded to were recent, we're talking multiple submissions over several months with no human response.

If you have a "Live Help" feature you have it well hidden. I don't see anything on the Scenes list page or any individual scene's page. I don't see anything on the Models list page or any individual model's page. I don't see anything on any other pages either. What I'm telling you is there is no Live Help feature as far as I can see. I'm not sure why you would tell me to use something that isn't there. Nothing at the top of the pages, nothing at the bottom, nothing on the left side, nothing on the right side, nothing in the middle. I'm using FireFox 3.5.2. Does this feature not work with FireFox? If so that why not? I mean considering it has at least 25-30% of the browser market. Do I need Windows 7 (which I don't have) running the latest Internet Explorer (which I don't have or want) or something to make this supposed "Live Help" feature magically appear?

I am accessing your content through the subsite member.clubsandy.com, where I signed up. Does that possibly make a difference? Is this "Live Help" feature maybe only implemented through some main site? If so how do I get there and can I even log in through there since I signed up through a subsite?

I am happy that at least someone replied here. Unfortunately I don't see this supposed "Live Help" feature anywhere so I'm not so happy about that.

01-03-11  04:23pm

Visit 21Sextury.com

Reply of RustyJ's Reply

Well, I've seen a few links on new material at least a couple days old not working or taking you to a file not found page. Even more bizarre, in the case of a few recent new Sophie Moone items there wasn't even a tab for the video or photos so there simply weren't any links you could click. It's like they added a placeholder page without the actual content. That tells me that not only do they seem to not care if there are broken links for older content, but that they also don't care if the new stuff goes online properly. One of those Sophie Moone is from a couple weeks ago and there are still no tabs for video or photos on the page for it. It's simply amazing how they don't seem to care.

01-02-11  03:44pm

Visit 21Sextury.com

Reply of JBDICK's Reply

JBDICK, I don't necessarily agree with you comments, but hey people have different tastes and browsing styles. Personally I don't look through their content by active model or whatever you're suggesting. If you look at the new scenes that go up they have a wide variety. Yes you sometimes get some of their models that have been around a while, but Sophie and Sandy among some of their greats never go out of style IMO. They also bring on some great new girls.

Now, what exactly your reply has to do with their seemingly complete lack of any customer support I'm not really sure. Your reply seems more like a comment on something else entirely then addressing the issue I raised in my comment. Perhaps you're suggesting they have more important things to worry about? I would think responding to customers and fixing problems, especially easy to fix problems like broken links, to keep the ones you have would be important.

01-01-11  06:21pm

Visit 21Sextury.com


Non-existent Customer Support

Overall the 21Sextury network has great content, but you'll occasionally run across broken links (videos not found) or links that point to the wrong videos. Also recently with one of the subsites, Sweet Sophie Moone, they been posting pages for new content, but no actual links to videos or photos, in other words vapor content.

This leads me to their non-existent customer support. Don't bother submitting any problems through their web interface, you'll get a canned, automated email and never hear anything more. If you reply to the automated email you'll never hear anything. Also they never fix the problems you report, even easy ones like broken links. There is no other way to attempt to contact them either. No forums where customers can post, no ability to comment, nothing.

This is really a shame. They've got great content and tons of it, but these problems with occasional broken, wrong and missing links are simply inexcusable for a site of this caliber, especially if someone reports them. It's also inexcusable for a site of this caliber to have no customer support. This is the only thing holding them back and its something that should be easily corrected.

The complete absence of customer support would not keep me from (re)joining, but it's very frustrating if there's something you want only to find the links are broken or missing and no one that works there cares.

01-01-11  04:13pm

Replies (7)

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