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Type Site - Score Feedback / Review Date
Visit Casual Teen Sex

Casual Teen Sex
Reply of BabyGetReal's Review

Thanks for the heads-up on the bad camerawork. Bad camerawork is the biggest plague of porn, very few sites do it right. Most sites have what I call "face and ass disease." Almost the entire scene of most sites is extreme close-ups of face and ass, as if that is all the girl's body consisted of. When will sites/producers learn that camerawork is as important as any other element of the video?

They can have the most beautiful girls in the world but if the camerawork is bad, they got nothing.

12-26-09  04:44pm

Visit Nu Dolls

Nu Dolls
Reply of Drooler's Review

I agree with you about not having enough light on the scene. I think they are really too dark, it's like going back to 1970's porn again. I didn't join the site, I just looked at their preview vids. Yep, they need to turn on the lights, no doubt.

12-26-09  01:29am

Visit Exclusive Teen Porn

Exclusive Teen Porn
Reply of MargulisAZ's Comment

You are right, there are maybe a few dozen Russian sites that all have generally the same "look" to them. I don't know about Exclusive Teen Porn, I've not joined this site. BUT, I can assure you that Teen Mega World is well worth the money. It's a network including about a dozen sites.

About half the sites are throw-aways, but the rest of them, like Teen Sex Mania, Gage and Gape, Teen Sex Movies, and several more are very high quality sites in my opinion. The girls are drop-dead beautiful and the video quality is high.

Some of the best camerawork I've seen on the net. For 20 bucks, if you have never joined before, its and awesome value. My subscription just expired about a week ago and I was very satisfied with the site and I'm not easy to please.

12-26-09  01:05am

Visit Brutal Dildos

Brutal Dildos
Reply of RagingBuddhist's Reply

You are correct, VLC will play a damaged or incomplete video... no problem. Its an amazing product. Thanks for the tip!

09-22-09  05:00pm

Visit Moms Teaching Teens

Moms Teaching Teens
Reply of RagingBuddhist's Reply

No, I didn't email them about it. I guess I should have. But I've done exactly that before with other sites and got no results. However, posting the complaint here seems to get their attention sometimes, but not always.

09-22-09  04:48pm

Visit Moms Teaching Teens

Moms Teaching Teens
Reply of Drooler's Reply

Thanks for the tip Drooler, I'll have a look at that discussion.

09-22-09  04:45pm

Visit Brutal Dildos

Brutal Dildos
Reply of ace of aces's Reply

By "index" I mean the video will not fast forward. In other words, when you use the slider bar to go forward in the video, the video gets stuck and will not play from that point forward. But I now think the videos posted "the full videos" are not damaged but that the Brutal Dildos sever "cut-out" before the video download was complete. Naturally that would result in a video that will not fast forward because it is not complete.

09-22-09  04:40pm

Visit Brutal Dildos

Brutal Dildos
Reply of RagingBuddhist's Reply

Sorry, I thought "index" was the standard term for "fast forwarding" a video by using the "slider" bar at the bottom of the video player. When a video is damaged or incomplete it will not fast forward... "index." But now, as I said in my update, I don't think the posted videos were damaged, I just think I got an incomplete download, which of course would prevent it from indexing. But it happened twice in five downloads of the "full" videos. So I'm thinking Brutal Dildos might have a server problem that sometimes prevents a complete download. One of the other reviews of this site mentions the same problem and that review was months ago. So I guess the site has never fixed it.

09-22-09  04:36pm

Visit Porn Pass For All

Porn Pass For All
Reply of RubberMan's Comment

If you browse to the individual sites you will notice the "bonus sites" listed will vary somewhat from site to site. You usually get about 35 bonus sites which will be the top 35 sites listed at the bottom of the page. In other words, count them and the first 35 listed is what you get. You won't get number 36 or any listed below that.

At Porn Pass for All, you get all of the "All Exclusive Websites" and then I'm not sure what happen after additional sign-up. I think its best to take what they initially give you at Porn Pass for All and then if you want a specific site after that subscription dies, go to the specific site you want and sign up.

09-20-09  04:58pm

Visit Brutal Dildos

Brutal Dildos

Seems that: Many of the "FULL MOVIE" downloads won't Index

I joined the site yesterday and have only downloaded five videos so far. But of the five, two of them would not index upon viewing them. The "Gina" and the "Hellizabeth" are the ones I found with this problem so far. To fix this I had to download the smaller video segments and then combine them, that's a pain in the butt.

Maybe I just got un-lucky and these are the only two FULL VIDEOS that won't index but that is not very likely. The guys at Brutal Dildos should REALLY test run all their videos and make sure they are not damaged before posting them.

*** UPDATE ***

I just saw MargulisAZ's comment in his review, where he says:


1. Downloads are problematic and don't always finish. This is very annoying and frustrating. This happens especially when trying to download a whole movie.


This could be the reason the two videos I mentioned were not indexing. If they did not fully download, that would cause them to NOT index. I didn't notice their file sizes. If that's the case then the videos are not damaged but Brutal Dildos' server has a problem and is cutting out before the entire video downloads. Either way, they need to fix it.

09-20-09  04:08pm

Replies (7)
Visit VideoBox

Reply of messmer's Comment

I currently have a 4 month subscription and yes sometimes its jerky, but most of the time its fine. It might have to do the the load on the server at given times of the day.

09-20-09  03:27pm

Visit Moms Teaching Teens

Moms Teaching Teens
Reply of Drooler's Reply

I don't have any idea what they are thinking. I guess they want to be sure that if you see one of their videos posted on usenet or one of the video review sites, that you can't miss where the video came from, in case you want to visit the site and sign-up and get more. That's fine, I understand that, but do they have to make the logo so fricking big that it spoils the video? Of course they do not and of course they could put the logo at the top or along the side were it wouldn't get in the way. BUT NO... they got to have it in a prime viewing area.... JUST DUMB !!

And what's worse is when you look at their previews, of course the huge logo is NOT on those videos, so you have no warning. I would not have sign-up for this site if I knew my view was going to be obstructed like that.

09-20-09  03:19pm

Visit Moms Teaching Teens

Moms Teaching Teens

BEWARE: Huge Logo/Watermark on Videos that often blocks your view

This is really a shame, the videos on this site aren’t bad but the site has elected to place a huge Logo/Watermark on the videos at the bottom left, that is ALWAYS a huge distraction and often blocks your view of the action. I don’t know why so many porn sites choose to do this. They go to all the trouble of producing a decent video and then ruin it by covering a piece of prime viewing real estate with a huge logo. If they must have it, why not put it in a corner at the top or run it along the side of the video like Sapphic Erotica does? You would think common sense would prevail but for some reason it doesn’t.

09-20-09  12:29pm

Replies (6)
Visit Huge Strapon Lesbians

Huge Strapon Lesbians
Reply of MargulisAZ's Review

Good review, thank you!! The last time I joined Brutal Dildos they were putting really huge logos/watermarks on the screen that really ruined the videos because the marks were alway blocking the action and in the way about 80% of the time. Could you tell me if they have fixed that. And also please let me know if its a problem on the sister sites as well.

Thanks Much

09-17-09  08:47am

Visit Fucked Hard 18

Fucked Hard 18
Reply of Drooler's Review

Very good review, thanks for taking the time to do it.

I totally agree with you on the ass slapping. It does nothing to increase the eroticism of the scene in my opinion and only makes her butt red, which I hate. I'm paying to see the girl's beauty, don't mess her up with that nonsense! And its a shame so many sites do this, I hate it.

04-25-09  10:43am

Visit Sapphic Erotica

Sapphic Erotica
Reply of exotics4me's Reply

VLC's video player solved the problem, thanks guys for the tip !!

02-15-09  03:51pm

Visit Sapphic Erotica

Sapphic Erotica
Reply of elephant's Reply

Thanks elephant, I'll look into that. It's good to know there are other options out there. For some reason I just don't trust Microsoft upgrades, I guess it has something to do with the fact that their upgrades usually fix one problem but create ten more. I really don't like messing with my configuration when its working good. And Microsoft just loves creating these situations where you are forced to upgrade. They could of course provide a new codec for their older players, but they won't, it's all about marketing and it irritates me.

Sapphic Erotica needs to warn people that this upgrade is required for their newer videos, but of course they will not do that because they know a lot of people just don't want to take the risk. Shameful.

02-15-09  11:26am

Visit Sapphic Erotica

Sapphic Erotica
Reply of exotics4me's Reply

Thanks for the heads-up on VLC's video player, I will check that out.

02-15-09  11:17am

Visit Sapphic Erotica

Sapphic Erotica

Beware: High Def and Mid-Quality Vids May NOT Work for You !

So far Sapphic Erotica has been an enormous disappointment. Not that many fisting videos, really horrible navigation, small single pictures for previews and for me, the high quality downloadable videos don't work.

Sapphic Erotica seems to be using a WMV codec that is not compatible with older Windows Media Player programs. The WMV videos I've downloaded don't work, when played they only provide sound, no picture.

I went to the Support page for the site and it states that you must have Version 10 of Windows Media Player. So make sure you have version 10 or higher before you sign-up or the high quality videos will not work for you.

The previews for the site work fine without version 10 so this took me by surprise. I fear doing the upgrade to Version 10 because I can't risk a configuration problem right now.

Since I can't view the downloadable high quality videos the site is pretty much worthless to me. I requested a refund from Virtual Access Billing (VX Billing) but they refused and would not refund even though I explained the problem.

02-14-09  08:49pm

Replies (7)
Visit Teen Sex Mania

Teen Sex Mania
Reply of elephant's Comment

Thanks for the heads-up, this does look like a great site. It needs top grow a bit of course but WOW their girls are great!!

11-30-08  10:11am

Visit Dirty Orientals

Dirty Orientals

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: * Several awesome looking Asian girls, like: “Kim D” ... “Som” ... "Dawn Star"
* Good resolution 720 x 540, but not High-Def
* Girls don't constantly distort their faces with fake passion
* Girls don't constantly make silly/fake "passion noises”
* Mostly very beautiful/petite Asian girls
* Zip files for pictures
* Previews for every scene
* Full download speed for cable connection
* Good site set-up for navigation
* Full-length & split downloads / multiple file sizes
* Currently about 45 scenes and growing
* About 35 other sites come with sign-up, some very good
* Video logo not very obstructive of view
* Good Lighting in most scenes
Cons: * Girls almost never get naked
* Girls wear fishnets almost always
* Far too much oral sex in most scenes
* Small breasted girls almost never take their tops off
* Bad camera work
* Bad editing of the scenes
* Far too many unnecessary “fades” and “flashing” of different angles
* Camera movements are mostly way too fast
* Girl’s movements into new positions almost always edited out
* Camera way too close most of the time, blurs the video
* Site needs to find male stars with bigger “tools”
* View of the action often obstructed by hands, hands are not erotic
Bottom Line: This site had everything it needed to rate well into the ninety-percent range for quality, but they blew it with bad camera work, horrible editing and by not getting the girls naked. Also, there was too much oral sex, to the point that oral-sex consumed nearly half of the scene in many cases. There are entire sites devoted to oral-sex and people that like that have that option, but normal sex sites should not try to be oral-sex sites too.

As a result of the disappointing camera work and other problems stated above, I've rated this site in the sixties. Sites need to learn that camera work and editing are very important, the best and highest rated sites on the net have learned this lesson but 90% of the industry has not. They wonder why their site is rated so low when they have top-rated stars and the best equipment... its because they don't know how to use that equipment. They have "fun" with the shots, they do dozens of unnecessary fades and all sorts of editing special effects/tricks that only destroy the eroticism of the scene. When they get a good angle and distance they don't keep it, they fade and opt for an ultra close shot (too close). The action is often blurred because the camera is way too close.

This site, like so many others seems to believe that the best camera shot is the closest camera shot, that is not true. There is a time for close camera shots, but that time is NOT ALL THE TIME!! The camera makes all girls look pretty much the same when its only twelve inches away. A close camera turns a wonderfully slender girl into just another average girl.

The cameraman needs to get shots of the girl from head to toe much more often, and especially at the beginning of the scene. And stay on that shot for awhile, don't just give us a microsecond glimpse, let us SEE the girl, ALL OF HER, head to toe. Without these shots no one can realize the proportions of the actress.

This site like most others makes you piece the girl together in your mind, you see a close-up of her feet, of her face, of her butt, of her left nipple, but the camera seldom, if ever, simply backs out and remains steady to show the overall girl.... very sad, what a waste of what could have otherwise been a great scene.

Why is it that when most porn stars see the camera focus on their sex that they must immediately cover it with their hand and masturbate? It would be much better for them to keep their hands out of the shot. I don't think anyone watches porn movies to see hands. Hands are not erotic. A lot of that goes on at this site.

I'm very frustrated with "Dirty Orientals" because it’s rare to find such a large number of very beautiful Asian stars on any particular site, the site could have been awesome, but as it stands, its just another mediocre site.

Many 21Sextury.com Productions sites have very good camera work and editing, the guys at Dirty Orientals need to take lessons. ALS Scan is another site with very good camera work, look and learn.

11-27-08  05:18pm

Replies (2)
N/A Reply of jd1961's Reply

What do you suggest, their name, address, phone number and bank account numbers ? I would question someones maturity and intellect that would leave a great deal of information about themselves on a website without a truly good purpose and without being paid for the risk they are taking.

06-14-07  02:58pm

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

There is nothing a person could put in a profile that would make me trust them. Profiles are not relevant to trust in my opinion. What they have to say in their comments or reviews is the most telling as to their trustworthiness.

06-14-07  02:50pm

Visit Brutal Dildos

Brutal Dildos

Make the LOGO on the videos smaller

The videos have great content, but you can't enjoy them because the LOGO for the site is imprinted so large on the video that it is constantly blocking your view of the action. I really enjoyed the site before they made their logo so huge. I use to join the site about every 6 months to collect the new videos, but I will not join again because of the LOGO problem.

05-12-07  04:58pm

Replies (3)

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