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Visit Blacks on Blondes

Blacks on Blondes
Reply of Tom22's Review from joekramer08:

I agree with your views on porn camera work. I really wish they would learn to zoom out and let us see the girl's whole body from head to toe. It's a shame that in most porn scenes these days the camera man is always zooming up close on just one part of the girl's body (just her face, just her ass, just her tits)...you can't appreciate a girl's body if you can only see one part of her at a time...this philosophy that "closer is better" seems to have infected every studio and website these days...such bad camera work.

01-15-12  10:58am

Visit My Sexy Kittens

My Sexy Kittens
REPLY TO #2 from insomniacxxx: (Tom22's Reply)

In my experience the videos are exclusive. I have been a member of this site and Seventeen Video, and have not found any overlap. Eventually most of these scenes end up released on one of the numbered My Sexy Kittens DVD volumes. And much of the Seventeen stuff ends up released on one of that label's many DVD titles (Sporty Teens, etc). They do seem to be related, but they don't seem to be releasing content in both places.

To the original reviewer: Do the pics have Zips available yet? Before I could not find a good way to download the pics at all. Also, did you have any issues with download speed/reliability? Just wondering if they have improved in that department. I seem to remember this was not a problem before, but the last few times I have checked for improvements it has been worse and worse.

05-02-11  03:07pm

Visit My Sexy Kittens

My Sexy Kittens
REPLY TO #1 from pat362: (Tom22's Reply)

I don't know if the videos are exclusive but I just checked the videos for 5 different models that have content on both sites and none of the videos match. It's possible that one the site removed certain videos of the model and transfered it to the other site but I couldn't tell you if that's the case. Seeing as both sites belong to the same company then anything is possible.

04-10-11  05:51pm

Visit Blacks on Blondes

Blacks on Blondes
Reply of Tom22's Review from graymane:

Nice review, Tom. The Cons are well covered and highlight the very kind of stuff that turns me off.
I have access to some of this site's videos, and another con I might throw in from those are the excessive "big talk" done by the male performers.... going on and on about how lucky the girls are to have these well-endowed black guys as their sex partner -- or just black guys in general.

03-05-11  10:26pm

Visit VideoBox

Reply of Tom22's Comment from videobox:

I am sorry you don't like the new site design. Because it is so different we have found that it has disrupted peoples very established viewing habits. Because of this we are keeping both sites running for the users that prefer the old UI

I want to point out that you can see larger previews on VB3, in fact we increased the preview time and the number of total previews to watch from 3 at 30 seconds to 5 at a minute a piece.

02-14-11  11:36am

Visit VideoBox

Reply of Tom22's Comment from Denner:

OH, agree......if the members area is as bad as the preview ditto....
Judging only from the preview it seems like something from the past......and after browsing some of the content, well that, too - I hate it when they present a movie - and none of the clips have the model at the cover - see - just as an example: Hockey Moms #11 - with russian teen Leona (and a lot of akas):


- but nothing of her in the files....

02-14-11  09:57am

Visit Explicite Art

Explicite Art
Reply of Tom22's Comment from MargulisAZ:

I agree about the camera work but not for the same reason. I just get very annoyed when the camera angle is CONSTANTLY changing around, it is very frustrating and happens too frequently in many of the videos.

02-13-11  11:50pm

Visit 21Sextury.com

Reply of Tom22's Comment from nadiencendia:

Yes, I mentioned the same in a previous comment, and a thread was opened in the forums to discuss this issue. Apparently, we are a huge majority of users who prefer full body angles to close-ups of a pussy, a tit or an asshole, but directors don't seem to get it. With 21st Sextury, it's absolutely crazy: they have some stunning models, with gorgeus bodies and the cutest faces, and they insist on showing us 15 minute videos of their vagina. Come on, people, you can do better than that!

12-31-10  04:24am

Visit 21Sextury.com

Reply of Tom22's Comment from Drooler:

I'd say the same thing goes for the photographs. It's rare there to get a good head-to-toe ass shot, nor a good head to upper-thigh one. They did manage to of Shalina Devine (Zoliboy "Home Video" shots 39 to 42). Britney "Kinky in the Bathroom" number 30 was a nice pose and shot composition. Back a few years, Olivia York in "Magnetic Eyes" number 34 was absolutely spellbinding, just as perfect as an ass shot could be, with her looking back with a face that shone with both sweetness and naughtiness.

I mention these things in such detail because I'd like to see more of this kind of thing at 21st Sextury, and everywhere else, for that matter.

12-30-10  11:11pm

Visit Asian Pervert

Asian Pervert
Reply of Tom22's Comment from anyonebutme:

I don't know if it's a ripoff or not, I just think it's a bit disingenuous to bash a site based on a trial subscription. Maybe it was never supposed to be a full access trial, that this site has their facts wrong? I don't know.

09-07-10  09:57pm

Visit Explicite Art

Explicite Art
Reply of Tom22's Comment from pat362:

My membership expired last week and I was a member a couple of years ago and little has changed. It makes sense for them to remain this way because they are still getting customers. Their search options aren't the greatest but you can do a search using the models name and get access to all her content with one click. IMO they have the best download options on the net when it comes to video and they hold their own against many other on the photo side as well.

The only thing that I can fault them is that their videos are too short. I'd prefer longer videos.

08-02-10  06:35pm

Visit Explicite Art

Explicite Art
Reply of Tom22's Comment from exotics4me:

Tom you have to understand that not everyone has the same preferences. Some people like all close-ups. What I don't understand is why you say, "price is too high for just photos". They have over 1,200 videos. And while I can respect anyone not liking a style of video or the way it is filmed, for someone like me, who has never videoed anything, it becomes a non-factor. Similar to how say a mainstream movie critic criticizes a movie not being in HD. I don't even have a HD tv. The old adage of different strokes for different folks applies and that's why you should review it in the 60s if that's your feelings about is since I'm sure there are some people who have the same preferences as you. I'm just not for sure about criticizing others scores based on your opinion. That goes into the whole, "I'm right, you all are wrong".

08-02-10  12:25pm

Visit AV Lovers

AV Lovers
Reply of Tom22's Comment from PinkPanther:

Perhaps they put the huge logo - and I've never seen anything from this site to know how big the logo is - to make it easier to identify pirated material and to take legal action. If it's got a big-ass AV Lovers logo, nobody could claim that they didn't know that it was AV Lovers material.

07-31-10  04:37pm

Visit Huge Strapon Lesbians

Huge Strapon Lesbians
REPLY TO #1 from MargulisAZ: (Tom22's Reply)

The logo problem is way better now.

09-28-09  05:18pm

Visit Brutal Dildos

Brutal Dildos
REPLY TO #6 from ace of aces: (Tom22's Reply)

all my downloaded videos are working, and i think i downloaded all with dap. maybe it is a new problem or a problem with youre provider?

09-23-09  12:38am

Visit Brutal Dildos

Brutal Dildos
REPLY TO #4 from RagingBuddhist: (Tom22's Reply)

Try playing those files in VLC media player and see if they don't allow fast forwarding. There's also a page you can check out:

Seems indexing is what it's called, but I'd never heard it before.

09-22-09  04:50pm

Visit Brutal Dildos

Brutal Dildos
Reply of Tom22's Comment from ace of aces:

hm, i had no problems to download the videos. what do you mean with "videos don`t index"? as i could see at my hdd the videos had all names and none is broken so far.

09-22-09  04:54am

Visit VideoBox

REPLY TO #1 from messmer: (Tom22's Reply)

Thanks, Tom. Yes, I have a four months subscription myself because the price was right and was just wondering if all those subscribers who responded to the offer were starting to clog the system because download speed is way down as well.

09-21-09  08:16am

Visit Moms Teaching Teens

Moms Teaching Teens
Reply of Tom22's Comment from RagingBuddhist:

Not that they care, or they wouldn't do it in the first place, but have you emailed the site to tell them just how annoying their watermark is? Guess I'm always an idealist, hoping that enough people complaining will make someone wake up.

09-20-09  06:13pm

Visit Brutal Dildos

Brutal Dildos
Reply of Tom22's Comment from RagingBuddhist:

I'm not sure what you mean by "won't index" but I'll go with your thought that the files aren't complete and ask if you've tried to play them with VLC media player yet. If they play, there are some options to fix your files using VLC or a couple of free conversion apps. Easiest if the files in question are avi type.

09-20-09  05:30pm

Visit Moms Teaching Teens

Moms Teaching Teens
REPLY TO #2 from Drooler: (Tom22's Reply)

There's been discussion that has included watermark sizes here at What Makes a Good Pay Site?, btw. But it's just common sense, obviously. It's like, if you bought a mirror that you wanted to see yourself in, you wouldn't paste decals over 30% of the surface.

One of the worst I ever saw was called "Banana Girls" or something like that. This HUGE peeled banana cartoon logo was way all over the pics of the girls. REE-DICULOUS!

There's just no explaining some of the things that some people do.

But thanks for warning us off this one!

09-20-09  05:12pm

Visit Moms Teaching Teens

Moms Teaching Teens
Reply of Tom22's Comment from Drooler:

Isn't it amazing that there are sites that do that? What on earth are they thinking??

09-20-09  12:48pm

Visit Fucked Hard 18

Fucked Hard 18
REPLY TO #1 from Drooler: (Tom22's Reply)

Yes. To my mind, if almost as if the thought is, "OK. This is perfect. How can we mess it up?" In some cases, it's blurriness (lack of focus), grass blades upstaging the girl's butt, awkward orientation to the frame, etc. In this case, it's ass-slapping and hair pulling mostly, and on occasion the camera work.

Of course, no one is intentionally making a mess of things, but it that doesn't mean it can't or doesn't happen!

04-25-09  12:27pm

Visit Sapphic Erotica

Sapphic Erotica
REPLY TO #5 from exotics4me: (Tom22's Reply)

No problem, glad to have helped, I ran into the same problem, even using WMP 11 with a lot of the MP4 video files that are showing up on ALS Scan and the VLC plays those too.

02-15-09  05:33pm

Visit Sapphic Erotica

Sapphic Erotica
Reply of Tom22's Comment from elephant:

Just about to suggest that too, VLC is good for those vids that don't work on wmp. I also recommend GOM player , by far the slickest media player, especially if you use the cool black skin for it downloaded from the gom site. I also have realplayer which I was surprised is actually very good now adays and plays lots of vids WMP doesn't.

02-15-09  03:09am

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