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Visit My Sexy Kittens

My Sexy Kittens
Reply of pat362's Review

This site looks like a re-cycle or clone of 'Seventeen' Video to me. I'm thinking the videos are not exclusive. Can you tell me if you think that is true or not. I've already joined Seventeen some time ago under a full trial. It was not too hot.

04-10-11  10:57am

Visit Blacks on Blondes

Blacks on Blondes
Reply of graymane's Reply

Thanks for the good comment. I've been trolling this site almost from its beginning and finally wrote the 5th review.

Yeah, there is too much talk all together and not enough action. I use a video cutter (Boilsoft makes a good one) and just clip out the good part. Normally I only keep about 30% of the video and many of the videos are just not salvageable because the camerawork is so bad.

The real shame is, that this could be an awesome site, but they just can't drum up the determination to break away from the old worn out style. Oh well, there are other sites that do it right.

03-07-11  07:13am

Visit VideoBox

Reply of videobox's Reply

Thanks for the reply. I found the URL for the old style User Interface and I'm glad it still exist.

When I was talking about previews, I meant photo previews, those are smaller with the new UI. I like video previews to determine if I will join a site. But after joining, its much easier and faster to rely on photo previews.

The URL for the old interface, in case someone wants it, is:


I suggest you put a link on the new interface to the old interface, or maybe its there already and I didn't see it. But otherwise people won't know the old interface still exist.

03-03-11  06:24pm

Visit 21Sextury.com

Reply of messmer's Comment


Everybody is having the same problem. The webmaster replied to one of the complaints about it about a week ago and I replied back ... I think last Sunday saying I thought they had fixed it because I had no problems that day. But I'm downloading again today and the very first download I tried .... DROPPED.

So they still have not fixed it.

01-05-11  03:58pm

Visit 21Sextury.com

Reply of Sandstone's Reply

I think you fixed it. I've been downloading for about 5 hours now and haven't had a single dropped video. Normally it would have happened several times by now. Good Job !!

01-01-11  12:01pm

Visit 21Sextury.com

Reply of RustyJ's Reply

Yeah, that's another gripe I have that I haven't even got to yet, those ultra-wide angle lenses they use. They make every girl's ass look like its a mile wide. There is huge distortion with these lenses, take a look at the edges of walls or doors sometime and notice how curved they are. They are not actually curved of course, that's just showing how much distortion is in the picture. Unreal, they need wide angle of course, but there must be a lens out there that is not so extreme.

Congratulations on your win by the way !!

01-01-11  11:53am

Visit 21Sextury.com

Reply of nadiencendia's Reply

Yeah, and I always thought the huge majority would be those that prefer full body length shots. That's not to say there is never a time for a close-up, but geeezs you can't just part the camera at her butt-hole, which is what most sites do.

And they love shots from the floor looking up at almost a 90 degree angle of the girl. What's up with that? I wouldn't complain about it except that its so common. It's a lousy angle, but they love it and do it constantly.

Many of these sites that love this ultra close up crap would have 500% better camera work if they just put the camera on a tripod and never touched it throughout the entire scene. Honestly, I'd much prefer that to the constant and unnecessary movements, swatting of the camera, and too close-up all the time.

But if you want to see some good camera work, (not great, could still use some improvement) but some "good" camera work, checkout the Teen Mega World sites. The Russians have got the right idea on camera work. Good for them !!!

12-31-10  11:10am

Visit 21Sextury.com

Reply of Drooler's Reply

Thanks for the detail, I'll be sure to download those in case I don't already have them.

12-31-10  11:00am

Visit 21Sextury.com

Reply of nadiencendia's Comment

You are exactly correct Nadiencendia. 21Sextury has slipped back into the old porn paradigm of a constant TOO-CLOSE camera. Marketers of porn have pretended that POV (so called Point-of-View) camera work is something new. It's not, its been one of the curses on porn from day-one.

Thankfully some porn sites are finally learning to keep the camera back so you can see the overall action. The Russian sites are leading the way and they are kicking-butt on all the old style American and Euro sites.

Shooting a porn scene is not rocket science, its just 1) get adequate lighting, 2) keep the camera steady 3) get proper focus and DISTANCE and angle so you can see the overall action. It's that simple, but they still manage to mess it up by trying to keep the camera stuck up the girl's butt.

Yes, a close-up is good sometimes, but it shouldn't be ALL the time. And they zoom the camera too fast, and constantly make unnecessary camera movements and generally swat the camera around like its a tennis racket. I don't know what they are thinking.

Hey, it took the porn industry 40 years to lean to turn the lights on. Honestly, go look at some old 'classic" porn and notice that about 90% of the scenes don't have adequate lighting. I guess it will take them another 40 years to figure out we would like to see the ENTIRE girl... not JUST her tits, not JUST her butt, not JUST her face.... LET ME SEE ALL OF HER PLEASE !!

Well, maybe they will figure it out someday, but my hopes are dimming, especially seeing 21Sextury fall back into the same old trap.

12-30-10  11:59am

Visit 21Sextury.com

Reply of Sandstone's Reply

I'm sure you are working hard on it but be assured the problem is not fixed yet. I am currently a member as of (30 Dec. 2010) and have been a member for the past three months.

The severs are still dropping downloads quite often, I would say for every video download you start, there is about a 25% chance that the server will drop that video before it is complete. Sometimes a download will be dropped even if its being downloaded by itself, a single video download.

This is of course very frustrating, it waste a lot of you customers' time and it also waste a lot of your bandwidth, because when a video drops, you have no choice but to do it all over again, if you want it to work.

Good luck in solving the problem, I know server problems like this can be difficult to fix. I'm located in the U.S. if that helps.

12-30-10  10:54am

Visit Asian Pervert

Asian Pervert
Reply of anyonebutme's Reply

The site must have reported to "The Best Porn" that it was to be a FULL trial in order for "The Best Porn" to list it as such. And I guess I don't understand what is "disingenuous" about "bashing" a site based on a trial subscription. Especially when they advertised for a Full trial and it appears not to be. Seems to me that in that case, a "bashing" is in order.

09-08-10  02:27pm

Visit No Rest Network

No Rest Network
Reply of yadayada321's Reply

The problem is that, that doesn't help. You still see him distracting the models and destroying the scene.

08-02-10  01:24pm

Visit No Rest Network

No Rest Network
Reply of Denner's Comment

I sure do agree with you, I hate it when the cameraman starts talking, they need to shut-up and run the camera. It destroys the eroticism of the scene. But the cameramen want to be the star, well, they are not the star, they are the cameraman... shut up and run the camera for pete sake.

08-02-10  01:22pm

Visit Explicite Art

Explicite Art
Reply of orgasmation's Review

I agree with you totally on the camera work, for the most part its just totally bad. They do manager to get it right in a very few videos --- like the "Emma - Hardcore" (not Emma Gun, the other Emma that they only have one video of) was done well. And they do have some fisting which is a plus, but the site really really needs to find somebody that knows how to run a video camera.

If they shot their videos the same way they do their still photo shoots, then they would have something. But they don't, in the videos, for the most part, its just face and ass all the time.

Maybe they have improved since I was a member, but I doubt it, this is a French site afterall, and of course the "French know everything."

08-02-10  07:31am

Visit AV Lovers

AV Lovers
Reply of PinkPanther's Reply

Yes, but a small one that was well placed out of the prime viewing area would work just as well and not annoy their customers.

07-31-10  10:17pm

Visit Ladyboy Gloryhole

Ladyboy Gloryhole
Reply of alexmedia's Review

Could you please tell me --- How's the camera work? Do they pull the camera back enough of the time so you can get a good look at the model?

I hate sites that only shows you the face, the ass and six square inches of skin at a time? I hope this site isn't like that.

07-31-10  07:19pm

Visit Hardcore Youth

Hardcore Youth
Reply of dracken's Review

I know what you mean about the "no zip files." That's really a problem and it a shame because their photo sets are usually very nice. But even trying to download a single set, one picture at a time, quickly convinces you that your just going to have to let them go.

Way too much time and effort to get the pictures without zips.

What? Are they afraid if they make it easy to get the pictures that someone will maybe post them on USENET? If they had their thinking caps on, they would be happy if that happened. Its some of the best advertisement the site can get.

07-31-10  12:34pm

Visit 21Sextury.com

Reply of schlemihl's Review

I agree with you on their camera work, they keep the camera too close too much of the time. And instead of a slow zoom to a close up shot, its always an "instant cut" to ultra close. That's bad editing and/or camera work in my opinion. You lose all perspective of the girl when they do it instantly like that. Euro and American sites love that method but the Russians get it right, a slow steady zoom to close up. I think that's one of the several reasons why the Russians are kicking the crap out of Western and Euro sites right now.

Will the Euro and American porn producers ever figure it out --- I doubt it. It took them almost 30 years to learn to turn the lights on.

06-05-10  11:05am

Visit Casual Teen Sex

Casual Teen Sex
Reply of BabyGetReal's Review

Thanks for the heads-up on the bad camerawork. Bad camerawork is the biggest plague of porn, very few sites do it right. Most sites have what I call "face and ass disease." Almost the entire scene of most sites is extreme close-ups of face and ass, as if that is all the girl's body consisted of. When will sites/producers learn that camerawork is as important as any other element of the video?

They can have the most beautiful girls in the world but if the camerawork is bad, they got nothing.

12-26-09  04:44pm

Visit Nu Dolls

Nu Dolls
Reply of Drooler's Review

I agree with you about not having enough light on the scene. I think they are really too dark, it's like going back to 1970's porn again. I didn't join the site, I just looked at their preview vids. Yep, they need to turn on the lights, no doubt.

12-26-09  01:29am

Visit Exclusive Teen Porn

Exclusive Teen Porn
Reply of MargulisAZ's Comment

You are right, there are maybe a few dozen Russian sites that all have generally the same "look" to them. I don't know about Exclusive Teen Porn, I've not joined this site. BUT, I can assure you that Teen Mega World is well worth the money. It's a network including about a dozen sites.

About half the sites are throw-aways, but the rest of them, like Teen Sex Mania, Gage and Gape, Teen Sex Movies, and several more are very high quality sites in my opinion. The girls are drop-dead beautiful and the video quality is high.

Some of the best camerawork I've seen on the net. For 20 bucks, if you have never joined before, its and awesome value. My subscription just expired about a week ago and I was very satisfied with the site and I'm not easy to please.

12-26-09  01:05am

Visit Brutal Dildos

Brutal Dildos
Reply of RagingBuddhist's Reply

You are correct, VLC will play a damaged or incomplete video... no problem. Its an amazing product. Thanks for the tip!

09-22-09  05:00pm

Visit Moms Teaching Teens

Moms Teaching Teens
Reply of RagingBuddhist's Reply

No, I didn't email them about it. I guess I should have. But I've done exactly that before with other sites and got no results. However, posting the complaint here seems to get their attention sometimes, but not always.

09-22-09  04:48pm

Visit Moms Teaching Teens

Moms Teaching Teens
Reply of Drooler's Reply

Thanks for the tip Drooler, I'll have a look at that discussion.

09-22-09  04:45pm

Visit Brutal Dildos

Brutal Dildos
Reply of ace of aces's Reply

By "index" I mean the video will not fast forward. In other words, when you use the slider bar to go forward in the video, the video gets stuck and will not play from that point forward. But I now think the videos posted "the full videos" are not damaged but that the Brutal Dildos sever "cut-out" before the video download was complete. Naturally that would result in a video that will not fast forward because it is not complete.

09-22-09  04:40pm

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